The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 769: The courage is fattened to increase the strength of the leader's ignorance is six

The photo Tang Yan took out was her set-up photo when she was shooting a flight attendant.

A stewardess dressed in uniform, posing with a beautiful ps, protruding forward and backward, exuding a bit of charming temptation in her playfulness.

The slim-fit uniform skirt has the waistline and buttocks just right. It is not as tight as a dress skirt and provocatively. It is not casual and loose. It is just a lot better. The undercurrent of "Xie Wan" surged.

For the first time, Mai Xiaoyu thought of the scene where Zhao Liying was wearing a stewardess uniform and sitting on her lap the night she first saw Zhao Liying.

He raised his head to meet Zhao Liying's shy and flustered gaze.

Obviously, Zhao Liying also thought of the night that could not be recalled.

She blushed and dropped her head.

Mai Xiaoyu knocked on the photo on the table and asked Tang Yan: "What do you mean?"

Tang Yan's appearance in flight attendants is mainly in flight attendant uniforms, which touched the hearts of countless otaku Men Sao.

All kinds of photos of ps flight attendants, such as set makeup photos, still photos, selfies, etc., are uploaded crazy on the Internet. Many people download it to the computer as their desktop.

And this photo is one of the most downloaded photos of all flight attendants, so Tang Yan was given to Mai Xiaoyu as a gift.

"Can this be a gift too?"

"Why not, I can spur you."

Tang Yan stared at Mai Xiaoyu with a pun.

Mai Xiaoyu naturally understood what she meant, and said in a huff: "Spur you to be tall."

"Anyway, I'll give it to you, don't let it go."

Mai Xiaoyu: ""

Zhao Liying suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Sister Tangtang is too smart!"

This is true, let alone Mai Xiaoyu, even Tang Yan herself is confused, looking at Zhao Liying inexplicably.

"Sister Tangtang, you are so cunning. You send the photo of the flight attendant to Brother Mai. When he sees this photo in the future, he will think of your flight attendant. In the future, when he chooses the script for you, even if it is not as good as the flight attendant, he It can't be too much."


Tang Yan's eyes lit up, her twinkling eyes staring at Mai Xiaoyu: "You have to accept it, and you have to put it in a conspicuous position."

Zhao Liying followed and said: "And me, I will pick one from the stills of the love apartment when I look back, and give it to you. You must also keep it in a conspicuous position."

Yang Ying is the third one: "I also picked one from the love apartment and another from my previous model photos."

"Good idea, you sign every photo, and I will collect it. After ten or eight years, when you don’t want to be popular, I will put out the whole set for auction. It is estimated that I can sell it for a lot of money."

Swipe it!

Three sharp eyes shot over.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't care, picked up the two script outlines and biographies brought by Tang Yan, and flipped through it.

He understands the script!

In that weird dream, he was scolded as a troll on the Internet, but his official status is an internationally renowned cultural critic, and he often criticizes TV series and scripts.

He may not have the ability to write scripts by himself, but it is more than enough to judge the quality of a script, otherwise he would be really silly. How can he criticize others?

The two script outlines together only amounted to about 20,000 words. Mai Xiaoyu finished reading it quickly and felt average.

Think about it, too. The flight attendants started broadcasting in early November, and it is now in mid-December, and the script to follow the trend is coming out. How high can the quality be?

Don't look at the script screenwriter with a well-known screenwriter name in the industry. Mai Xiaoyu is very suspicious. This guy has only written two words, which is his signature, and the content of the script has nothing to do with him.

This is a common phenomenon in the industry.

A well-known screenwriter brings together a few assistants, students and other rookie screenwriters or unfamiliar screenwriters, and throws it over to a main storyline, so that they can work together to create the script within the specified time.

It is not that several people work together to create together, but each person writes a part according to the main line of the story, and finally stitches it together.

As a result, a script was born in a short period of time, and a well-known screenwriter signed his own name, which was his own script, and sold it to the producer who agreed to the script.

The rookie screenwriters and unfamiliar screenwriters who really participated in the creation, that is, the gunman screenwriters, do not have the right to sign, because the quality of the books is not high, and they can be sold relying on the reputation of the well-known screenwriters.

Not to mention that there is no authorship right, and the money allocated is very small.

Joining the script to sell one million, each of them may only be divided into three to fifty thousand, the bulk of which is taken away by well-known screenwriters.

Therefore, the writing time of this kind of script is very short. If the writing cycle reaches half a year or even more than half a year, the Gunners scriptwriters will not be able to do it.

The total is only three to fifty thousand, and it took half a year to create, and the gunman has no brains for the scriptwriter!

And there are many such things in the industry, and the gunman screenwriter has been in the industry for a long time.

Your family pays 30,000 to 50,000 yuan in half a year, and someone else’s family offers 30,000 to 50,000 yuan a month or two. Who will take care of your work?

In this way, a vicious circle is created.

It is difficult for new screenwriters to get ahead, and well-known screenwriters enjoy their fame and enjoy their success. More and more bad dramas appear, and the audience can only scold their, there are a lot of bad dramas, you have to pick one. ?

Of course, this kind of script will definitely encounter problems in filming, and this time reflects the importance of writing with the group. It is possible to write while recording or make changes while recording after the power is turned on, and the remuneration will be calculated separately.

"These two books are not good." Mai Xiaoyu put down the outline of the script and touched Tang Yan's head, "Baomen, next year the company will open another drama and let you star in it, how about it?"

Tang Yan still wanted to get angry when she heard the three words "brain door", but the words behind instantly made her brows happy.

"Brother Maizi, you are so kind to me!"

Tang Yan threw herself into Mai Xiaoyu's arms with excitement, and kissed his cheek happily.

The two friends, Zhao Liying and Yang Ying, were stunned.

Mai Xiaoyu pushed Tang Yan away and slapped her on the forehead: "The courage is fat, dare to take advantage of me!"

Tang Yan rubbed her forehead and said proudly: "I'll give you a chance to return, do you dare?"

"Let me go, why are you getting more and more Liying now, are you going crazy?"

Zhao Liying whizzed and whizzed, panting exaggeratedly: "Liar!"

When Mai Xiaoyu said a word, Zhao Liying's eyebrows were opened and smiled instantly.

"You are the second female."

"BB, don't think too much, wait until the love apartment broadcasts, according to the broadcast effect, and your performance in the variety show, I will consider opening a variety show for you."

Thanks to Tang Yan's blessing, Mai Xiaoyu thought of a TV series starring Tang Yan, which can satisfy both Zhao Liying and Shu Chang at the same time.

When the time comes, Huo Jianhua will be invited to star in the partner of Male One and Tang Yan. With the help of the "three generation sadomasochism" of the two in Fairy 3, they will attract attention and help Tang Yan consolidate the popularity, and then the two will drive the popularity of Shu Chang and Zhao Liying together.

"What theme?" Zhao Liying asked cheerfully.

"Urban romance idol drama, three daughters of the Xia family!"

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