The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 785: Domineering New Year

At the beginning of 2008, Moeren became the subject of enthusiastic reports by the media.

Some media commented that the 2008 winter vacation was, in a way, like an upgraded version of last summer vacation.

Last summer, Mengren’s four-star co-broadcast TV series "Xiang 3", plus a network short film "Unexpectedly" broadcast on the Internet, caused a huge sensation during the summer vacation.

And this winter vacation, Moeren used a four-star co-broadcast TV series "Hit" and "Love Apartment" which was upgraded to a web series, setting off a more powerful wave of cleanup and public opinion.

The success of the phenomenon-level idol drama "Hit" kicked off the co-production of idol dramas between the mainland entertainment circle and the Taiwan island entertainment circle. The difference between the mainland version and the Taiwan version has enabled "Hit" to achieve super-high ratings, while also causing high-profile topics in public opinion.

And "Love Apartment" not only let people once again appreciate the great ability of cute artificial stars, but more importantly, the concept of web drama was put forward for the first time, which caused many investors and producers to focus on the Internet, which has huge potential and needs to be developed. Market.

With such changes, the video website industry will definitely attract the attention of capital, and the entire industry will enter a new stage of development, and industry integration is also imperative.

"On the way to success for cute people-precise vision + extraordinary courage."

"Mengren film and television, the entertainment film and television industry is trending."

"View Mengren, on the importance of innovation and reform."

"In the eyes of people inside and outside the industry, the'cute people these years'."


In the media, there are frequent soft-text reports about Moeren's film and television. Among them, there are both Moeren's drafts and active reports by the media after capturing public opinion hotspots.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a precursor to Moeren Film and Television's efforts. It's just that few people can think that the strength of the cute person will be so great this time, and if they don't exert strength, they will be out of control!

"Mengren Film and Television will join hands with Disney, with a total investment of 360 million U.S. dollars to create two Hollywood blockbusters!"

After Longxing Studio first broke the news and got the official recognition of Moeren, Longxing Studio broke the news again in the Longxing Monday meeting——

"Ms. Liu Xiaoli, CEO of Moeren, has led a team to Los Angeles to prepare for the final contract signing. Actress Liu Yifei under Moeren will be the lead actress in two Hollywood blockbusters.”

The weight of this news is no less than that of Mengren's cooperation with Disney.

It’s not uncommon for Chinese stars to play protagonists in Hollywood blockbusters, but most of them are male stars or Hong Kong actresses who have been famous for many years. In addition, Huaxia stars either show off their faces in Hollywood blockbusters, or like "Kung Fu King", a gorgeous co-production dominated by Yihua.

But this time, it is a real Hollywood blockbuster, and the actors in the film have no Eastern faces except Cici.

Cici was just over twenty years old, and she was controversial in China because of her young and continuous access to good resources.

Some people questioned her poor acting skills, some people suspected her godfather behind her, some people thought she relied on unspoken rules and so on. This time it was even worse. Many people suspected that Cici was raised and raised by the cute boss behind the scenes, and he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to win the heroine for her in two Disney films.

It's just that this voice just started, and Longxing Studio once again broke the news: "It is reported that Liu Yifei is the sister of the cute and mysterious Mr. Mai. Longxing Studio will continue to pay attention to the reliability of the rumors."

This is not enough to stop the doubters' mouths, but Cici's fans are very excited, cheering for their goddess, fairy sister to enter Hollywood, and sending sincere blessings on her Weibo.

The Sino-US co-production "The King of Kung Fu", which is scheduled to be released in March, also took advantage of this opportunity to promote "The King of Kung Fu" from Cici's perspective.

Whether it is an American producer, director, or leading actor, or the celebrities of Cheng Long and Li Bingbing from the Mainland, when attending publicity events and interviewing reporters, they praised Cici and praised her for filming in The King of Kung Fu. Efforts and acting skills during the period.

This wave of enthusiasm has not yet subsided. Mengren Film and Television and Mango Satellite TV announced at the same time that Mango TV and Mengren Film and Television have reached an agreement to reserve the exclusive TV rights for the 80-episode TV series "Xia’s Three Daughters" starring Huo Jianhua and Tang Yan.

The other two leading female actors in "The Three Thousand Golds of Xia Family" are Zhao Liying and Shu Chang under the banner of Mengren.

The news about Zhao Liying and Shu Chang starring in "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family", in fact, has long been spread. The audience is not unfamiliar with the comfort of making her debut in the music scene and inter-line TV series; but Zhao Liying...

In the earliest days, few people had heard of Zhao Liying, but as the "Love Apartment" became popular on the Internet during the winter vacation, Zhao Liying, who played "Mega", became popular and was loved by many young audiences.

