late at night. net

Jinling Hotel.

Luxury business suites.

The bedroom is brightly lit.

Dressed in our white Tang Xia, she lay on the bed, her feet tied up, her hands tied behind her back, her eyes were covered with a black cloth, not black cloth, but black stockings, the black stockings she wore.

Fear stems from the unknown, and Tang Xia is currently in an unknown state.

She could feel Mai Yu and his bodyguard Ke Haoyi standing behind her, saying nothing. But she was lying on the bed with her hands and feet tied up, her eyes covered with black silk stockings, she couldn't see the movements of the two of them, and didn't know what they were doing now.

Therefore, she was very scared.

She didn’t understand why Mai Cheng called her bodyguard; she didn’t understand why Mai Cheng asked her bodyguard to tie herself up; she didn’t understand how Mai Cheng planned to deal with herself.



Either way, she is unacceptable and dare not imagine!

"Mr. Mai"

She tried to control the fear in her heart, but when she opened her mouth, the shivering voice betrayed her.

"Why, I'm scared?" Mai Ying walked over, sat on the head of the bed, sitting beside her, gently stroking her show.

"No, no, people are nervous, it's the first time, can you be gentler"


Mai Xia slapped Tang Xia's wedge: "It's not honest yet. You have to take a **** photo if I strip you naked. Will you tell the truth?"

Tang Xia's body trembled lightly, and she forced a smile: "I hate Mr. Mai, what you said is not understood."


Before he finished his words, he slapped his **** again.

"It hurts, Mr. Mai, please be gentle"

Mai Gong leaned down, touched Tang Xia's head, and asked jokingly in her ear; "Let's go, who ordered you to come?"

"Mr. Mai, what are you talking about, people really don't understand, you let them go, okay, they are so scared"

"Don't understand, then let me talk about it first. Your bra is a genuine British my1a, which is expensive; your earrings are also genuine dior pearl earrings. Am I right?"

"Girls are better dressed, aren't they? I used to study in the UK, and the luxury goods abroad are cheaper than those in China, so I bought a lot."

"Really? Then why did you change the Van Cleef & Arpels four-leaf clover pure gold pendant tonight? Where did the Tiffany diamond ring in your hand go? And the night I saw you for the first time, you were deflated Where's Li Baobao?

Don't tell me that those are all rented by you, and don't tell me that you used to slept with someone and earned it. You can rent luxury brand jewelry, but you can't rent the inner temperament; sleeping with the local tyrants can let you enjoy a good life, but you can't cultivate an elegant lifestyle in a short time.

You know, this is the first taro you left me when I saw you for the first time. You used to be born in a rich and noble family, you lived well since you were young, and you receive high-quality educational resources that ordinary people can't match.

Because you are rich, because of the high level of contact, your vision, fashion sunshine, and aesthetic appeal are much higher than ordinary people. You can pretend to be an internet celebrity who is willing to be scammed in order to be famous, but you can't pretend inside, and you will always reveal it intentionally or unintentionally.

Your family is rich. If you really want to be a celebrity, just let your family spend money directly. Some marketing companies are willing to help you hype, and some are the crew willing to let you bring money into the group to play the female one. You can even let your family smash a TV series, find a popular star to play with you, and make you a female one. Why do you wrong yourself and commit yourself to me?

In addition, tonight, you are taking the initiative to come to your home for subsistence, but when I took you in my arms, your body betrayed your heart, and there was a moment of instinctive resistance.

So I decided that you came to me tonight for another purpose.

I know you are not convinced to say so, then I will tell you one more thing. The bra you wear, I asked a friend to buy a set for me from abroad not long ago. I know that it is the new version of my1a this spring, not available in China, and it is an international limited edition.

I bet you, we are still wearing underwear, because tonight you never thought about going to bed with me. If you still deny, then I have to reach into yours and check it myself? "

"you dare!"

Tang Xia scolded angrily, lay on the bed and tried to get close to the surface of the bed.

"Haha, can't pretend? I can't pretend to be? I dare to hack the door in front of me, and don't know what I can do!" Mai Ying sneered and sat up, "Haozi, take her bag and clothes. If I guess correctly, you I must bring the secret recording equipment, so I tried my best to let me take a bath first, so you have time to install it, right, baby?"


