The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 582: The pharmacy hangs up Tang Yan to wish everyone a happy New Year

It's half past nine in the evening.

The entrance of a high-end residential complex in Yanjing.

In the cold wind, Tang Yan covered herself tightly, standing on the side of the road, stomping her feet to drive off the cold, while looking at the traffic on both sides.

She joined the group yesterday, and because she didn't have many scenes, she did enough homework in advance. The little part of "Pang Kun" has been successfully completed tonight.

I've booked the flight tickets for tomorrow, and there's nothing wrong tonight.

It happened that a friend called her and asked her to introduce her to some friends in the circle. It is said that one of them is still a former first-line TV celebrity. Although it has been a bit out of date in recent years, I am preparing to transform as a producer, and I have a very wide network of people in the circle, and I have friendships with many investors and celebrities.

For artists, the accumulation of contacts is an eternal topic.

The accumulated contacts may not be effective immediately, but they may be used at any time. This is called being prepared.

Tang Yan regarded this gathering as an accumulation of contacts and agreed without hesitation.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening, and the scene was over, and she asked her assistant to drive herself to the agreed community.

When entering the building to wait for the elevator, she received a call from Mai Xiaoyu.

On the phone, Mai Xiaoyu's tone was very anxious and fierce, beyond doubt.

Like Zhao Liying and other cute female artists, she is accustomed to Mai Xiaoyu's domineering. Although he didn't know the reason, he still followed Mai Xiaoyu's instructions, turned and walked out of the community, and waited on the side of the road.

Ten minutes later, Mai Xiaoyu drove his Mercedes Benz, rushing to the gate of the community, and stopped beside Tang Yan.

Tang Yan pulled the car door into the car, pulled down the scarf covering half of her face, and asked, "What's wrong with Mr. Mai?"

Mai Xiaoyu did not answer and asked, "Have you finished filming?"

"Well, it's all finished, it's finished."

"Why are you here so late?"

"A friend asked me." Seeing that Mai Xiaoyu's face was not so good, Tang Yan added in a low voice, "It's a female."

"What is your name?"

"Zhou Ping."

"how did you guys meet?"

"I have worked on two plays together in the past two years, and I feel that it is a good match, so I have always been in contact. What's wrong with Mr. Mai?"

"Tell me what did she ask you for?"

"She said that tonight Teacher Xie Weixin has a small party at home, and she told me to go together, and then introduce Teacher Xie to me."

"Xie Weixin? She is a first-line TV celebrity, what is Zhou Ping's name, can she reach others? She also introduced you to him?"

The various industries are hierarchical, and the entertainment industry is even more obvious.

There are many small circles in the entertainment circle. If you want to enter this circle, the first requirement is that the gap between them is not too big.

You said that you are a little-known little actor who has gotten into the circle of the first-line big coffee, it's okay to participate in the party organized by the first-line big coffee, and have fun with the first-line big coffee, is it possible?

Who is Zhou Ping, Mai Xiaoyu has never heard of this name, obviously the popularity is not very well-known.

The fact is indeed the case. At that time, "Fairy Sword" had just been aired, and there were a lot of Tangyan films about it. Big productions played female three and female four, and small productions might play female one and female two.

She met Zhou Ping at that time, and the two of them had a lot of hobbies in common, and they had a good relationship.

Later, Tang Yan made more and more film appointments, and his popularity and popularity gradually increased, while Zhou Ping was still standing still, continuing the fate of a small supporting role, and the gap between the two became wider and wider.

In the entertainment industry, it’s not so easy to move up the pyramid, so cute talents will be particularly prominent.

Tang Yan is now on the top of the second line, and can almost play with Xie Weixin, the first-line TV cafe whose popularity is declining, but what about Zhou Ping?

The gap is so big, why should people lead you to play, unless you rely on other things as a link, you can get into their circle.

Tang Yan looked at Mai Xiaoyu strangely.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled: "Do you think I'm very realistic?"

Tang Yan nodded first, and then shook her head vigorously: "You are not that kind of person. You are very good to everyone, even if Shishi and Liying are newcomers, you don't have a bit of air. So everyone likes you very much, even if you sometimes Always like to bully people."

"How about you? Do you like me to bully you?"

Tang Yan blushed, lowered her head and nodded lightly.

"Then listen to me, sit in the car and don't move, I'll show you a good show. In what building does Xie Weixin live?"

Mai Xiaoyu now basically concluded that Ning Shibin's warning call was true.

To be on the safe side, he still needs to do the last step of verification.

After learning the specific address of the party tonight from Tang Yan, he contacted Longxing Studio.

"Cao Ji, this is Mai Xiaoyu, am I in Yanjing?"

"That's fine, I'll contact them."

Cao Long, the owner of Longxing Studio, is not in Yanjing, and is leading the team to "work" in other places. Having dealt with Mai Xiaoyu many times, the pair of key members of Longxing Studio, Wang Debin and Zhang Yang, are currently staying in Yanjing with a certain actress under the Sky Group.

"Lao Wang, it's me. In Room xx, Building xx, **** Community, I suspect that Xie Weixin is in the pharmacy group there. You and Zhang will come here to find out the truth."

After the phone call, Tang Yan asked with a new look: "Mr. Mai, what is the pharmacy?"

"You'll find out later."

Twenty minutes later, a Haval SUV appeared in Mai Xiaoyu's sight.

The car stopped at the gate of the community, Wang Debin and Zhang Yang jumped out of the car and walked to the security room at the gate of the community.

They were very professional and didn't know what to say to the security guard. After a few words, the security let them go and let them enter the high-end community.

"Mr. Mai, Zhou Ping called again, what should I say?"

During this period, Zhou Ping kept contacting Tang Yan, making six or seven calls, asking where Tang Yan was and when he could come, and said that Teacher Xie Weixin was no longer happy.

Tang Yan has been procrastinating and perfunctory on the phone in accordance with Mai Xiaoyu's request, and the excuses she can use are almost useless.

Mai Xiaoyu watched Wang Debin and Zhang Yang disappear from sight, and said, "You tell her, you have already reached the gate of the community, and you will go up immediately."

Tang Yan answered the phone and responded to Zhou Ping according to what Mai Xiaoyu taught herself.

Ten minutes later, a girl in her early twenties ran out of the gate of the community, looking around with a little excitement.

"Is she Zhou Ping?" Mai Xiaoyu sat in the car and looked at the young girl through the car window.

Tang Yan nodded: "Oh, she called again, what should I say? Mr. Mai, what happened tonight, why are you mysterious?"

"Don't worry about it. You will answer the phone later and tell her that you have gone to the wrong district. You are now rushing here, and you will be there in ten minutes."

"This excuse is too fake, isn't it?"

"Just say that, she will believe it."

Sure enough, Tang Yan used this lame excuse to reply to Zhou Ping. Zhou Ping had no doubts at all, instead she kept persuading her as soon as possible. She also said that Teacher Xie Weixin was angry, and said she was a bit famous and put on airs and did not respect her seniors.

Respect your sister!

After Zhou Ping returned to the community, Mai Xiaoyu received a call from Wang Debin.

"Mr. Mai, the pharmacy, didn't run!"

ps: I built a v group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting. (To be continued...) u More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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