Yang Ying suddenly took her arm, Mai Xiaoyu didn't care, just tapped twice on her little hand, and continued to tell Liu Junhao and Luo Xing about her plan.

He didn't want to engage in the development of peripheral products for Mengren's film and television dramas, and to find Liu Junhao and Luo Xing to buy shares, but to share the cake with the three parties.

On the part of Mengren, they invested in the intellectual property rights of their own film and television drama peripheral products. Liu Junhao and Luo Xing respectively invested in capital or fixed assets to form a new company to develop and sell Mengren's peripheral products of film and television dramas.

Although Liu Junhao doesn't understand it, he also knows the huge volume of this market, and Luo Xing has not played less investment in film and television dramas in recent years, and he knows the profit of this piece of cake.

The only problem is-Mengren's "product".

Not all weekly film products of film and television dramas have high development value. Taking the same hot "Sword" and "Meteor Garden" in the second half of last year, the development value of the former is much lower than the latter.

The production speed of Mengren's film and television dramas is not fast, and there are only a few films a year; the two recent films, whether it is "Bullfight" or "Racing", have very limited development value.

There are not many products available for development, but the value of development is not high. What's the point of setting up this kind of company?

This is where Liu Junhao and Luo Xing worry.

Mai Xiaoyu drank his mouth dry and said with a smile: "I have it right before my eyes. Recently, "Little Devil", which is being broadcast by Kaku Satellite TV, has great potential in peripheral products."

"Little Devil"?

Liu and Luo were taken aback.

Luo Xing asked: "It's the last time, you said you wanted to film the children's drama in "Soldier Assault"?"

Liu Junhao looked at Luo Xing: "Do you know this children's drama?"

The woman next to him reminded softly: "It's the children's drama that Longlong recently watched every day. She stayed in front of the TV at six o'clock in the afternoon. The food was not delicious...Balala energy..."

"There is also the'Gunara Dark God'." Mai Xiaoyu added with a smile.

Liu Junhao suddenly realized: "Oh, that's the children's drama! My precious son even beat me with the spell of'Gunara the Dark God'..."


I missed it.

The phrase "baby son" reveals the true relationship between Liu Junhao and the woman next to him.

It’s not uncommon to find a lover to give birth to a son to continue the incense. This is not uncommon, especially for wealthy people. It’s not easy.

All of you here are not stupid, they will chew the roots of their tongue stupidly if they haven't slept.

Mai Xiaoyu took the conversation: "Such as the magic fairy stick, headband, little magic fairy costume, doll, figure, keychain, mobile phone chain, etc., you can develop it. Pencils, erasers, rulers, pencil cases. When learning tools are trivial, they can be licensed to specialized manufacturers, but piracy needs to be cracked down."

Luo Xing asked concerned: "How's the ratings?"

"The ratings in Yanjing a few days ago just beat the CCTV Children's Channel."

"Awesome!" Luo Xing gave a thumbs up, "Your company really makes money from everything. I regret that I missed the "Soldiers Assault"."

"It's too late, haha."

The Taiwanese female singer beside Luo Xing suddenly interrupted and said: "Mr. Mai, your company made "Little Demon Fairy"? That children's drama is really good, not to mention the little friends, I also like it very much. I It's Yang Lin, I don't know if I am qualified to toast you."

She stood up with a glass of wine, a bit shy in her tenderness and cuteness, and it was easy to make a man feel affectionate.

Mai Xiaoyu suddenly felt his left arm tighten, but Yang Ying grasped him tightly.

He patted Yang Ying twice on the thigh, then smiled and picked up the wine glass.

Different meals have different rules.

First, today, Liu Junhao arranged for Mai Xiaoyu to receive the wind banquet. Yang Lin had money to participate in, and her task was to accompany Luo Xing to eat, drink, and have a good chat. If you behave well, it is possible to get to know Luo Xing.

But she left Luo Xing and toasted Mai Xiaoyu wine without authorization. This is called breaking the rules!

Liu Junhao smiled without saying a word, Luo Xing's face was as usual...That doesn't mean that they don't mind bad rules, but that the old driver's heart is deep, and the thoughts in his heart will not easily show on his face.

Yang Lin's careful thought, even Yang Ying can see it, let alone other old drivers.

So Mai Xiaoyu didn't speak, didn't clink glasses, just toasted, and then took a sip of the dry white in the cup, which was regarded as accepting Yang Lin's toast.

The next moment he turned to Liu Junhao: "How about Mr. Liu, are you interested?"

"Yes." Liu Junhao's reply was simply and neat.

Luo Xingqi said: "So happy?"

"Because I bought a pirated magic fairy stick on the street."

The speed of the emergence of piracy can prove from a certain angle the popularity of the original and the profit contained in it.

Liu Junhao replied to Luo Xing, then smiled at Mai Xiaoyu: "I now understand why you came to me...cooperated with Xiao Luo."

Why, fight against piracy!

