The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 766: Another future veteran

Because the peaches were picked, the new director who was airborne tried his best to eliminate the influence of the old director. Mai Xiaoyu finally failed to keep the back garden of Dolphin TV.

This is expected, Mai Xiaoyu is not worried, and it has no effect on the current cute people.

In recent years, Moeren’s reputation has become more and more popular, and the signs of Moeren TV dramas have become brighter and brighter. The cooperation with Dolphin TV can be said to a large extent that Moeren takes care of Dolphin TV.

The cute drama is not worried about selling, really, not worried about selling at all.

As long as it is not broadcast exclusively on CCTV like "Bright Sword", almost all of them are snapped up by multiple satellite TVs, and finally the four-star co-broadcast.

Dolphin Satellite TV can get the first broadcast rights every time. On the one hand, Wang Yunshi's trust in Mai Xiaoyu will be won regardless of the price; on the other hand, it is also Mai Xiaoyu's return to Wang Yunshi and the return of the other party in the cute people. It is still in the care of the grass-to-head company stage.

That is, "Love Apartment", because the theme of the sitcom is not optimistic, and the cast has no bright spots, the result was rejected by the police, and it was impossible to log on to Dolphin TV during the winter vacation and meet the audience as scheduled.

Fortunately, the investment cost has long been recovered, and there are storm videos, which can be broadcast through the network platform, so that they will not be left in the warehouse.

The "Love Apartment" in the dream sparked heated discussion through the Internet, and then "countered" the TV station, and achieved great influence with brilliant results.

A few days later, Mai Xiaoyu left Hefei, heralding the end of the close cooperation between Mengren and Dolphin TV.

There is no reluctance, no anger, because this is society, there are no eternal friends or enemies, eternal only benefits.

Just like ** trying to get rid of Wang Yunshi's influence, and take "Love Apartment" from next year's TV series schedule, he did not even think about taking "Fated I Love You", but intensified publicity.

This cute drama is the opening drama of Dolphin TV next year. Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen joined forces for the second time after "Meteor Garden". The urban idol drama is another cute drama, which is loved by the audience and has a strong audience appeal.

Moreover, it is a four-star co-broadcast. If you don't broadcast the other three broadcasts, you can still broadcast it, and the second and third rounds of broadcast rights are also sold. You can only suffer.

Therefore, ** did not make things difficult for "Hit", on the contrary, they also made people actively contact the main creators to participate in the promotion of TV dramas in the station.

After all, the ratings are everything.

Mai Xiaoyu was not in a hurry to return to Beijing, and asked Yu Ping to go back first and relay the news of Dolphin TV to Liu Xiaoli. At the same time, he was preparing for the promotion of "Love Apartment", and he himself took Ke Haoyi to fly to Rongcheng.

The work of selling Xiaoyu and Miao Ruoyi in Rongcheng is progressing smoothly and is basically over. There were also many twists and turns, but they were all resolved by selling small fish and Miao Ruoyi, like a few tough lambs, also defeated in the targeted routine of selling small fish.

As long as Mai Xiaoyu goes over, meets with the members, organizes a gathering of Rongcheng members and changes the contract again.

The fame of the cute person is getting bigger and bigger, the halo is getting more and more, the little liar selling small fish has a stage to give full play to his specialties, and the cooperation with Miao Ruoyi is getting more and more tacit. Also becoming more sophisticated.

Rongcheng members basically don't need to worry about Mai Xiaoyu. What he needs to consider is the promotion of "Love Apartment".

Nowadays, the Internet is becoming more and more developed. Newly established video sites have sprung up, and established video sites have become more mature. The entire video website industry has been perfected and matured bit by bit in the vigorous "cash-burning" movement.

So far, video websites mainly buy the copyrights of domestic and foreign film and television dramas, fill their own film source library, and accumulate free users' money-burning stage by relying on abundant film sources.

Although the membership-based payment model has emerged, it has not yet been recognized by users and is difficult to popularize. In the hearts of viewers who are accustomed to free lunches, TV is still the first choice, but more and more young people have become accustomed to watching their favorite movies and TV shows through video websites.

The main source of income for video websites is still various advertisements and plug-ins, which cannot make ends meet.

As for original videos, original short films or series of short films have long been popular, but original film and television dramas have not yet been born, and there is no one!

Mai Xiaoyu intends to use the gimmick of "original web drama" as the main propaganda direction of "Love Apartment".

The audience of "Love Apartment" is young people, and today's young people are often more interested in new things. Therefore, he plans to launch this "web drama" with the help of major video websites in the industry and the entire network platform.

As for the price...

Taking into account that "Love Apartment" has already recovered its cost through the exclusive first broadcast rights purchased by Dolphin TV, and has also obtained a return on investment of 100, he decided to waive the copyright fee for half a year in exchange for the support of other video sites.

"Love Apartment" allows you to broadcast for half a year for free. It is up to you how much you can earn from the advertising expenses of this show.

This condition, most other video sites will not refuse, but how much publicity is invested before the broadcast... It’s hard to say, the publicity has to rely on itself.

In order to increase publicity, in addition to filming highlights and trailers, Mai Xiaoyu also intends to let Xiaoxing Xiao organize seven male and female protagonists in the play to shoot a series of related short films for publicity purposes.

So, on a weekend in mid-December, seven protagonists, Liu Yan, Yang Ying, Zhao Liying, Chen Chichi, Zheng Kai, Jin Wei, and Meng Yuxing gathered in Yanjing.

The main purpose of the short film is to highlight the good looks of the male and female protagonists, and to reflect the characteristics of novelty, strangeness and weirdness, so as to attract the attention of young audiences as much as possible.

To this end, Mai Xiaoyu collected a lot of funny jokes from the strange and handed them to the company's screenwriters to adapt them into two or three-minute mini-shorts, which were shot by a random combination of seven people.

The shooting of the series of short films was easy and smooth. The shooting started on Friday night and the shooting was finished on Sunday morning.

At about noon, Mai Xiaoyu came to the hotel and was about to invite everyone to dinner, only to find that Chen Chichi and Zheng Kai were not there.

"Director Xi, why are there two fewer people?"

"They went to the Internet cafe opposite to play games."

"It's almost time for dinner. If you don't play for a while, you will die."

"Chen Chichi likes to play more. He drags Zheng Kai to accompany him, saying that he will come before twelve o'clock. Xiao Zhang, give them a call and let them come back numbly."

Xiao Zhang is a newcomer screenwriter recruited by Xiaoxing Su from the Eastern Opera this year and participated in the adaptation of this mini-short film.

One minute later.

"Guide Zhao, no one answers."

"It hit Zheng Kai."

"I played both and no one answered."

Mai Xiaoyu vomited: "This is crazy, right? Director Xi, do you know where they are going online?"

"The internet cafe just across the road."

"All right, you take someone to the restaurant first. The box is less than the one already booked. I'll go see them."

Xiaoxing Xi greeted Liu Yan, Zhao Liying and other actors, as well as more than a dozen staff members who participated in the mini-short filming, and followed Yu Ping to the hotel.

Mai Xiaoyu took Ke Haoyi to the Internet cafe opposite the hotel, and after a round, it was easy to find Chen Chichi and Zheng Kai who were yelling.

This pair of appendix brothers sat in front of the computer with a mouse in one hand and a keyboard in one hand. They also wore headphones. There was a young man in their twenties next to them who also played cs online with them, yelling at each other from time to time.

After a round, the three people who lost took off their headphones annoyed, and complained loudly about their opponent's too dark.

Mai Xiaoyu just walked over, and when he saw the young man clearly, he couldn't help but stunned: This is... the future veteran cadre?

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