The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 482: After plastic surgery, I will give you wealth

The night tonight is extremely long.

The Chaoyang sub-bureau was brightly lit, and almost all the policemen who had no task were called back in an emergency, plus 56 suspects, it was overcrowded!

Those were 56 suspects, all with a lot of criminal records, and more than forty of them were the case files, and the interrogation room...not enough.

"Tell me honestly, who do you want to kill with a controlled knife to the Ertong factory tonight?"

"Police officer, it is illegal to induce a confession. I am a law-abiding citizen, so how can I hack someone? Actually, tonight is to make extra money. I used to be full of people in the past. I have deeply realized my mistakes, and I am willing to write and examine deeply..."


"Yes, dunzi, I got a gun. Let's talk about it, where did the gun come from?"

"Wrong! Feng brother, you also know that I have always been timid, so I dare not touch my gun even if I dare not touch the knife. The gun was picked up, and it was really picked up. I know that holding a gun is illegal, I Willing to hand over to the country..."


"You have been released from the inside for less than three months. I don't need to repeat the policy, right?"

"If you have evidence, catch me, if you don't have evidence, save the province."

"Evidence? More than 50 of you are holding controlled knives, and some of them are holding guns illegally. You want evidence from me!"

"It's just gathering people without any real hands. It's a great violation of the "Regulations on Public Security Administration Punishments."


The gangsters are all old drivers, who have become doctors for a long time, knowing that their crimes are not serious and it is not easy to be tried.

There are people with hippie smiles, people who play with hob meat, people who play against the police, and people who "I don't like you," and there are so many tricks that they don't cooperate with the police interrogation.

They knew very well that they were just gathering crowds, not really fighting, and causing no serious impact. Only holding controlled knives, plus a few people illegally holding guns, is not convicted and detained by law and order at most. There may be a few that are enough for the sentence, and the sentence is only one year.

In this situation, it is not so easy for them to take the initiative to explain more problems.

The interrogation was difficult, as expected by Wang Changgui. But he was more certain that no cunning fox could beat a good hunter.

There are still more than fifty people who have caught the current situation. But there is no time to collude with people, and confessions are easy to contradict themselves and reveal flaws.

At that time, as long as you open a breakthrough on a person, pull out the radish to bring out the mud, you can pull out a large piece!

The interrogation is still going on, Wang Changgui sits in the office, smoking a cigarette, waiting for the good news to come.

He didn't wait long, and at dawn, the mouth opened.

The gangster, nicknamed "Qingpi", was the first to be unable to withstand the police's powerful interrogation offensive and confessed his crimes.

Not the crime of fighting with swords tonight, but the crime of a vicious arson case last month!

Last month, a man-made arson occurred in the Chaoyang sub-bureau's jurisdiction. Several people suffered heavy burns and suffered heavy property losses, and the impact was severe. Team Zhao and his criminal police conducted detailed investigations, and finally locked the suspect on Qingpi and another gangster.

It's just that there is insufficient evidence, and it is not certain whether the arson suspects are the only two of them, and they have not been moved for the time being.

Tonight, the two will be taken back naturally, and the two will naturally become the subject of the Zhao team leading the trial.

Developed a thorough interrogation plan, used side-by-side attacks, both hard and soft, and other techniques to attack the heart, citing the confessions of other caught gangsters, puncturing one after another, and finally breaking through the psychological defense line of Qingpi, admitting to the vicious arson case last month, and confessing other Three suspects.

Coincidentally, two of the other three suspects are among the 56 gangsters tonight.

The embankment of a thousand miles is still destroyed by the ant's nest, not to mention the psychological defenses of the bullies are far less solid than the embankment.

Opening a breakthrough is like opening a Pandora's box. Facing the police's powerful offensive and interrogation skills, the gangsters couldn't handle it.

"Qingpi has already explained that you were one of the accomplices in the arson case last month. Do you have anything else to say?"

"Police officer, don't lie to me when I'm young. I have never heard of any arson."

"Haven't heard? Okay, you can leave it to the court to say this, and see if the judge believes it or not. I remind you that in addition to Qingpi, XX and XXX have already pleaded guilty and confessed to arson with you. I know. Did you commit any sins? Those are two lives, and one of them is a child under the age of two!"

"Fuck me, burned people to death? Police officer, I really didn't do the arson. It was Qingpi who collected debts for loan sharks. They wanted to scare people. They accidentally made things big, it's none of my business!"