Her liveliness and cuteness, her quirky spirit, her classic lines, and her small slap face have won her a group of young fans.

"The Three Thousand Gold of the Xia Family" attracted the attention and expectation of the audience for the second time; the industry insiders paid more attention to the "ice-breaking" cooperation and strong cooperation between Mengren and Mango Satellite TV.

The TV series that Moe Ren started this year is not just "Xia Jia".

Three days later, Mengren Film and Television and Cheng Longying announced at the same time that Hu Xu, who was injured in a car accident last year, is currently recovering well and will come back another day. The 50-episode large-scale costume drama "Myth" project, adapted from the movie "Myth", was also officially launched on the same day.

"Myth" is China's first TV series that interweaves ancient time and space and modern time and space, and evolves each other. The international action superstar and the male protagonist of the movie "Myth" Cheng Long will serve as the director system, and the famous Hong Kong director Tang Jili will serve as the artistic director.

Hu Xu, an artist of Moeren, starred in the male number one, this drama is also a comeback work of Hu Xu; also an artist of Moeren, Liu Shishi, who has become popular with "Xian 3" and "Hit", will play two roles in the play as a female. Number two.

The female number one candidate is undecided.

The crew said that the candidate for the female number one must have the noble temperament of an ancient princess. In addition to being beautiful, it must also have certain acting skills. It was decided to select the ideal female number one through the online audition.

As soon as the news came out, it once again caused heated public opinion.

Hu Xu's fans and those who care about him are naturally happy when they learn that he is well recovered and will come back soon; more people are paying attention to the candidate of the "Mythology" female number one.

Online audition female number one, online audition!

Mengren and Cheng Longyinghuang jointly created, Cheng Long director system, Tang Jili artistic director, starring Hu Xu......

Too many non-first-line young actresses, star models, female students from art schools, and young, beautiful, confident girls who want to be celebrities have great enthusiasm for them. Those who have a way to start trusting relationships, those who don't have a way to focus on the audition date.

This is not over yet, Moe Ren Film and Television immediately announced two films to be produced this year.

"Love Call Transfer 2" will continue to be directed by Zhang Xiaoquan. It will be turned on after the Spring Festival and the leading actress...Chen Qiaoen!

In early 2008, with the stupid and sweet "Post-it" girl "Chen Xinyi" in "Hit", Chen Qiaoen's popularity was overwhelming, setting a new peak after "Chancai" in "Meteor Garden".

Starring by her, many male audiences are full of expectations for "Love 2"; and Liu Dehua, Su Youpeng, Huang Lei, Huang Bo, Deng Chao, Huo Jianhua, Feng Shaofeng, Wang Baoqiang, Chen Chichi, Zheng Kai, Jinwei, Meng Yuxing, Meng Fei, etc. Thirteen well-known actors of different types joined with passion, satisfying the tastes of different female audiences.

In "Love 1", the angel Huang Bo, who touches the ground first and speaks Qingdao dialect, is still impressed by the audience; the contrast between Chen Qiaoen and Wang Baoqiang is full of fantasy; the famous host Meng Fei, who is famous all over the country for "If You Are the One", is electrocuted for the first time , Also made the audience look forward to; and Chen Chichi, Zheng Kai, Jin Wei, and Meng Yuxing from the "Love Apartment" four-member group collaborate again...

1 female VS 12 male "Love 2", a lot to watch!

However, this is just a small-cost movie that Moe Ren has always done. This year Moe Ren still has a big production-well-known domestic director Xiaoxing Xiao, the king is back!

"Love Apartment" is a hit on the Internet. The director Xiaoxing Xi has fully demonstrated what is meant by "all-rounder" and "professional" to those who question him and those who support him. Further consolidated and improved his position as a director in the circle.

Many netizens left messages on the Internet and on his Weibo after learning that he was going to shoot the movie again, hoping that he would continue to shoot the second part of "Love Apartment". They really like the "Love Apartment", which is full of teasing, warm and sweet, humorous and fresh and energetic.

However, when they learned of the movie Xiaoxing Xi was about to start shooting, they suggested that he shoot the sequel to "The Apartment of Love", almost all of them disappeared.

The science fiction film "Inception", the director Xiaoxing Xiao, the investment of the cute film and television owners, the participation of four companies, Hailian Cinema, Fiber Media, Emperor Pictures, and Yingyi Entertainment, the investment budget is tentatively set...150 million!


An absolute domestic blockbuster!

And it's a domestic science fiction blockbuster!

At the moment, who would make small-cost urban sitcoms?

