The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 569: This man is terrible!

The police saluted first, and then said: "Comrade, stop, turn off the engine, please show your ID card, driver's license and driving permit."

Mai Xiaoyu took out his ID card, driver's license and driving permit, and handed it to the police: "Comrade police, you are in charge now. This is not a road. You have to check it?"

"Why, do you have an opinion?"

"I just think you guys worked too hard."

"We received a report from the masses that there were illegal and criminal activities here." The police checked Mai Xiaoyu's documents and handed them back to him, but instead of letting him go in a hurry, they bent down a large number of cars: their eyes fell on Tong Liya. , "What is your relationship?"

"That's right, don't you doubt us ******?"

"Please answer my question truthfully!"

"Fuck, she is my girlfriend. Let's come here to drive the car. Is there a problem, Sir!"

"Car Zhen is not in our control, but if she is not voluntary, you will be in great trouble." The police first warned Mai Xiaoyu, then turned to Tong Liya, "Miss, what is your relationship with him?"

Tong Liya's face was ugly, no wonder the police were suspicious.

The police looked at Tong Liya, waiting for her answer.

Mai Xiaoyu also looked at Tong Liya, waiting for her answer.

Tong Liya was very conflicted.

She wanted to tell the police loudly that the man next to her was a liar and deceived many people. Not only did she kidnapped her just now, but she also wanted to kill her and force her.

But thinking of Mai Xiaoyu's "spicy", thinking of the panic of selling small fish, thinking of the safety of his family...

"Comrade police, we are friends."

"Miss, your face is very ugly. If someone forces you to do something you don't want to do, you can say it boldly and our police will protect you."

Mai Xiaoyu was annoyed: "What are you talking about, you mean I persecuted her?"

"I didn't ask you." The police scolded Mai Xiaoyu, and continued to look at Tong Liya.

Tong Liya was silent for a moment, and squeezed out a reluctant smile: "Comrade police, I'm fine, but I'm in a bad mood. Ask him to chat with me."

"Have you heard, don't leave yet!"

Mai Xiaoyu yelled, and the police saluted and turned and left.

Tong Liya kept looking at the police until the other party disappeared from sight, and then she looked back sadly.

Mai Xiaoyu asked; "Why didn't you call the police just now? When you call for help, the police will definitely arrest me."

"You said you won't touch me, and you won't hurt my family."

"It depends on whether you are good." Mai Xiaoyu smiled and opened the car door, "Get out of the car and sit in the back."

"What do you want to do?"

"The driver will come and drive in a while."

Five minutes later, the driver came.

After seeing the driver clearly, Tong Liya almost went crazy.

It is the policeman who stopped the car for inspection just now!

Only at this time, the "policeman" had already taken off a police uniform, and Tong Liya had the impression that the clothes he was wearing now seemed to be Mai Xiaoyu's bodyguard!

Ke Haoyi sat in the driver's seat and started the car: "Boss, where are we going?"

"In the play."

Mercedes-Benz started, drove away from the Blue Sky Garden, drove onto the highway, and grew old.

Tong Liya endured the panic in her heart and looked at Mai Xiaoyu with complicated eyes: "Did you deliberately?"

"Hehe, I'm a liar, you don't know."

At this moment, Mai Xiaoyu finally determined that Tong Liya, the little lamb, was really in the set.

Ke Haoyi returned long ago after sending Miao Hongxia back to the hotel. He just didn't go in, and kept waiting outside according to Mai Xiaoyu's instructions.

After the little liar left, Mai Xiaoyu first contacted Wang Changgui and then Ke Haoyi to perfect the last link in his routine.

This incident must not be heard by Li Liya, so he deliberately walked away a few steps and lowered his voice, deliberately giving Liya the so-called opportunity to "create".

In the words of selling small fish, he is No. 1 in the world of liars. He sees and listens to all directions. How can Tong Liya's careful thoughts and small movements escape his eyes?

Everything is a set!

Unfathomable routine like the sea!

Not every ring will be used, but every ring has its own meaning!

Fortunately, Tong Liya, the little lamb, did not disappoint him.

He is relaxed, but because of her unfathomable routine, Tong Liya has set off a stormy sea in her heart.

Just now!

just now!

As long as I say a little wrong!

Probably just...

This man is terrible!


The self-taught liar of psychology, said Tong Liya's mind.

"I promise not to speak out, but I beg you not to hurt me and my family."

"When you enter the door of my cute people, we are a family. A family only cares about caring and loving. How can we hurt each other? And the entertainment industry is mixed. Innocent girls like you are easily injured. The company has to Protect you."

Tong Liya: "..."

Can you believe it if you are a liar?

Mai Xiaoyu added: "Don't participate in "Dream of Red Mansions" again. Nowadays, in the audition program of the national audition, ordinary people are basically running with them, and the water inside is very deep."

When I arrived at the Central Academy of Drama, it was already past five in the afternoon.

Coming here again, Mai Xiaoyu was a little bit emotional.

He also drove here several times back then, but at that time it was for Tang Yan. A few years passed after a Thinking about it, it was quite interesting. The lambs in his circle seemed to be all A routine.

The same is true for Tong Liya, and the same is true for Tang Yan.

The difference is that Tang Yan is the old lamb and was circumscribed twice by him; and Liya Tong...It was just that he took the hand ring with him on a temporary basis.

He went to the Grand View Garden today, and his main goal was the little liar who pretended to be himself.

The car stopped by the side of the road, Tong Liya reached out to pull the car door, but was stopped by Mai Xiaoyu.

"Don't worry, touch up your makeup first and tidy up your clothes to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

This is the first time Tong Liya recognized Mai Xiaoyu's words today.

She took out the makeup box from her bag, and briefly touched up her makeup in front of the makeup mirror, and arranged her clothes before getting out of the car.

However, the misunderstanding still came.

As soon as she got out of the car, she saw her roommate Wang Zhi with a big plastic bag in her hand, apparently just coming out of the supermarket.

"Where did you go at noon, I couldn't find you when I came out, and the phone was turned off when I called you. I thought you had an accident and almost didn't call the police..."

Wang Zhi pulled Tong Liya and talked non-stop.

Hearing the word "alarm", Tong Liya shuddered subconsciously: "I'm fine, I'm really fine. Didn't you call the police?"

"No, the police said it would take 24 hours to open a case."


Tong Liya let out a sigh of relief.

Mai Xiaoyu also got out of the car and walked to Tong Liya's side: "Ya, your classmate?"

"Ah, yes, my classmate..." Seeing Wang Zhi's eyes change, Tong Liya was secretly anxious, "Mai..."

When she didn't know how to call and introduce Mai Xiaoyu, Wang Zhi offered to extend her hand: "Hello, my name is Wang Zhi, Li Ya's best friend. Are you her boyfriend?"

PS: I built a V group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting.

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