As long as it is profitable, someone will take the risk, so piracy cannot be eradicated.

Regardless of the fact that Hui'an and other inland provinces have been pirated one after another, they are just a small mess and will not be a climate.

The southeast coastal area is different. Because of the policy orientation, coupled with the special environmental atmosphere formed by years of development, it is conducive to the breeding of large-scale piracy processing plants.

This is indeed the case. In recent years, nearly 80% of the large-scale piracy processing plants that the state has beaten down are concentrated in the southeast coast.

Both Liu Junhao and Luo Xing have their base camps on the southeast coast and are the most suitable partners for cooperation.

Junhao Group has a close relationship with the local government, and its physical industries cover the production and processing industries; Luo Xing plays with trade and investment, and also acts as a capital broker, and has a wide range of domestic and foreign channels.

Coupled with the intellectual property rights party of Mengren Film and Television, the three companies draw on their strengths and give full play to their own advantages, which is conducive to the rapid formation of a one-stop sales model of supply, production and sales. By doing this by Mengren Film and Television, the project can be launched faster, more secure, and more advantageous.

This is a simple truth, Luo Xing can also figure it out.

Mai Xiaoyu did not deny that he would not be stupid to tell them that he also wanted to complete the binding of the interests of the Junhao Group in order to increase his influence and voice in Hualong Pictures in the future.

Both Liu Junhao and Luo Xing are optimistic about this project and are interested in cooperating.

Luo Xing is very good at being a human being. He doesn't directly express his position, but just says to follow Liu Junhao. When Junhao Group participates, their company participates.

"Xiao Luo is too cunning." Liu Junhao cursed with a smile, and showed his attitude: "After a week, I will give you a clear answer to success or failure."

A big company has a big company's process, and it's impossible for the boss to decide on a new project.

Discussions at the meeting are indispensable. After the meeting, it will be handed over to the group's professional department to conduct market research and conduct systematic analysis based on the research results. Then summarize the project feasibility report and project expectations, and finally decide whether to invest, how much to invest, and so on.

It took seven days to complete the investigation and investigation of a large project and make a summary report. This efficiency is very high, which also proves that Liu Junhao is optimistic about this project.

Luo Xing stole a laziness, so he omitted the project investigation and research, and only waited for the market research decision of Junhao Group.

At this point, even if it comes to an end.

When it comes to cooperation in the future, there are only two possibilities left: feasible or unfeasible.

After talking about business, it's time to drink openly.

Why don't you drink it well?

Eat seafood and drink dry white, white meat with white wine.

Not addictive to dry white?

Change the liquor!

"Today you are a guest, you must drink well."

"Alcohol is for fun, you can have more fun at night—"

"Mr. Mai, I toast you a glass."

"Mr. Mai, I toast you too."

Mai Xiaoyu is also a tried-and-tested fighter, completely uncomfortable, and easily resisted the first wave of drinking.

The war on the wine table has temporarily entered a truce.

"Mr. Mai, eat something to squeeze wine."

Yang Ying kindly helped Mai Xiaoyu bring some grilled vegetables and seafood.

Luo Xing roared and said, "He can't drink anymore. How can he hold his chopsticks securely? It's better to feed him with your mouth."

"Xiao Luo, you are too bad, people are still a pure little girl." Liu Junhao made a serious criticism, and the next moment the conversation changed sharply, "But I like it!"

Yang Ying lowered his head, hands between his legs, not daring to answer.

The shy appearance caused everyone to laugh.

When Mai Xiaoyu ate a few bites of vegetables, the laughter fell, and Taidao female singer Yang Lin suddenly asked: "Mr. Mai, can I ask you a question?"

"Okay." Mai Xiaoyu smiled and nodded, gently wrapped Yang Ying's willow waist, and embraced him, "What's the problem?"

Yang Lin pretended not to understand, and continued her soft and lovely style: "Mr. Mai, your company has not been established for a long time, and every film and television series produced is very classic. Like last year's "Meteor Garden", it is popular throughout Southeast Asia. . Can you tell me about your success?"

Is this a problem?

Obviously Chi Guoguo's flattery!

Yang Ying thought of it truthfully and was very angry.

Mai Xiaoyu did not refuse: "Since you asked, I will take "Little Devil" as an example. If you follow the news and comment on the Internet, you should know that the reputation of this children's drama is not good. Criticizing..."

Yang Lin agreed: "It's those people who don't know how to pretend to understand. The ratings can tell everything, and I think "Little Devil" is very beautiful. Yang Ying, have you seen it?"

Yang Ying: "..."

This is a provocation, Chi Guoguo's provocation!

Well, she hasn't seen it, but can she say she hasn't seen it?

Yang Yingying's lips lightly opened to counterattack, she felt her waist tighten, but Mai Xiaoyu's hand exerted a little force to prevent her from speaking.

