Jinling. Liewen

Located in the northwest of Xinjiekou, Gulou District, Jinling City, Jinling Hotel is one of the landmark buildings of Jinling and the first luxury five-star hotel in Sujiang Province. Its main building was once the tallest building in China.

Located on the top of the 36th floor of the Jinling Hotel, Xuangong Restaurant, known as the "Crown of Jinling, the Palace of Heaven", is one of the supreme social feasts for banquets, meals and displays of the noble life of Jinling.

Mai Xuan brought his bodyguard Ke Haoyi to Jinling this time, and he entered the Zunling Hotel and had a treat at the Xuangong Restaurant of the Jinling Hotel to entertain Miao Hongxia and Maixiu.

Miao Hongxia came to Jinling to participate in the recording of If You Are the One.

After the Spring Festival, If You Are the One, she became one of 24 female guests on the recommendation of Mengren Film and Television and stood on stage for many periods.

Maixiu has just been released from Yangcheng Prison.

After stepping out of the prison gate, he contacted Mai Ying as soon as possible, ready to fly straight to Yanjing to seek refuge.

He was able to get out of jail so early, in addition to commutation factors such as self and active compensation of the victims' losses, but also because Mai Xun asked Liu Junhao to greet him.

Mai Cheng has something to confess to this co-child, so it is enough to let him squat in jail for half a year. If he really has to go to jail for two or three years, it will delay a lot of things!

However, Xiezi couldn't see it. Instead of letting Xiezi come to Yanjing, he chose the middle point of Jinling City, and contacted Miao Hongxia to prepare to "recruit an" Hangzhou lamb.

The Xuangong restaurant on the 36th floor of the Jinling Hotel is very impressive.

Just like the private room where the four of Mai Yu are in, the flowing water and the golden color complement each other, and they are ingeniously separated by the golden silk hunting as a soft partition. The artist's calligraphy and painting treasures embellish it, the horse is noble and magnificent.

The entire Xuangong restaurant, accompanied by elegant piano music, slowly turns, 36o has no dead ends, and the surrounding Jinling beautiful scenery can be seen under the eyes, which makes people feel like they are in the heavenly palace.

Forcing the grid to be high, the price will naturally not be low.

Not to mention the package price with a minimum consumption of more than 1,000 yuan per person, but also only accept reservations, and the minimum order is 6 people.

And there are only four people on Mai Yu's side!

But it doesn't matter, as long as the final price meets the minimum consumption of six people, you will not refuse to come to a restaurant alone.

"Come on, first celebrate Xiu's regaining freedom and embark on a new life path from now on."

Mai Yu raised his red wine glass, Ke Haoyi and Miao Hongxia raised their glasses one after another to agree.

Mai Xiu was holding the wine glass and excitedly said: "Boss, I know that I can come out early this time thanks to your care. Don't worry, starting today, my life will be sold to you!"

"Be quiet."

Mai Ying winked, the four of them touched a glass, tasted the red wine, and drank the show.

Next, everyone deliberately controlled the voice when chatting.

The boxes of Xuan Gong restaurant are separated by golden silk hunting as soft partitions. If the sound is too loud, it may be heard by the guests in the next box.

The four put down their glasses and talked while eating.

Mai Xu said again: "Sister Hongxia"

"Mr. Mai, my name is Miao Ruoyi, and I have told you several times."

"Miao Ruoyi tusk, the previous Miao Hongxia was so nice and modern. Changing the name properly made me uncomfortable."

"You also said that the breath of the times is too strong, and you will suffer too much if you don't change it. You didn't see other female guests, do you have nice names?"

Mai Xing helplessly shuffled: "Okay, Sister Ruoyi"

"You can call someone Ruoyi or Yiyi, don't call your sister, you will call them the old man."

Mai Xuan: ""

Ke Haoyi: ""

Selling show: ""

In just a few months, Miao Hongxia has changed too much. Not only was it changed to a name like Miao Ruoyi, but the spirit of the whole person was showing in the delicate direction.

Even the show sellers who just came out of prison can't bear to say; "Sister, we are all in my 30s, so don't you pretend to be tender?"

"Eat your food, no one will treat you as a dumb" good son, and work hard with Mr. Mai in the future, don't be scornful, or you will have to be caught again sooner or later!"

Meixiu was choked.

Mai Xuren couldn't help but laugh: "Ruoyi, you really are getting younger and younger."

I have to admit that changing from Miao Hongxia to Miao Ruoyi, the name feels different.

"Listen, it's still Mr. Mai who speaks well." Miao Ruoyi smiled, and there was a lot of beauty. "Do you know Mr. Mai? My fans don't believe me in my thirties. Many people say that I am only twenty-five years old. Woolen cloth."

