"Wait a minute, do you know Mai Shouzheng?"

When the voice fell, Chen Qiaoen stared at Mai Xiaoyu closely.

Mai Xiaoyu was slightly surprised, hiding his face in grief, "He is dead."

"Death? Are you not a personality? How could you die?"

"Of course I know that I am a personality. I also know that Mai Shouzheng is the master. He is a good person. With him, we can live together peacefully in the same room. Sleeping tired, sleepy, injured, unhappy, yes. Back to the room to rest and let others go out, that time is our happiest time.

But he died and was fused with the liar personality of Mai Xiaoyu. Mai Xiaoyu not only integrates Mai Shouzheng, but also wants to integrate us and monopolize the entire room. The four of us fought hard, but he merged with his master character and became extremely powerful. The four of us had no choice but to agree to accept his control..."

"Wait a minute. You said Mai Xiaoyu merged with master Ge Mai Shouzheng?"

"Yes, he merged with Mai Shouzheng's personality, and also with Mai Shouzheng's memory and experience."

"Then I have a question, one personality merges with another personality, shouldn't it form a new personality?"

MD, I know that a lie is hard to tell, a lie often requires a hundred lies to complete the field...

When Mai Xiaoyu was wondering how to close the flaws, he listened to Chen Qiao'en proudly saying: "Tell you an unfortunate news. I have also read "24 Billy", and it is the original English version."

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

Chen Qiaoen looked at Mai Xiaoyu proudly like a heroine who had won the battle: "Pretend, you continue to pretend."

"I don't want to talk to you, you'd better face the liar. Don't blame me for not reminding you, be careful that he will attack you."

"You are the liar!"

Chen Qiaoen suddenly rushed over, pushed to Mai Xiaoyu, pounced on Mai Xiaoyu, beat Mai Xiaoyu: "You liar, you lied to me at this time. If it weren't for I saw Sister Jingxiao two days ago , She accidentally leaked her mouth, and I was still kept in the dark by you!"

"Damn it, I used a text message threatening Maizi to trick me into the game; then he lied to me with multiple personalities, causing me to worry for so long; now I am pretending to be Maizi to play tricks on me, and still eat milk... I'll kill you a big liar!"

"How can you blame me!" Mai Xiaoyu struggled, "Who told you to peek at my phone for short-term interest? Who first thought I had multiple personalities and told a lot of people? Besides just now, it's not you who are taking advantage of me now Yeah, you are my mommy... shouldn't mommy let the baby breastfeed?"

"You still say it!"

"I'll go, just do it, you still have to bite."

"You are the one who bites! I can't wait to bite your tongue and see how you lie in the future!"

"It's almost done, be careful when I turn my face."

"If you turn your face, turn your face, whoever is afraid of..."


It was turned over, but Mai Xiaoyu did not turn over, but turned over.

After a fight, he successfully overthrew Chen Qiao'en who was pressing on him and pressed him under himself.

"Oh, I'm going, I'm exhausted." Mai Xiaoyu lay on Chen Qiao'en, panting, "I tell you, I am in a normal spirit and do not have multiple personalities, so don't tell others for now."


"Because I am useful."

"But aren't you afraid that others will worry about you?"

"I said it's temporary, uh... it's only two or three years, and then it won't matter."

"What on earth do you want to do?"


Mai Xiaoyu raised his eyelids subconsciously, and a whitish hemisphere caught his eyes, blocking the words of his mouth.

Chen Qiaoen was wearing thick cotton pajamas. During the fight just now, a few buttons on the neckline were unbuttoned, and the great spring light appeared in front of him.

He hurriedly raised his head, avoiding the full of spring and light, but he was facing Chen Qiaoen’s eyes. The distance was very close, so close that he could feel the fragrance of Chen Qiaoen’s body and feel Chen Qiao’en’s mouth. Nose breath, such as musk and blue.

The two stared at each other, feeling each other's body, each other's body temperature, each other's eyes, and each other's breath.

