The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 620: The girl who was liked by my eldest brother

"...As a compatriot, I did not expect your support, but I also hope that you will not hold us back!"

Li Xue's voice is not loud and her tone is very calm, but his words are sonorous!

Those Chinese filmmakers who came forward and muddy heard were extremely harsh.

"How do you talk?"

"What is holding you back? We are thinking about this movie!"

"Are there any rules? Do you know how to be respectful and inferior!"

"Moe has made a few good TV shows in the past two years, and it has swelled to this point? In terms of movies, cute talents are just entering the industry. If they don't understand modesty, they will suffer sooner or later!"


Don't say that the Huaxia filmmakers who came out and were angry, even the Huaxia filmmakers who didn't speak frowned.

Li Xue's words are too harsh, lacking enough respect for the seniors in the film industry!

Huaxia people don't like this tune, even if you are reasonable.

Li Bingbing's agent sighed in a low voice, "Sister Bingbing, I really didn't see that your sister has such a tough temper."

"She wasn't like this before..."

Without speaking, Li Bingbing understood, and her agent also understood.

"The one near Zhu is red, and the one near Mo is black. It seems that the influence of their boss is too deep."

But isn't it? If you change to Mai Xiaoyu's presence, I'm afraid the attitude shown will be tougher than Li Xue.

It is estimated that those compatriots who are in the mud have been scolded a long time ago, let alone foreigners.

Li Bingbing knows how "Fatal ID" was released overseas. She knew better that when Mai Xiaoyu faced foreigners, he never had the traditional "virtues" of generosity, humility and tolerance of Chinese people.

Alas, Xiaoxue has been "poisoned" too deeply, I just hope she won't say anything radical.

Li Bingbing's wish was destined to fail.

A sheep army led by a lion can defeat a lion army led by a sheep, which shows the importance of leadership.

The personality of the leader determines the style of the company; and the style of the company subtly affects the mentality of every employee.

Li Xue joined Mengren very early, starting from Liu Tao's agent, and following Mai Xiaoyu to create Mengren's sky. Mai Xiaoyu's behavior has been subtly changing her personality.

Not only her, but every adorable employee who has joined the company for a long time will be affected more or less by Mai Xiaoyu, and changes will happen unknowingly.

One of the most basic principles of Mengren: We never cause trouble, but whoever dares to harm our legitimate rights and interests, we will never agree!

No, seeing that Li Xue was reprimanded by many people, Cici's face was even more ugly, and the team she brought, three men and two women sitting in the corner stood up almost at the same time, intending to help Li Xue in the past.

Li Xue waved her hand: "Sit down, don't let foreigners watch jokes!"

In a word, the five adorable people sat down again, and the others stopped talking.

China International Action Superstar Cheng Long has closed her eyes and rested since Li Xue quarreled with other China filmmakers. He didn't want to participate in it, or even watch it, because-too shameful!

However, when he heard Li Xue's words, he suddenly opened his eyes, with a little interest in surprise, looking at this adorable young female agent.

Li Bingbing looked at his sister in surprise, as if he had met Li Xue for the first time.

After letting her sit down, Li Xue confronted the Chinese filmmakers who were in harmony with the mud, and continued to calmly say in Chinese: "If I offend every teacher, I can apologize on behalf of myself, but not the cute person, because this is us. Cute arrogance."

After that, she turned to the US producer and said in English: "I still said that, subject to the contract. If you want to terminate the contract, you can compensate us for the loss, otherwise I will see you in court. I also remind you. In a word, we cute people are never afraid of litigation. You can go to China to inquire about it. Let's go!"

Just leave.

Li Xue, Cici, and five other cute employees, in the strange eyes of everyone, walked away with their heads high, leaving behind the Chinese and American filmmakers looking at each other.

The American actor scratched his head: "I just ask them to give me the respect that I deserve, how did I get to this point..."

Let's talk about Li Xue and Qian Qian's group.

After leaving, Cici took Li Xue's arm: "Sister Xue is great, I support you, don't be afraid of them. If they force me to do a kiss scene, I will not do it."

The other five people also spoke up.

"Sister Xue is so handsome!"

"You are simply my idol."