"Collect debts for loan sharks?"

"Yes, it's that XXX. He specifically counts them. If the money is not paid in the end, the female will pick up the guests, and the male will grab the kidneys and sell the kidneys. Qingpi will do things for him."


Forcing the good to be a prostitution?

Buying and selling human organs in private?

Although it was a bluff, and the bluff created a new situation that the Qingpi three did not explain, the interrogating police still looked the same, striving to expand the result by winning the pursuit.

"Really? You are responsible for what you say."

"I swear, it's more real than gold. You police can be aware of it, and you can't wrong good people!"

"Are you a good person? Tell me, where were you on the night of the arson?"

"What was the date of the arson?"

"you ask me?"

"No no, you let me think about..."

"I don't have time to listen to you make up stories. Xiao Wang, take him out for another one."

"Don't, I remember. I was drunk that night and robbed a man from Hua Butterfly."

"Just robbery? Did you stabbed someone to death?"

"No, no! We stabbed him in the thigh, not to death!"

"That's it. Okay, you can give a detailed account of the robbery. The time, place, and who the butterfly is, all details are not allowed to be omitted."

"Police officer, did you lie to me just now..."

The bully cried.

The situation was opened in this way.


"... Wang Ju, this is the information we have already investigated, and more of it is still in interrogation. The matter... is a bit big."

More than a bit big!

The clues and suspects of a series of large and small cases such as robbery, intentional wounding, shooting, looting by speeding, grabbing, rape, bullying, and counterfeiting have surfaced. The scope of the crime has exceeded the jurisdiction of the Chaoyang Branch, covering the eight districts of Yanjing City.

Some cases are in the hands of the police and are under investigation; in some cases, because the victim did not report to the police, the police have no knowledge of them; and some cases can be investigated in parallel with the cases in the police.

In order to reduce their guilt and strive for meritorious service, several criminal suspects offered clues to the wanted criminals in three major cases. One of them was hiding in the outskirts of Yanjing.

But it's not over yet.

During the interrogation, the police also unearthed fragmented clues about human organ trafficking gangs, cultural relics smuggling gangs, and abduction gangs.

"Well done, continue to dig deeply. God does not tolerate evil, take this opportunity to dig out all these social malignant tumors! By the way, aren’t there some people who are still dead? According to past experience, this kind of people often hides in their bodies. An even more amazing secret!"


The reporting police stood at attention and saluted, turned and went out, and continued to "fight".

Last night, many people still had private opinions about Deputy Director Wang Changgui, thinking that he had called everyone back to catch a group of gangsters who were fighting and fighting with great fanfare.

now what?

To be realistic, after these cases are taken down, a group can't get away with first-class work!

There is also the branch director who has the same idea.

However, at dawn, after listening to Wang Changgui's brief report on the phone, he rushed to the bureau as quickly as possible. The political commissar and other deputy directors of the branch came with him.

After the brief meeting was over, a few deputy directors were left behind. Wang Changgui, director of the branch, political commissar, and deputy director, took the available materials, drove to the city bureau, and reported to the city bureau leaders face to face.

This time the "cake" is too big to be eaten by a Chaoyang branch!


It's dawn, and a new day has arrived.

The busy office workers started a new day of running around.

Liu Yan woke up dazedly from her sleep and found herself lying in the bedroom.

When I woke up, I was still a little confused, and my mind was a little confused, and I couldn't remember how I got back to the bedroom.

However, after she accidentally saw the clothes scattered on the floor, she instantly woke up.

She could recognize that the clothes scattered on the floor were all she wore yesterday. But now, it's like being taken off by someone, and then thrown away, scattered around the bed, scattered on the floor, bedside table, chair back...

Could it be...

Thinking of some terrible result, she suddenly sat up, and found that the body-sculpting underwear was still there. She was not naked, and she didn't seem to feel strange in her lower body... Maybe nothing happened, right?

But how do you explain the scattered clothes?

Liu Yan was confused, put on her home clothes, and went to the living room.

The living room was in a mess, and Mai Xiaoyu was wearing pajamas, sitting leisurely on the sofa looking at her phone.

Seeing her come out, Mai Xiaoyu licked his lips and stretched out his hand to say hello: "Wake up baby? Was it comfortable last night? Do you want to continue tonight?"

last night?

Liu Yanru was struck by lightning.

"What did you do to me last night?"

