
A fast food restaurant.

Approaching noon, more and more guests came to dinner, and the waiters were very busy.

A young couple ordered two set menus, specifically stating that the Coke would not be iced, but after the waiter brought it, ice was still added to the Coke.

The young couple has an opinion: "Did you intentionally? We clearly said that no ice is added!"

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot, I'll change it for you."

The waitress Xia Qin kept apologizing and hurriedly changed two glasses of Coke without ice.

The young couple did not make things difficult and left with their own package.

The store manager frowned: "Xia Xia, come here."

"Manager, are you looking for something to do with me?" Xia Qin asked timidly.

"What did you do? I was absent-minded all morning. Tell yourself, how many times is this?"

No wonder the store manager blamed it.

Finding the wrong money, did not hear the customer ordering, the set meal fell on the floor, the customer asked for big potatoes to turn into small potatoes... The staff kept making mistakes, which store manager can tolerate?

"I'm sorry the manager, I, I, I..."

"I don't want to hear you explain, you just need to remember that you haven't passed the trial period yet!"

It was too busy at noon, the shop manager only criticized a few words, and let her go back.

Afterwards, Xia Qin tried hard to be careful not to make mistakes, but the speed slowed down, and a few customers complained a few words, which attracted the big eyes of the store manager.

After the noon rush hour, the waiters can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

A male waiter leaned over and whispered to Xia Qin, "Don't think about it too much, it will be okay tomorrow."

Another waitress whispered: "I have reminded you not to leave a message. Some fans are particularly poor. If you dare to say that their idols are wrong, they will dare to scold you and the whole family."

"But I'm not wrong..."

"The three of you don't work, where are you whispering?" The store manager noticed the three of Xia Qin whispering, and walked over, "It's okay, right? Go to the warehouse to help."

The three of them pouted and walked into the warehouse to sort the goods.

The waiter picked up a box of goods and put it aside, and asked smoothly, "Have you watched your Weibo yet?"

Xia Qin shook her head: "They scolded too badly, I don't want to watch it."

"If there is anything unpleasant or unpleasant, if they scold you, then you can scold you, and you won't lose a piece of meat." While talking, the waitress took out her cell phone and logged on Xia Qin's Weibo, "No one scolds you anymore... …You haven’t turned off the comment function?"

"Oh, the store manager asked me to mop the floor, I forgot."

"You..." The waitress sighed, tapped a few times, and suddenly exclaimed: "Ah!"

"what happened again?"

"Celery, Mengren Guanwei, Mengren Guanwei is here for you!"

"What? Let me see, where is it?" The male waiter put down the goods in his hand and took out his mobile phone to go online. It was easy to find relevant news reports.

It's really easy.

The news of "Mengrenguanwei angered netizens for their fans" has already squeezed into the hot search rankings. Is it not easy to see it?

"Really Xia Qin! Not only did the Mengren official Weibo see your comments on Sun Dapao's Weibo, but also saw that you were scolded by his fans, so he stood up for you, and there are many Mengren fans scolding those who have scolded you. People..."

"Isn't it possible, how can a company as big as a cute person stand up for me?"

Xia Qin excitedly took out her mobile phone and logged into her Weibo, and found that the verbal comments on Weibo had already subsided. Instead, many netizens left messages to comfort her.

Her eyes turned unintentionally, and she saw a change on her Weibo-Mengrenguan Weibo paid attention to her Weibo!

Not only that, but a few hours ago, Mengren's official Weibo posted a new meager: You are wronged. Don't be afraid, don't cry, cute people walk with you on the wind and rain @西门的小优.

Seeing this Weibo, Xia Qin's nose was sour and she wanted to cry inexplicably.

At this time, the male waiter's exclamation sounded: "Oh my God, what happened at noon?"

At noon, the Internet had already turned the sky, and it was no longer the Internet arena that Xia Qin had seen this morning.

A large number of id's under the banner of "cute fans" appeared in a concentrated manner, and they were verbally abused on many personal microblogs, and the formation was maintained perfectly.

A fan of Sun Dapao on Weibo.

Because of the influx of a large number of "cute fans" with different ids, each Weibo comment has exceeded 1,000 and is still increasing. It's just this comment...

"You don't have an IQ, you are a brain-disabled, your whole family is brain-disabled!"

"You don't have an IQ, you are a brain-disabled, your whole family is brain-disabled!"

"You don't have an IQ, you are a brain-disabled, your whole family is brain-disabled!"


The same goes for Sun Dapao's Weibo, another fan.

"I knew you were mentally retarded, I should shoot you on the wall in the first place!"

"I knew you were mentally retarded, I should shoot you on the wall in the first place!"

"I knew you were mentally retarded, I should shoot you on the wall in the first place!"


Every Sun Dapao fan who abused Xia Qin and Mengren Guanwei in vulgar language was violently returned by the "Mengren fans".

The formation is perfect and the messages are hard to hear.

At the same time, many "cute fans" posted on the Internet to explain the cause of the scolding war.

The reason is very clear.

"Netizen "Ximen's Xiaoyou", because he left a message on Sun Dapao's Weibo, telling him that "Bright Sword" is a cute drama, and he was attacked by some very bad people. Not only attacked her, but also attacked her family. .

Meng Renguanwei came forward to explain for "Ximen's Xiaoyou", proving that her message was true, and the result was that the gun fans not only screamed, but also went to Mengrenguan Wei to abuse.

As cute fans, we share the same hatred!

This time it’s not cursing people, we just returned what they said they cursed at others intact and let them feel it for themselves.

Unless you publicly apologize and promise to use civilized terminology on www.wuxiaspot.com in the future, this battle of "civilized terminology" will go on forever until you delete the micro-review. "

The post is accompanied by a screenshot of Sun Dapao's Weibo, which is widely circulated on the Internet. Everyone who pays attention to scolding wars will instinctively want to figure out the reasons for scolding wars.

When the online media reported the incident, they also began to repost the screenshots of Tiezi and Sun Dapao's Weibo to illustrate the cause of the incident.

There was a bachelor in the gun powder, who directly screamed on Weibo: cute people are rubbish, the whole company is rubbish, Ximen’s Xiaoyou is also a bitch, I am not afraid of you guys @萌人电影@西门Xiaoyou.

After the Weibo update, the comments quickly exceeded a thousand.

"You are rubbish, your whole family is rubbish. You are a bitch, I am afraid of you as a dog?"

"You are rubbish, your whole family is rubbish. You are a bitch, I am afraid of you as a dog?"

"You are rubbish, your whole family is rubbish. You are a bitch, I am afraid of you as a dog?"


This was a battle between a regular army and a small group of stragglers. The result could only be described as "complete abuse", so that there were sporadic sounds of "cute bullying".


Humph, this is pretty good!

Due to the random firing of map cannons by some artillery powder, it has spread to the artists under the Mengren banner.

The formation of the fans of the artists is not so perfect.

"Brothers, someone scolds Bo, what do you think?"

"Grass mud horse, scold me Huo, thinking I can't scold people, right?"

"You are just a bunch of bad guys. Sister Tao ignores you, so you scold you too!"

"Shall I scold Sister Shenxian for no reason? Lao Tzu will accompany you!"

"Fuck, Gou said, commented."

"Human flesh searches for him..." Find this site and search for \"Biquge CM\" or enter the URL: www.biquge.cm

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