The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 487: More cloudy than before

General Mao has been specialized in naval forces for 20 years and has a large number of naval forces under his command.

Thanks to their efforts, in just two days, a rumor has spread to all corners of the Internet and has attracted the attention of all parties.

"Moeren Film and Television colluded with the police to frame Zhang Kai, the security director of Aiman ​​Culture, and promoted it through public opinion. The reason was that the Aiman ​​Culture Collusion Club tried to occupy the copyright of "Hua Nan" and "Naruto" and forced Maizi to become a gunman. Some time ago, Zhang Kai finally found Maizi and led some people to fight, and Mengren came out on behalf of Maizi."

Maizi is now well-known.

The TV series "Meteor Garden" adapted from the comic "Flower Man" created by him has not retreated. Several TV stations will rebroadcast it during the day on weekends. The number of hits on video websites is also high. It is very popular among young audiences, comic magazines and booklets. The sales volume has seen explosive growth.

Most of the young viewers are also the main force on the Internet. Those unscrupulous media who just want to catch their eyes and do not know how to behave immediately reposted the report, which aroused heated public debate.

Numerous media also joined in when they saw it, reprinting this rumor, only to indicate the word "Internet rumors" in the report to clarify their relationship.

With the joint efforts of Mao's navy and many media, the public's attention to this matter quickly surpassed the "Huang Bo's termination of contract" incident. Netizens expressed their opinions through various channels and discussed them.

The topic of this rumor is very high, and there are many topics of discussion.

There are against the police.

"The police are too dark!"

"The crows in the world are as dark!"


There are movies and televisions aimed at cute people.

"Collusion between officials and businessmen is shameful!"

"The tail of Mengren Film and Television finally came out. I said if this company had no problems, how could it have developed so fast."


There are those aimed at Ai Man culture.

"Compared with Mengren, Aiman ​​Culture is even more shameless!"

"Collaborating with the devil to suppress his compatriots, Chi Guoguo's traitorous cheeks!"

"Who else said that Long Xing's revelation was fake?"


There are those for wheat.

"Ms. Maizi, are the online rumors true?"

"Teacher Maizi, did the love of comics persecute you back then?"

"Ms. Maizi, were you beaten some time ago?"

"Ms. Maizi, you have something to say."


There are against the authenticity of the rumors.

"It must be a rumor. Teacher Maizi participated in the comic contest several years ago. How could it be so long before he was beaten?"

"That night, the police caught a lot of gangsters and gangsters at the Ertong Factory, among them was Zhang Kai. How could it be that Mengren colluded with the police to frame him?"

"Aiman ​​Culture is a formal company and will not do that kind of thing."


The rumors involved a wide range of aspects, including Chaoyang police, Mengren Film and Television, Aiman ​​Culture, and comic author Mai Zi.

Moeren Television and Aiman ​​Culture have successively issued statements to clarify that the rumors on the Internet are rumors, reprimand the rumors for sinister intentions, slander their own reputation, and reserve the right to resort to law.

The tone of the two statements is similar, but the confidence is different, so Mengren Film and Television accepted an interview with reporters, but Aiman ​​Culture did not.

Mengren Film and Television really has a clear conscience and has never done this at all.

The company has never dealt with Aiman ​​Culture. How could it collude with the police and frame Zhang Kai, the security director of Aiman ​​Culture, who has nothing to do with him?

Could it be made by Mai Xiaoyu?

Liu Xiaoli, Li Xue and others don't think so.

Even if the second half of the rumor is true, Maizi was beaten by someone who loves comic culture, and Mai Xiaoyu made his way for him, it is impossible to put his own company in the sleeve, right?

Aiman ​​culture also thinks so.

When Pei Pengbing first saw the beginning of the rumors, he felt pretty beautiful. He thought it was the DynaSky Group who used the pressure of public opinion to beat Mengren, but he saw that the whole person behind was not good.

How can there be any truth in self-exposure to its shortcomings?

So it will definitely not be the group's shot.

They are definitely not Moe, because Moe and Ai Man culture are both in trouble.