At some point, Mai Xiaoyu controlled Chen Qiaoen’s hands and turned into ten fingers crossed. Chen Qiaoen trembling eyelashes gently closed his eyes, Mai Xiaoyu’s throat was sore, and he slowly lowered his head, and kissed his lips. On Chen Qiaoen's cherry lips.

The four lips touch, the lips and the tongue meet, like a thunder swaying the ground, and it's out of control...


The Chinese New Year in 2008 is February 6. Starting from mid-January, major colleges and universities have closed holidays one after another. In cities where universities are concentrated, such as Yanjing and Donghai, vacations are often taken early, staggering the peaks of the students' vacation flow and the return flow of migrant workers.

And for different universities in the same city, there are morning and evening holidays. Among them, there are not only school curriculum arrangements, but also considerations of diversion of railway transportation capacity.

By the end of January, almost all universities across the country were closed, and primary and secondary schools had also entered the state of winter vacation.

A large number of students finished the one-semester course and began to enjoy a happy holiday life. The hits of "Hit" ushered in a new wave of online hits. Many students even watch TV dramas all night while guarding their computers, and by the way they also saw the promotional footage of "Love Apartment".

Unless they are willing to spend a few bucks to skip the ads, but the proportion of paid members of Storm Video is...very low.

In this environment, "Love Apartment" debuts!


Freshman Wang Lijun and a few high school classmates had dinner and went to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet.

In high school, they were very good friends. They were admitted to different universities after the college entrance examination last year, and they could only contact them by phone for more than half a year. When I came back from the winter vacation, I felt very cordial to meet my friends.

Back in the past few days, high school and junior high school classmates changed to party together. Today and these classmates, tomorrow and those classmates, occasionally I will see the confession between high school classmates, it is very lively.

Tonight, Wang Lijun once again had a party with a bunch of good high school boys, and came to the Internet cafe after dinner.

"Dali, don't you still watch TV shows, do you?"

"Yes, come to the Internet cafe to watch TV series, are you bored?"

"Play Warcraft together, we will take you."

"I'm about to see the finale, wait until I finish watching."

"Oh, what can I see in the finale? I'll tell you about it. I had already finished watching it when I was in school."

"Shut up, otherwise the ship will capsize!"

Three or four hours later, it was early in the morning, and Wang Lijun and his friends opened a room early.

"Finally finished watching. Chen Qiao'en is so beautiful, she has a great body..."

Liu Le, who was downloading a copy next to him, said casually: "You haven't seen a better one. Have you seen the advertisement for "Love Apartment" before "Hit"?"

"No, I skipped them all."

"Fuck, are you still a member?"

"No, it's the account of a buddy in my dorm."

"Then you have lost a lot. Let me tell you, there is a woman in it, let me go, that figure... nosebleed!"

Liu Le and Wang Lijun chatted happily here, but the friends who downloaded the dungeon together couldn't bear it.

"Have fun, what are you doing, you can't see me when I'm out of blood, let your mother get a cure...Fuck!"

"Paralysis, the hatred is transferred to me... MT hangs up and hit a ******** I said, this is the rhythm of the group destruction!"

"Sister Ni, have fun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can tell, you are the legendary pig teammate!"

Liu Le, the culprit who caused the massacre of Tuan Mie, was a little bit awkward when he faced the accusation of his friends. He pushed the keyboard and said: "Tuan Mie, Tuan Mie, what a big deal. I just don’t want to play it anymore and watch TV series. It happens tonight" "Love Apartment" update, vigorously, let you see the rumored E cup."

With that said, Liu Le opened the webpage, searched for "Love Apartment" on the Internet, found a video website at random, and clicked on the first episode...

"Have fun, continue with the copy."

"Watch your sister's TV series."

"I just said Dali, you are also starting to watch TV."

"It's the silly beep to watch TV in an Internet cafe... It's got a D cup... Hahaha, it's funny to me, this guy is too cheap..."


An hour and a half later, Liu Le and a few classmates looked at Wang Lijun: "Dali, you just said, do you have a VIP account for Storm?"

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