The twenty-seventh of the twelfth lunar month.

It's eleven o'clock in the evening.

Room 1803, Sunshine Star City.

In the living room, Mai Ying leaned back on the sofa, and Zhao Liying, who was still wet from tears, knelt down beside him, rubbing his chest.

The picture is harmonious.

Mai Xuan sighed: "If this is seen by Xuanli and the others, they will surely realize the identity of your beloved concubine."

"Don't go too far, let your heart let you see and see the power of my small boxing, cluck."

Zhao Liying was amused by her own words.

Mai Ying did not smile, tilted his head and looked at Zhao Liying: "Ai Concubine, are you seducing me?"


"you sure?"

"I'm sure!"

"Then why did you reach into my pajamas?"


Zhao Liying was shocked to realize that her brother actually reached into Mai Yu's neckline and rubbed his chest with Mai Yu's scissors.

Mai Xu didn't say that she didn't care yet.

As soon as Mai Ying said, she felt as if she was being scalded, and she withdrew her hand, her face was red and hot.

"If you get it cheap, you can still be good." Zhao Liying lowered her head, not daring to look at Mai Ying, and mumbled softly.

"Hey, hey, who has the advantage? You beat this side, but you rubbed the other side!"

"Then you don't say it earlier!"

"Which way you beat yourself, do you still use me?"

Zhao Liying stuck out her tongue and made excuses for herself: "I was so sad just now, and my head was a little dizzy."

"Tsk tsk, is your IQ always thinking about filming? When I come back next year, I will ask the company to arrange another course for you to train IQ. IQ is not enough, so I won't let you take the scene."

"I pass the IQ, I'm very smart!"

"Smart? Then complain that I won't let you take the show?"

Zhao Liying's eyes widened: "Does it matter?"

"Think stupid. If you don't have the accumulation of previous years, do you think he can easily become popular with soldiers assault?"

Zhao Lifu stayed.

She can't speak her brain sometimes, but that's straightforward, not stupid.

She understood why Mai Ying would use Wang Baoqiang as an example.

Same from the countryside, the same non-major background, the same small size, and the same cute person

"But Sister Tao, Brother Bo, and Brother Chao are not from a professional class either."

"Can it be the same? Liu Tao has the foundation of a literary and artistic soldier. Huang Bo has been a resident singer for many years. Deng Chao often sang and danced in the ballroom when he was young. .

Now it's different. The company has the conditions to provide systematic and professional training, so you have to lay a solid foundation. Three years without celebrity, a blockbuster. Also, do you know where is the gap between you and Shishi? "

"The way to get to know you is different. You and Sister Shishi are heroes who save beauty, and I"

I got to know you only when I was to seduce you.

Zhao Liying didn't say this sentence.

The process of getting acquainted with Mai Ying is her biggest secret, which is buried in the bottom of her heart and will not tell anyone.

"Stupid, is it so important how you and I met? You remember, she learned dance, has experience in stage performance, and has cultivated her temperament. So you have to"

Mai Ying's "Five Finger Mountain" stood in front of Zhao Liying's face again.

Zhao Liying hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, and opened her mouth to bite.

"You dare to bite me, you are fattened by the courage!" Mai Ying retracted his palm in time, patted her forehead again, stood up and prepared to go.

Before leaving, he tried to kill Zhao Liying; “You are still young, don’t worry, and lay a solid foundation. In the next year, I will let the company arrange for you to participate in dramas to improve acting skills and accumulate experience. However, if you want to be a leading role, the conditions are not sufficient. Change."

Zhao Liying squinted her eyes and nodded: "It's no wonder that Sister Shishi likes to let you touch her head. It's very comfortable."

Mai Xu almost fell down and patted Zhao Liying's head: "I'm talking to you, what are you thinking about there? Okay, don't think so much, go home for a good year, I'll go back."

"Mr. Mai!"

When Mai Gong came to the door, Zhao Liying suddenly called .

"Anything else?"

"Wait a minute, I also have a gift for you."

"Gift? Give it to me?"

"Well, it's a New Year's gift."

Zhao Liying got up from the sofa and walked to the front of Mai Yin with an empty step.

Mai Ying spread his hand: "Bring it."

"You close your eyes."


"You close your eyes first."

"What kind of gift, it's so mysterious, why don't you want to give yourself to me, will you take it off when I open my eyes?"

"Want to teach me the power of Xiaoquanquan again?"

Zhao Liying threatened to raise her small fist, Mai Gu smiled and closed her eyes.

Seeing Mai Cheng standing in front of him with his eyes closed, Zhao Liying first stretched out his hand and shook his face a few times to make sure he didn't open his eyes secretly.

Then she hesitated for a moment, put her hands on Mai Ying's shoulders, and put her tiptoes on Mai Ying's lips and kissed gently.

It was really just a light kiss, at least Zhao Liying thought so, just like she kissed Mai Yin's cheek on Christmas Eve.

But what kind of person is McGun, the old driver among the gangsters, and the fighter among the scumbags.

When Zhao Liying put his hands on his shoulders, he had already guessed Zhao Liying's next move.

Therefore, when Zhao Liying gently kissed his and was about to separate quickly, he suddenly opened his eyes, his hands were numb with Liying, and kissed.


Zhao Liying was caught off guard by being kissed and stunned.

It happened so quickly and suddenly that Zhao Liying couldn't react.

The style of painting changed too abruptly, completely different from what she had expected. Her brain couldn't keep up with the rhythm changes, and her brain went down on the spot.

After she woke up, Mai Ying's tongue had easily opened her cherry lips, opened her teeth, invaded her cherry Xu, and captured her beautiful tongue.

The brain instinctively told her to push away Mai Yu to break free; but the body is honest, has fallen into Mai Yu's kiss, the whole body is soft and there is no strength, unable to carry out the order issued by the brain.

If it hadn't been for Mai Ying to hold her hip with one hand, and stroke her back with the other, and let her lean on her own body, her feet would look like she was stepping on cotton, I am afraid she would have been limp on the ground long ago.

It was not until Mai Ying let go of her sandalwood mouth and fragrant tongue, she took a few deep breaths, and gradually recovered her strength.

Mai Ying patted Zhao Liying’s wedge: "I like the gift tonight, but don’t engage in this aspect in the future. You know I’m a scumbag. If I do something in this aspect, you will be hurt. Also, I It’s not a good person, and it’s purposeful to treat you well ⊥Like this one hundred thousand yuan, in the future you will earn it back hundreds of thousands of times."

Seeing that she was silent, Mai Ying kissed her Xu again: "It's a dream tonight, take a good night's sleep, and wake up tomorrow morning is another brand new day."

Mai Xuan is gone.

Zhao Liying looked at his back, with an ignorant emotion brewing in her eyes


The Chinese entertainment master who recommended a friend, the author is a funny bi, loves the Mala Tang for six yuan.

[Remember the URL Sanwu Chinese Website]

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