The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 571: I want to give you a baby

The finance department pays the money, the artist agency department signs a contract, arranges a time to come to the company to shoot the model card and accept the system evaluation. Tong Liya's affairs are completely handled by the Mengren film and television artist agency department, and there is no need to worry about Mai Xiaoyu. This is the benefit of the company's formalization. .

The company signed Tong Liya, which quickly spread throughout the company.

The outside world is admired, shocked, or envied by Mengren's powerful star-making ability; inside Mengren, besides admiring Mai Xiaoyu's accurate eyesight, he is more curious.

There are more than a dozen artists under Mengren's, all of which are signed by Mai Xiaoyu. Except for Huo Jianhua, the others are newcomers, pure newcomers of Xin Gaga.

Everyone in the company feels that my boss is particularly fond of this kind of white paper, and the method of discovery is even more of a mystery.

It’s good to say in the past, there are many traces to follow, but the recent Liu Shishi, Zhao Liying, including this time Tong Liya...Where did the boss get it back from?

The scout department is too sad to remind you.

Except for Huang Bo, who was the first director of the scout department, Deng Chao, who came back from sweeping the street, which other artists contributed to the scout department?

It is by no means to blame the Scouting Department for uselessness. Except for the Finance Department, Security Department, and Cleaning Department, most of the employees in other departments are from the Scouting Department.


Liu Xiaoli learned that Mai Xiaoyu had brought back a girl named Tong Liya from outside. Just like Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying before, she brought it back inexplicably, so she signed a contract and specifically found Mai Xiaoyu.

"Mai, I heard that the company just signed a new person named Tong Liya?"

"Yes, I think she has star luck in her body, which can be cultivated."

"I want to say that the company's artists are prosperous and the sun is declining. When you sign, try to sign as many male artists as possible."

The cute people today are not what they used to be, and the artists are growing fast. Liu Xiaoli is no longer like before, worried that there are too many contracted artists and the company's resources are not enough to allocate and take care of.

However, the gender ratio of artists needs to be balanced. It does not mean that it must be one to one, but the ratio of men to women cannot be seriously imbalanced.

Today's Mengren has six male artists: Huang Bo, Deng Chao, Wang Baoqiang, Hu Xu, Huo Jianhua, Feng Shaofeng.

Female artists: Liu Tao, Xi Qian, Tang Yan, Yang Mi, Chen Qiaoen, Wang Luodan, Liu Shishi, Zhao Liying, Tong Liya.

If you count Shu Chang, who can sign at any time, and Wang Chuhan, who signed back early next year, then they are eleven female artists!

Eleven is twice as fast as six, and it won't be easy to play in the future.

Liu Xiaoli's concerns are not unreasonable.

Mengren artists are growing fast, Huang Bo and Deng Chao are mainly engaged in movies; Hu Jin Huo Jianhua sits firmly on the front line and it is difficult to cooperate with TV series; the company is ready to increase its efforts to praise Feng Shaofeng; Wang Baoqiang is not the same as them...

Male-male combinations are getting harder and harder, and only men and women are left.

But second- and third-line male artists who can act as roles...the cute ones don't!

"Leave a chance for others."

This makes sense, the entertainment circle is just a circle, see you when you look up.

Being able to provide opportunities for artists from other companies is also one of the ways to enhance your company's influence and status in the circle.

Like "Sword Fairy", "Full House of Romance", "Meteor Garden", "Bright Sword" and "Soldier Assault", they are all super popular dramas that create a lot of value for cute people. But in terms of influence in the circle, "Sword Bright" and "Soldier Assault" far surpass the first three.

Because the first three dramas are mainly popular artists under Moeren, while the latter two dramas are popular artists from other companies except Wang Baoqiang.

This is not a bad thing.

This is a considerable part of the reason that cute people can be among the low-end in a short period of time and have an influence that is not inferior to that of the big-and-high.

After all, it is the word "interest".

I eat meat, everyone has soup to drink, and I make money for everyone.

If anyone doesn't give me face, it's okay to provoke me, stumble me, bully my celebrity artist, then would you still want me to take you to play happily?

The grudge between Moe Ren and Qing Tian is almost well known in the circle.

At various large-scale events, awards, and grand ceremonies, the two have almost no interaction, and each other's film and television dramas never invite each other's artists to participate.

However, few people in the circle would neglect cute people because Qingtian is a giant. On the contrary, they have a lot of exchanges with Liu Xiaoli, officially based on this factor.

However, with the establishment of Huang Bo’s studio, Huo Jianhua and Deng Chao’s establishment of the studio is on the agenda, it is indeed necessary to sign a few more male artists to replenish male blood...

