The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 446: The fire is not called fire first, then the fire will blow into the sky

Dolphin TV, "Meteor Garden", the highest rating is 3.37%, and the average rating is 3.01%.

Break 3!

Looking at yesterday's s50 city ratings report, countless TV stations admire it.

The current TV series, with an average ratings of more than 2 can be regarded as a hit drama. The Dolphin TV, known as the veteran TV driver, actually broke 3, and it was the first broadcast!

It’s not too surprising that the Dolphin TV premiered and the ratings exceeded 3.

It is within the acceptance range of other TV stations, including the other three four-star simulcast.

In recent years, Dolphin TV has developed rapidly. With its high-powered brand of "playing the world, love to pass on to thousands of families", it has shaped the image of TV drama channels in the hearts of audiences and attracted a large number of audiences.

Relying on repeated "rogues and hooligans"... well, it is an innovative reform. Dolphin TV has become a first-line TV in a few years, and its overall ratings have been rising all the way, and now it ranks second among all satellite TVs. Second only to Mango Satellite TV.

Its rising momentum is strong enough to threaten the leading position of Mango Satellite TV.

The strong base of ratings is already a huge advantage.

Not to mention the reputation of the cute drama, Maizi's cartoons, Ah Zheng's script, director Li Hui, and the four male protagonists of f4, all of which are the selling points of this drama. There is also the hype that has not stopped since the filming, as well as the uproar of the Huo Jianhua incident, all of which are enhancing the reputation of this TV series.

In addition, on the day of its premiere, Dolphin TV played back and forth again, and the high ratings are reasonable.

The ratings for the first broadcast were high, and the ratings for the rebroadcast the next day were equally astonishing. The most ruthless one is Qilu Satellite TV. Even if it is rebroadcast in the morning, even the afternoon program is temporarily changed. It still broadcasts episodes 1-3 of "Meteor Garden", which ranks the top three in the ratings at the same time!

The most direct result of this battle is that the TV stations that purchased the second and third rounds of broadcast rights for "Meteor Garden" began to re-discuss the advertising interruption model and the issue of advertising pricing.

Because the industry’s expectations for the ratings of "Meteor Garden" are definitely higher than those of the hit drama "Full House" at the end of last year!

Sure enough, Dolphin TV made persistent efforts, and the average ratings of episodes 4-6 of "Meteor Garden" hit a new high, reaching 3.38%.

Mango TV's "Lovers in the Rain" still ranked second, with 2.61% ratings continuing to decline slightly.

The ratings of Qilu Satellite TV, Donghai Satellite TV, and Litchi Satellite TV have greatly increased, and they have entered the prime time ratings rankings four to six, attacking the two or three in front.

After the 7-9 episodes of "Meteor Garden" were broadcast, the ratings of the three satellite TVs broke 2 at the same time, taking three to five places.

The second place is still "Lovers in the Rain" by Mango Satellite TV. The ratings of 2.38% have not only fallen sharply, but the gap with the three satellite TVs is getting smaller and smaller, and the second position is at stake.

"Shao Rong, I printed out the s50 city ratings report yesterday."

"Throw it in the shredder."


"Ah what, don't you understand what I said? You don't have to send me ratings reports anymore!"


The carefully prepared "Lovers in the Rain" lost to the hastily launched "Meteor Garden".

Second or fifth, or even lower, is not important to Ning Shirong, as long as it is not number one, it is meaningless!

He is now feeling down, and he doesn't even have the thought of scolding Ning Shibin.

On the other hand, Ning Shibin, after learning about the ratings of "Meteor Garden", did not feel discouraged at all, and even had a crazy party to vent his excitement.

Let you pretend, stupid, beep, right?

Cute drama is so easy to make a tough shot?

If it's as easy as you think, why should this young man only try it once?

I also said that my previous methods were inadequate...Your methods were influential. What happened?

You have to come on, little crocodile.

He can't drive you crazy, so you can drive him crazy as soon as possible...

Three days!

"Meteor Garden" only aired for three days.

It's completely hot!

Media reports are overwhelming, and online discussion posts are endless. The popularity and topic of "Meteor Garden" has exploded, attracting a large number of young people and some middle-aged people.

"Woo, there was a power outage in our community last night, and the call came after ten o'clock. I didn't see it in the next two episodes..."

"Oh, I went to play with my classmates today. My classmates can't do summer homework at home. His mother said that if he can't finish writing, he won't let him watch "Meteor Garden" at night. He is so pitiful, but my mother is better, and he talks to me every night. watch together……"

"There are a few boys in our community who set up f4 by themselves. It's so naive, they actually excluded me..."


The five protagonists in the play have unsurprisingly become the focus of hot discussion among young netizens, and the number of fans has soared.

