The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 531: Go to CCTV Children's Channel

That night, Mai Yingxiong was busy in the law firm until late for the case at hand.

When she got home, Cici was already asleep.

After taking a shower, wearing pajamas, came to the study to study and study the case again, to increase the odds of winning the upcoming court session, Liu Xiaoli walked in with a cup of hot milk.

"The work is not finished yet?"

"It's not easy for people to sue officials in a lawsuit." Mai Yingxiong took a sip of the milk, "What's the matter?"

Liu Xiaoli hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Do you think there is a problem between Mai and Cici?"

"Is there a problem? Mai loves sister Cici very much, and Cici also likes brother Maimai very much. It's okay to have a deep sibling relationship."

"It's too much sibling relationship that makes me worry. Don't forget, we are reorganizing the family, and there is no blood relationship between them."

"You mean they...impossible."

Liu Xiaoli recounted the strange and intimate behavior of the two in the evening, and then said with certainty: "There must be something between them that is hidden from us."

Mai Yingxiong thought for a while and grinned: "That's also good. If they two are really together in the future, they can be considered a kiss."

"Can you be more serious? Tell you something serious!" Liu Xiaoli glared at him, "Didn't you always want Liu Tao to be your daughter-in-law?"

"That's right, Liu Tao is a nice kid, I like it... No, I have to ask the little bunny when I look back, whether Liu Tao or Cici, whoever likes it, treat others well and don't hurt others."

"Don't go to Mai Mai. You two have tempers, and you must quarrel if you can't say a word. After Cici's new album is released, I will find an opportunity to ask her first, if I see what is going on, it may not be like me. As expected..."


Every family has its cupboard.

Although sometimes, these "difficult sutras" are purely unfounded and worrying, but they are equally troublesome.

The same is true of Mai Yingxiong and Liu Xiaoli, who are worried about the chaos in their family relationship; the same is true of Zhou Zhe, director of the Yanjing Satellite TV's film purchasing department, because of the reputation of "Little Devil".

According to the contract, the 52 episodes of "Little Magic Fairy" will be broadcast on Kaku TV after half of the broadcast on Dolphin TV's children's science and education channel, and will be broadcast on stars to audiences of children and teenagers across the country.

In order to get Kaku TV to buy "Little Devil" at a higher price and arrange it to be broadcast at the prime time, Zhou Zhe paid for a dinner at his own expense and sought to clarify the relationship.

The money was not too much, but a lot of favors were owed. This resolved the grievances with Mengren Film and Television, and later successfully purchased the premiere rights of "Soldiers Assault" and completed the "task" assigned by the director Ma Guoqiang.

However, when "Little Demon Fairy" was broadcast on Kaku Satellite TV, Zhou Zhe saw the media and the Internet's evaluation of this children's drama, and felt that he had suffered a lot this time.

The evaluation of "Little Demon Fairy" by the media and the Internet is almost nothing.

The negative word of mouth is overwhelming. In Zhou Zhe's memory, no children's drama can be "matched" with it.

"Save the child!"

Some media quoted the original words from Mr. Lu Xun's "Madman's Diary", accusing "Little Devil" with a ridiculous shape, which could easily lead children to imitate, such as wanting to dye their hair in color.

"It's about children, and children's dramas require thorough consideration!"

"For the physical and mental health of the next generation, children's dramas should be strictly checked!"

"Children's dramas should be wary of the tendency of over-entertaining works!"


The comments of the media and experts, taking "Little Magic Fairy" as an example, expressed concern that some of the current children's dramas were empty in content.

They believe that some of the children's dramas represented by "Little Demon Fairy" are only funny and playful, do not emphasize the story, do not emphasize the serious expression of life, society and love, and neglect the educational effect of children.

Then the height is raised to the level of caring for the growth of children and correctly guiding the physical and mental health of young children.

Some so-called experts clearly pointed out that entertainment and commerciality should not be the full characteristics of children's dramas. Children's dramas should subtly purify children's hearts and tell them what love is and what is truth, goodness, and beauty.

This view was reprinted and reported by many media.

Finally, after a turn of the conversation, public opinion was directed at Mengren Film and Television.

I don't know who or which media picked the head, and a considerable number of media, experts, public knowledge, and public figures have begun to bombard cute people again. It denounces Mengren Film and Television for their own benefit, and they do not hesitate to infuse the dregs of current TV dramas into children's dramas, poisoning the flowers of the motherland and ruining the next generation.

Speaking frankly, cute people's sensationalism, not being ashamed but proud, not only can't be exchanged for ratings, but they will also become the sinners of the times and be cast aside by the world.

For these voices, Moe Ren Film and Television turned a blind eye to them.