"I feel like you are possessed by Mr. Mai."


"If Mr. Mai is present, he will be tougher." Li Xue said with a smile, and patted the back of Cici's hand, "I have nothing to be afraid of. It is they who breach the contract and they will bear the responsibility for breach of contract. Instead, it is you, sit down. Are you frightened by not saying a word there?"

"No, I'm thinking about whether to find my brother."

"Of course I'm going. If I didn't know that Mr. Mai was in Los Angeles, I wouldn't be so confident."

Cici dialed Mai Xiaoyu's cell phone, and Li Xue's cell phone rang.

Li Xue walked to the side to answer the phone, and came back a few minutes later. Cici had already contacted Mai Xiaoyu and knew where he was filming.

"Sister Xue, my brother is filming, let's go over now."

"Let's go later. Just now it was the phone number of Cheng Long's assistant, saying that Cheng Long would like to meet and chat with you. Let's go to Mr. Mai later."

Cheng Long's face has to be given.

He is the most influential big-brother-level figure in the Chinese entertainment industry, and he is also well-known in the international film scene.

No matter at home or abroad, he has a high status, a wide network, and is respected by his peers. He is called the eldest brother.

After a while, Cheng Long showed up with his Cheng family.

After seeing Cici, he and enthusiastically gave a hug...

First embrace Cici, praise her for her innocence, beauty and unique temperament; then embrace Li Xue, saying that she is beautiful and courageous, which impresses herself.

Well, Cheng Long is such a passionate superstar.

Two groups of people found a café nearby. The entourage sat down and Cici, Li Xue, Cheng Long and his agent Chen Zhiqiang sat chatting together.

After a simple polite singing, Cheng Long was full of praise for Li Xue's performance today, saying, "It opened my eyes."

Then he mentioned Cici's "kissing scene". After confirming Cici's attitude and Li Xue's insistence on the contract, he said that he could help mediate.

He has a lot of face, he has something to do in the United States, and the Yankees also buy it.

And the American producer of "The King of Kung Fu"... hehe.

It couldn't be better to have his help.

Li Xuegang wanted to agree, and Cici said first: "Thank Brother Cheng Long for taking care of it, but I won't trouble you with this little matter. I'll go to my brother and he will help me solve it."

"Your brother?"

Li Xue explained: "Cici's brother is the boss of our company and is currently filming in the United States."

Are you the sister of the boss of Mengren Film and Television?

In the past few years, Cheng Long's career has been in full swing, focusing on the international film industry, and has been following the international route. Around him are either big bosses or big bosses, as well as beauties and are very busy.

However, because Mengren has been extremely active inside and outside the silver screen in the past two years, he has taken a few photos with Liu Xiaoli at some domestic awards and artist ceremonies.

"Isn't Mengren's boss Mr. Liu?"

"Liu is always the CEO of our company and Cici's mother. The boss of our company is Cici's elder brother Mai, Mr. Mai Xiaoyu. He is very low-key and few people know."

"That's it." Cheng Long nodded, but he didn't think Mai Xiaoyu was capable of solving the dilemma that Cici faced. "You just said that he was filming in the United States, and your company is also cooperating with Hollywood?"

"No, it's our company's own work."

"Oh, come to the United States for shooting. Why didn't you find Cici to shoot?"

"Because the actors are all American."

Cheng Long: "..."

Chen Zhiqiang: "..."

What kind of routine is this?

The two looked at each other, and both saw the confusion and perplexity in each other's eyes.

Cici smiled and said: "We are going to visit the class, Brother Cheng Long, Teacher Chen Zhiqiang, are you interested in going together? My brother is very good."

Cheng Long looked embarrassed.

Li Xue added: "Mr. Mai is very low-key. The media doesn't know that the crew is on, so there will be no reporters..."


Forty minutes later, two groups of people drove to a col in the western mountains of Los Angeles, where the crew of "This Man Comes From Earth" was located.

Before I got closer, I saw the two groups confronting each other in the open space in front of the cabin, and one of them was still holding a pistol...


Puqun: 557559073.

Group V: 607682821.

Two groups of book friends are welcome to join, and the Buddha is waiting for you. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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