If you are the one, it is really a weird stage.

Although after rectification, the style tends to be mild and no longer as sharp as before, and the topic is no longer as sensitive as before, the ratings have not been affected, and the audience has a larger age span.

Female guests on stage, as long as they show their unique style in the program, it is easy to attract the attention of the audience.

This program is jointly created by Mengren and Litchi TV. Mai Hou is also the general counsel. The men and women they recommend often get more opportunities to appear on the scene.

Although Miao Hongxia is a single mother, she has a successful career. She runs a large beauty salon in Hangzhou and she knows how to dress herself up.

In the program, she often popularizes some common sense of beauty, how to design according to the face shape and the temperament of different types, etc., which attracts a lot of attention.

In just a few months, her Weibo fans exceeded 20,000, and her large-scale beauty salon was also quite famous in Hangzhou, with a steady stream of customers and a good business.

She is so grateful to nature that she is dying. Has she been deceived and deceived before?

She is now a serious Meng Ren Film and Television Hangzhou City member, and the membership fee of 10,000 yuan is worth it!

Talking about the changes in the past few months, she was very excited, but she only faced Mai Ying, Ke Haoyi was ignored by her, and Mai Xiu, the Xiezi who had also deceived her, was completely forgotten by her.

As long as Meixiu dares to interrupt, she will be ridiculed by her ridicule, causing Meixiu to lament: Regardless of the industry, whether it is black or white, it can only be respected if it is bigger and stronger.

Miao Ruoyi was still talking excitedly, talking about the excitement, and still holding Mai Xing's hand: "Do you know Mr. Mai, someone actually sent me a private message on Weibo asking me how much money I would spend a night, and some people said they wanted Take care of me"

"Because you are beautiful." Mai Cheng complimented and withdrew his hand, "Ruoyi, you have also stood for a long time. I heard that there are many male guests here specifically for you, none of them is suitable?"

"Oh, I'm picky." Miao Ruoyi sighed, "I used to think about finding a similar one, which looks decent, has economic foundation, and is good for me and my daughter. Now"

"Right now, those who are not Gao Fushuai or Diamond Kings don't think about it? For example, Mr. Mai is like this?" Mai Xiu interrupted again.

"You finally said something human. How many women can refuse a man like Mr. Mai?" Miao Ruoyi said Xiezi again, and turned to Mai Ying, "Mai, I just know now, Tai Yan Many are also painful. Among our group of female guests, there is Tang Xia, who is a young and beautiful family and has the most male guests. She has not chosen a suitable one until now."

At this time, there was a loud noise outside the door.

Because Mai Yu has few people, the private rooms reserved are a bit like a deck. There is no door in the private room, only a curtain woven of gold silk beads.

Immediately afterwards, the golden silk bead curtain was lifted, and a bald head came in holding a wine glass.

If you are the one, host Meng Fei.

"Ms. Mai? Is it really you?"

Meng Fei also had dinner with his friends at the Xuan Palace restaurant today. Coincidentally, their private room was next to Mai Yin's private room.

The excitement that Miao Ruoyi said just now raised her voice unconsciously and was heard by Meng Fei.

If it was just Miao Ruoyi, Meng Fei would definitely not come over, but he heard Miao Ruoyi shouting a few words "Mr. Mai".

He knew very well that Miao Ruoyi was specially recommended by Moeren and a member of Moeren, so he came here to take a look.

Mai Ying got up, smiled and shook hands with Meng Fei to say hello.

Meng Fei said: "Mr. Mai, why don't you tell us when you come to Jinling, so that we can do our best as a landlord."

The relationship between the If You Are the One and McKenzie is quite good.

This program has created too many records and brought unimaginable benefits to many people.

Needless to say, big figures like the chief planner and chief director, the income of the grassroots staff is much higher than that of their counterparts in other program groups. Now the staff want to come to the If You Are the One, and some TV stations also want to come to Litchi TV Boxing.

The popularity of If You Are the One drove the second spring of marriage and dating programs. There were a lot of follow-up programs, but compared with If You Are the One, the difference was more than two streets.

With the popularity of the show, the female guests are getting more and more attention, and the personality comment guest is also famous. Even the psychological comment guest You Jingxiao who appeared for the second time after the revision has greatly increased his reputation, and he has not attracted much attention on the Internet. Not a small disturbance.

After the revision, You Jingxiao participated in the recording of If You Are the One. At that time, in order to reflect her status as an expert in her heart, she deliberately wore a white coat that was not the standard white coat of the hospital, but a white coat that had been modified to perfectly fit and reflect the graceful figure of a woman.

