The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 778: Let's start again for the leader's ignorance is strength to add more 9/10...

"Don't take online disputes to heart. There are also many netizens who like you."

"If you are controversial, it means you are concerned. If you don't have any reputation, who will argue for you?"

"Don't think so much, relax your mind and do the show well. I said it will cover you."

"Good, good, I promise you, when you come back, I will treat you to dinner and have a big meal. You are a snack..."

After finishing the conversation with Liu Shishi, Mai Xiaoyu turned on the computer and browsed online reports about "Hit". Seeing many mainland netizens eagerly look forward to the broadcast of the Taiwan version of "Hit", the corners of their mouths are slightly tilted.

The treasures of "Love Apartment" are all bet on the Internet platform and Storm Video.

Now "Hit" is still in the first round of hits, and the ultimate big move of "Love Apartment" propaganda work is about to be displayed.

"Zhou, are there any problems with you?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Mai, I have checked the technology three times these days to make sure there is no problem."

"That's good, it's up to you tonight!"

Since the launch of "Destined to Love You", the Internet has been arguing about the difference between the mainland version and the Taiwan version, and many mainland viewers are full of expectations for the Taiwan version.

Tonight, Storm Video will officially broadcast "Fated to Love You" exclusively, and the mainland version and Taiwan version will be launched simultaneously.

The mainland version will be updated tonight for six episodes. The first three episodes are free, and the last three episodes need to be watched by Storm Movies VIP account, otherwise you will have to wait tomorrow. Three episodes will be updated tomorrow night, and episodes 4-6 will be changed to free status. The three episodes updated that night require VIP accounts to watch, and so on, until all 39 episodes are updated.

The Taiwan version will update four episodes tonight, the first two episodes are free, and the second two episodes require a VIP account of Storm Video. Except for the number of episodes, the mode of operation is the same as that of the mainland version.

This is a test, to test the degree of acceptance of users who are used to watching movies and TV series on video players for free.

This move was proposed by Mai Xiaoyu. At the end of last year, Storm Media conducted a large number of market surveys and collected tens of thousands of support feedback information, believing that this year we can try to implement the VIP system. The ratings of "Hit" are very popular, and it is very suitable as the first crab to try.

This news is not hidden from anyone, and colleagues are very concerned about the effect of Storm Video’s trial of the VIP system.

Because the membership model is also in the planning of all video sites, just waiting for a suitable opportunity to launch, and Storm Video is the first company to eat crabs.

Nearly ten o'clock in the evening, the three episodes of "Hit" on Sijia TV were broadcasted. Some young viewers turned on their computers at home, in a dormitory, or in a rental room, or in an office, and clicked on Storm Video.

At ten o'clock, Storm Movies updated the mainland and Taiwan versions of "Hit" on time.

Many mainland audiences who are obsessed with Huo Jianhua and Chen Qiaoen's bed scenes first clicked on the first episode of the Taiwanese version.

According to legend, the first episode of the Taiwanese version has large-scale **** scenes, large-scale **** scenes, and large-scale **** scenes!

However, the first thing that was broadcast was...advertising.

The ratings of "Hit" are hot, Storm Video has won the exclusive rights to broadcast on the Internet, and the patch advertisement has long been sold. It is still generated through a bidding model, and the price is not low.

After these years of development, the pre-post advertising mode of video websites has been upgraded from the earliest 15 seconds and 30 seconds to 45 seconds and 60 seconds. According to the popularity of the film and television drama, the length of the pre-post advertisement is also different.

Users who are accustomed to watching movies and TV series for free have gradually gotten used to it.

However, "Hit" played by Storm Video has a pre-post ad for 75 seconds, refreshing the length of the pre-post ad on various video websites, and also aroused dissatisfaction among many users.

What about dissatisfaction?

You like to watch it, and I am exclusive.

You guys watch it for free, I want to pay for the copyright!

A rental house.

Since there is no TV in the house, the Diaosi Man hasn't watched the hit drama "Hit" yet, just waiting to watch it on the Internet.

I took a look at the result and got angry.

"Damn, the 75-second ad is too much!"

"Malgobi's, if it weren't for "Hit", the ghost installed Storm Video!"


A family.

The young couple coaxed their baby to sleep and sat in front of the computer.

"I remember watching movies before, the longest commercial is 60 seconds, why this time 75 seconds?"

"It is estimated that "Hit" looks good."

"I blame you for being bad, when I wanted to watch it, you had to watch the game, so I didn't see it as the first two episodes..."

"You have said it more than a hundred times these days."

"Why, are you annoying?"

"My wife, how dare I. If that's not the case, let's recharge a member account, skip the ads, and watch episodes 4-6 of the mainland version, and episodes 3 and 4 of the Taiwan version in advance."

"Are top-up members expensive?"

"It's not much expensive, and the annual fee is only 88."

"It's so expensive, enough to pay utility bills for several months. I'd rather watch advertisements. It doesn't take long anyway. Why do you spend the wrong money?"


A university dormitory.

"Hey, I'll go to the dormitory next door to pour a glass of water. Why did you guys fall in love with it? The advertisement is over so soon?"

"The boss rushed to a member."

"I wiped it, didn't you tell me earlier, did the bed scene begin?"


The member price of Storm Video is not high, less than ten yuan a month, and there are discounts throughout the year, only 88.

Don't think that a few dollars is too small, and users who are used to enjoying free lunch will find it difficult to change their consumption concepts all at once. There are not many people who redeem members, and most of those who redeem members only apply for a single month membership for a few dollars.

Most people would rather watch the advertisement for a while, it doesn't matter if it takes more than a minute before the episode of Dispute.

There is no free lunch in the world.

As a result, these users who wanted to watch it for free all saw the advertisement of "Love Apartment".

Yang Ying: "Uncle, your kart is so big!"

Meng Yuxing: "This is obviously a tractor."


Liu Yan: "So sloppy, why can't I see anything?"

Chen Chichi: "You took it upside down."


Zheng Kai: "I also want to find a place where my head can be printed on currency."

Zhao Liying: "It's not difficult, can't you find a place where you can print Ming notes?"?


Zhao Liying: "You have to be responsible for him (the baby keeps "It's impossible. I've only been in China for 8 months. I didn't do it."


Zhao Liying: I spit you to death with a mouthful of salt soda!


Chen Chichi: I am a good man, and I am Zeng Xiaoxian.


This is Mai Xiaoyu's ultimate propaganda strategy.

I carefully edited a number of funny shots of "Love Apartment", and then took advantage of the popularity of "Hit" and the difference between the Taiwan version and the mainland version to attract viewers to watch the two versions of "Hit", spread them out and implant them in the pre-posted advertisement!

Don't underestimate the publicity effect of this pre-posted advertisement. It should be noted that the audience of "Hit" is mainly teenagers and young people, who are also the main force among netizens.

And the target audience of "Love Apartment" is this group of people!

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