The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 772: "Sweet Honey" female No. 2 is the power of the leader ignorance is added...

Deng Chao now mainly makes movies, supplemented by TV dramas and singing.

After the filming of "Love Call Transfer", he felt that his acting skills needed to be improved, so he rejected a few film appointments and devoted himself to learning to recharge. Only occasionally attend a few events to maintain his popularity.

The company has reserved important roles for the upcoming "Love Call Transfer 2" and the "Inception" which has just begun preparations. Therefore, he is not in a hurry, and works hard to hone his acting skills.

Movies and TV series have different requirements for actors' acting skills, and he needs to make up for it.

Mai Xiaoyu was very happy to see this situation, and did not urge him to receive notices to make money for the company.

However, two days ago, a well-known director approached Luo Huiguo and wanted to invite Deng Chao to appear in the male number one in the TV series.

Luo Huiguo tactfully refused, but the other party was very sincere and strongly recommended his own book, and also suggested that he read the script before making a decision.

The other party is a well-known director, Luo Huiguo can't give up face.

After reading the outline and diversity outline, as well as the scripts of the first five episodes, Luo Huiguo thinks this book is really good.

An excellent script is most likely to impress well-known actors. In many cases, famous artists may drop their pay in order to take up their books.

So Deng Chao met with the director.

The director's introduction and the quality of the script impressed Deng Chao.

Taking into account the big-screen drama road planned by the company for himself and the "Love Call Transfer 2" that was launched after the Spring Festival, his schedule in the film conflicted with the schedule of "Sweet Honey", so he decided to discuss with Zhang Xiaoquan. Whether to adjust his schedule in "Love 2".

Zhang Xiaoquan did not give him a clear answer and pushed him to Mai Xiaoyu.

After getting the outline of the script and looking at the title above, Mai Xiaoyu couldn't help but vomit: "Well, "Sweet Honey"..."

"Is there any problem, boss?" Deng Chao asked.

"Who is the female number one?"


"Ma Danni?" Mai Xiaoyu hadn't heard of it before, "Which company is it that the investor does not want you to be a star, right?"

"No." Luo Huiguo took the conversation and introduced Ma Danni's background information in detail.

In addition to factors such as the director’s reputation, script quality, role image, and salary, the actors also pay close attention to the cast.

If you play with a group of third- and fourth-line actors, the first-line celebrities will basically disagree, no matter how high the pay is, it is impossible.

When the director came to the invitation, he gave a detailed introduction to the cast.

It is undeniable that Deng Chao is the most famous, otherwise it is impossible to find him to play the male first.

Female Ma Danni, the new sister of Guyang Film and Television, has a certain strength idol Xiaohuadan, one foot has passed the first-line threshold, not the kind of actress who quarrels purely on topics.

Mai Xiaoyu took a cigarette, took a sip, thoughtfully: "Guyang is an established film and television company, why isn't the first sister in the front line?"

"In the past two years, several film and television dramas invested by Gu Yang have suffered miserable losses, and there are financial problems. Several of the famous Huadan and first-line male stars under it have either been poached or changed jobs by themselves."

"They are eager to hold Madani up to the top. No wonder they offered such a generous treatment. But why did they ask you to play the leading actor?"

Luo Huiguo explained: "As far as I know, Brother Chao is the third choice. The first two actors cannot be staggered, and the other does not want to make period dramas."

Deng Chao complained: "Boss, what you said hurts me too much. Is there anything wrong with asking me to play the leading actor?"

"Go, I just think it's weird. You haven't acted in a period drama, how could they find you. By the way, how about the cast?"

Luo Huiguo continued to explain: "Except for Brother Chao and Ma Danni, the male number two has not yet been decided, and the female number two is also Gu Yang's artist, named Sun Li."


"Sun Li. After the changes in Guyang Film and Television, she competed with Ma Danni and other Xiaohuadan for the first sister, and finally Ma Danni won. However, her acting skills and popularity are also quite high, and she has appeared in many excellent TV series, which has created many people Impressive roles. In this show, she and Ma Danni have a lot of rivalries with Brother Chao. I think the cast is pretty good."

Mai Xiaoyu called Luo Huiguo over and asked him to retrieve Sun Li's information on the Internet.

After watching it, he put out the cigarette butt: "Chao, since you are optimistic about this book, then take it. The period drama is not easy to perform. You have been charging for the past few months. You can test the effect through this drama."

"I think so too, but the schedules of "Love 2" and "Sweet Honey" conflict for a few days..."

"Looking back, I will call Director Zhang and ask him to find the coordinator to reschedule, and try to avoid conflicts."

"Thank you boss!"

Deng Chao and his agent Luo Huiguo left, and Mai Xiaoyu didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, and asked Deng Chao to try to dig Sun Li over.

"The Legend of Zhen Huan" does not necessarily require Sun Li to act, and because of Deng Chao's position in the circle, he has a good share of doing such a thing. Unlike Chen Chichi and Zheng Kai who are still cute, they can learn about Wang Kai’s background information and character through contact with Wang Speaking of which, it has been more than a week. Those two guys haven't called me yet!

Mai Xiaoyu picked up the phone and contacted Chen Chichi and Zheng Kai.

Before saying a word, I heard Chen Chichi complain about being too tired and too busy recently. I was busy reporting the performance rehearsal for the graduation drama over and over again, and while busy promoting the "Love Apartment", there was no time to play games and no time to contact Wang Kai.

Only then did Mai Xiaoyu remember that Chen Chichi, Zheng Kai and Shu Chang are all seniors this year and will graduate next year. Their graduation drama report performance is exactly the period from Christmas to New Year's Day.


New Year……

A few days passed by in a festive atmosphere.

On the evening of December 31, 2007, a number of first-tier provincial satellite TV New Year's Eve parties pushed the festive atmosphere to the pinnacle.

After the New Year's Day in 2008, the first-line, first-line and semi-provincial satellite TV's opening of the year began one after another!

Following "Meteor Garden", Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen jointly starred in the love idol drama "Fated to Love You" for the second time. This time they met two competitors.

One is a costume idol drama produced by a certain giant, which was exclusively bought out and broadcast by Mango TV; the other is a major anti-Japanese drama produced by a giant, four-star co-broadcast.

Three dramas and three themes have launched a strong propaganda campaign in print media, online media, television media, outdoor media and other media as early as possible.

Who doesn't want to get the top spot in the rankings with the same period of the new year's drama, to ask for a good omen?

In the early stage of publicity, the expert media made a comprehensive comparison of the three TV series from the factors of director, screenwriter, cast, audience group, etc., and finally came to the conclusion: the three dramas are among the best, and it is difficult to distinguish between the two. .

However, on the night of the premiere of "Destined to Love You", the three TV dramas came to a verdict!

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