When Liu Xiaoli was interviewed by reporters, she only replied:

"In today's society, there are always a small group of people who use every opportunity to flaunt their so-called justice and try to impose their knowledge on others in order to win attention and attention.

A children's drama can attract so many so-called experts' attention, we can only say "flattered". Finally, I would like to emphasize that our adorable "Little Demon Fairy" was filmed for children, and we only consider whether the children love the show. If you are not a child, please shut up. "

Originally, it was just a children's drama. How could it have attracted the attention of such multimedia, experts, public knowledge, and big v, and spared no effort to discredit it?

If there is no **** in it, it's a ghost.

being targeted.

Since the second half of last year, Mengren has made the limelight with the four successively launched film and television dramas "Meteor Garden", "Bright Sword", "Bull Fighting" and "Racing Car". It is normal for some people to be jealous.

And because of "Meteor Garden", Mai Xiaoyu clearly named more than a dozen artists in the Mengren's official Weibo, turning them into the ranks of artists with bad virtues, and resolutely refrained from cooperating with them. As F4 becomes more and more popular, the impact on these dozen or so artists will be greater.

This action not only offended the artists and their relatives and friends, but also offended the film and television company where they belonged.

After that, they tore some of the publicly known big v. There was a threat of "Do you want me to break the news" before, and then there was "CCTV affirms the F4 public welfare campus trip" to make a face, this hatred is deeply rooted.

In addition, there is too much competition in the entertainment industry, and many people are looking forward to the death of others, and never lack of things that are disadvantageous to others; In addition, Mengren also has a long-time enemy-Qingtian Group. Some people use "Little Devil" to attack Cute people are not uncommon at all.

Therefore, the Moeren's publicity department contacted those media that have established a good cooperative relationship in accordance with the established plan to positively publicize and report "Little Magic Fairy", as for negative reports...don't make mistakes!

Zhou Zhe is a TV person, and he can also see the clues. Not long after "Little Devil" was aired on the star, a large number of negative reports appeared in the media, and it is estimated that some people are making cute people.

I don't want to talk about cute people who are too prosperous and easy to be jealous. I only talk about Mai Xiaoyu's ability to fuck, which he has learned a few years ago.

At that time, he helped his brother-in-law to vent his anger, and made a movie and TV show. But after finishing it, I didn't have the slightest pleasure of Nima, and only felt that he was physically and mentally devastated-Mai Xiaoyu not only beat him, but also forced him to apologize to Liu Xiaoli face to face.

Therefore, Zhou Zhe is not very concerned about the comments and reports of media experts, but the comments on the Internet are different. It is an expression of the true meaning of individual netizens!

"There is no thunder, only thunder."

"Fighter in the trash."

"Well, I admit that I looked at it a few times! I watched it just to scold it, too his mother's fantasy! I think I can see such a masterpiece in my lifetime. I have not lived in the world in vain. Thank the director and his Mother!"

"'Brain Remnant' +'Second Disease' +'Non-Mainstream' = Poison in Poison. It means that I have been killed after watching three episodes."


It's not that no netizens positively affirmed "Little Devil", some netizens said:

"This drama is not as unbearable as everyone said. Most people may make complaints because of the weird costumes and hairstyles in it, but if you really watch it, the core value of punishing evil and promoting good is the core value of this drama at the very least. The plot Basically complete and logically reasonable."

"I just like to watch "Little Devil". And, which little girl has no dream of saving the world and becoming a fairy? It was originally not for adults, so don't force her on the aesthetics of adults..."

"I watched a few episodes with my eleven-year-old cousin the other day. I thought it was pretty. But I am a boy and I am a freshman again. I want to say that I like this. I think I will be regarded as a mentally retarded and embarrassing..."

"I don't think "Little Devil" is brain-dead. Do you think there is a difference between'Balala Energy','Gunara's Dark God' and the online game mage's reading of spells? As for the plot, isn't it the same for justice to defeat evil? "

It’s just that there are relatively few positive comments, and soon after they are sent out, they will soon be overwhelmed by a lot of complaints.

Such a bad reputation made Zhou Zhe dare not check the ratings of "Little Demon Fairy".

I'm afraid that the ratings are too low and I can't tell my friends.

Yes, "Little Devil" was sold to Kaku Satellite TV with a human relationship, but this time the human relationship was ruined too badly.

Who would have thought that "Little Devil" filmed by Mengren had such a bad reputation and a loss of standard?

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Zhe was about to leave work and received a call from a friend.

Looking at the caller ID on the phone, he hesitated to connect to the phone for a moment: "My little horse, what's the matter?"

"Brother Zhou, you are giving me a big gift this time!"


Sure enough, Ka Ku was miserable by "Little Devil".

