"Yu'er, have you watched today's news?"

On the phone, Zhang Xiaoquan's tone was slightly solemn. Liewen

"What about the people in Chaoyang?"

Just a few days ago, the Yanjing police arrested two entertainers who were taking drugs with their friends at home based on reports from the masses.

After the matter was reported by the media, it once again attracted public opinion.

In addition to the popularity of the two artists themselves, but also because in the public announcement of the Yanjing police, the reporters were Chaoyang people.

Chaoyang masses, also see Chaoyang masses.

At that time, some media reported that "the boss of Mengren film and television was incarnation of the Chaoyang masses and reported that Xie Weixin and others gathered to take drugs", jokingly whether this time the boss of Mengren would report it again.

After seeing the news in the East China Sea, Mai Chen specially updated the Mengren's official Weibo, and put on a high-profile posture: If it helps to purify the entertainment industry, this pot will be my back.

Actually, there are not many fools in the entertainment industry.

Star artists take drugs at home and are reported by the masses. Is this "mass" really ordinary people who eat melons?

Ordinary people who eat melon can easily grasp such private information?

Artists are not one or two arrested for illegal and criminal acts such as drug abuse and pornography. They actively report to the police and report their enthusiastic "people". In fact, more than half of them are their friends or colleagues.

The vanity fair in the entertainment industry has too many temptations.


For fame and fortune or other things, even the best friends may turn their faces, and those who stabbed a knife in the back can stand behind you, most of them are friends.

Just like Zhou Ping was bought to harm Tang Yan, the two of them were also good friends before.

People in the circle basically know this, so a few days ago, the Chaoyang masses made new contributions, but Mai Chen didn't take it seriously.

"Not that thing"

After listening to Zhang Xiaoquan's narration, Mai Ying frowned slightly.

Hanging up the phone, using his mobile phone to search the Internet, he dialed Yu Ping's number again: "Book three tickets to Yanjing, the sooner the better."

Zhao Liying next to him asked; "What happened?"

"Aren't you ignoring me, I won't tell you."

Zhao Liying became angry: "I'm such an adult, but I'm the boss of the company, how can I be like a dutiful son"

"Sit down and remember what I told you."

Mai Ying stretched out his hand and gestured in front of her, then moved the car to get back to the crew as quickly as possible.

Zhao Liying glanced at him violently, took out her mobile phone and searched the Internet on her own, but found no serious news.

The report about Feng Shaofeng's car accident has basically subsided, and the second-generation identity of his rich is only at the stage of rumors. Netizens' gossip is too early, and there is no discussion now.

But thinking back to the situation when Mai Ying hung up, obviously something was going on.

"Did something happen to the company?" Zhao Liying asked again.

Mai Hou concentrated on driving and didn't answer.

"Don't answer me again, I will punch you in the chest with a small fist."

Zhao Liying threatened to show her small fist.

Mai Xing glanced at her from the corner of the light, smiled in his heart, but had a serious expression on his face: "Aren't you ignoring me?"

"Hmph, forget it, as if my daughter-in-law knows it!"

Zhao Liyan looked out the window, and Mai Ying focused on driving, speechless all the way.

Something really happened, and the troubles that had been conceived before broke out.

Mai Xing must rush back to Yanjing to prepare for the forthcoming "battle"-there is a rush to force the battle!

After the Spring Festival this year, the topic "Moeren Film and Television criticizes p2p as a lie" has been circulating on the Internet for a few days. Due to the lack of valid proofs and no behind-the-scenes promoters, this topic did not become popular, and it quickly subsided.

But today, a lesser-known local media in China reported a news article titled Hu Xu's rejection of the endorsement fee for e-loan.

This is also the main purpose of Zhang Xiaoquan's call.

Liu Xiaoli is now in a field, and she is invited to participate in an awards ceremony on behalf of Moeren. Zhang Xiaoquan is now in charge of Moeren, and she always pays attention to the content on the media and the Internet that may affect Moeren.

This article was reported to Zhang Xiaoquan by the staff of Moeren’s Propaganda Department in time.

After reading the report, Zhang Xiaoquan felt that something was wrong inside, and immediately contacted Mai Ying.

There is indeed a problem with that report.

First, the source of the news.

Moe Ren twice refused to invite Hu Xu to endorsement by e-Loan Insurance. Both sides did more to avoid leaks. Therefore, the media has not reported the matter for so long, but now it has been exposed by a local media.

