The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 425: The highest state of a liar

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"It seems that there is still a story between you?"

Mr. Liu laughed, not interested in asking about the past between Mai Xiaoyu and Shi Hao, and asked Shi Hao to rest in another room. When the Tang family's affairs are resolved, Mai Xiaoyu and Shi Hao will talk about the past.

Tang Xiliang also noticed it, and Mai Xiaoyu told himself to come over tonight for a showdown.

He turned to Mr. Liu, wanting to beg a favor to keep his company: "Mr. Liu, I don’t know..."

President Liu waved his hand to interrupt Tang Xiliang's conversation, and then pointed to Mai Xiaoyu: "That's a matter between you and him, don't need to tell me."

The ball was kicked back again.

Tang Xiliang had no choice but to bite the bullet and walked to Mai Xiaoyu's side: "Mr. Mai, that matter is really a misunderstanding. Xiaotian is still young, ignorant, and inadvertently offended you. Please raise your hand, and I will teach him well when I go back. "

"Yes, he is still young and ignorant. I am only in my twenties this year, haha."

"You can rest assured that this time because of my lax discipline, we will definitely double the compensation for the losses caused to your company. There is no need for you to make a mistake because of a misunderstanding."

Mai Xiaoyu took out his mobile phone and played the recording.

The recording records all the content of Mai Xiaoyu's exchanges with Tang Tian at the Tang Dynasty Hotel on the day of the joint law enforcement by the military and police.


If you say something wrong, listen to it!

That day, Tang Tian set out his cart, even the head of the branch bureau he was accompanying him in his eyes. He wanted to frame Huo Jianhua, suppress cute people, step on Mai Xiaoyu to curry favor with Qingtian, and refused to give any room for relaxation.

Now that I know the situation is not as good as others, I have to bow my head in order to protect myself. I want to expose a misunderstanding...


Tang Xiliang didn't expect that his nephew would speak and do things to this extent, and his face twitched a few times.

Now is not the time to teach his nephew, he was silent for a moment, and said: "Mr. Mai, please set the conditions, how can we forgive us."

Mai Xiaoyu stretched out three fingers and spit out two words: "Thirty percent."

This was discussed earlier by the eight people. With the market value of the Tang Dynasty Hotel at 30%, the acquisition of all the shares of the Tang Dynasty.

Mr. Liu's expressions were as usual, apparently they knew the price a long time ago, and Tang Xiliang's heart became cold and desperate.

Tang Tian, ​​who had been silent all the time, broke out: "The surname is Mai, but you can't kill people. Don't go too far. I did it and it has nothing to do with other people. What's going on at me!"


Tang Tian flew out, hit the wall and fell off, clutching his stomach and curled up on the ground, like a cooked prawn.

"Put away your little tricks, and don't hack the door in front of me." Mai Xiaoyu flicked his vamp and sat down again, "I'm still rushing to you, if you are surnamed Tang, who knows you as a green onion!"

Tang Tian sat on the ground clutching his stomach, coughing constantly, his gaze at Mai Xiaoyu was full of horror.

Instantly guessed his aggressive intentions, and acted directly without saying a word that was inconsistent. The fighting power was high, and the background was still terrifying. This kind of master in the second-generation circle is also the number one that no one dares to easily provoke.

"Xiaotian, how are you?" Tang Xiliang squatted beside his nephew with concern, "Mai, I admit that Xiaotian did something wrong, but we just helped with that, and the mastermind was not us."

"I know. So the crew of "April's Love" is abandoned, and you still have a chance to stand in front of me. I just don't understand. You are just beating on the side drum. Can you make it so desperate?"

"Why do you deceive yourself. You know, the crew, like our hotel, are all chess pieces. The real behind the scenes is..."


President Liu coughed up suddenly, interrupting Tang Xiliang's words, and completely pushing him into the abyss of despair.

He also wanted to persuade Mai Xiaoyu to accept his defeat and get through the current difficulties first, based on Shi Hao's proposal, on the grounds of fighting against Qingtian.

However, in the eyes of Mr. Liu and the predators of the capital market, there is no secret at all. They were very clear that Qingtian was targeting the cute people, but they pretended to be ignorant, because Qingtian was at the same level as them.

It is easy to force the Tang Dynasty, force Qingtian... Qingtian has been in business for many years and has a huge network of contacts, and will not sit and wait to die. Even if they can win in the end, they will have to invest a lot of energy, manpower, and financial resources.

In a word, it's not worth it.

Qingtian also understood this, so the two sides reached a consensus with tacit understanding.

Qingtian abandoned the Tang Dynasty to satisfy the appetite of Mr. Liu and the others; while Mr. Liu and others had nothing to do with the white wolf, and easily won the Tang Dynasty with a small income of one billion.

As for the Tang Dynasty... Cannon fodder must have the consciousness of cannon fodder!

