The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 546: Mom asked me about the relationship between you and my lord.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006.

"Soldier Assault" was broadcast simultaneously on Samsung TV, Dolphin TV, Litchi TV and Yanjing TV.

Because Wang Yunshi was not optimistic about the show, he didn't play gangsters. The broadcast time of "Soldier Assault" on Dolphin TV was less than half a minute away from Litchi TV and Yanjing TV.

It was seven o'clock in the evening.

The 18th floor of No.8 Building, Sunshine Star City.

The dormitory of Mengren film and television female artists has returned to the desertedness of the past. Most of the female artists are rushing for their appointment announcements. Even Yang Mi, Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying followed the "Xian 3" crew to Hengdian for the start-up ceremony a few days later. Prepare for the conference.

Rooms 1802 and 1803 are empty, only room 1801 is still lit.

Room 1801.

Mai Xiaoyu sat on the sofa, the TV had been replaced by Dolphin TV, two mobile phones were placed on the coffee table, and a few plates of fruits were placed beside them, waiting for the broadcast of "Soldiers Assault".

Cici sat on his left and Shu Chang on his right. He was called up by the second daughter.

"Why did you two run back together tonight?" Mai Xiaoyu asked puzzledly while eating Dangshan crisp pears.

Originally, Cici has graduated this year. For the preparation of the new album, I turned down a lot of announcements, focused on contacting, and lived at home most of the time...It was the Maijia Villa on the Sijiqing Bridge.

During the summer vacation, Shu Chang had been busy making announcements about participating in commercial performances, music festivals, awards, and so on. He returned to Yanying only two days after school. Today is not the weekend. It makes no sense to rush back from school. There will be classes tomorrow!

Cici lowered her head and said nothing.

Shu Chang glanced at her and pulled Mai Xiaoyu and said, "Brother Maizi, when will you sign me?"

"Didn't you have signed a contract with Diao Yi?"

"That's a record contract, I'm talking about a brokerage contract."

"Don't worry, you are now the only singer signed by the record company. You have a lot of work and activities, and you have to go to school to lay the foundation. How can you have so much time? Besides, you don't have less filming now, not this time. Have your place reserved?"

"Well, when will you sign me?"

"You're only a sophomore, what's in a hurry." Mai Xiaoyu put his arms around Shu Chang's shoulders and whispered in her ear: "To tell the truth, what happened to Cici today?"

"I don't know either." Shu Chang replied in a low voice.


"Well, I received a call at school and she asked me to come back tonight."

What does this mean?

Mai Xiaoyu let go of Shu Chang and turned to Cici: "My little princess, who made you unhappy again? I quarreled with Aunt Liu?"

He is not maliciously guessing.

The reorganization of the family is quite special, and there are many things to pay attention to when the members get along with each other.

Take his family as an example. Comrade Old Mai can scold him and quarrel him, but he will never blame Cici, but will dominate everywhere. The same is true of Liu Xiaoli, who never said that Mai Xiaoyu is not half a word, what if Cici If you don't do well, only she will say Cici.

Fortunately, their unrelated brothers and sisters get along well, which saves Comrade Mai and Liu Xiaoli a lot.

However, as the two grow up, they are prone to problems if they get along too well.

No, Cici babbled for a while, and said: "The night before yesterday, my mother asked me to talk to me alone."

"Talking? You're a 19-year-old girl, and you still talk about it?" Mai Xiaoyu said that he didn't understand. Anyway, he hasn't had a heart-to-heart talk with Comrade Lao Mai since he escorted the Yan body away from home.

It's not that the relationship between father and son is bad, but because of the generation gap, there is nothing to talk about.

"Brother Maizi, don't interrupt." Shu Chang has long been in love with Siqian sisters, "Qianqian, what do godmother want to talk about with you?"

Cici raised her head, took a peek at Mai Xiaoyu, and then lowered her head: "My mother asked me, asked me, asked me..."

"Oh, what the **** my godmother is asking you, I'm so anxious to death."

Mai Xiaoyu guessed something: "It's not that you are in love anymore. Aunt Liu doesn't allow you to fall in love, right?"

"No, my mother asked about my relationship with you."

Cici raised her head and threw a quick sentence, then lowered her head again. Only this time, his fair face flushed with shame, and he kept playing with the corners of his clothes.

"Godmother is so strange, aren't you and Maizi brothers and sisters, why bother to ask you?"

Shu Chang was innocent and didn't want to understand for a while, but Mai Xiaoyu reacted and smiled and put Cici in his arms: "Aunt Liu will not doubt me and you... eh?"


Cici blushed like a ripe apple, and Shu Chang finally understood: "No, you brother and sister are in love! This is chaos... No, you are not related by blood... But you are also brother and sister... How can you do this? What about Sister Tao? What should I do?"

Shu Chang was messed up, and his mind was numb.

Mai Xiaoyu turned his head and said, "What is in your mind? You are my sister, and Cici is also my sister. If we really have something, why would she call you back tonight?"

"Oh, too. No, I have to call my godmother to make it clear."

"Where did you have such a big reaction?" Mai Xiaoyu took Shu Chang's phone and threw it on the coffee table. "Cici, why did Aunt Liu ask you this suddenly?"

"My mother asked me if I had any secrets with you to keep her from her."



Mai Xiaoyu is sick, mentally ill, and has multiple personalities in his body. Isn't that the biggest secret?

Not to mention Mai Xiaoyu, even Shu Chang reacted.

Knowing the whole story, Mai Xiaoyu kept smiling, and Shu Chang beat him out of anger: "You still laugh, it's not you who caused it."

After finishing speaking, she sat next to Cici, embraced Cici, and comforted: "It's okay, turn around and explain to Godmother clearly, isn't Brother Maizi all cured?"

"can not say!"

Mai Xiaoyu and Cici said in unison, fainting Shu Chang.

Mai Xiaoyu: "I... multi-personality things, don't talk outside, remember?"

Cici: "My mother and Uncle Mai will be worried when they know about it."

Shu Chang: "Do you want to be so mind-hearted? They all have the same idea. No wonder Godmother doubts, I doubt both."

"You are also very similar to your brother, the temperamental way of thinking about things..." Mai Xiaoyu realized that he had said something wrong and hurriedly changed the subject, "Cici, how did you tell Aunt Liu?"

"I said but my mom doesn't believe it..."

"It's okay, when I get married with Liu Tao, Aunt Liu will believe it."

"Brother Maizi, will you really marry Sister Tao?"

"Chang Chang, your mood is not right today."

Shu Chang stopped talking.

Mai Xiaoyu wanted to continue to comfort Cici, but found that Cici stopped talking.

The weird atmosphere lasted for a few minutes, and Mai Xiaoyu said: "Even if I get married in the future, you will all be my sisters, and I will take care of you as before. I'm not a kid anymore, and I'm worried about this kind of thing?"

Cici and Shu Chang were still silent, at this time "Soldiers Assault" began.

This TV series about the cute TV series Golden Body and the fate of Wang Baoqiang attracted all the attention of Mai Xiaoyu...

PS: I built a V group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting. (To be continued.)

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