Tang Xia snorted coldly.

Ke Haoyi carried Tang Xia's clothes and a few hundred yuan cheap bag, and Mai Ying checked it, but found nothing.

Am I wrong?

Or did she install the secret recording equipment in the smashing room, planning to secretly fear that I would take a bath?

Mai Ying got up and went to the room to check carefully, but nothing appeared.

Hiss, it's weird.

Mai Ying returned to the bedroom; "You will never be a hIV infected person. Someone deliberately infected me with this, right?"

"A clever fool!" Tang Xia sneered coldly.

"Hehe, just kidding. You are definitely not an hIV carrier. Otherwise, you will not emphasize taking a bath, or let me kiss you, let alone wearing underwear after the shower. It seems that I overestimate you, you What a idiot who plays fairy dancing."

While speaking, McGill picked up Tang Xia’s mobile phone: "In your mobile phone, use the call records of you and your accomplices, and also use text messages to communicate. Just now you went to the bath first, which must have disrupted your deployment. It’s not convenient for you to call, so you will notify them by text message, right?"

"I don't know what you said! I warn you that you'd better let me go, otherwise I will call the police and arrest you after I go out, telling you that you are not banned and attempted rape!"

"Sue me what?"

"Isn't it? What about the attempted rape? Be afraid, you are the boss of Mengren Film and Television. Once the scandal is exposed, you should consider the consequences for yourself!"

"Is that the purpose of your fairy jump? You don't believe you when you say you are naive. Do you think that if you delete the call records and text messages on your phone, the police will believe you?"

"How did you know? Did you unlock my phone?"

"Cut, does this Xuanke still need to be unlocked? Not to mention that the existing technology can restore call records, and the operator can also display the record details. You think I have already found that you have a problem, so there will be no precautions. ?"

Tang Xia still wanted to die, but the black silk stockings covered her eyes were taken off by Mai Ying, and she took out her mobile phone and held it in front of her eyes. The video played inside completely defeated her inner line of defense.

After she came out of the shower, everything in the bedroom was filmed, including her threatening words.

"Go ahead, who sent you here?"

"Don't think about it, you have the ability to kill me, otherwise I will never die with you!"

Such a hatred.

Mai Xia smacked his lips, feeling Tang Xia's strong resentment towards him, a little helpless.

It's not because of the beauty's resentment and helplessness, but the confusion of the enemy.

In the past few years when the Mengren rises, many people who provoke him have been beaten severely by him, and many people hate him.

"Since you don't want to say it, let your accomplices do it."

"Don't be foolish, they won't come without my signal."

"Not necessarily, it depends on the importance of you in the hearts of your comrades. You are young and beautiful, and they have invested so much in you. I don't think they will give you up easily."

"Be smart!"

"Then let us wait and see."

It didn't disappoint Mai Ying, less than half an angle, Tang Xia's cell phone rang, it was a landline number.

Mai Xia first took out his mobile phone, turned on the recording function, and then switched on Tang Xia's mobile phone without speaking.

After five seconds, the other party spoke first and said in Cantonese: "Hei, what are you doing? Don't come here quickly, everyone is waiting for you."

Mai Xuan asked, "Which one are you looking for?"

"You are not a black boy, I'm sorry I made the wrong call."

"That's right, the black boy you mentioned, is it the one with a big chest and a lot of white water?"

"Funnyma, Mai, dare you move my sister's head, I will kill you!" The other party stopped pretending, switched Mandarin, and yelled.

"Are you her brother? That's right, she's still safe now, but if I can't see you in ten minutes, it's hard to say."

Mai Ying hung up the phone and looked at Tang Xia jokingly: "It seems that your brother cares about you very much. It's interesting to beat the tiger brothers, and the immortals jump the brothers and sisters. Haozi, go and open the door. I'd like to see. What kind of ghost ghost is it."

Obviously, Tang Xia's accomplices were lying in ambush very close, and her brother was also very concerned about her safety. Only five minutes later, five men in police uniforms rushed in.

Seeing Tang Xia lying on the bed with her hands and feet trapped on the bed, Mai Yu was sitting on the head of the bed, one leg was placed on her body to press her, and the other hand was playing with her head, cracking at that person, and rushing towards Mai Yu. Past: "What did you do to my sister!"