Tang Xiliang finally understood that Mai Xiaoyu would say that Shi Hao disappointed him. Obviously, Shi Hao's realm level was low, and he couldn't see through the doorway in it. He still wanted to use that ridiculous excuse to make peace.

Mai Xiaoyu took a sip of red wine and said with a playful smile: "Ms. Tang, what did you just want to say?"

"Nothing." Tang Xiliang stood up, "Mr. Mai, you are still young, and you may not understand the difficulties of our generation in starting a business. I think we started from a hotel in the Tang Dynasty and worked hard for many years to create the Tang Dynasty hotel chain brand. ..."

Mai Xiaoyu didn't bother to listen to him talk about the history of entrepreneurial blood and tears, because he had long learned about the filth behind the Tang Dynasty hotel from Mr. Liu and others.

"I don't have much time, so let's just talk about the topic."

"Okay. We did something wrong in that matter. We are willing to apologize and compensate, and hope that you have to forgive others. The company is all the hard work of our Tang family. What can I do without the company? As long as I can keep it. The foundation of the company, I am willing to accept any of your conditions."

Tang Xiliang was in tears, but Mai Xiaoyu was unmoved.

"Oh, this is bullying me when I am young. Xiao Tang is so excited to fail. You Da Tang Dong started playing the sympathy card again?"

"Think I have done too much, too cruel, too extreme? That's because I won today!"

"Yes, the hotel is all your hard work, you can't bear it, but what about Wallace? He came to the mainland from Taidao, and his acting career is all he has. If the final loser is me, he will be completely over. Never want to turn over! "

"Do you know how much effort our company has put into Wallace? If Wallace quits the entertainment circle with infamy and injustice, our company will also suffer a heavy loss!"

"By then, will you be half guilty? I don't think it will, even half sympathy and pity are too lazy to give alms, only to toast to the benefits you have received. When you are old, your nephew will take you smoothly. The ban is in charge of the Tang Dynasty, full of honor and wearing a halo to enjoy everything."

"As for the sins you have done, and the people who have been harmed by you, whether death or life has nothing to do with you, right?"

"Being a human, you can't just treat yourself as a human being, and everything else is a dog, otherwise, in the eyes of others, you are similar to a dog."

Following Mai Xiaoyu's words, Tang Xiliang's waist became more and more straight, and his expression also showed firmness and cruelty.

"So, there is no room for negotiation?"

"What do you say?"

"Oh, I know that our Tang Dynasty is only a small role in everyone's eyes, but the broken ship also has three-point nails. It is not that easy to empty the glove white wolf to swallow our Tang Dynasty! It's a big deal, I want to see if you can We can’t seal all the hotels in the Tang Dynasty, I don’t believe you can seal them up forever!"

Not every businessman is a hero, but the merchants who succeed in becoming bigger and stronger possess the temperament of a hero, otherwise they will not be able to defeat, expel, and annex competitors in the process of rising, and create their own huge business empire.

Anyway, it was a stab, and the cannon fodder went wild.

But cannon fodder is cannon fodder, even if it goes wild, it is still cannon fodder.

Ye Xin screamed: "I also want to see if your trash fish can break through our net."

"Okay, let's wait and see! Xiaotian, can we still go?"

"You have to go well." Mr. Han raised Erlang's legs and shook his glass of red wine. "Tang Xiliang, it seems that you have enjoyed too much these years and have forgotten many things. I have to remind you that the Tang Dynasty is number one. Do you remember the dozen or so lives buried under the hotel?"

More than a dozen lives...

President Han's voice was like a heavy hammer, slamming Tang Xi conscience hard.

Tang Xiliang was hit hard, with a pale face covering his chest and taking two steps backwards, and the aura that had accumulated so easily disintegrated in an instant.

"Okay, I promise, 30%, just 30%..."

Tang Xiliang bowed his head and had to bow his head.

The primitive accumulation of capital is often dirty and full of blood.

The Tang Dynasty is no exception.

Without any background, he started from scratch and created a big family business. During the Tang Dynasty's development from a hotel to a well-known chain hotel in the south, some nasty things were unavoidable.

Part of the nasty casually took out one, and the consequences were no less than a dozen lives many years ago.

The other party has found out everything that happened so early, not to mention other nasty things?

It's ridiculous that he thought there was a chance to fight to the death, and only now knew that they were too lazy to do things. Otherwise, expose those things, apply some pressure, and directly through official means, dignifiedly crushing him and his Tang Dynasty into powder.

At that time, not only the Tang Dynasty could not keep it, but he and his family were also worried about their lives.

In recent years, the official friends he has made with money and beauty will never allow him the opportunity to talk about the things that each other has done "mutually beneficial", because it is not visible, because the influence is very bad.

He subdued, but ignored the majesty of the superiors and should not be offended.

Ye Xin said coldly: "Before it was 30%. Now, it's only 20%. You can continue to choose to die."

"Two, twenty percent?"

