The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 520: The premiere ratings are out!

"No. 3 is also our member!"

As the female guest on the 3rd turned off the lights, Lu Ning identified the third cute female member from the 24 female guests.

"Are you sure?" Xia Qin asked with a playful smile.

"I'm sure, because she is the topic maker."

Lü Ning was eloquent and believed that his judgment was correct.

He heard Xia Qin say that the company arranged for members to act as "caregivers". In addition to appearing on the screen to show that they are on the screen, they also have their own tasks. One of the tasks is to create topics.

The reason why the lights on No. 3 will go out is the reason that Shen Yuan's ex-girlfriend left him.

The reason is simple and common.

Shen Yuan is busy with work, ignoring his girlfriend's feelings, his girlfriend empathizes and falls in love with another man.

In terms of career, this man is far inferior to Shen Yuan, and his economic conditions are not as good as him, but Shen Yuan's ex-girlfriend chose him without hesitation.

Because this man loves her very much and cares about her very much. She is very touched by the warmth and care of her at ordinary times.

Female guest No. 3 thought that what a woman needs is a stable relationship, a man who loves and cares about himself, as for whether this man has money, it is not the main thing.

And her financial condition is not bad, she can support herself, Shen Yuan, a man who is a bit workaholic, is not suitable for her.

Ever since, the topic of "you want bread or love" was born.

Not all female guests support No. 3’s point of view. Some female guests believe that enterprising men are more reliable because they know how to take responsibility and responsibility; while some female guests believe that no one can casually succeed and work hard. Men who struggle are more attractive.

Even among the female guests who supported Shen Yuan, several of them turned off the lights when they came up.

The views of the female guests were divided again, and no one could convince anyone who expressed their opinions.

Three women in a play, this scene is absolutely beautiful, the audience in front of the TV not only watched it happily, but was also interested in the topics that were thrown out one after another.

As the topic maker, the female guest No. 3, isn't it a member of the company, she arranged it early in the morning?

Xia Qin sighed and shook her head: "You look down on these female guests on the show. These girls are not easy. Look at it, in one or two issues, the female members of our company will be in the limelight. The female guest was completely suppressed."

The program continues, entering the "Final Choice of Love" link, the host Meng Fei invited review guests, personality color analysis experts to provide professional advice: how to distinguish, when a girl is with you, is it someone who likes you or who likes you? Your money.

Because Shen Yuan's economic conditions are quite good, there are only six lights left after the first link, and now the third link is over, there are still three lights reserved for him.

The guest commenters have a good eloquence and a clear point of view, but because the program is only in the first phase, it is a bit difficult to let go of the fledgling. It's not too brilliant just to put forward your own professional suggestions on the matter, without adding your own subjective color.

The "Final Choice of Love" session ended, with three lights still on, and Shen Yuan received a dating fund...300 yuan and entered the male privilege.

According to the regulations, he can only make a choice among the last two female guests, so he has the right to turn off a light by himself.

This is more exciting.

He had been passively selected by many female guests before, and he had to accept various accusations from the female guests.

Now it's different. The initiative is in his hands. You have the feeling of turning over and taking control of millions of serfs and slaves singing?

No. 5, No. 9, and No. 22, three female guests staying in the lamp, ages are 23, 21, and 28 years old.

Shen Yuan broke out with a strong desire to perform, and first sincerely asked the host Meng Fei if he must turn off a light.

Meng Fei reiterated the rules again, telling him definitely that he must kill the show, and then he hesitated towards the female guest.

The distance is not very far, but he walks very slowly. The camera shows him close-ups. The audience in front of the TV can clearly see the entanglement and embarrassment on his face, and feel the torment in his heart.

Finally, he walked over, considered for half a minute, walked to the female guest on the 9th, bowed deeply and said "I'm sorry", and then turned off the light.

The face of the 23-year-old female guest on the 5th froze in an instant, and she barely smiled and bowed in response, but when Shen Yuan turned and walked back to Meng Fei, she cried.

Tears ran!

The camera immediately moved over and saw the female guest on the 5th burst into tears, and the female guests on the 4th and 6th nearby hurriedly went to comfort her. Female guest No. 5 tried to smile while wiping her tears, indicating that she was okay.