"Little horse, I didn't expect..."

"It's not so bad, who can expect "Little Demon Fairy" to reach this level...Speaking of business, if you have time at night, come out and sit down."

"Oh, your sister-in-law has learned a new dish, let me go home to try it tonight."

"Sister-in-law’s craftsmanship can’t be tried again tomorrow. Tonight, the VIP building, brothers have agreed, just wait for you. My leader also said that you will sit down with you for a meal with Brother Zhou, and I’ll drive to pick you up later. you."

Are you guys ready?

Your leader also go?

Still driving to pick me up?

How bad is "Little Devil"?

How much favor do I owe this time?

Does Moe pit me on purpose?

The "Soldiers Assault"...

Zhou Zhe is so sad, thinking too much, and feeling heavy, and his head hurts a little.

He wanted to see the ratings of "Little Devil" on Kaku Satellite TV these days, and after hesitating for a long time, he still failed to pluck up the courage.

An hour passed quietly while he was worried. Unknowingly, after five o'clock, Zhou Zhe's cell phone rang again. It was still a pony.

"Brother Zhou, I'm under your platform, come down."


With a light sigh, Zhou Zhe packed up his things, informed his staff, and left the TV station.

Sonata on the pony, Zhou Zhe fastened his seat belt.

Xiao Ma smiled and gave a thumbs up: "Brother Zhou is worthy of being the director of the purchasing department of Yanjing Satellite TV. He has a high-sighted, really high-sighted. Thank you for the few of us."


Zhou Zhe stared at the pony for a moment, not feeling like ironicing himself, and asked tentatively, "How do you say this?"

"If it weren't for your help, we wouldn't be able to introduce "Little Devil" in the station. We all have a long face in the station. Let's go to dinner first without saying anything. We will write down the favors this time. Brother Zhou just scream if you have something to do."


It means...this time I didn't get in favor of favors, but made favors?

Taking advantage of the time that Xiao Ma started the car, Zhou Zhe sorted out his thoughts, and then asked: "What is the ratings of "Little Devil"?"

When talking about this topic, Xiao Ma became excited: "Brother Zhou, you are busy with your personal affairs and may not care. I tell you, just yesterday, our channel "Little Devil" was in our Yanjing ratings for the first time. Go to CCTV Children's Channel..."

"Really?" Zhou Zhe was in circles.

"of course it's true!"

"Isn't it the media and the poor reputation on the Internet?"

"Hey, word of mouth is just a request. There are a lot of people scolding "Super Girl" every year, and the key is to see the ratings! Moreover, the main audience of "Little Devil" is the group of young children..."

Interlaced like a mountain, and Xiao Ma is a little bit like this, Zhou Zhe suddenly understood.

Media experts are all adults; netizens are mainly young people, and some are high school and junior high school students, but there are few elementary school students, and the little friends in kindergarten are even more extinct.

Judging from the perspectives of teenagers and adults, "Little Demon Fairy" may think that "Little Demon Fairy" has a ridiculous style and exaggerated performance, but in the eyes of children... it is a different world!

Moe people have been paying attention to the ratings of "Little Devil" on Kaku TV.

When Mai Xiaoyu learned that the regional ratings of "Little Magic Fairy" in Yanjing exceeded that of the CCTV Children's Channel at the same time, he knew that the time was right and it was time to go south to Yangcheng and find Liu Junhao to play with the interests and bind it—— He wants the absolute right to speak of Hualong Pictures!

"Aunt Liu, I may have to stay a few more days when I go to Yangcheng, and you will have to worry about the company moving."

"Brother Fork, you have been charging for more than half a year. You should do your homework for this script. When Deng comes back to them, we will start preparations."

"Cici, don't work too hard. Improving your singing skills is not something you can do overnight. Anyway, you are just playing a ticket, and you don't really want to develop in the music scene. When you go back to recording, just let Diao Yi and the others fix the sound."

"Chang Don't you take a break these days, stay with Cici, don't make her tired."

"The three of you, when I am not in Yanjing, I must seize the time to analyze and understand the script and deepen my understanding of the role..."

After explaining the things that should be explained one by one, Mai Xiaoyu made appointments with Liu Junhao and Lao Luo on the phone, and asked Yu Ping to book two tickets and fly to Yangcheng three days later.

The tripod is the most stable, so the film and television-related derivative company in his mind must be a tripartite investment, just like Lantian Real Estate.

In the evening two days before departure, when Mai Xiaoyu was transformed into a humanoid photocopier, Wu Guodong called suddenly when he was copying the script "Days with a Stewardess" in the study.

"Mai, do you have time now?"


"Come to the bar..."

PS: I built a V group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting. (To be continued.)

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