The life and death of the King of Kung Fu crew can not be cared about by Malcolm, but Cheng Long, the highest paid actor, can't help but care. net

It's not just a question of pay, he spent a lot of time preparing for this drama. If the filming was delayed because the director and screenwriter were beaten and the crew was involved in a racial discrimination scandal, it would cause him considerable losses.

And the cause of the matter, in his eyes, is really a big ass, he can settle it easily, and he can't make trouble to such a degree.

In the final analysis, it's that Mai Ying is too crazy to do things, he doesn't play cards according to the routine, doesn't abide by the rules of the game, and does things regardless of the consequences.

With such a brother, it is no wonder that Cici vowed that he could solve it.

Cheng Long sighed lightly and said: "Maizi, I will solve this matter, you don't have to worry about it."

"How can this work, how can I bother eldest brother because of this newer?"

You are a newbie if you don't interfere, and you can't be a small matter if you interfere!

Cheng Long glanced at him irritably: "Give me a face, you can tell me whether to give it or not."

"Yes, big brother's face must be given. But I can't be mad, those Yankees deceive people too much!"

"Since you give me face, just listen to me." Cheng Long patted Mai Ying on the shoulder, showing the style of a big brother, "Leave this to me. When I turn back to filming, I will take care of her and prevent her from suffering. Wrong, how?"

"That's it," Mai Xu murmured, with an expression of "too cheap for them" on his face.

Cheng Long was a little annoyed: "Do you believe me?"

"No, no, I have to believe what the big brother said." Mai Ying gritted his teeth, as if making a very difficult decision, "Then please ask big brother to take care of Cici. If someone wants to bully Cici, you can Tell him, even if you bully Cici, I will fight you hard, not to mention their stinky fish and prawns, I will make them regret giving birth!"

Cheng Long and Chen Zhiqiang twitched in their hearts at the same time, and muttered to themselves: Did this guy just say it casually, or did he mean something else?

Thinking of the performance of Malcolm in the afternoon: the impulse to fight with Samuel and his gang, solemnly recommending the man who came from the earth, and instigating the insidiousness of Samuel and his group. Cheng Long thinks this is the excitement of Malcolm. It won't mean otherwise.

He doesn't have that city mansion.

Chen Zhiqiang thought a little bit more, and interrupted and asked: "Mr. Mai, you want Mai, Xi Qian's surname is Liu, why are you brothers and sisters?"

"We are reorganizing the family, and our relationship has always been very good. A few years ago, Ning Shibin's grandson wanted to bully Cici, and I punched him to collapse the bridge of his nose."

"Ning Shibin? Qingtianning family?"

"Yes, it's the family that specializes in scumbags."

"So, the grudge between you and Qingtian is also because of that incident?"

"Teacher Chen, you know a lot."

"Haha, the grievances between Qingtian and your cute people, many people in the circle know."

"Know it, don't talk about Qingtianning's family, the emperor dare to touch my sister, I will not let him go!"

Speaking of this, Cici's affairs are settled.

Mai Cheng doesn’t think the king of kung fu has helped Cici’s career much, but Cici has prepared for this movie for so long and devoted so much. The contract will be terminated when the film is launched soon. Even if she receives liquidated damages, it will cause certain damage to her career. Impact.

If negative news such as "Cici is playing a big name" comes out because of this, the impact will be even worse.

It's just that this is the United States. He personally came forward to clean up the American producers. That was the next policy; using Samuel and his gang to control the barbarian was only a middle policy; borrowing Cheng Long's influence to settle the matter without bloodshed was the best policy.

While Cheng Long agreed to take care of Cici in the crew, Mai Ying took the opportunity to dig a hole and set one of Cheng Long's feet, by the way, pretending to be stupid and threatening. This is the best policy.

Another important point is that Cheng Long's favor can be accepted but not accepted; and if his face is thick enough, it can even be said that Cheng Long owes him the favor.

Originally, I was ready to clean up the American producers, and I bypassed them for the sake of your face.

Cheng Long accepted this grudge, and was not in the mood to stay any longer.

Chen Zhiqiang said, "Leave beforehand," and they drove away.

On the way back, Chen Zhiqiang sighed: "It seems that their relationship with unrelated siblings is unusual."

Cheng Long knew what he was implying: "That's a lunatic, and he will do everything if he is new. He has never considered their cooperation and friendship with Yihua. Like him, he was in Xiangjiang in the 1990s and said Don’t have to be shot to death early."

"It's also possible to become a hero." Chen Zhiqiang added, "No wonder the person I entrusted to tell me, don't mess with cute people if you don't have to."

Seeing that Cheng Long's interest is not high, Chen Zhiqiang changed his words and said: "Don't talk about him. Jackie, you promised to solve this matter. Let's sum it up. What benefits can we get in this matter?"

Cheng Long was unhappy, and Samuel was unhappy.

He sat there, cursing Cheng Long for being nosy while drinking, and ruining his five thousand dollar business.

What movie fans, not movie fans, make way in the face of That's five thousand dollars!

Fortunately, Mai Ying said graciously that he didn't need to return the deposit, which made him feel much better.

"God bless you, Mai, you are a generous friend."

"You don't need to be upset." Mai Cheng patted him on the shoulder and sat down beside him, "I will tell you about our country. In our country, there is an industry called Pengci, and people in this industry specialize in Make money from poor acting skills"

This industry is called Porcelain, and it also exists in the United States.

Before Malcolm finished speaking, Samuel interrupted his words: "This kind of person is also available in the United States. I only taught a guy who doesn't have long eyes last month."

"But such people are in our country, and the law cannot sanction them."

"Oh, the laws in your country are too backward."

"The law is determined by people. As long as it is determined by people, there must be loopholes. It has nothing to do with advanced or backward. For example, the way I just told you, as long as you are not greedy and blackmail the other party again and again, you think you Will the laws of the country sanction you?"

"Of course not, I understand. Mai, you are smarter than God, I toast you a cup."

"What do you understand? I still don't understand anything."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. In short, you are my most honored friend. I want to toast you. For our friendship, cheers!"


Not far away, Christo was holding his chin, looking at McDonald, who was talking happily with Samuel, sipped his juice and said, "Martin, I believe you a little bit now."

"What are you talking about?"

"Maihui Witchcraft, Eastern Witchcraft"


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