The satellites are not afraid of too many, but they are not bright enough!

"Aunt Liu, next year, next year I will go to major art schools to see if there are good seedlings..."

"I'm just reminding you. Just keep it to your heart. The signing is not in a hurry, as long as you can continue to maintain a precise and professional vision."

Mai Xiaoyu looks at people...awesome!

Not to mention company employees, even Liu Xiaolili, an old driver who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, is convinced.

However, Mai Xiaoyu's vision is not his professional vision, but the strange dream.

So the signer may not sign one for a long time, or they may sign several at once. And he signed, has his own unique requirements.

Just like this time Tong Liya, if Tong Liya did not come back to save him when he pretended to have asthma, he would never sign the other party, and would only use other methods to block the other party's mouth.

"By the way, what do you plan to do with Liya Tong this time?" Liu Xiaoli asked again.

"Let the artist management department give her a comprehensive evaluation. She is a junior in the Chinese opera acting class. She should have a good foundation. If the evaluation results are good, Shao Feng and Tang Yan will shoot "Days with a Stewardess" next year. Give her a second girl."

"Such a heavy role? I thought you would give Shishi or Liying."

"The second girl has a hot personality, and Shishi and Liying's current acting skills are not enough, and it is more difficult to act."

"Can Liya control it?"

Thinking of Tong Liya's fierce reaction yesterday, Mai Xiaoyu smiled lightly: "That girl is from the Xibe tribe, don't look at her frail appearance, she is a small wild horse in her bones."

Little Mustang?

Liu Xiaoli's eyes changed when she saw Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu said helplessly: "Aunt Liu, I find that you have become more and more suspicious recently, and you still suspect that I am in love with Cici, we are brothers and sisters!"

"You are not related by blood, and the relationship between you is so good."

"You don't have to worry if I call her abusive her without a problem?"

Liu Xiaoli smiled: "Hehe, I admit that I'm super-hearted. Then tell me, what are you hiding from your dad and me?"

"Two generations, there is a generation gap, and each has its own secrets. I don't believe that you and my dad didn't keep secrets from me."

Liu Xiaoli felt a little bit in her heart.

It was said by Mai Xiaoyu that she and Comrade Lao Mai did have something to hide from Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu’s detention for an extended period of six to seventy days is abnormal, and Dong Ping’s death... there is a problem!

They had never dared to tell Mai Xiaoyu about this, they were worried that he could not control his hot temper and act stupid on impulse.

With a concealed smile, Liu Xiaoli changed the subject: "Then you should marry Liu Tao as soon as possible. The girl has been with you for several years. Your dad and I both like her very much and are waiting for her grandson."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled shamelessly: "She is no longer a girl..."

Liu Tao is coming back soon.

According to the plan, after the filming of Chen Qiaoen's scene in "Love Call Transfer", the next one is Liu Tao.

Three days later, Chen Qiao'en's role was finished.

Director Zhang Xiaoquan found Mai Xiaoyu in private: "Yu'er, I have never admired anyone in my life, so I will serve you."

Mai Xiaoyu frowned: "Are you doing something wrong, waiting for me to wipe my ass?"

"If you get into trouble and let you wipe your ass, only Lao Xiu can do it!" Zhang Xiaoquan protested, lowering his voice, "I mean Jon, it's definitely the most successful case since you ran lambs! "

It was unsuccessful, I put myself in.

Mai Xiaoyu uttered a word in his heart, and said strangely; "You are looking for me just to talk about this?"

"Did you know that Jon's acting skills didn't say, her interpretation of the role of'Luo Yanyan'... was amazing!"

Luo Yanyan... the role of a single mother who got pregnant after she was unmarried?

Earlier, when Chen Qiaoen took the initiative to choose this role, Mai Xiaoyu was upset.

At this moment, after listening to Zhang Xiaoquan's full praise of Chen Qiaoen, Mai Xiaoyu became even more disturbed.

That night, shouldn't...

That night, Mai Xiaoyu ordered a takeaway again and had dinner with Chen Qiaoen at home.

During dinner, Mai Xiaoyu was still upset.

Chen Qiaoen saw that he was absent-minded and asked, "What are you thinking about, something on your mind?"


"No? Then you gnawed a bone for a long time, really, like Sister Zhiling said, turned into a dog?"

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

Sister Zhiling has a very good relationship with her.

I told her how long it took.

Did you say anything else, or ask anything else?

Mai Xiaoyu thought slightly and asked: "Why did you choose the role of'Luo Yanyan'?"

"Didn't you just ask a few days ago, why did you ask again? I said that I felt my heart...Hey, have you been thinking about it all the time?"