It is true that there is no impermeable wall in the world, but it has to be strong winds, violent winds, and provocative winds want to pass through. How can it be so easy?

Even if an insider breaks the news, large-scale media will be irritated, and at least the large-scale media will charge a lot more for breaking the news.

The second is the content of the report.

Stars' salary, appearances, endorsement fees, etc., are all sensitive content, and few outsiders know about it. Even media reports are at best a vague concept. However, the price at which e-Loan Insurance twice invited Hu Xu to endorse was reported in the media's report and was accurate.

This is not normal.

The other is the tone of the report.

On the surface, it looks like an ordinary report, but the tone between the words is full of inducing tones.

After a careful taste, it is not difficult to feel the meaning of "Moeren refuses to invite Hu Xu to endorsement by e-loan insurance because he does not trust the other party and suspects that the other party is a liar".

There are definitely people who want to do things!

Moeren has been established for five or six years, and the propaganda department has been established for more than four years. The propaganda staff has become an old driver. It is easy to tell the hidden conspiracy from this seemingly ordinary report, so it will be reported to Zhang Xiaoquan immediately.

After reading the report, Mai Ying also reacted immediately. Therefore, Yu Ping was asked to book a ticket and immediately flew back to Yanjing, ready to start a new round of drooling.

It's not that he likes to tear, but he has to fight.

It is very likely that someone is behind the scenes. If the cute person does not respond, wait to be beaten and beaten!

Did Ning Shirong do it?

Before boarding the plane, Mai Hou contacted Ning Shibin with a special number: "Is your cousin **** up again?"

"My cousin, you said he, I don't know. What's the matter, he is yin you again?"

"Xx reported on our company late in the evening, before the Spring Festival, refused to endorse Hu Hu to endorse the e-loan guarantee, don't you know?"

"I do not know."

"Are you not standing beside Ning Shirong?"

"Uh, it was inserted, but during the Chinese New Year, I was drunk and had a fight with someone, and I was interrupted by someone. I have been training at home for these two months."

"Alternatively, he has been spotted."

"Not as evil as you said."

"Evil? Ning Shirong is very smart. Otherwise, how could the person you intervened be interrupted by someone so accidentally, or during the Chinese New Year?"

"He is smart? Hehe, you overestimate him. I tell you that last time he wanted to fiddle with Tang Yan from your company, but he didn't do it and caused trouble for the company. If it weren't for his father forcibly suppressing him, my dad would Ready to speak on the board of directors."

"Believe it or not, but I suggest that eggs should not be placed in a basket, just like this time, you did not receive any news, which made me very passive."

"I understand. Looking back, I will find a way to buy a few more people. As for this time, I still need to receive news? No one else except him, he must have done it. Let me tell you, Pei Pengbing is the former boss who loves man culture, Xingzi You got it in. I was fired because of Maizi, and now I am following Ning Shirong, hating you deeply."

"It seems that it is mostly him."

"I said Mr. Mai, where did your previous enthusiasm go? Although he is my cousin, but he killed your brother before. Now there is a one and three yin you and I’m not picking things up. I replace it with I must be endless with him."

"I know in my heart that sooner or later I will kill him."

Hanging up the phone, both sides are satisfied.

Ning Shibin looked forward to that day very much; Mai Ying sneered at the fierce struggle within the Ning family.

The fortress is the easiest to break from the inside, and the phrase "brothers fight against their insults outside the wall" is not so easy to do.

Ning Shibin didn't receive the news, and Mai Ying didn't care. Anyway, this Che is unavoidable, so tear it up, he is not afraid.

As expected, things started to make a lot of trouble as Moeren had judged.

First, it was the Haijiao Forum, a popular portal site in China, and in the gossip section of the entertainment star section, someone reposted the **** Evening News report; then this post attracted a lot of clicks, comments, and reprints.

A well-known person from Cape Cape opened a new post specifically for a detailed analysis of this report. After that, he pointed out in the post that the endorsement fee paid by e-Loan Insurance for Hu Hui is a sky-high price, but Mengren refused twice, which can only explain one problem— Mengren is not optimistic about e-loan insurance, and suspects that this company is a liar. In the future, the Dong Chuang incident will affect Hu Hui's image.

The content of this analysis post is not biased or subjective. It is based entirely on the analysis of the **** Evening News.

