The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 617: Mengren Film and Television is the fulcrum of the world's film industry

"Dead Bunny, haven't seen you for three years, is this your way of welcoming?"

Mai Xiaoyu walked over with a black face.

It's a dog.

On the phone in the afternoon, he heard a man calling himself an oriental liar, and Christine also excused himself to have dinner with the producer tonight, declined his dinner invitation, and asked him to meet at the apartment at nine o'clock tonight.

The driver drove him and took him to the place according to the address provided by Christine.

As soon as he entered the door, he met two little black mountains "hello" and had to fight.

Yes, he won, but what's the use?

This fight is meaningless and does no good.

You can't force X to die, right?

"You, what do you want?"

Martin stood up shivering.

For many Westerners, the East is full of mystery.

And he just saw with his own eyes that the two strong black friends he had found were overthrown by the "skinny" Orientals. Falling at the opponent’s feet inexplicably, vomiting constantly, not the terrible "Oriental Witchcraft" in the rumor, what else can it be?

Martin was scared, but he stood in front of Christine, and said: "They were found by me and have nothing to do with Christine. I warn you, this is the United States, and it is a society under the rule of law. If you get closer, I will Call the police……"

Mai Xiaoyu slapped him away, grabbed Christine and pulled him into his arms.

"what are you doing?"

In Christine's exclamation, Mai Xiaoyu kissed her cherry lips fiercely.

Kristen struggled hard, Mai Xiaoyu pinched her back neck with her right hand to fix it, and pressed her left hand firmly against her lower body, not allowing her to resist.

When Martin saw this, he wanted to rush to rescue Christine, but Mai Xiaoyu didn't even see a kick hitting the opponent's stomach, kicking him on the sofa, clutching his stomach and groaning.

After a bitter kiss, Mai Xiaoyu pushed Kristen away: "This is the price you paid for finding someone to beat me..."

"I asked someone to teach you, it has nothing to do with Christine."

"It's you?"

Mai Xiaoyu punched Martin in the stomach, and Martin, who had just stood up, fell down again, experiencing the pain of the black brother firsthand, and vomiting together.

"Dead Tutu, since you don't believe me, this is the end between us." Mai Xiaoyu took out ten thousand dollars from his arms and threw them on the coffee table, after thinking about it, he took out his wallet and took out one thousand dollars." Even if you pay for the benefits, if you dare to trouble me, I will force you!"

Throwing a thousand dollars and a cold threat, Mai Xiaoyu turned around and left.

He came to see Christine tonight for "Twilight."

This movie will definitely be adapted into a movie.

When Huo Jianhua was framed, he was able to get help from six capitalists. This was one of the conditions.

Before he decided to shoot "This Man Comes From Earth" last year, the six capitalists strongly recommended him to film "Twilight", but he was not sure whether Kristen Stewart could play "Isabella Swan" well. "A corner.

When I came to the United States to make a movie this time, I happened to meet Christine, who has not seen her in nearly three years, to see how she grows up and whether she is capable of acting as the heroine of "Twilight".

As a result, Kristen actually asked someone to deal with him. How could he not be annoyed?

He is not the kind of person who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman.

At first, I wanted to make Christine star in "Twilight". The main factor was not that Kristin in the strange dream was the star of "Twilight", but because of the overseas release of "Fatal ID" that year, Chris Ting played a big role in it.

He had the heart to pay back this favor, who wants the lamb that was raised in a foreign country to fry the hair... Just fry it, and Mai Xiaoyu doesn't bother to waste energy to appease.

It's not enough to change the heroine, what a big deal!

"You stop!" Christine shouted.

Mai Xiaoyu turned a deaf ear, and continued to move forward without looking back.

"I'll let you stop!" Christine chased up and stopped Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu's expression is cold: "Why, I really thought I didn't dare to push you?"

"I must make it clear that I have always believed in you. Even if there is no news for three years after you have charged me ten thousand dollars, I have never doubted you. And you must also pay attention to the harm you just caused to me. I apologize!"

Mai Xiaoyu pointed to the two black people on the ground who were slowing down: "How do you explain this?"

"I don't need to explain, but if you leave now, you have a guilty conscience!"

"Extreme tactics are useless to me, get out of the way."