"Daoming Temple is too annoying! Domineering, dazzling, cool, handsome, and crazy? I can smell the masculinity of him through the TV..."

"Who knows Huo Jianhua's itinerary? I'm going to visit the class, I want him to train for an hour!"


"Does anyone think that Huaze is so distressing? The melancholy eyes, the melancholy temperament, the melancholy noble son, I really want to hug him."

"I noticed Feng Shaofeng when I watched "Full House of Romance" before. This time I turn my fans, I want to be Feng Ye!"


"Simon is elegant, wise, gentle, and passionate. Which girl like this **** can dislike him?"

"I used to think that Hu was the little prince in costume, but now I know that Hu is so handsome as a youth idol drama!"


"Mizuo is very suitable for being friends. Although it is playful, it is sunny, cheerful and considerate. The most important thing is to have money."

"I think Brother Chao is very suitable for this role, with a bit of amusement, and the characters are easy to live and live..."


"I think Shancai is so beautiful. She is more beautiful than many actresses now, and she has a better body. Has she ever acted in any other TV series? Seek popular science."

"Her name is Chen Qiaoen, and she is a new artist signed by Moe Ren. "Meteor Garden" is her first TV series."

"I feel that Mengren have a very good vision, they are very accurate, and the signed actors are all great."

"Really, the first movie is the heroine of "Meteor Garden"? There is no inside story, right?"

"I guess not. I haven't seen anyone on the Internet broke the black history?"

Broke the news?

Still black history?

They are not good at all!

Fabricate rumors to win eyeballs?

Who dare!

The people who eat melon do not know Chen Qiao'en's life background, and the media reporters may not know it, but the media elders know that the Hailian Chen family said hello early.

Taiwan Island.

The old man of the Chen family is wearing dazzling glasses, sitting in front of Zhuo, looking at the computer monitor seriously.

Chen Xiangdong, the son of Chen's parents, came over with a cup of hot tea: "Dad, are you looking at the evaluation of Jon on the Internet again?"

The old man took off his glasses and took a sip of the tea: "Well, Jon is praised online, and I think she plays well. It seems that my decision is correct. She is quite suitable to develop in this area."

"I also answered a lot of phone calls in the past few days, all praised Jon. Yesterday I went to golf with my friends, and they also said that Jon played well. After all, you always have the foresight."

"Hehe, our Chen family have always been male dragons and female phoenixes."

"How about we help Jon?"

"Huh?" The old man's face sank, "Don't you remember what I said?"

"I always remember. But don't you also say that Jon is suitable for this development?"

"You don't understand, you don't understand, you don't understand."

"Dad, are you talking about important things three times?"

The old man was amused: "Jon's path was helped by someone else. Don't just intervene, remember?"

"I remember."

"Also, call my second child back and tell him not to always introduce a boyfriend to Jon in the future. Also, you can find someone to check Hualong Film and Television in the United States."

Over the years, Chen Xiangdong has stayed on Taiwan Island to help deal with Hailian Group's affairs.

He heard the meaning of the old man's words: "Dad, do you pay too much attention to entertainment? Entertainment is not our group's main business, and other businesses are progressing very well."

"The second and third are both on the theater line. You said I don't pay much attention to it? Dong, you are going to take my class in the future. You should have a higher vision and realm. Remember, no matter how the economic structure changes, How to transform the industry, not only will the entertainment industry have broad prospects, but also the impact will be minimal."

"No wonder you let the second and third brothers set up a film and television production department..."

"Yes, it's a pity that the effect is not satisfactory. It's been a few years, and it's not as fast as the development of cute people."

Chen Xiangdong thought for a while: "Or, I contact Meng Ren's Mai Xiaoyu to see if I can buy or participate in the cooperation?"

"Don't mention him to me!" The old man was suddenly angry, "Jon made so many kiss scenes in the TV series, and I haven't asked him to settle the account yet!"

"Dad, the third brother is not talking about it. Those are all borrowed shots or top doubles. Jon didn't kiss other actors."

"That's why I didn't ask him to settle accounts..."

The old man of the Chen family is angry because there are too many scenes in the kiss scene of Chen Qiaoen in "Meteor Garden". Who dares to spoil Chen Qiaoen and make up large-scale topics?

To do things is to pay a heavy price!

Nearly half of the twentieth episode of "Meteor Garden" has been aired, and it has already aroused heated discussions, but there are also some harsh sounds in the heated discussions.

"A TV series made by advertising placement!"

"It's not uncommon for TV shows to have ads implanted, but with so many implants, this is the first one."

"This trend should not last, and we call on relevant departments to seriously regulate the placement of advertisements in TV dramas."