Who would it be?

At the same time Yin us and Meng Ren, what on earth does he want to do?

Pei Pengbing couldn't figure it out, so he could only choose to ask for help.

He came to Ning Shirong's office for the first time and asked Ning Shirong for help.

Ning Shirong also saw this rumor, and was as confused as Pei Pengbing. He couldn't figure out who was behind the rumor and his true intentions.

The only certainty is that this rumor was not made by a cute person.

The rumored victim Maizi kept silent, even if countless fans left a message on his Weibo to ask, bluntly if Aiman ​​Culture really finds someone to beat him, they will denounce Aiman ​​Culture for him.

But Maizi never updated Weibo.

Chaoyang police also came forward to clarify the rumor as soon as it spread, and classified it as a rumor. He said that he would step up efforts to trace the root causes of the rumors and warn rumors and disseminators to stop illegal acts and surrender as soon as possible, otherwise they will be severely punished by the law.

Investigate vigorously?

The police don't have that energy now.

The Yanjing police are secretly deploying these days and are preparing to launch a special black storm code-named "Operation Winter Thunder" in order to eliminate the security of the capital!

The task force headquarters has been established, and the leaders of the municipal bureau personally take charge. Each branch director serves as the deputy team leader of the task force. The members of the task force include but are not limited to the deputy director of the criminal investigation work.

The only exception is Wang Changgui. He, the deputy director of the Chaoyang Branch, is not a member of the task force, but a deputy leader.

the reason is simple. In "Operation Winter Thunder", the clues to locate most of the criminal gangs and suspects were dug out from the group of gangsters he led and captured at the Ertong Factory.

The date of "Operation Winter Thunder" is getting closer and closer. This afternoon, the task force held a pre-war meeting again to carefully discuss the deployment situation, and make sure not to allow a suspect to escape.

Before the meeting began, Su Weimin, deputy director of the Huairou Branch, and Wang Changgui, who came to the meeting, smoked outside the door.

Su Weimin joked: "Pharaoh, you are very good, catch a fight, dig out a lot of big and small carrots. When this operation is over, you will definitely become the legend of our Yanjing police. I am surprised that those people have been attacked by our police so much. Second, the one you learn is better than the other, how do you arrange it so that they can get together and catch it for you? Don't hide and tuck it, hurry up and pass on the experience."

Wang Changgui smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't arrange it."

"Who is that, is it an undercover? You guys, you have cultivated such a powerful undercover!"

"It's not an undercover... the same as you last time."

"Last time?"

"The farmhouse last winter."

Su Weimin reacted instantly: "Is it him? This kid is enlightened enough."

"Fart's consciousness, the leader Zhang Kai provoked him..."

After listening to Wang Changgui’s brief introduction, Su Weimin took a breath: "This kid is more shady than before. Don’t talk about him, I feel cold when I talk about him. Let’s talk about this action, how many did you arrest that night? Man number ten, will you be surprised?"

"No, I asked him to help set up a set, from fighting and fighting to kidnapping and extorting, none of them were released."

"It's him again?" Su Weimin deliberately didn't think about Mai and continued to raise his concerns: "But they have been detained for so many days, I am worried that some suspects will arouse alertness after a long time. "

Wang Changgui took out his mobile phone, opened a page on the Internet, and handed it to Su Weimin.

The content on the page is exactly what was recently discussed on the Internet...that rumor.

"You can see it. That kid is better than monkey spirits in non-sticky hair. I sometimes wonder if he guessed something, so he deliberately made such a rumor, just to help us cover."

"He did this too? I said why you didn't deal with online rumors so much this time. It turned out to be that way."

Su Weimin nodded, not even thinking about Mai Xiaoyu.

He returned the phone to Wang Changgui, and after thinking about it for two minutes, he said with certainty:

"No doubt, he must have guessed it, and it is very likely that our police will have a big action. I think, this time his action is not purely to cooperate with the police to cover, but to use our police, and who is going to yell. Well, otherwise he would not use his own company to make bets..." (To be continued.)

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