"You apologize first!"

Mai Xiaoyu frowned: "Will you let me go?"

Christine returned a stubborn look.

"Don't blame me if you don't let go!"

"Don't hurt Christine..."

Martin worried that Christine would be hurt. He stood up forcibly on the sofa, struggling to walk over, and said with difficulty: "I found them. Christine always thinks you are not a liar, so please don't hurt you... "


Twenty minutes later.

Calm is restored in the apartment.

The two blacks have left, the mess in the living room is still there, and the most disgusting thing is the vomit, which can only be cleaned by someone tomorrow.

Mai Xiaoyu, Christine and Martin sat in the study, the atmosphere eased a lot.

Mai Xiaoyu believed that Christine had nothing to do with the ambush of the two blacks, because the stubborn Christine had red eyes. He can feel that it is not acting, but the true expression of his heart after being wronged.

Christine also understood why Mai Xiaoyu was so annoyed.

Mai Xiaoyu was naked, his trouser legs were rolled to his knees, and he was applying ice with an ice pack.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't know whether the black man had the strongest physical fitness, but he had to beat the black man tonight, and he was not feeling well.

In terms of strength and endurance, he is ashamed.

There were many bruises on his arms, shoulders, and calves, all of which were caused by blocking the black offensive.

The fight was inexplicable, and his whole body aches, can't he be annoyed?

Kristen looked unbearable, and took the initiative to help him with the ice pack.

Noting the sharp six-pack abs in his abdomen, Christine said, "You are very strong."

"That's why I can sit in front of you."

"It's you who hit people first. Originally, Martin just wanted them to control you."

"The majesty of the strong cannot be offended!"

Christine: "..."

Thinking about the size comparison between Mai Xiaoyu and the two blacks, and thinking about the final outcome, Christine also had to admit that Mai Xiaoyu is a strong Asian.

"I think if you can get eight pack abs, you won't suffer so many injuries tonight."

"If you let the media hear this, you will definitely laugh at you for being illiterate. Six-pack abs or eight-pack abs, that is natural, not acquired."

Kristen rolled his eyes and deliberately used force, causing the painful Mai Xiaoyu to hiss.

"Keep it light."

"I did it on purpose."

Christine lit a cigarette, stuffed it into Mai Xiaoyu's mouth, then lit one of his own, and asked: "Just now you defeated them, did you use KONGFU or witchcraft."

"It's wisdom."

Kristen curled his lips: "Teach me, okay? If you agree, I can forgive you for the harassment and harassment of me just now."

"I'm harassing... you?"

"Isn't it? Also, I'm less than eighteen years old, a minor."

Rub, really.

The United States is one of the countries with a high incidence of sexual harassment, and the law has made detailed explanations and regulations on this.

And Christine is only seventeen years old this year. He is a minor. The U.S. law protects minors greatly. Once prosecuted, Mai Xiaoyu will be in serious trouble.

However, liars are not so scary.

"You're a star." Mai Xiaoyu patted Christine on the face, "And you can obviously rely on your face to eat and learn those messy things, why?"

"Are you complimenting me for being beautiful?"

"I am stating a fact."

"Thank you." Kristen smiled happily, but didn't give up. "So, you promised to teach me space walks and KONGFU or witchcraft just now?"

Martin was very upset when he clearly felt the familiarity between Christine and Mai Xiaoyu.

Christine is the artist he brought, and he has devoted a lot of effort to Christine’s career in the past few years; and Mai Xiaoyu is a Chinese from the East, a liar, and the Chinese... once made his heroic grandfather Humiliated.

How can they be so familiar!

"Kristin!" he shouted slightly solemnly.

Mai Xiaoyu took the opportunity to divert the conversation.

The ice pack was transferred to the bruise on the calf, and he asked Christine, "Who is he?"

"My name is Martin Carl Evans and I am Christine's agent."

Christine also said: "Martin is my agent, a good man."

Mai Xiaoyu glared: "A good person will ask someone to beat me? Hey, Martin, right? You owe me an explanation."

Thinking of Mai Xiaoyu's "witchcraft", Martin swallowed: "I didn't let them beat you."

"But they want to twist my arm back."

"Well, I guess they are just out of habit. If you don't resist, you won't be hurt." Martin paused, and added specifically, "The Orientals I have met before are very good at resignation."

