The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 613: It's so amazing.

"Li Hui, the great director of idol dramas, holds Mengren in hand, vowing to carry the idol drama to the end!"

"'Daoming Temple' and'Shancai' will join forces again to perform "Fated I Love You"!"

"Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen have cooperated for the second time. Cute people want to create a national CP for urban idol dramas!"

"Prepared by cute people, Taiwan island selection-Taiwan island entertainment circle, be careful, the wolf is coming!"

After Li Hui signed the signing ceremony of Moeren, news about Moeren quickly occupied the entertainment page of news media.

Most of them are positive reports, after all, cute people spend money.

There are very few negative reports, because it involves Chen Qiaoen, even Ning Shirong, who wished Mai Xiaoyu to die and Mengren went bankrupt, would not make a big fuss in this regard.

At most, contacting a few media outlets to provoke the relationship between Moe Ren and the Taiwanese entertainment industry is better than nothing.

This is barely able to stand.

Both Chen Qiaoen and Huo Jianhua are from Taiwan. Director Li Hui is related to Taiwan, and "Hit" was filmed entirely on Taiwan. However, the cakes at the Taiwan Island market are so big. If he eats them, you are gone.

What is this called?

Everyone knows the heart of Sima Zhao!

Are you not careful yet?

However, the Taiwanese entertainment industry has not been successful, and there are few voices of "resisting cute people".

It has nothing to do with IQ, and nothing to do with Li Hui's contacts in Taiwan's entertainment industry, it is all about interests, interests, and interests!

Cute drama!

Come to Taiwan Island to shoot!

Who will play the second man?

Who will play the male three?

Who will play the three women?

Who said that a TV series must only be popular with male protagonists?

The wonderful supporting roles can still be popular!

Besides, Chen Qiaoen is the daughter of the Hailian Chen family, and all the big players in the entertainment industry know it.

Instead of resisting "Hit" and offending Hailian, it is better to spend this energy on fighting for the role of his own artist.

You must know that the entertainment circles in the three regions have always played their own roles. It is not so easy for Taiwanese artists to open up the huge mainland market. Among them, the personal connections that need to be opened up; the manpower, material resources, cost, etc., are generally not imagined by the people who eat melons.

A brief summary is to worship the dock.

Newcomers have to worship the pier to join the team, not to mention that you go to other people's sites to fish for food. How can there be such an easy-to-eat lunch!

But the cute drama "Hit" is an exception.

First of all, the quality of cute dramas is guaranteed and can be popular with actors; secondly, the heroine Chen Qiaoen is the daughter of Hailian Group, and Hailian Group has a large scale in Taiwan.

Taking all factors into consideration, in the eyes of Taiwanese entertainment circles, "Hit" is more like an opportunity than an intruder.

If you get an important role, the artist who plays this role can also become famous in the mainland with the popularity of "Hit", and there is no need to worry about mainland investors not coming to Taiwan to invite people.

Well, in the eyes of people in the entertainment industry in Hong Kong and Taiwan, there are many people in the mainland entertainment industry who have a lot of fools and money.

For example, there is a famous artist in Hong Kong and Taiwan, but the popularity and popularity in the Mainland is not low. Later, because of negative news, he or she had to temporarily withdraw from the entertainment industry to avoid the limelight.

When the limelight has passed and the artist returns, investors in Hong Kong and Taiwan will often observe the market's acceptance of the artist before deciding whether to invite him to film and the price.

The mainland entertainment industry is different. Some unprofessional investors directly throw in money, and even take the other party's schedule at a high price to invite them to film, regardless of the market's acceptance of this person.

After the filming was over, the artist happily counted the banknotes and left, leaving behind the investors who had lost their investment and cried more stupidly.

The tragedy is that there are many wealthy people in the mainland, and there are many investors who want to come to the entertainment circle to make quick money. Such unprofessional investors...not one family or two.

This has led to chaos and disorder in the mainland entertainment industry, criticized by mainlanders, jokes by Hong Kong, Taiwan and foreign countries as a fat sheep, and become a holy place for gold.

Of course, there are benefits to doing so. Everyone saw the huge amount of gold in the mainland's huge market. After they were able to earn gold, they had to bow their heads in order to be able to earn gold, even on the surface...

It is for this reason that Hong Kong and Taiwan artists want to increase their popularity and visibility in the Mainland. The film and television companies also think that because the artists earn money, they also get a share.

The cute drama "Hit" is seen as an opportunity for Taiwanese artists to explore the mainland market. Director Li Hui, who has connections in the Taiwanese entertainment industry, has naturally become the main public relations object.

Regardless of the fact that the people who eat melon don't pay much attention to the director of idol dramas, there are not many reports about Li Hui in the media, but his Weibo is extremely lively, and it can be described as a crowd.

Congratulations, congratulations, praises, blessings, and flattering voices abound. Most of them are industry insiders in front of and behind the scenes, and the rest are friends, big v, business executives, etc. who have friendship with him.

The purpose is different.

Some are sincere blessings, some are to get acquainted with each other, some are out of courtesy, some are trying to unclog, and some are just for...existence.

All kinds of dinners, cocktail parties, private parties, golf and other invitations from Taiwanese agents and artists, if Li Hui agrees, can they be arranged for the New Year.

Because everyone is optimistic about Mengren’s "Fated to Love You", even if Mengren just released the wind for publicity, there are still many months before the production of the crew.

It's so amazing!

Industry insiders pay more attention to Li Hui, UU reads and most of the people who eat melons are most concerned about Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen, as well as "Fated to Love You" starring the two.

The performance of the two in "Meteor Garden" left a very deep impression on the audience, and many fans are full of expectations for the two to cooperate again.

Fans’ support for idols is the most convenient and direct through the Internet.

Just like under Chen Qiaoen's Weibo, there are densely packed fan comments...Well, there are also sunspots, but the sunspots are quickly suppressed by the fans.

Some people also sent their sincere wishes through Weibo, wishing Chen Qiaoen and Huo Jianhua together.

This blessing caused quite a stir among fans.

Some fans support and think they are a good match; some fans oppose and hope that the goddess will always be single.

For this reason, the two sides also had a small-scale quarrel.

Then, the scandal came out.

The scandal between Chen Qiaoen and Huo Jianhua.

Although there are few media reporting on the two people's affair, it is not unavailable. It has attracted the attention of many people who eat melons, and they have sought confirmation on Weibo.

Chen Qiaoen sneered and refused to express his position.

Huo Jianhua did not open Weibo Ergen Clean.

The Mengren officials were too lazy to deal with it. When interviewed by reporters, there was only one sentence: rumors stop with the wise.

But some people are not happy and can't stand it!

Taiwan Island.

Early in the morning, in the garden of a luxury villa, the old man of the Chen family, who was drinking morning tea after finishing Tai Chi, put down his newspaper and knocked twice on the report about Chen Qiaoen’s scandal.

"Xiangdong, please contact the person in charge of these media as soon as possible. I don't want to see similar reports again..."


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