The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 567: That's the sixth chapter

Hanging up the phone, Mai Xiaoyu looked at Xiaoyu with a smile: "You cheated money, you always use your real name?"

"Yes, you should use a pseudonym!" After a sudden realization, he sold small fishes and said without thinking, "I used to be mainly a thief, and I was beaten by the police too many times. Months, unskilled in business..."

"How much money did you scam before?"

"Not much, less than 300,000."

"Tsk tusk, your IQ... you know, the victim has already called the police, and the Yangcheng police is looking for you."

"No!" Selling Xiaoyu almost didn't jump up, "How could it be so fast? Ah, I understand, it must be my real name. I don't know how to do it. If I met you early, it would be fine. If you use a pseudonym, it will definitely not be so fast."

"What do you think? You have been repeatedly attacked by the police and you go to the detention center more often than when you go home. Even if you use a pseudonym, do you think it will take a long time for the police to lock you down based on the victim's description of your appearance?"

"Then I..."

"I have a way to help you settle, are you interested in listening?"

"There are some, I don't want to go in anymore. It's just not for people. Boss, if you help me lay out the rules, you are my reborn parent. If you don't dislike it, I will sell you all my two pieces of meat."

"I hate it! What can you do with your IQ?"

"Boss, give me a chance. As long as you are willing to help me, let me do anything!"

"Anything you can do?"

"Well, you can do anything!"

Mai Xiaoyu pointed out Tong Liya: "Kill her."

Tong Liya shivered, pretending to be faint.

The trembling words of the seller stuttered: "You, you, you say..."

"Kill her, I will give you a chance."

Things are getting bigger!

Tong Liya's heart beat faster with fright, her face paled, her eyes secretly opened.

Selling Xiaoyu was crying and crying; "She, she, she, she is still young, and has no grievances against you, anyhow it is a life..."

"Long-winded! Either she die or you die, choose one of the two."

Selling Xiaoyu to see Tong Liya, and then to Mai Xiaoyu, I really don't want to do it.

It's okay to let him be kidnapped and steal, but let him kill...that's life!


Selling Xiaoyu was so scared that he slumped on the ground and cried, forced to cry: "Boss, can you change the terms? It's really impossible to kill."

"Don't you understand the name vote!"

"But I really can't do it. Boss, change the terms. You can let me do anything except murder."

"Okay, you said. Force x her."

Strong, strong x?

Selling small fish is going crazy.

He thought he was an **** before, but now compared with Mai Xiaoyu, he is simply a kind little sheep.

It's murder again, it's strong x again, is this still something humans do?

No matter how bad he was before, he had never done these things!

Never thought about it!

Mai Xiaoyu said impatiently: "I count three times. If you don't do anything, I will send you to the police station and arrange for someone to kill you. Of course, you don't have to believe it. One, two..."

"I do it!"

Selling Xiaoyu yelled to invigorate himself, stood up from the ground, and walked towards Tong Liya. Quite a bit of wind and cold, and the imposing manner that the strong man is gone.

Tong Liya didn't dare to pretend to sleep anymore, and then pretended to sleep, she was either killed or harmed, she couldn't accept either!

She opened her eyes, winked at the little liar, and motioned for them to join forces to clean up the "big liar" and "big wicked" Mai Xiaoyu.

However, the little liar didn't see it. He only took two steps and spread his **** on the ground, and continued to cry: "Boss, this kind of thing is too shameful, you can do it well, can you change the terms?"

"Fuck, what right do you have to bargain with me? Either kill her, or **** her, or you die!"

Taking advantage of the time the two were talking, Tong Liya quickly walked around, and quickly found the "weapon" in hand-on the coffee table in front of him, there was a large crystal ashtray!

You attract attention, I sneak attack from behind!

After thinking of a way, she winked at Selling Xiaoyu again, but the latter seemed to be forced by Mai Xiaoyu too anxiously, did not come up in one breath, and fainted.

Annoyed Tong Liya: Still not a man!