"Why, disagree, then 10%..."

"Cough." Mr. Liu coughed, "Mr. Ye, give me face and let me say a few words to him."

"Okay." Ye Xin picked up a glass of red wine and said no more.

Mr. Liu poured another glass of red wine and gave it to Tang Xiliang: "Brother Tang, look at the point, 20% is quite a bit, as it is to save money and avoid disasters, it will be fine if the people are still there, right."

The words have been said very clearly: to avoid disasters, lest it be the disaster of prison, the disaster of blood and light!

After hesitating for a moment, Tang Xiliang raised his wine glass and drank the red wine in the glass.

He didn't have a choice. If the other party really only gave him 10%, would he dare not agree?

Lifeless spend...what's the use of money?

Besides, 20% is also two to three billion, which is enough for him and his family to enjoy a good life, or start all over again.

Unfortunately, he didn't have the chance to start all over again in China, because President Han had spoken.

"After you get the money, immediately take your family and get out of Huaxia, and you are not allowed to set foot on Huaxia Land for half a step, because you are too dirty!"

It seems that under the premise of not damaging their own interests, people in the upper circles have never hesitated to explode a sense of justice, especially the second generation of red, who have a stronger sense of justice.

Mai Xiaoyu thought about it truthfully, and just thought about it.

Don't worry about the follow-up matters concerning the Tang Dynasty. 20% of the price of the Tang Dynasty, and then sold at 80% of the price, the resale is 60% of the profit. Such an empty glove white wolf is one of the capital's best and favorite methods.

Buyers are not hard to find.

Those three-star and four-star Tang Dynasty hotels that are distributed in developed cities in the south and have mature operations are all high-quality resources. Many large domestic hotel chain groups are interested in taking over from the Tang Dynasty at 80% of the market price, expanding their scale and strengthening their competitiveness in the domestic hotel chain industry.


The matter of the Tang Dynasty was settled, and the gathering of eight people was over. Mai Xiaoyu took the Rolls Royce arranged for him by Mr. Liu and was sitting beside Shi Hao.

Yangcheng is Liu's home stadium, and the hotel where Mai Xiaoyu lives is also arranged by him, a five-star hotel presidential suite.

Back at the hotel, Mai Xiaoyu opened the refrigerator and asked, "What are you drinking?"

Shi Hao said nothing.

Mai Xiaoyu took out two cans of beer and walked over.

Shi Hao asked coldly, "How much do you know about my sister?"

"I know everything about Ning Shirong."

Shi Hao trembled: "What do you mean by this?"

Mai Xiaoyu opened the beer and took a sip: "I mean, you should resign."


"Yes, resign and come and help me."

"Go to Mengren to work for you?" Shi Hao smiled, it was a sarcasm.

"Not a cute person. We plan to establish a film distribution company in the United States, which will be mainly responsible for the overseas distribution of domestic films and the investment and shooting of European and American films. The start-up capital should be one billion."

Shi Hao reacted quickly: "Tang Dynasty?"

"Yes. If you don’t come to me today, I will also come to you when I return to Yanjing in a few I hope you will be the CEO of this company. I have one-eighth of the shares and can give Your 2.5% dry stock dividend."

"Why should I help you?"

"Not only for me, but also for you. You used to want to be a gun against Qingtian. Isn't it because your sister was hurt by Ning Shirong?"

"Where did you hear about my sister?"

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and said two words: "Long Xing."

In Cannes last year, Mai Xiaoyu met Cao Long, the owner of Longxing Studio, and learned from Cao Long that Ning Shirong had the secret of stealing.

Cao Long said at the time that he had found the elder brother of Ning Shirong, who was Shi Hao.

Shi Hao's sister and Ning Shirong are classmates and lovers. When studying in the United States, he was also pregnant with Ning Shirong's child.

Unfortunately, during pregnancy, the two went to the supermarket to shop. Ning Shirong had a thief and was discovered by the supermarket security to call the police.

In order to get away and avoid damage to his own image and credibility, Ning Shirong planted the charge of stealing on Shi Hao's younger sister, causing the latter to get emotional and miscarry, and finally suffer from depression.

The **** story actually happened to Shi Hao's relatives, and he had a deep relationship with his cousins. That's why he tried to find a way to feel sick and Qingtian. After seeing the potential of the cute man, he took a hand to help Mai Xiaoyu.

Shi Hao hesitated for a moment: "How do I believe you?"

Mai Xiaoyu looked solemn and whispered in his ear. He looked at Mai Xiaoyu in surprise.

"If you still don't believe me, you can give Cao Ji a phone call. It doesn't make any sense to make a fuss like you. Qingtian Group is not over, and Ning Shirong will always get away with it."

Shi Hao was silent for a long time, opened the beer and drank it in one sip: "Okay, I promise you. But you must tell me your plan, and how did you meet Mr. Han's group?" (To be continued.)

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