Shen Yuan bowed and apologized again ninety degrees, with a sincere apology on his face.

The host Meng Fei comforted with a humorous tone, and the review guests took advantage of the trend to throw out their own professional opinions, thinking that in terms of personality, female guest 5 and Shen Yuan are not suitable. If they are barely together, female guest 5 will not be happy.

Lu Ning frowned: "How do I feel that No. 5 is also like a female member of our company?"

"What is like, she is."

Female member No. 5 has slightly more tasks.

One task is to keep a lamp for Shen Yuan.

In case the lights of the other female guests are all off, her lights will be kept until the end, to ensure that the whole link is completed, and Shen Yuan will not be too embarrassed.

Another task is to control the field.

If there were more female guests with the lamp in the end, and Shen Yuan had to go forward and turn off the lamp, she would be the first to be extinguished.

Just like when the male guests first appeared on the stage, the female guests turned off the lights, and the male guests would feel a little embarrassed. In the same way, if a male guest comes to turn off the female guest’s light, the female guest will feel uncomfortable, especially the first one to be turned off.

Therefore, this important task must be borne by Moeren's members, and it can also ensure that the audience in front of the TV can see and experience all the links of the program with their own eyes.

As for the female guest no. 5 crying...

It was arranged with her in advance as a show gimmick.

But Xia Qin asked her afterwards, the moment the light was turned off, she was really uncomfortable, and half of her tears were real!

The episode is over and the show continues.

Meng Fei invited No. 9 female guest and No. 22 female guest to the stage, two spotlights hit them, and then revealed Shen Yuan's beloved girl.

The big screen at the scene showed the number "24", and the camera immediately switched to the female guest 24.

The female guest on the 24th covered her mouth in surprise, seeming a little bit of surprise.

In the few links just now, there was almost no interaction between her and Shen Yuan.

The position of the heart-moving girl is the best, standing between the female guest number 9 and the female guest number 22. Meng Fei turned around with Shen Yuan, facing the last three female guests.

"Now facing three girls, your first right is to understand their basic situation. We have prepared ten basic information about them. You can choose one at will..."

Economic status, marriage history, family background, money management in marriage, education, measurements, whether you want children, do you mind living with in-laws, the reasons for breaking up before, can you not tolerate the shortcomings of boys?

These ten basic information are representative of most people's concerns during the blind date process.

Shen Yuan chose the last item "Can you bear the shortcomings of boys". After reading the information, he briefly interacted with the three female guests, Meng Fei teased, and then proceeded to the last right: to ask the three female guests the last question.

Shen Yuan thought for a while and asked: "Many girls say that if a man has money, he will go bad. What do you think of this problem?"

Around this topic, the three female guests on the stage also had a simple discussion. The content of the discussion was very cheerful, and it almost turned into a big discussion about preventing men from hiding private money.

Finally, the last moment came, and Shen Yuan needed to choose one of the three female guests.

He can choose a happy hand-in-hand from the female guests on the 9th and 22nd; he can also continue to stick to his beloved girl, but there is a risk. If the female guest on the 24th refuses, he can only leave alone.

The three female guests on the stage have different expressions. No. 9's eyes flicker and dare not look directly; No. 22 pretends to be calm and confident; No. 24 is calm and calm.

Shen Yuan hesitated.

How to choose?

The audience in front of the TV was also very curious, and many of them started discussions with their families.

"If I choose No. 9, she looks sweet and looks cute, and she has a shy look that feels like a little bird."

"I like the 22nd. Women should be more confident so that men are not too tired."

"I think the male guest is quite discerning. The 24th is the best, but it's a pity that people may not follow him."


Mai Yingxiong also asked curiously: "Who did this guy choose last?"

Liu Xiaoli shook her head: "I don't know, I didn't participate in the recording of the show."


Liu Shishi: "I like the female guest on the 9th. I really hope that the male guest will hold hands with her."

Zhao Liying: "That's because her character is a bit like you. You see yourself in her. If you let me choose, I will stick to the 24th. Like it is like it, and I will never change my mind just because the other person doesn't choose. "

Mai Xiaoyu joked: "That's terrible, if you like anyone, he would be so unlucky."