Mai Xiaoyu was not anxious or angry, lit a cigarette, took a sip, and then bounced it on the face of the seller: "Small bugs. If you play this set with me in Teme, I will kill you directly!"


The seller sat up, and continued to cry: "Boss, I beg you, let me change the terms. I can do everything except murder and strong x."

"Trash!" Mai Xiaoyu cursed, "It's nothing more than three, I'll give you one last chance. Take off your pants and lie down on the table."


"Ah shit! Kill her, **** her, get stabbed or die, isn't it clear enough?"


"Give you one minute to think about it. After one minute, you have no choice."

Mai Xiaoyu no longer speaks.

Selling small fish is infinitely tangled.

The room fell into a short and dead silence, only Tong Liya was full of thoughts.

She realized that not only did she pay attention to selling Xiaoyu, she couldn't see her winking constantly, and even Mai Xiaoyu didn't pay attention to herself.

This is an opportunity!

She plans to take a risk, move her body slightly, and prepare to get the large crystal ashtray on the coffee table.

At this time, Mai Xiaoyu's hand suddenly fell on her thigh, and she touched it a few times, so that she hurriedly closed her eyes and did not dare to move.

After waiting for a while, Tong Liya breathed a sigh of relief when she found that Mai Xiaoyu did not take any further action.

Secretly opened his eyes and saw Xiaoyu stand up: "I have considered it, I will choose three."

"If you choose three, choose three. Why do you take off your pants?"

Selling small fish: "..."

Tong Liya: "..."

Mai Xiaoyu said again: "No matter what you choose, at least you have the courage to make a decision. I appreciate this. I will settle your matter."

"Boss, are you serious?"

Are there any surprises?

The little liar was almost killed by the big liar!

It's not over yet.

Mai Xiaoyu took out his personal checkbook from the bag and wrote a check for 300,000 yuan: "Do you know what to do?"

"Self, surrender?"

"What do you say?"

Selling fish eyes widened.

After co-authoring so many things, the so-called "settling" in the end is surrendering?

I wiped it, then you still have to take care of it. Wouldn't I surrender myself?

No, there are cases of surrender, plus active compensation for the victims’ losses, which can reduce the sentencing...

After figuring out what, the little liar looked at the big liar in surprise: "Aren't you afraid that I will run away with the money?"

"You can try I'm not that stupid, boss, wait for me, I will definitely be back."

Selling Xiaoyu said firmly.

Then, he wiped away the tears from his face, took the check and strode away.

Before leaving, he looked at Tong Liya and asked: "Boss, you wouldn't really kill her, would you?"

Mai Xiaoyu grabbed Tong Liya's little hand and kissed it: "How can I be willing to destroy the flowers with such a beautiful beauty?"

The only helper was gone, but Tong Liya was anxious.

Because only she and Mai Xiaoyu are left in the villa.

I am left alone to face this bad guy, what should I do?

If he hurts me, I...

Tong Liya's eyes fell on the large crystal ashtray on the coffee table again.

Opportunity, I need a chance!

Two minutes later, the opportunity came!

Mai Xiaoyu stood up, first contacted Wang Changgui by phone, asking him to give Mai Xiaoyu a chance to surrender, and at the same time send someone to follow him secretly; then he called Ke Haoyi and asked him where...

As if to say something important, Mai Xiaoyu deliberately lowered his voice and walked a few steps forward, which created an excellent opportunity for Tong Liya!

It's pretending to be dizzy again, and it's taking advantage of being touched by the back of the thigh, isn't it just waiting for this moment!

Just when Mai Xiaoyu whispered to Ke Haoyi on the phone, but seeing Tong Liya bird quietly opened her eyes, the bird quietly stood up from the sofa, the bird quietly grabbed the large crystal ashtray, and the bird quietly walked to Mai Xiao Behind me...

When she was about to smash the ashtray down, Mai Xiaoyu suddenly covered her chest with a painful face, took a few steps backwards, gasping for breath, and collapsed weakly on the ground leaning on the sofa...

ps: I built a v group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting.

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