"There is nothing wrong with film and television companies making money, but can they be considerate of the audience? The audience is watching TV series, not endless placement of ads!"


Many professionals have spoken out and questioned the conscience of Mengren Film and Television. In addition, I reiterated that when the shooting of "Meteor Garden" was prepared, Moeren only invested a budget of 300,000 yuan, which was a huge amount of advertising placement costs.

There are also statistics of bored people who are full of idle eggs and pain. At present, "Meteor Garden" has broadcast nine episodes, and the number of implanted advertising brands has exceeded 34. It is simply an advertising drama for high-end brands and luxury brands.

Mai Xiaoyu sneered at this, and didn't even bother to wonder if it was the ghost of Qingtian.

When director Li Hui was interviewed by reporters, his reply was clear and powerful.

"Moeren is a professional film and television production company. Ah is a professional screenwriter. I am also a professional director. There is no need to worry about the so-called conscience. The work is the best proof!"

"Regarding the placement of advertisements, we controlled it well, and implanted them in a timely manner and refused to be blunt. Unlike some of the blunt advertisements that appeared in 69 same city in some costume dramas, they were also highly praised by some people!"

"Finally, let me emphasize one more point. Our ad placement is all about the plot. I hope that some people will at least watch the TV series to spread rumors and smear maliciously!"

There is no one who admits the placement of the ad so confidently and frankly.

Originally, f4's personality is rich and small, and wearables are naturally luxury brands.

The Yingde Middle School in the TV series is also a noble school. Except for "Shancai" played by Chen Qiaoen, the other students are either rich or expensive.

How to show that students are either rich or expensive?

The most direct is all kinds of high-end luxury brands!

If it is photographed as students going to school riding bicycles, or driving Audi and his brother, is it still called aristocratic school?

Moreover, "Meteor Garden" has some plots to show off wealth. Does Nima need high-end luxury brands?

Also, the placement of advertisements in the play is mainly to go with the flow according to the plot, and never specifically give a few seconds close-up shots for a certain placement of advertisements.

Most viewers also expressed acceptance.

"I think it's okay. While watching TV series, you can also popularize the knowledge of the fashion industry. What's so bad?"

"I heard that the costumes of the characters in the play were designed by the masters of European image design. I am now learning how to dress with costumes and jewelry on TV, and I also help my husband dress up."

"Actually, I think there are a lot of ad placements, but it doesn't affect the viewing effect. It would be nice if there were fewer ads inserted."

"Those people are clearly watching other TV dramas, and they jumped out to find faults on purpose!"


The comments of netizens represent the mainstream views of the audience.

The audience is very tolerant. They only want the TV series to be good-looking, with fewer advertisements, and the placement of advertisements should not be too blunt and make people play in minutes.

As for the number of implants, it depends on whether the implantation method is clever and whether it will affect the viewing effect.

Just like "Crazy Stone" shot by Mengren, there are also many advertisements in it and it does not affect the fluency of the audience's viewing of the movie.

It was seven o'clock in the evening.

Yang Mi knocked on the door of Mai Xiaoyu's house again.

"Uncle, it took too long for you to open the door."

Mai Xiaoyu was full of black lines on his forehead: "Why are you here again?"

Since August 11, as long as "Meteor Garden" is broadcast in the evening, Yang Mi will appear at Mai Xiaoyu's house on time and watch "Meteor Garden" with Mai Xiaoyu.

After watching TV, Mai Xiaoyu had to drive her home.

Very troublesome.

"What about Apple?"

"You haven't washed it yet?"

"Uncle, you are too lazy."

"I'm a guest, so I have to wash the apples for you. This is not the way of hospitality."


Seeing Yang Mi's self-cooked apples and putting them on the coffee table, and then turning on the TV to switch to Dolphin TV, Mai Xiaoyu couldn't help it.

"Little fox, you can watch TV at your house if you want to watch TV, why do you always run to me?"

"Cut, I don't think you are pitiful, alone at home, and still a big boss. I'm afraid you are alone and kindly come to accompany you, don't you appreciate it?"

"Do I need you to accompany? And I have to take you home every night, and I have to avoid being seen, which is very troublesome."

"Have I told you to send it? I've grown up a long time ago, so I can go home by myself!"

The two were talking when Mai Xiaoyu's cell phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Mai Xiaoyu picked up the phone and walked to the balcony of the living room.

"Brother, why call me at this time?"

"Brother, my brother is a little unsure about this." It was Wang Yunshi, the director of Dolphin TV who called.

"Didn't the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television fail to make a statement?"

"It's nothing at the General Administration. The point is that the ratings in the station are too weird..." Find this site and search for \"biquge CM\" or enter the URL:

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