The elevator stopped on the 21st floor, and Mai Xiaoyu walked out of the elevator, still thinking of the girl in the elevator in his mind.

This apartment building is a two-family structure, with Ye Chu's apartment on the left.

When I came to Ye Chu's house for the first time and presented a bottle of red wine, Mai Xiaoyu found that the quality of these second-generation house decorations was quite...with style.

Chen Qiao'en’s apartment is decorated in the east; Ye Chu’s apartment is decorated in a Western Rococo style. The style is different, but one thing is the same-the funds invested in the decoration of furniture and appliances exceed the price of the apartment.

"Why did you come back so soon, and the negotiation was settled over there?" Mai Xiaoyu asked as he visited the apartment.

"You also said that if you hadn't insisted on having your sister starring, you would have been able to negotiate."

"That's right, if it wasn't for my sister, why would I make those two movies?"

"Make money."

"Which movie in our company doesn't make money?"

Thinking of the return on investment in "This Man Comes from the Earth", Ye Chu was speechless: "You are good, sit down, eat some fruit first, and wait for dinner."

"Do you really eat it at your house? Young Master Ye, how is your craftsmanship? We cute people plan to fly this year. I don't want to be poisoned by a meal before taking off."

"Don't worry, the poison won't kill you. I can't cook, but my girlfriend will. The craftsmanship is pretty good. You have a good taste."

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang.

"It should be my girlfriend here."

Ye Chu laughed, got up to open the door. After a while, he hugged a girl and appeared in front of Mai Xiaoyu.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is Mai Xiaoyu, the most mysterious cute boss in the industry, Mr. Mai, she is my girlfriend, Cao Xiwen."

Mai Xiaoyu jumped up from the sofa and said in surprise: "She, is she your girlfriend?"

"Mr. Mai, you are too exaggerated."

"Ye Dashao, isn't this the result you want?"

Cao Xiwen in front of Mai Xiaoyu is the girl he saw in the elevator just now, a bit similar to Liu Tao.

Take the elevator from the 5th floor to the 22nd floor, wait until I arrive at Ye Chu's house, and then come down from the 22nd floor, there are ghosts who didn't deliberately act for him!

"I just want to deepen your impression."

"She is your girlfriend, why do you have to deepen my impression?"

"You are not friends enough to say that."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and stretched out his right hand: "Hello Miss Cao Xiwen, I am glad to meet you. I don't know if you want to be my girlfriend."

Ye Chu glared and wanted to say something. Cao Xiwen had already taken the initiative to hold Mai Xiaoyu's hand and smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Mai. I have long admired my name. I have a boyfriend. I love him. You talk first. I'll go. The kitchen, I started preparing in the afternoon, and I will be able to eat soon."

After Cao Xiwen went to the kitchen, Mai Xiaoyu put his arms around Ye Chu's shoulders and whispered: "Congratulations, Ye Dashao, I finally don't have to be a single dog."

"Don't come to this set. Originally, I wanted your company to sign her. Now it seems that I have to think about it carefully."

"This sentence is correct. What if I pry your corner and hurt our brothers feelings?"

"You..." Ye Chu was angry, then he thought about it, and then asked suspiciously, "Did you have guessed my idea a long time ago, and you just said that to reject me on purpose?"

"How can I try that kind of person."

"I doubt it."

The two sat on the sofa, eating fruit and chatting.

During the chat, Mai Xiaoyu learned that Ye Chu and Cao Xiwen met after "Xian 3".

The special effects production in "Xian 3" has made wheat leaf special effects famous in the circle. Many film and television crews often think of wheat leaf special effects when they choose special effects production companies. The business of wheat leaf special effects gradually prospered, and gradually got rid of the drawbacks of relying solely on cute dramas, and began to embark on a normal development path.

At the beginning of last year, Mai Ye Special Effects took over a special effects production in a Liao Zhai drama. Cao Xiwen played a supporting role in the drama at that time, and the two met.

"... I tell you that I used to pursue her because I thought she was a bit like Miss Liu Tao, but now I like her, it has nothing to do with her looks, so don't say anything wrong."

"Don't worry about Ye Dashao. Strictly speaking, I have to thank her for helping me solve your trouble."

"If you want to thank her, then sign her and make her famous."

Mai Xiaoyu shook his head.

Ye Chu said displeased: "Don't give me any face?"

"Everyone is a friend. If you have something to ask, I must try my best to help. Do you want to listen to my suggestions?"

"tell me the story."

"I suggest you set up a studio for her. Now the special effects company has cooperated with many crews, and there is also the big tree of your Ye family. You personally hold her red. It can be used as a way for you to love her. Isn’t it better to prove that it can be used as a gift for your proposal in the future?"

Ye Chu was tempted: "Your proposal is good, and I will consider it. However, if you join the establishment of a studio in the future, your company will have to help her."

"What's the problem? I will definitely find her if there is a suitable role. You can also build her studio in our cute compound. Anyway, there are places in Building 2 and Building 3."

"Well, I will discuss with her tonight."

"Okay, let this matter go for a while, you tell me about the progress in the United States."

This time, Mengren Film and Television, Hualong Pictures and Disney have joined forces to create two Hollywood movies "Wonderland" and "Alice in Wonderland". The process is quite tortuous and complicated.

Mai Xiaoyu's stance only ascertained Disney's intentions, but in the end, whether the three parties can really reach an agreement to cooperate in filming, and how the interests of the three parties should be distributed if they cooperate, all need to be discussed, talked, and talked about.

For example, the distribution of the interests of the three parties, how the copyright is valued, how the script is valued, what is the investment ratio, who is responsible for the production, etc., etc. There are a lot of big and small things that need to be agreed in the negotiation.

If the negotiation is not right, then everything will be zero.

This is mainly because the investment cost of the two films is very The cooperation must be cautious, so there are a lot of rounds of negotiation. You came and I talked about it for several months, from last year to this year.

A few months are not too many, the larger the project, the longer the negotiation time. For example, Disney wants to establish a theme park in the East China Sea, and communication, negotiation, and negotiation with the East China Sea government are calculated on a yearly basis.

Of course, this time it was mainly about the talks between Hualong and Disney, the two American film companies, and Mengren did not participate. Because these two films are Hollywood movies, Meng Ren, as a Huaxia Film Company, is inconvenient to be too high-profile.

However, Mai Xiaoyu has the right to speak in Hualong, and Hualong can represent the interests of cute people.

For example, he had long discussed with Shi Hao and seven other shareholders that the investment ratio of Hualong and Mengren must exceed 50%; Xiqian must be the protagonist and so on.

In the constant communication and running-in, the differences between the two sides finally approached a little bit.

At the beginning of this year, the cooperation framework was finalized, and most of the intentions were reached. Even the subcontracting shots of the wheat leaf special effects in the special effects production process were negotiated, and it was stuck on Cici...

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