"A man and a woman are in the same room and spend the night with firewood. What do you think you can do?"

Liu Yan is going crazy: "You are shameless!"

"Hey, you took the initiative to seduce me last night."

I take the initiative to seduce you?

The memory gate opened, and the scenes that happened last night flashed through my mind one after another.

She remembered that she was in a bad mood and was drinking at home alone.

After Mai Xiaoyu came back, he asked him to accompany him to drink.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't agree, and even disliked himself. When he was drunk, he insisted on filling Mai Xiaoyu in desperation. He still spoke to him.

mouth to mouth……

Then, there was no more, Liu Yan fragmented and couldn't remember what happened later.

But when I got up this morning, the mess in the bedroom, I only have body shaping underwear...what happened after the fragment, do I still need to think about it?

"Remember? Tsk tsk, as the reaction is so big, it's not good anymore, but your body is really good, you're great."

Mai Xiaoyu's words were like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, and Liu Yan was about to collapse.

Tears rolled in her eyes, and when she was about to burst out, Liu Yan suddenly thought of something.

"You lied to me, you didn't do anything to me last night, did you?"

Mai Xiaoyu smiled slightly: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. If you really want to think about me, as you said to me before, I can't resist, there is no need to wait for me to get drunk."

"I have a quirk, I like picking up dead bodies; I also have a quirk, I like to take pictures." Mai Xiaoyu shook the Yali phone in his hand, "Guess what I'm watching, no HD code, very exciting. ."

"You are a big bastard!"

Liu Yan finally collapsed, crying and rushing towards her, like crazy, snatching the phone from Mai Xiaoyu.

The screen of the mobile phone is really high-definition without code-the news homepage of a large domestic portal website.


Looking at the phone screen, Liu Yan was dumbfounded, her tears stopped abruptly.

Mai Xiaoyu drew back his phone and squeezed Liu Yan's face: "surprise!"

Liu Yan turned her head hesitantly and looked at Mai Xiaoyu, not knowing whether to cry or laugh: "You lied to me?"

"Nonono, it's not a deception, it's a rehearsal in advance. Remember what you felt just now, go out for a drink in the future, and recollect more memories, otherwise one day, you will wake up and find that the pre-evolution becomes reality."

"I've always been careful when I drink outside, and I won't get drunk."

"When I come back drunk, I will pick up the corpse."

Liu Yan smiled relaxedly, and the fear of Mai Xiaoyu's identity as a "black society" disappeared inexplicably. She is a smart girl, knowing that Mai Xiaoyu scared herself for her own good.

She said affirmatively: "You wouldn't do that."

"Trust me so? You might be disappointed. Your figure is really great, and your skin is smooth and protruding. It feels very good afterwards. To be honest, I haven't touched it last night."

Seeing what Mai Xiaoyu said, her hands kept gesticulating, her face revealed the aftertaste, and Liu Yan's heart was raised again.

"You, did you really do something to me last night?"

"Guess what?"

With Mai Xiaoyu, it's so easy to guess the true and false.

Liu Yan thought for a while without an answer, so she didn't think too much to comfort herself.

"I know you are still frightening me. Because you look down on me and think I am ugly, you also said that your girlfriend is a hundred times more beautiful than me."

"That's true, you are indeed a bit ugly." Mai Xiaoyu nodded, "Go and wash, don't you have to go to work today? Also, take the time to find a regular hospital for the whole body, and when I finish my work, I will send you off. A wealth of wealth."

"Thank you, I don't want it."

Liu Yan tactfully refused with a firm attitude.

She has always thought that Mai Xiaoyu is a high-ranking member of the "Black Society", and she doesn't want to get involved with him. Even if they trust him now, they will not accept the "riches" sent by the other party.

What kind of riches and honors can be the riches sent by the "black club"?

Liu Yan went to get up to wash, then went back to the room to dress up.

Mai Xiaoyu continued to sit in the living room and look at his phone. Before long, his eyes lit up and he was about to make a call. His phone rang first.


"I am Wang Changgui..."

After simply dressing and dressing Liu Yan, Mai Xiaoyu had already answered the phone when she came out of the bedroom.

She looked at Mai Xiaoyu and asked, "What are you eating, I will go out to buy, and I will clean up the house after breakfast."

"No, I have something to go out now. Don't forget my words, contact the regular hospital as soon as possible, the whole content..." (To be continued.)

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