Lv Ning has a lot of emotion tonight: "High, rich and handsome? Hehe, one rich covers all the ugliness. As long as you have money, no one is good or handsome."

"Shen Yuan is not ugly."

"But he is old, he is 31 years old, and the female guest on the 9th is only 21 years old!"

"You still have thoughts about this. Has the last member found it?"

"There are more than a dozen female guests who have turned off the lights, which is so easy to find."

"Then you still dare to say that learning to learn wheat is three costs. You never thought, will Shen Yuan make the fake come true?"

Lu Ning replied, "You mean... the 24th!"

At the same time, on TV, Shen Yuan made the final choice-No. 24, insisting on his beloved girl.

After 30 seconds of affectionate confession, the 24th also said that he saw many of his advantages after turning off the lights, but thought that the two were not suitable, and Shen Yuan failed to exit...

"Do you understand now?" Xia Qin asked with a smile.

I understand, I understand, if Lu Ning still doesn't understand, that would be too stupid.

As the first male guest to appear in "If You Are the One", Shen Yuan came to the stage as a "care". Among them, there are elements for show effects and blind dates.

Fate is a very strange thing, maybe it will appear in an inadvertent moment.

Shen Yuan's personal information is basically correct, and he has never had a girlfriend since he broke up with his ex-girlfriend. If he really finds his favorite half in "If You Are the One", he is also willing to take it with his hand.

But what if you can't find it?

What to do with the female guest who kept the lamp for him till the end?

Only rely on other "trust" to help.

Therefore, the beloved girl is also a "trust" and is a member of the cute person.

Her task get the bottom line.

If Shen Yuan has feelings for the female guest on the 9th or 22nd, he will hold the other person and leave together. If there is no feeling at all, he will choose the 24th female guest, then be rejected, and then exit smoothly. The show will not be affected at all.

Lu Ning said with emotion again: "Mr. Mai is really an exhaustive plan!"

Of course, as a liar, you must consider carefully when setting up a trap, otherwise the consequences will not be imagined.

Now, Mai Xiaoyu has just moved the method he used to raise lambs to the entertainment industry, and the effect has always been good!

The first male guest left the scene sadly, and the audience staying in front of the TV remained enthusiastic.

This blind date show is really different from the previous blind date shows. It is reversal, exciting, funny, amusing, small orgasm, big orgasm... all kinds of baggages emerge in endlessly, and one will be shaken out within a few minutes. The audience watched it with gusto. .

Unknowingly, the first issue of "If You Are the One" on May 20, 2006 ended. There were 24 female guests and five male guests on the stage. There were two pairs of sparks of love, success in hand in hand, and happiness in the sound of blessings. Leave.

"This show is very interesting. Mr. Mai, shouldn't I reject your arrangement and missed a good opportunity?" Liu Shishi asked when looking at Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu touched her head: "Don't be silly, I just made a joke with you at the time and will not let you on this show. Moreover, if it is really the announcement I arranged for you, you can't refuse it. ."

Liu Shishi smiled softly: "Well, I know, I listen to you."

Zhao Liying envied: "Mr. Mai, can I be on "If You Are the One"?"

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at her: "Why do you want to be the queen of topics?"

"I have been here for a long time, and I haven't received the announcement..."

"Poetry has come longer. Also, it's easy for you to receive the announcement." Mai Xiaoyu spread his slap to Zhao Liying's face, "It's so I looked at the people who appeared in front of me many times. Slap, Zhao Liying puffed up her bun's face.


The next day is Sunday, and "If You Are the One" will be broadcast twice a week tonight.

In the morning, Litchi TV’s "If You Are the One" program group was crowded with people, and most of the staff arrived, anxiously waiting for the ratings of the first issue of "If You Are the One" last night.

The ratings are not only related to their efforts in the past few months, but also to their future and the value of the entire program.

At around 11 o'clock at noon, the ratings of all the programs in csm50 city were released yesterday.

A small assistant walked in with the ratings form, and most people immediately gathered around and asked in a frantic manner.

The little assistant asked blankly: "How much do you think?"

ps: I built a v group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting. (To be continued.)

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