"Of course not!" Mai Xiaoyu denied, "The day you first joined the group, someone cheated in Yanjing under my banner."


Chen Qiaoen smiled.

"I didn't expect you to be so famous in the liar world... Could it be someone who targeted you and did it deliberately?"

In the second half of the sentence, Mai Xiaoyu's heart was warm, and at the same time even more disturbed.

He shook his head: "I also had suspicions before, but later found out that it was a little liar who made a mistake and no one instigated him."

"That's good. But you have to pay close attention to the whitewashing. The effect on Shancheng and Donghai is pretty good..."

Soon, soon.

Thinking of Miao Hongxia and selling small fishes, Mai Xiaoyu is already confident about thorough whitening.

When Miao Hongxia appeared on "If You Are the One", she was the "head sheep" of the "Zhaoan" Hangzhou lamb flock; and the little liar who sold the small fish was related to the "Zhaoan" of the lambs in several other cities...

"Love Call Transfer" continues to be filmed.

Chen Qiaoen is gone, Liu Tao is back, and Mai Xiaoyu's spring is here.

The two have been separated for a while, and the love and affection are indispensable after meeting again, but the most important thing is the routine physical examination.

late at night.

Room 1701, Sunshine Star City.

Inside the bedroom.

What a kiss, a sucking sound, ah, oh oh, yelling... the sound came into my ears.

Silent touch, silent love and caress, silent kneading, silent... this kind of silent is better than sound.

"I haven't checked it yet, I can't stand it anymore." Liu Taojiao panting with red face, holding Mai Xiaoyu's head with one hand, and stroking Mai Xiaoyu's back with the other.

Mai Xiaoyu, who was immersed in Liu Tao's chest for inspection, raised his head, rubbed a little upward, and after a long kiss with his arms around Liu Tao, he smiled and said, "The surface work inspection is complete."

Liu Tao looped around his neck and looked at him with an annoyed look: "Are you fatter and thinner?"

"Some places are thin, some are bigger, and some have not been inspected yet, so you have to carry out... in-depth inspection."

"Wait a minute." Liu Tao stopped Mai Xiaoyu who was about to conduct an in-depth examination of himself, gave him a kiss on his face first, and then said: "I want to examine you too."

Mai Xiaoyu turned over and lay on the bed, "Come on, who is afraid of whom."

Liu Tao patted his chest: "Turn over."

Mai Xiaoyu was very obedient, turned over again, and lay down on the bed obediently.

Liu Tao got up and lay on his back and kissed his earlobe, cheek, neck, and back; then turned him over and kissed his lips, face, neck and chest.

In the end, Mai Xiaoyu couldn't stand it anymore, and instead of waiting for Liu Tao to complete the inspection, he turned over and pressed it under his body...

The north wind blows outside the window, and the interior is spring and bright.

The big bed is very strong, and it remains strong after several storms.

After the calm and the waves, the two people, UU reading continue to entangle and entwined each other, enjoying the afterthought.

"I miss you so much. Do you miss me?"

Snuggling in Mai Xiaoyu's arms, Liu Tao whispered.

"I don't think I need to answer this question in words. If you didn't feel the answer just now, I can let you feel it again."

"I feel it." Liu Tao chuckled, rubbing a few times on Mai Xiaoyu's chest, showing nostalgia, "I'm out of strength, just hug me quietly, okay?"

"Then tomorrow, tomorrow morning you can still exercise in the morning."

"No, I will be in the group to film tomorrow morning."

Speaking of the movie, Mai Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, and said, "I've wronged you this time."

In "Love Call Transfer", Liu Tao plays the Capricorn real estate speculator "Pan Wenlin", who is always looking for rather than owning a house.

This role makes men impeccable. She doesn't give men the chance to blame her. She makes all men yearn for. But his words were harsh and mean, and he tried all his sarcasm, so that people couldn't get off the stage, and they had to teach people wherever they went, as if others would suffer a big loss if they didn't hear their own teachings.

In short, in Mai Xiaoyu's view, this role is not very pleasing, nor does it conform to Liu Tao's line of filming TV series.

"It's okay, I take this role as an opportunity to challenge myself, maybe I can broaden my play."

"In fact, you have a wide range of dramas, you can also try the domineering queen fan." Mai Xiaoyu hugged Liu Tao, "After two years of hard work, I will accumulate more network experience. When we get married, you will come back and take care of the company. Is the boss okay?"

"Don't lie to me." Liu Tao murmured, clinging to Mai Xiaoyu, "I want to give you a baby..."

PS: I built a V group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting.

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