The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 647: The loopholes of the liar are not easy to drill, and the rudder master will reward you

"Let me tell you a joke. There is a well-known film and television company that doesn't make film and television dramas well, but makes a lot of talk about financial investment. The net knows nothing about it, but instead of being ashamed, it is proud to throw out those who are slanderous in the world. Remarks. Do you now understand what a mobster is? This is the typical face of a mobster"

Malcolm is also watching the famous economist Professor Lang's speech on a financial frontier lecture program.

Different from Ning Shirong, he watched the video replay. After Liu Xiaoli heard about it, she deliberately found him today and let him watch it.

Also coming with Zhang Xiaoquan.

Both of them are very worried about the recent public opinion orientation.

Mai Ying was very calm, sitting in front of the computer, smoking a cigarette, smiling.

I have to admit that those bricks in the financial circle are very good at eloquence.

Just like Professor Lang in the video, he was a bit unambiguous when he satirized the cute person. It can be described as a sharp tooth, which ridiculed the cute person's film and television, and at the same time caused the audience to laugh.

When the video was over, Mai Ying turned off the webpage and took out his mobile phone.

Liu Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaoquan, who are next to each other, looked at themselves with concern, and he turned on the hands-free function after dialing the phone.

"Cao Ji, are you free lately?"

"You speak, you must be free."

"Professor Lang, do you know?"

"That **** financial scholar in Taiwan Island?"

"Hehe, you don't have a low opinion of him."

"Fuck me, listening to the stock commentary in the past two years has cost me miserable."

"Hahaha, the stock market listens to experts, don't you know that the experts and the dealer are in the same group?"

"Now I know. Let's talk, is he always taunting you on the show recently, are you planning to use him?"

"I do need a chicken. You first check his private life and economic accounts. Isn't he endorsing e-loan insurance, and then check the connection between him and the p2p company. If the **** is too dirty, it's him."

"His **** is definitely not clean, but I suggest you better not invite him. He has capital support behind him, and there are more than one or two."

"That's more suitable for being a chicken."

"Don't be impulsive."

"I'm very calm. It's just a chess piece, what's the big deal. You arrange for someone you can trust, check it slowly, I'm not in a hurry, just give me the information before the end of August, you can make a budget for the cost first, and I will do it in two days. Hit your account."

It seems that I said the time, this year is particularly lively!

Mai Ying sighed and hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiaoquan said: "Yu'er, are you going to deal with a forklift surnamed Lang?"

"has a problem?"

"I feel that if you do this, you will treat the symptoms rather than the root cause."

"The roots must be treated, and the symptoms must be treated."

"Mai, I can't get used to his approach, but the problem is not with him. If you have a way to shut him up, it won't help." Liu Xiaoli also persuaded him, "Or the company made a statement and explained clearly. , Our company does not think that all p2p companies are scammers as reported in the media."

"I think Mr. Liu makes sense. We can also sue several leading media outlets to show our position to the outside world and calm down this matter."

Mai Xingyan: "Isn't the position already stated, the current p2p industry has problems."

Liu Xiaoli: ""

Zhang Xiaoquan: "If there is a problem, there will be a problem. It's fine if we don't participate in it. Do you care about other people?"

"I didn't want to take care of other people. You guys don't understand, this matter is clearly caused by Qingtian. If I shrink, Qingtian will get worse, and the situation we face will be more serious next time."

Moeren and Qingtian had a knot.

Liu Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaoquan have always believed that the feud between the two parties began with Mai Ying's beating Ning Shibin in order to protect Liu Xiaoli and Qianqian's mother and daughter.

At that time, Ning Shibin's face was full of peach blossoms, and the bridge of his nose was broken.

The feud is very deep, unless Liu Xiaoli\qian mother and daughter, or Mai Ying apologize in person, accept Ning Shibin's unreasonable request, it is possible to resolve the contradiction between Moe Ren and Qing Tian.

This is obviously impossible, so the two sides are deadly enemies.

Well, this is the thought of insiders such as Liu Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaoquan. They didn’t know that their opponents had been replaced by Ning Shirong, and Ning Shibin had become the inside line of the McKen. It used to be more sinister and despicable.

In recent years, Qingtian has been suppressing cute people, and they have been eliminated by the cute people. Therefore, they give people a kind of illusion that Qingtian can't deal with cute people.

But as long as Moe Ren retreats once to allow Qing Tian to find a breakthrough, Qing Tian will definitely concentrate on expanding the results of the battle, tearing Moe Ren all over his body.

Therefore, Mai Xuan can neither lose nor can't afford to lose, and can't make a move once.

His words woke up Liu Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaoquan. It's not that they didn't understand this truth, but they were so overwhelmed by public opinion during this time that they didn't expect it for a while.

Liu Xiaoli said with a bit of shame and emotion: "Mai, I blame me and Cici. You have worked so hard over the years."

"Aunt Liu, we are a family, you are too far-sighted."

"Yeah, Sister Liu, Yu'er didn't say that he was righteous, and he wouldn't let me be caught by him and Lao Xi. Yu'er must have a way, right?"

There must be a way.

Being cautious is one of the basic qualities of professional liars, and will not easily leave loopholes for others to exploit.

If someone feels the loophole left by the liar and wants to take advantage of the opportunity, he must be prepared to pay the price.

Mai Cheng didn't intend to do anything about this Just like Zhang Xiaoquan said, what is the life and death of other people to him? He is not the Virgin.

But since Qingtian took the initiative to get in, he must have the consciousness of being shut down and hitting a dog.

"Aunt Liu, you have been bothering about the company's daily business and the mentality of the employees recently; Brother Fork, the post-production of this man from the earth is almost complete. Take a moment to stare; I will solve that."

Zhang Xiaoquan asked: "Don't need our help?"

"As I said, you will concentrate on the company and the various intrigues, I will take care of it. When I need support from the company, I will speak up."

Liu Xiaoli sighed: "You always carry it alone, so the pressure is too much."

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

When lambs circulated all over the country, the pressure on Mai Ying was no less than now, but at that time he went to the bar to relieve pressure at will.

Jingle Bell--

The landline on the table rang.

Yu Ping called inside and said that Wang Chuhan was here. There were some questions about the Mengren Fitness Club project and I wanted to discuss with Mai Ying.

Liu Xiaoli and Zhang Xiaoquan left.

The company jumped into a special period, and got caught up with Qingtian again.

They need to do the work at hand to ensure the normal operation of the company and the smooth operation of the project, without distracting McKen.

When going out, Zhang Xiaoquan deliberately fell behind a few steps.

When Liu Xiaoli went out, he turned his head and winked at Mai Yu: "It's better to decompress as before when laps lambs, Chu Han is pretty good."

"Get out!" Mai Yu took up the notepad on the table and threw it over, "Liu Tao is back tonight!"


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