"That's Japanese and Korean, not Chinese!"

"No, I have also met Chinese people, and they are more submissive than Japanese and Koreans."

"That's because you have never met a real Huaxia people! Real Huaxia people are like me. Although they like peace, but if you dare to provoke me for no reason, be prepared to be blown up by me... rabbit!"

"Sorry, sorry, I was not careful." Kristen replied solemnly, putting light on the movement of his hands.

"you do this delibrately!"

"You were so excited just now, that scared Martin. Martin, you have seen it too. He didn't hurt me when I treated him like this. Don't worry, he is not a liar."

Martin did not trust Mai Xiaoyu, but was afraid of the latter's "witchcraft".

He was also hit by Mai Xiaoyu's "witchcraft" just now.


Only one punch!

He felt nauseous, vomiting unconsciously; dumbfounded, his brain was confused, and he couldn't control his body.

He couldn't forget the feeling in his life, and he never thought that a punch in the chest and abdomen could be so powerful. Therefore, he summarized it as-witchcraft, the ancient witchcraft from the mysterious East.

He was very worried about Mai Xiaoyu's purpose tonight, so he asked: "You are looking for my artist, what's the matter?"

"Making a movie. I intend to shoot "Twilight" to examine the acting skills of Dead Bunny."

"It's Kristen Jermes Stewart!" Kristen said in one sentence, "How are you going to investigate?"

""Twilight" is a love movie. The first thing to examine is the kiss scene. Just now I took the initiative to kiss you, which is part of the investigation."

Christine: "..."

Martin: "..."

Christine sighed softly: "I believe Martin's words now. You are a shameless Chinese. Since you kiss me actively is part of the investigation, then should I also kiss you actively so that you can examine my acting skills? Woolen cloth?"


Mai Xiaoyu gave a compliment, stood looking at Christine, his mouth was puffed, and he looked like he was waiting for her to kiss.

Christine approached slowly, but picked up the ice pack in his hand, moved it to another bruise on Mai Xiaoyu's back, and was about to press it hard.

Her little movements are so secret that Mai Xiaoyu didn't even notice it, let alone Martin.

Thinking that Christine was fooled, Martin hurriedly stopped her: "Kristin! Mr. Mai, forgive me for offense. Is the "Twilight Saga" in your mouth meant to be filmed in the United States?"

"has a problem?"

"But you are the person in charge of a Huaxia Film Company. Are you planning to invite my artists to shoot Chinese movies in your country?"

Mai Xiaoyu understood the subtext of the other party, and smiled: "Movies know no borders. You don't even know this? I came to the United States this time to make a movie. In your words, this is a Chinese movie, but Except for the director, the other staff and actors are all "..."

Christine: "..."

A Chinese movie, except for the director, the other staff are all Americans, even the actors... can it be called a Chinese movie?

Is there a market for this kind of movie?

Are you going to show it to us Americans, or show it to your Chinese people?

Martin endured the contempt in his heart and asked, "Can I ask how much the investment is?"

Mai Xiaoyu stretched out a slap.

"Five million dollars?"

Mai Xiaoyu shook his head.

"Five, fifty million dollars?"

In the United States, 50 million U.S. dollars to make a movie is not a big investment, at least hundreds of millions of dollars. But in Martin's perception, China Films' investment of 50 million US dollars is already a lot of money.

In the past year or two, many China Film Companies have come to Hollywood to seek cooperation. The two parties have jointly filmed with an investment of about 70 to 80 million U.S. dollars.

I don't know that Mai Xiaoyu still shook his head.

Martin was confused.

Christine was also confused, and asked tentatively: "Five hundred million dollars?"

"fifty thousand."

"How many?"

"Fifty thousand dollars."

If you don't pretend, you will die!

Fifty thousand dollars?

What a joke!

In the United States, the investment scale of a B-level film is generally calculated in millions of dollars.

What can you make for fifty thousand dollars, can you make a small adult movie?

Martin was frantically complaining.

Christine is no exception.

Mai Xiaoyu disagreed, and continued: "Archimedes said that by giving me a fulcrum, I can lift up the entire earth. And this movie is the fulcrum of our adorable film and television world!"


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