This is a strong man in his twenties, with a big waist and a round waist.

However, he only rushed forward two steps before being stopped by Ke Haoyi and met the latter's cold gaze.

Mai Cheng pulled off Tang Xia's head a little harder: "You see, I pulled one of her head. On the contrary, it was you who played the fairy jump first with others and pretended to be a policeman behind. This is not a small crime."

Tang Xia also turned her head strenuously: "He dare not do anything to me."

Only then did the brawny man feel a little relieved, and glared at Mai Ying: "You are suspected of **** and unfettered, come with us!"

"Oh, you're still an appraiser, you know I want to **** your sister at a glance? Can't we play 3p, can't we play sm?"

"Your mouth!"

"You just mouth!" Mai Xia lit a cigarette and took a sip. The cigarette **** with the curling smoke was close to Tang Xia's cheek, scared Tang Xia kept dodge, "Do you still need me to help you figure out the status quo?"

The status quo is cruel, the fairy failed to jump, and the one who is in control of the situation is Mai Chen!


The brawny man clenched his fists, clenched white; his eyes were wide open, and he wanted to stare out.


"What do you want?"

"What do you say?"

"Release my sister, I will do whatever you want."

"Tsk, good brother and sister. But you still haven’t figured out the status quo. Your destiny is now in my hands. I have the final say. I can raise my hand and let you go; I can also burn her face. , And then call the police. Guess the police are so ugly, do you want to catch me or catch you guys who pretend to be the police and play fairy jumping?"

"Boss, can't let him call the police!"

"Boss, we are crowded, fight with him!"

"Boss, that **** has never looked at you directly, so you use her as your sister."

"To Ba Da, I saw that **** was not pleasing to my eyes a long time ago, let her live and die!"

The brawny's men were anxious, you said and I said, urging the brawny to work hard with Mai Xia, not caring about Tang Xia's current situation.

Tang Xia didn't say a word, even stopped moving, lying on the bed like an appointment.

Mai Ying frowned slightly, unable to figure out the relationship between the siblings. If it weren't for his eyesight and quick hands, the cigarette **** would really burn on Tang Xialai's cheek.

"Shut up!" The burly man roared, and glared at Mai Yin, "Go ahead, how can you let my sister go?"


"Boss Don!"

"I'll tell you to shut up!" The strong man yelled again, his eyes never leaving Mai Xu, "open the conditions!"

The attitude of the brawny man seemed to be beyond Tang Xia's Her breath changed significantly, she turned her neck vigorously, as if she wanted to face the brawny man, but the mortal legs pressed against her slender body. She can't do it.

"Brother, you go, leave me alone, he dare not do anything to me."

"He doesn't dare? He can't do anything, our house was destroyed by him!"

I wiped it, how come I feel like I’m going to destroy my house and ransack my house?

When did I do such a thing!

Mai Gong took a cigarette, and pointed his finger at the brawny man: "Don't play siblings with me, I don't eat this set. Say, whoever instigates you, I have to listen to the truth."

"If I say no one is instructing, do you believe it?"

"What do you say?"

Mai Ying grabbed Tang Xia's wisp of show and burned it off with a cigarette butt.

A burnt smell filled the air.

"Don't challenge my patience, I have no interest in your kind of garbage cannon fodder. Even if your family is rich and background, I will still let your family be ruined if you are anxious!"

Mai Ying had already determined that this was Ning Shirong's arrangement, otherwise he couldn't think of anyone else who could find a rich girl as cannon fodder and calculate himself.

However, the strong man's answer surprised him.

The brawny man hesitated for a moment, and said, "Let them go, I'll tell you."

Mai Ying looked at each other for a while and nodded.

The strong man sent out his four men, locked the door, and then returned to the bedroom.

"I can tell you the truth, or I can commit suicide to make amends for you, but you must let my sister go."

"You are not qualified to make terms with me."

"Brother, go quickly and leave me alone. If you can't see me before 12 noon tomorrow, you will call the police."

"So much nonsense!"

Mai Yu raised his hand to fight, and the brawny man was anxious: "Don't touch my sister, I tell you, my name is Tang, I am called Tang Shi, and Tang Xiliang is my dad!"

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