The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 638: It's really out of the ordinary... Add seven/nine more for the lord of the sky

"Why did you abandon me before"

"Okay, I'm home, is the key in the bag?"

"Why, why abandon me"

"Hold on a little longer, I found the key. Net"

"The three of us, why did you only abandon me and why"

"I'm going, don't move around"

The door opened, Mai Ying directly picked up the drunk Wang Chuhan and walked in.

Touch the switch on the wall to turn on the light, and close the door with your heel by the way.

In the afternoon, Mai Xing met with Wang Chuhan and Wang Luodan in the coffee shop of Mengren Commercial Plaza.

He and Wang Chuhan haven't seen each other for a long time, and they agreed to eat together tonight.

As a result, when it was almost six o'clock, Wang Luodan received a call, and friends in the circle gathered for a temporary gathering and called her to go and left first.

Both Mai Xing and Wang Chuhan knew that she wanted to take the opportunity to create a chance for the two to come into contact alone, but time passed and many things changed. Wang Chuhan is no longer just after graduation, because the hero of Mai Ying saved the United States and has a crush on him.

The two had dinner together, and then went to the bar to drink and chat.

Talk about the plans of the fitness club, the exhibitions of Mengren in the past few years, the experience of Wang Chuhan after entering the industry, and the youthfulness of Mengren when he was first founded.

It's really young.

If it hadn’t been for the advertising business to be completely banned by DynaSky at that time, McDonald, who refused to admit defeat, used the movie in the strange dream to assault the big screen. .

Sentimental memories are always beautiful.

Although the size of the adorable people was still very small at that time, the strength of Mai Ying was not enough, and Wang Chuhan was also very immature, but the happiness at that time was no longer felt.

Even though Mengren is now a big one, Mai Yu is considered to be successful, becoming more profitable film and television series one after another, but you can't find the feeling at that time.

The two were drinking and chatting. They were happy, disappointed, and regretful. Later, Wang Chuhan became drunk.

The drunk Wang Chuhan fell into Mai Chen's arms, pulling him to keep asking him why he abandoned himself back then.

Five years ago, a movie that was changed based on the dream of the bad guys, I believe, helped Mengren get out of trouble, created tens of millions of profits and sufficient start-up capital for Mengren, and at the same time stepped out of Huang Bo, Deng Chao and Wang Chuhan. Starring.

However, in the past five years, the fate of the three of them is totally different.

Huang Bo got the Golden Horse movie emperor and set up a personal studio; Deng Chao also started to make an impact on the big screen with the starring new film Love Call Transfer; only Wang Chuhan’s career did not improve, and after five years, he was discouraged and prepared to quit entertainment. lock up.

If Mai Ying signed her at that time instead of signing Tiandi, what would be the outcome?

Will it be the same as now?

There is no solution to this problem, and fate has never existed if one said.

Even if Mai Xu had a strange dream to help, he didn't know the answer.

Wang Chuhan also knew that this was an unanswered question, meaningless, but she had thought about it before.

When she is awake, she can control her emotions and not think about this boring problem that has long been left behind. But after being drunk, under the stimulation of alcohol, this problem regained his mind.

Mai Ying did think about signing her at that time, but at that time Mengren was just starting out, and he could not fully determine the value of Weird Dream. Liu Xiaoli, Huang Lei and others also reminded him that the company’s resources are limited and it is not appropriate to sign more newcomers. Liu Tao, Huang Bo, and Deng Chao concentrated their resources.

Most importantly, Wang Chuhan did not appear in his strange dream.

If he dreamed of Wang Chuhan, he would insist on signing even if Liu Xiaoli and Huang Lei did not suggest it.

From this perspective, it is not unreasonable to say "abandon".

But the people next to you don't know!

The drunk Wang Chuhan fell into his arms, crying and asked why he abandoned himself. The sound was quite loud, causing others to cast their strange glances, making Mai Rong not embarrassed, so he had to leave in a hurry and send Wang Chuhan home.

Before Shi Hao left Tiandi Film and Television, Wang Chuhan's show was pretty good. At least the salary earned was enough to support her buying a large house with three bedrooms and two halls in the prosperous area of ​​Yanjing.