It may be that the repost is extremely popular, and the post is a celebrity in Cape. The analysis post was quickly placed on the top and lighted by the moderator, and then it was also posted on the forum page of Cape, a very eye-catching position.

Therefore, analysis posts are more popular than reposts, and they are still concerned. And as the reposts are being reposted continuously, the analysis posts are also being reposted frequently, and they are quickly spreading on the Internet.

"Yu'er, do you want to contact the Haijiao forum to let them delete the post?"

"There are so many reposts on the Internet, what movie star does Cape delete if it is not deleted?"

"Haijiao is the source. First contact them to delete the original post, and then find a special deletion company to delete the posts reprinted on the Internet as much as possible."

"What about after the deletion? This time it is obvious that someone deliberately engaged in something, and it is still the first stage. We are looking for someone to delete the post, but we have been eloquent."

"Then what do you say? You can't do nothing, just sit and wait?"

"You are right. The only thing that can't be suppressed is to wait."

"How capable is this Mai Chen, but didn't find someone to delete the post?"

"Young Master Rong, you praised him too much. To tell me, he didn't realize the seriousness of this matter. He is a mobster. He didn't understand your methods at all, and he didn't understand the importance of public opinion."

"That's what you think? It doesn't matter, you can move on to the next step."

"Look at Shao Rong, I don't believe that the grandson whose surname is Mai can be so lucky. See if he can carry it this time."

At this time, the matter was not serious at all.

It is nothing more than the news of "Moe Ren refuses to endorse Hu Xu's endorsement of e-loan guarantee". In addition to self-reprinting by netizens, some media have also carried out reprinting reports, attracting the attention of the people who eat melons.

In the analysis post, it was said that Mengren suspected that e-loan insurance was a liar, and it did not cause any waves, and even the navy did not hype.

The people who eat melons also took a look at it. After reading it, they were most concerned about the sky-high endorsement fee offered by e-Loan Insurance for Hu Xu.

The endorsement fee is so high?


Hu Hu is so worthy?

It must be true!

With my Hu's popularity, this price is not high at all!

E-loan has a vision, like it!

Why did Moeren refuse?

A company such as eLoan Insurance sponsors the Spring Festival Gala, and there are several celebrities and financial experts endorsing the platform. How could it be a liar?

Cutting off a person's wealth is like killing a parent. If a cute person doesn't let Hu Xu accept the astronomical endorsement, will Hu Xu be unhappy?

Neither Mengren Films nor E-Loan came forward to respond to these questions; when Hu Xu was asked about this in an interview with reporters, he was also very cleverly resolved.

The first few days passed without surprise; however, in the following days, some mainstream media suddenly increased their reporting on the incident, which caused the situation to escalate abruptly.

These mainstream media are not simply reprinting reports, but sending reporters to contact the parties involved in the rumors that "Moeren Film and Television criticized p2p as a liar" after the Spring Festival!

Interviews, reports, UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM recordings, videos

"I heard from my neighbor that there is a problem with p2p, so I don't dare to participate. My neighbor's apricot works at Moe Ren Film and Television."

"I only invested a few thousand dollars, so I am afraid of being cheated. My classmates work in Mengren Film and Television, and their boss said that the p2p rate of return is too high and there must be a problem."

This is not bad, it hasn't been processed much.

"I have a friend who is Moe Ren. Their boss said that eDaibao is a liar, so he didn't let Hu Xu take the endorsement."

"Moeren’s boss says p2p is a liar"

"When I went to Mengren for an interview, I heard their boss tell their employees that p2p was similar to the previous illegal fundraising, and my heart was cheated."

These are the processed content, and some are just fabricated.

But no one cares whether these statements are made up or not, because through the power of this part of the mainstream media, coupled with the turmoil of the navy, the Mengren film and television successfully erected the opposite of the emerging industry of p2p!

The large-scale spread in the early stage and the joint efforts of the media and the navy have made more and more people who eat melon believe that the cute people do not let Hu Hui take the e-loan endorsement because they think the company has problems.

What's more, Mengren's film and television question is not the e-loan insurance family, but the entire p2p industry.

Refusal of the sky-high endorsement fee paid by e-loan guarantee for Hu Xu is the best evidence!

After the Spring Festival, signs of trouble finally burst out under Ning Shirong's secret impetus.

Mengren Film and Television has become the enemy of the entire p2p industry.

Public enemy!


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