"Actually, those people are right, including me, they were not optimistic about this children's drama when they got the script. But Ah Zheng told me that I look at this drama with the mind and eyes of an adult, but this The play was filmed for children, especially little girls.

What do little girls like? Think about Disney, as well as various foreign fairy tales, and Japanese animations. It is not difficult to draw conclusions: the transformation in gorgeous clothes; the kiss of Prince Charming; the girls have their own ideals and their own paths in the film. "

Liu Junhao interjected: "But my son likes it too."

"Because it is a children's drama, it is not uncommon for a little boy to like it. Some little boys really like to watch it, and some little boys just want to have a common topic with the little girls they know."

Liu Junhao nodded thoughtfully.

Mai Xiaoyu went on to say: "From the perspective of the subject matter, "Little Demon Fairy" faces a world of little girls with a blue ocean, which was not available in China before. Children's aesthetics are relatively low, and they don't have much understanding of the structure but they have a good understanding of colors. The richness of the princess and the impression of the princess are very concerned.

Adults think the hairstyles and costumes in "Little Devil" are ridiculous, but they are very beautiful in their eyes. Their knowledge and love of "Little Devil" is instinctively focused on the distinctive gorgeous clothes, colorful wigs, exquisite props and accessories..."

This is the professional advantage of "international spray" in the dream.

You won’t squirt blindly. You must have a detailed understanding of it before launching a strong saliva attack on the deficiencies.

Mai Xiaoyu knew the advantages and disadvantages of many hot film and television dramas in his dreams. At this moment, he copied them and replaced them with his own language. Liu and Luo nodded frequently.

He did not answer Yang Lin's question at all, but introduced Liu and Luo to the huge advantages and selling points of the peripheral products of "Little Devil".

Liu Junhao sighed: "No wonder your cute people have developed so fast in recent years, and there are so many talents!"

"Not only is there a lot of talent, but the key is that he hides it deeply. The screenwriter of their company, Azheng, has never seen it before and I won't talk about it. Also, you asked Mr. Liu to take care of you for so long, when are you going to take it? "

Luo Xing made a pun, and the atmosphere at the dinner table became lively again, and a new wave of drinking began.

Mai Xiaoyu originally thought that with his drinking capacity, it would be no problem to deal with Liu Luo and the other four. How could he know that Liu Junhao's love was a hidden super master. The three cups of white wine kept losing their breath and drinking water. The breath was stable and the face didn't change color. Finally, he drank Mai Xiaoyu.

"Take care of him tonight, we will leave first."

There was a room dedicated to rest in the clubhouse. Liu Junhao asked Mai Xiaoyu to be arranged there instead of returning to the hotel.

After confessing that Yang Ying took good care of Mai Xiaoyu, Liu Junhao and others left the clubhouse.

In addition to the clubhouse, Liu Junhao said with a slight dissatisfaction: "Why are you really drunk?"

Feeling aggrieved, said: "I didn't want to get him drunk. I had been controlling it before, and then he took the initiative to ask me for a drink..."

Luo Xing knew that Mai Xiaoyu had a temperament that refused to admit defeat, and explained: "He is that kind of temperament, and he refuses to admit defeat."

"Don't admit defeat? It's nice to be young..."

Liu Luo and others will not mention it for the time being, let's talk about Yang Ying.

In the guest room suites of the clubhouse.

Yang Ying helped Mai Xiaoyu take off his coat and shoes, and covered him with an air-conditioner, then turned on the air-conditioner, adjusted it to the right temperature, and took a wet towel and gently wiped his forehead and cheeks on the side of the bed. And wine stains on the corners of the mouth.

She also drank a lot of wine tonight, and was dizzy after the meal. After gritting his teeth and doing these things, he was tired and dizzy, sitting on the bedside of the bed and panting.

After a short break, she recovered a bit of strength, and she was going to go to the sofa to make do with the night.

Before going to bed, she picked up the towel and wiped away the fine sweat from her forehead for Mai Xiaoyu again, and at the same time subconsciously looked at Mai Xiaoyu.

He is very handsome, capable and gentleman, and very manly and stylish...

Yang Ying accidentally remembered seeing Mai Xiaoyu's abdominal muscles when she helped Mai Xiaoyu undress~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Six yuan?

Eight yuan?

I don't remember clearly.

After hesitating for a moment, she secretly lifted the quilt, lifted up the tight tank top on Mai Xiaoyu, and wanted to count it carefully.

At this time, the sleeping Mai Xiaoyu seemed to be aware of something and snorted, shocked Yang Ying hurriedly straightened up and wanted to run away.

But Mai Xiaoyu suddenly rolled over and hugged her, clasping her limbs like a sleeping pillow, hooping her in his arms.

Yang Ying, who was small and thin, was like a frightened little lamb, struggling hard, trying to escape from Mai Xiaoyu's embrace.

But the more she struggled, the tighter Mai Xiaoyu hugged...

PS: I built a V group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting. (To be continued.)

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