150 million to shoot a movie, not the highest in the country, but it is the first domestic sci-fi movie with an investment of over 100 million, it is also the domestic movie with the largest investment amount of Moe, and it is the first real sci-fi movie in the country!

Science fiction films have always been the shortcomings of the Chinese film industry. Many people in China have been looking forward to making a real science fiction film in China and showing their face in the international film industry.

Although "That Man From Earth" can be regarded as a sci-fi movie, it is only a soft sci-fi brain-burning movie, without the momentum of a foreign sci-fi blockbuster. And the actors are all Americans and have not yet been able to be screened in China.

This time "Inception" is worth looking forward to. Because they are produced by cute people, the two films "Fatal ID" and "Earth" by the screenwriter Azheng have been recognized in the international film scene, and "Fatal ID" is directed by Xiaoxing Xi.

Many people who eat melon are concerned about who will star the protagonist of this "Inception", and some domestic movie cafes can't sit still.

The 150 million sci-fi movie, and the joint investment of five companies, definitely hit the rhythm of the international film industry; it is also produced by Moe Ren, written by Ah Zheng, and directed by Xiao Xing Xiao, and Moe Ren has a clearer grasp of the context of the international film world. There are successful cases first, which are quite tempting and confusing.

Some movie cafes are willing to lower their worth to star even if they haven't read the long as they are the protagonist.

But without waiting for these people to contact Mengren, Mengren has released the first "satellite" that has been conceived for a long time-Huang Bo Studio is officially established!

Moeren owns 30% of the shares, and it is nominally affiliated to Moeren, but in fact it operates independently and is responsible for its own profits and losses. And "Inception" is a gift from the cute people congratulating Huang Bo's studio on the establishment of Huang Bo. The protagonist is naturally Huang Bo.

At the celebration of the establishment of the studio, facing friends, film and television companies and media reporters who came to congratulate him, Huang Bo said in public that he would not receive any remuneration for filming "Inception".

Fully demonstrated his trust in "Inception" and Mengren film and television.

Two Hollywood blockbusters with an investment of 360 million US dollars; "Inception" invested 150 million Chinese yuan; "Love Call Transfer 2" invested 18 million; "Xia Family Three Thousand Gold" invested 55 million; "Mythology" invested 40 million...

One year!

When did the strength of Moe Ren become so strong?

Moeren, is this going to take off strongly?

After the Spring Festival, in February, throughout February, the media and the Internet were dominated by heavy news from Moe Ren. The best way for an artist to follow hot spots and blogs is to hook up with cute people.

"XXX actor received an audition invitation from the crew of Inception."

"At a fashion event, the well-known director Xiaoxing Xi and the actress XXX had a very happy conversation."

"According to people familiar with the matter, XX is expected to appear as the second male number in "Xia Jia"."

"When the XX actress and Feng Shaofeng filmed the commercial, the actions were intimate and the suspected romance was exposed."


When the people who are used to eating are relished, the news about cute people broke out again at the end of February!

"Mengren Film and Television intends to cooperate with Blueberry Satellite TV to jointly create the first large-scale outdoor sports reality show "Run Brother" with the theme of public welfare in China..."

"Run, Brother"?

Outdoor reality show?

Still competitive?

What's the meaning?


The people who are used to eating are confused, but the eyes of the people in the industry are on the term "outdoor reality show."

An outdoor reality show refers to a reality show in the outdoor studio, not in the studio.

As early as 2000, the American CBS TV station launched the wild survival reality show "Survivor" and won the ratings championship in one fell swoop.

Subsequently, outdoor reality shows such as "Temptation Island", "A Different World", and "Really Changed" appeared one after another, and they have been popular programs of major foreign TV stations, and they have developed quite maturely.

On the other hand, China’s first outdoor reality show in China is by no means "Running" but Mengren Films and Blueberry TV secretly exchange the concept of "public welfare".

Although it is not the first one, the nature is almost the same.

The domestic outdoor reality show was born very early.

Also in 2000, a domestic TV station launched the wild survival reality show "Survival Challenge". Then there were reality shows such as "Canyon Survival Camp" and "Into Shangri-La".

For a time, domestic TV screens were dominated by outdoor reality shows, but this kind of reality shows did not prevail for long, and was soon squeezed out of the mainstream TV market by the raging talent show.

The current situation of outdoor reality TV shows is even worse than the situation of Litchi TV’s marriage and dating shows before the decision to produce "If You Are the One".

Therefore, as soon as the news of the large-scale outdoor reality show "Running Brother" came out of the cooperation between Moeren and Blueberry TV, various TV stations and a group of variety show production companies led by Fiber Media paid great attention.

They need to determine whether the outdoor reality show will usher in the second spring like the dating show of the previous two years!

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