The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 787: Face-to-face sincerity

Yesterday morning, Mai Xiaoyu received a call from Huo Jianhua, saying that Ruby Lin had recently returned to Beijing and would come to have a meal at home tonight.

Considering that two men and one woman were not eating properly, and worried about being sprinkled with dog food, Mai Xiaoyu called Liu Tao without notifying Huo Jianhua.

Therefore, Huo Jianhua was surprised to see Liu Tao. He was not surprised to see Ruby Lin, but when he saw Liu Tao and Ruby Lin’s close friends, he was still surprised.

Now, seeing Liu Tao pulling Ruby Lin to introduce him, he said with a weird smile: "Heart is like sister, it seems that our fate is not shallow."

Ruby Lin smiled sweetly and stretched out Bai Nen's right hand: "We meet again, Mr. Mai."

The two shook hands gently, and Liu Tao asked curiously; "Do you know each other?"

"Last year, I went to visit the island of Taiwan, and when I went to the night market with Shishi for a late night snack, I happened to bump into the two of them on a date."

"Mr. Mai!"

"Mr. Mai!"

Huo Jianhua and Ruby Lin spoke in unison, and Liu Tao hid his mouth and chuckled.

Mai Xiaoyu handed the roast duck to Huo Jianhua: "Go and prepare, I'm hungry."

"If you are hungry, eat a duck butt, cooked." After eight seconds of silence, Huo Jianhua asked the three people again, "Why are you not responding, isn't it funny?"

Mai Xiaoyu was speechless: "Everyone is so familiar, you don't need to tell your cold jokes anymore."

Liu Tao smiled and said, "It's a bit cold."

Huo Jianhua looked to Ruby Lin for help, who comforted him: "I will help you prepare food."

"Well, then you slice the roast duck and heat it in the microwave. I'll get something else."

Ruby Lin hesitantly took the roast duck; "I know how to slice it, and the microwave...I don't know how to use it."

"When do you tell cold jokes?"

Ruby Lin slapped Huo Jianhua with annoyance: "I'm serious. I just don't know how to use a microwave oven, and I don't know which button to press to set the time. There is also laundry. When I was at school, I went to the self-service laundry place to wash. I didn't use it for a long time, and finally asked my classmates to teach me."

Huo Jianhua looked at her in surprise, and Liu Tao reached out to pick up the roast duck: "I'm here."

"Don't." Mai Xiaoyu took Liu Tao's hand, "Today we are the guests, there is no reason for the guests to cook."

Huo Jianhua also nodded again and again: "Mr. Mai is right. Sister Tao, you and Mr. Mai sit first. I'm responsible for heating the roast duck."

"Then I'll help you prepare something else." Lin Xinru followed Huo Jianhua into the kitchen. Before turning around, she glanced at the hand held by Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Tao together.

Dinner is prepared very quickly, and you can eat in less than twenty minutes.

Mai Xiaoyu looked at the food on the table and questioned Huo Jianhua angrily; "I am also your boss anyway. If you invite me to eat, you will eat this?"

Huo Jianhua is not a master who can cook, and eating is relatively simple.

This time, I will entertain Mai Xiaoyu and buy some semi-finished products from the supermarket in advance. It’s the kind that can be eaten once it’s heated in a microwave oven. There are even two servings of self-heating rice, which even saves the microwave oven.

The roast duck that Mai Xiaoyu brought has become the only hard dish.

How about he can be ready in ten minutes?

Facing Mai Xiaoyu’s grief and indignant questioning, Huo Jianhua seemed very calm: "You said that we are a family."

"Sister Xinru came to your house for dinner, are you embarrassed to use this to entertain others?"

"It doesn't matter, I control my diet, just eat some vegetable salad."

"Why embarrass your own stomach, we have a fitness club in our cute hospital, which is very convenient." While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu blinked at Ruby Lin.

Liu Tao looked at Mai Xiaoyu, Huo Jianhua and Ruby Lin, and I always felt that something was going on tonight.

Huo Jianhua spoke: "Look, I said our boss is very smart..."

Ruby Lin gave him an angry look: "Eat first."

After a simple meal, the four of them ate and chatted, and quickly talked about how Liu Tao and Ruby Lin met.

That was the first two years, when Liu Tao and Ruby Lin starred in "Princess Dali", they formed a friendship and became good sisters. Although there are not many opportunities for cooperation over the years, I have been in touch and the relationship is also good.

Recalling the ups and downs of filming "Princess Dali" in the southwest, Ruby Lin and Liu Tao had too many emotions and memories.