As a result, after those episodes were broadcast, she became the most talked-about woman.

On the one hand, she is beautiful and temperamental. On the other hand, she wears a specially modified white coat, which gives people a sense of uniform temptation and makes a mouthful of saliva on the Internet.

Although she changed it in time and is no longer in uniform to record the show, the taro she gave was too amazing.

Moreover, her intelligence, wisdom and unique gentle humor in the show left a very deep impression on people. As a result, a male guest came specially for her.

When the male guest stood on the stage and confessed to her, the 24 female guests present had the illusion of collectively saying a dog; after the broadcast, the audience in front of the TV was also dumbfounded.

The incident was taken as a topic by the program team and was speculated on the Internet for a while. Needless to say, You Jingxiao's popularity has skyrocketed. Even if the price of her private psychology studio rises by 3o%, the number of guests who make appointments every day is full.

Everyone is good. As the host of If You Are the One, Meng Fei is of course indispensable.

He used to be a well-known host, but his fame is mainly limited to Su Jiang; since hosting If You Are the One, he has shown his excellent hosting style in front of a national audience, becoming one of the famous host in the country, and his worth has doubled!

A program, the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

This is inseparable from their own efforts, but it is also inseparable from the incubation of Mengren Film and Television.

Meng Fei offered a glass of wine to Mai Ying, and the two chatted briefly. It is decided to have a meal together in two days, and then call the leader of the If You Are the One, the leader of the If You Are the One, and everyone sits together.

After Meng Fei left, Mai Cheng was planning to discuss with Miao Ruoyi and Mai Xiu about "recruiting an Hangzhou lamb". Meng Fei came back again, with a young man in his early twenties who was a little cute and sunny and handsome.

"Mr. Mai, this is my distant cousin Meng Yuxing, a newcomer who debuted for two years and said that you are here and want to come over to toast you with a glass of wine."

The words were short, with a bit of embarrassment in his tone, and Mai Ying understood what was going on when he heard it.

Meng Fei’s distant cousin, a newcomer who debuted for two years, come over to toast

Still have to think about it?

I definitely want to use Meng Fei's relationship with myself to get acquainted with each other.

This is human nature, and it is also the super of the entertainment industry. Mai Xing is not disgusted, but still smiles and greets, to give Meng Fei face.

However, as soon as Meng Yuxing spoke, Mai Xing appeared. This product just looked dull and cute, and the routine seemed like a wave of Honghu Lake. The waves came almost together, it was called sparing no effort.

Don't talk about Mai Xing, even Meng Fei couldn't stand it, so he said sorry and took Meng Yuxing away.

As soon as the two got out of the box, Mai Xing heard Meng Yuxing's complaints from outside the door.

"Brother, why are you pulling me out in a hurry? That's the biggest boss of cute people~www.wuxiaspot.com~The hidden ultimate boss, how many people can't find the door if they want to know one, I can hold his thigh"

The voice gradually became smaller and could not be heard. It was Meng Fei who pulled Meng Yuxing away.

Mai Xiu pouted and sighed: "There are so many people who want to hold the boss's thigh."

"Aren't you the same?" Miao Ruoyi glanced at him contemptuously, still remembering the fact that the people who participated in the Dream of Red Mansions last year were deceived.

Selling shows is a rare opportunity to counterattack: "Big brother doesn't talk about second brother, if you don't hold the boss's thigh, can you go to If You Are the One?"

"What are you talking about, my old lady is a member of the company!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing between you two, I have something to ask you, and I still need your two to cooperate."

"Don't say please, my boss is yours for this life, you can give orders."

"Smuggler!" Miao Ruoyi gave a white look. "Mr. Mai, why are you polite with me? Who are we with whom? You are the godfather of Nun Nun. Nun Nun has never seen you. Or else, Tomorrow you will go back to Hangzhou with me and sit at home. You will be very happy to see you."

During the speech, she also held Mai Yin's hand.

A woman really is thirty like a wolf and forty like a tiger!

Mai Gong sighed inwardly, lowered his voice and said, "In this case, I'll be straight to the point."

He wants to "recruit an" Hangzhou lamb, Miao Hongxia is now Miao Ruoyi, his head sheep. But he is very busy, and it is impossible for him to visit from door to door like the "Zhaoan" Donghai lamb a few years ago, so he needs to sell his Xiezi and continue to impersonate himself.

The task of the two is very simple, take back the old membership contract of Hangzhou Lamb, sign it into a cute member contract, and form a Hangzhou member group.

If there is something more difficult to solve among the Hangzhou Lambs, he can personally "recruit security", which can greatly save his time.

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