"Are you vomiting?" Mai Xuyu asked Wang Chuhan.

"Why did you abandon me"

"wait a minute."

Mai Yu put Wang Chuhan on the sand and got up to pour water.

"Don't abandon me"

Wang Chuhan grumbled and fell on the sand.

Mai Ying came back to support her, let her lean in his arms, and feed her water: "Come on, drink some water."

In Mai Ying's heart, I apologized somewhat to Wang Chuhan.

I won’t talk about things five years ago, except that he poached Shi Hao from Tiandi Film and Television the year before last, and the impact on Wang Chuhan was not small.

This time, he established a fitness club in partnership with Wang Chuhan on favorable terms, not only for his own needs, but also to make up for Wang Chuhan.

"Where is your bedroom?"

"Do not leave me"

This is almost vented, and the only words in his mouth are "Why abandon me" and "Don't abandon me". I can't ask anything else.

Mai Wangyu picked up Wang Chuhan, looked around by himself, and quickly found Wang Chuhan's bedroom.

"Get a good night's sleep and drink less alcohol in the future."

He had just put Wang Chuhan on the bed and was about to get up, Wang Chuhan's neck suddenly vines.

Wang Chuhan used a little bit of energy, but Mai Ying was unprepared, and she was so hugged, the two fell on the bed at the same time, and he was still pressed against Wang Chuhan, almost face to face.

If it weren't for Mai Ying to hold his body in time, I'm afraid the two people's lips have been pressed together.

"Do not leave me"

Wang Chuhan was talking drunk, his mouth and nose exhaled on Mai Yin's face.

The faint smell of wine is mixed with a hint of perfume, a very strange feeling.

Perhaps because of his dry lips, Wang Chuhan stretched out his tongue to lick his lips, and accidentally licked Mai Yu's lips.

Mai Yu stared at Wang Chuhan for five seconds, kissed her head down on her cherry lips, and no longer supported the body with his hands, turned to Bin Chuhan's delicate body, and put one hand into Wang Chuhan's tight thin sweater

Its daybreak.

In the boudoir full of daughter's family atmosphere, men and women's clothes are scattered on the floor.

On the bed, under the blanket, Zhengxiang, a man and a woman cuddled and sleeping together.

I don't know how long it took, Mai Ying opened his eyes and met Wang Chuhan's eyes.

Wang Chuhan was lying in his arms, with one hand around his waist, looking at him quietly. And he also repeated Wang Chuhan, with one leg still resting on Wang Chuhan's leg.

"Your acting skills are good, you almost lied to me last night." Mai Ying said with a smile.

"No, I was drunk last" Mai Gong moved down and squeezed Wang Chuhan's buttocks.

Wang Chuhan told the truth: "Half drunk and conscious. Since you saw that I was not completely drunk last night, why did you refuse me before?"

"Because I don't want to hurt you. I've never been a good person, and I have nasty thoughts when I see beautiful women. But you used to have feelings for me, and now, we are just friends, very good friends."

Wang Chuhan was silent for a moment, and sighed lightly: "You are really a weird person."

"To be precise, he is a principled bad guy."

Mai Yu's hands wandered around Wang Chuhan, cutting smoothly and delicately.

To be honest, women who have been practicing yoga for a long time are really in good shape and cut. The taste of Yumen Pass in the spring breeze three times last night is very memorable.

Wang Chuhan did not struggle or resist, snuggled in his arms and sighed again: "This cooperation, you really paid for the money, I'm out of it."

"I think, you don't pay enough."

"What do you want?"

"Aren't you drunk last night, do you want to feel it again in a awake state?"

Wang Chuhan glanced at Mai Ying.

Mai Ying smiled and kissed her cherry lips, and the hand that kept walking was changed to a frontal "offensive", sounding the horn of morning exercises.

After more than twenty minutes of foreplay, the two gasping and gasping both entered the state, automatically adjusted their posture and stepped into the subject.

Just as Mai Yu just tapped the switch to hit Huanglong, there was a noise outside the door, and someone opened the door and came in.

Then Wang Luodan's voice spread into the bedroom.

"Sister, I'm here ◎What about you and Mr. Mai that night, are there any exhibitions?"


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