The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 698: A sudden emergence as the head of aassddffxx add more...

A foreign animated film, pulling the coat of Chinese cultural elements, wrapping the core of Western culture, regards the promotion of Chinese culture as his own business. (Yes) ☆ (意) ☆ (thought) ☆ (book)? (College) Through the screenings in many countries, colorful and clever expressions of various aspects of Chinese ancient culture, scenery and architecture, let more foreign countries The audience knows China, understands China...

What kind of spirit is this?

The producer of "Kung Fu Panda" stated that the film is a tribute to Chinese culture and Hong Kong Kung Fu film.

But Huaxia viewers, no, buy it!

A small number of people called for a boycott of "Kung Fu Panda", because this movie uses Chinese elements to get a double harvest of word-of-mouth in the global film market, and it makes a lot of money.

More people expressed disappointment to the Chinese filmmakers, so that the voice of "domestic film is dead" appeared in public opinion.

The words may be a bit extreme, but look at "Kung Fu Panda" and then look at the domestic films that have been slow to open overseas markets. This sentence has resonated with countless Chinese people.

Some film critics analyzed "Kung Fu Panda" in detail, and clearly pointed out in the film review that this film uses a lot of Chinese elements, which shows that Chinese culture has conquered the arrogant Americans.

As soon as this film review was released, it was cast aside by many netizens.

"It's okay to point your face!"

"Dare to point more yy?"

"The culture of your country, the national treasure of your country, was taken by foreigners to make movies and sold at the box office. Are all China's filmmakers dead?"

"All day long, what do you say that American movies started first, and the film industry matured, but the result? People use our things, make our money, slap you in the face, and conquer the Yankees?"


The anger of netizens is justified.

"Kung Fu Panda" uses a lot of Chinese elements.

The story is based on Huaxia. All landscapes, scenery, costumes and even props are full of Chinese elements. All architectural styles, interior decorations, character costumes, and even living habits are in line with the characteristics of ancient China.

The architectural style is fully retro, with overhanging arches, red walls and green tiles, the overlapping peaks in the Heping Valley, the winding clouds and the pine and bamboo in the mountains, and the buildings with white walls and gray tiles in the south of the Yangtze River are all exquisitely presented in the film.

The villagers are also all personified, whether they are pandas, rabbits or ducks, they wear Chinese casual clothes. Eat noodles or steamed buns with chopsticks in hand, even praying mantis likes to drink noodle soup.

Noodles are inserted into chopsticks, red-crowned cranes write calligraphy, A Bao sits on a sedan chair and other shots; acupuncture, firecrackers, landscape paintings, porcelain and other unique Chinese items; Chinese national instruments used in music such as erhu, gongs and drums, guzheng, flute, etc., all present a strong Chinese Amorous.

Eaves and walks the wall, point-pointing magical skills, common moves, martial arts, martial arts spirit, and spirits in various martial arts novels; martial arts thoughts of leveraging strength in martial arts design; The clumsy, clumsy, and philosophical words of the Guixian...

Yes, these are all Huaxia's, but they are all-the movie belongs to others!

""Kung Fu Panda"-no matter how Chinese style is"! "

"Kungfu has been promoted, and culture has been promoted. What about China?"

""Kung Fu Panda" is good-looking, but I am very distressed. It seems that all I saw were Chinese elements, but they weren't made by Chinese people."

"Huaxia's bottle contains Hollywood wine. Does anyone blush?"

At first, public opinion on the Internet was still based on emotion and distress, but as the box office of "Kung Fu Panda" got higher and higher, these distressed voices turned into curses.

"Are all directors and screenwriters in our country stupid?"

"I didn't make less money for paralysis. How many films have been made that have an international impact?"

"This time the most rubbish, you raped your wife, and you have to spend money to raise a son for him!"

"I still have the face to say boycott, is boycott useful? If there is time for boycott, it is better to think more about improving the level of the film!"

Chinese filmmakers don't care about netizens. No matter what the netizens say or scold them, their life is still going on, how to make movies and how to make them.

This time, netizens bombarded the entire Chinese film scene, not against a certain person. Who was silly and jumped out?

Besides, what about netizens venting out, can they save a bit of meat?

If the film is being filmed, the film is still being filmed, and the person who needs to go to the hole will continue to go, the money that should be earned is still earned, and the name that should be made is still made.

Because everyone knows that the public is forgetful.

Sure enough, the hustle and bustle of online public opinion continued from late July to the end of July, and gradually calmed down. Without the navy to support the field, the netizens who can make the most fuss are also out of fun, and the tone on the Internet has become depressed.

"The domestically produced films are about to fall to the level of the national football, and the foreign war is outsider, the civil war is insider."

"Oh, it's not comparable. Look at the special effects, the domestic one-half cents special effects, and the "Xian 3" produced by the wheat leaf special effects is not bad, but compared with Hollywood, I want to hehe."

"The domestic film is dead, I have something to burn incense, I will watch Hollywood blockbusters in the future."

"You're paralyzed, you don't know anything, what a fool!"

"Sister Fu Ni, keep your mouth clean!"

"I just scolded you, what's wrong? Do you know how messy the United States is lately?"

"Beep boy who doesn't have the same hair, pretend to be your mother, the United States is not messy about your grandfather's eggs!"

"That's why you are silly. Have you ever heard of "This Man Comes From Earth"? That is the domestic film you said is dead! Because of this movie, there have been several parades all over the United States this week. I know how the Americans think about it. A movie, an Eastern movie under the cloak of Western culture!"

"Blow, keep blowing, you only came out so late to wash the floor, grandson, you, a fifty cents party, are careful to deduct your wages if you don't do your duty."

"Without a picture, I will say a jb, I will be watching at the parade. Wait, I will take a few photos with my mobile Let you have a long experience!"


Los Angeles.

Hollywood streets.

A Chinese student studying abroad was standing on the side of the road, looking excitedly at the parade passing in front of him, holding up his mobile phone to take multiple pictures.

This parade is mostly composed of blacks, with a number of about a hundred people, holding slogans and shouting slogans, boycotting "This Man Comes From Earth" because this movie blasphemes Christ.

" Daniel, whoever is watching you, don't allow them to light the trash can. That's a public facility. You need to compensate for damage!"

"Okay, I'm going now."

"Eddie, tell the people you are looking for, if they dare to leave early today, they won't want to get half a cent from me!"

"Samuel, you are more and more like a profiteer!"

"But you can't deny that we are getting richer now, and life is getting better and better. Think about the remuneration this time, and follow my instructions!"

Samuel followed at the end of the line and ordered his men from time to time to command the parade.

At this time, a black man, a white woman, and two middle-aged men walked quickly to him and caught him one by one.

The black man asked, "Are you Mr. Samuel, the person in charge of this parade?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"We are the police, and there are some things we need to find out about you."

"Sorry, I don't know anything. In fact, I feel sick when I smell your body!"

"It's up to you."

"Hey, let me go. I applied for a demonstration permit. There was no riots and riots and no public facilities were damaged. You have no right to arrest me!"

"Shut up!" The white woman scolded, and showed her ID at the same time as the black man.

After Samuel saw the documents in their hands, the whole person was not good: "fu·ckfu·ckfuck..."

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