It was like a "nightmare" for two people. They were riding horses on a mountain road less than two meters wide. It was still a night show. In order to be courageous, the two put down the lady's frame and shouted at each other.

The sisters were very engaged in chatting. Mai Xiaoyu and Huo Jianhua seldom interrupted. The two foodies mainly focus on food.

Mai Xiaoyu packaged Liu Tao with a roast duck from time to time. After seeing it, Huo Jianhua hesitated for a few minutes and started to package Ruby Lin with roast duck.

The two beauties were chatting, and suddenly there was no voice.

Mai Xiaoyu and Huo Jianhua looked up and found that Ruby Lin looked a little sad.

Huo Jianhua was confused, Mai Xiaoyu looked at Liu Tao, who explained softly: "Princess Dali has been filmed for several years, and it has not been broadcast yet."

This is one of the risks in the TV drama industry chain.

The previous ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties are over, and the TV series is finally finished, which does not mean that the road ahead is smooth.

The problem does not necessarily lie in the process of selling the drama. It may also be the delay in broadcasting after the TV station bought it for various internal and external reasons.

For example, Moe Ren's "Love Apartment" was removed from the original schedule. If it weren't for the Internet hits, Hu Ping would never decide to broadcast it on the daytime file during the summer vacation.

"Princess of Dali" is Ruby Lin's transformation after entering the mainland. When filming, her and Liu Tao's popularity was normalized. After CCTV bought the premiere rights, she had high hopes for the show.

However, due to various reasons, CCTV has repeatedly pushed it, and it has not been broadcast until now.

Fortunately, Liu Tao said that Moeren fully supports it. Although Moeren's internal resources are rarely occupied, he does not have to worry about taking on a good script.

Ruby Lin is different, let alone a good script, it would be nice to be able to shoot a few more TV shows with fewer commercials.

Over the years, I have been consuming the popularity and popularity of the past, and I have watched the rise of one star after another in the entertainment circle.

Her fans care about her, saying that she is low-key and indifferent to fame and fortune, but she is an actress!

"The heart is like..." Liu Tao held Ruby Lin's hand to show comfort.

Huo Jianhua opened her mouth and wanted to say something. Ruby Lin smiled and shook her head, and opened the topic: "Mr. Mai, your company has been making big moves recently. In February, the media will watch your company every day."

Mai Xiaoyu chuckled and said, "It's time to work hard for so many years."

Ruby Lin picked up the wine glass: "Then I first wish Mr. Mai success, and the cute people will show their ambitions."


Four people clink glasses.

Mai Xiaoyu took a sip, put down his glass, and said: "There are still too few TV series, only two."

"Isn't there a variety show, "Run Brother" cooperating with Blueberry TV... is it a name?"


Mai Xiaoyu nodded.

"I take the liberty to ask, why did you choose Dolphin TV? I remember that your company and Dolphin TV cooperated a lot in the past."

"Because Dolphin TV changed the channel."

"Brothers Run", Mai Xiaoyu put forward the idea, theme, selling point, rules and gameplay, as well as part of the content, and then handed it over to Liang Pei, his variety production department, and the company's screenwriters.

After the project plan was completed, Liang Pei contacted all first-line TVs and quasi-first-line TVs except Dolphin TV.

Relying on the connections he has accumulated during the Chinese New Year in the TV station circle and the cute signs, he can easily get in touch with the person in charge of each TV station. But most satellite TVs are not interested in this project, because the outdoor reality show has been replaced by talent shows within a few years of its rise in China.

Although television stations have successively carried out institutional reforms and changed from the management model of public institutions to the corporate model, their nature is still the nature of public institutions under the guidance of the Bureau of Radio, Film and Television.

Therefore, whether it is a TV station that has completed institutional reforms or a TV station that has not completed institutional reforms, the thinking mode of the station leaders cannot completely get rid of the thinking of public institutions.

Nothing is done!

It is hard to say whether the outdoor reality show will have a second spring. "Brothers on the Run" has high requirements on capital cost and labor cost. The TV station does not need to take this risk.

What if it fails?

Who is responsible for the losses caused to the station?

Even if it succeeds, you can follow suit. That is the safest choice.

Litchi TV and Mengren Film and Television jointly created the trump card variety show "If You Are the One", but they are determined to be the first to eat crabs again.

However, considering that outdoor shooting is prone to many unplanned changes, so that many uncontrollable elements were added to the program recording process, they finally turned down the cute person.

Mango TV, which has just ordered the exclusive broadcast rights for the cute drama "The Three Thousand Gold of the Xia Family," at a high price, has shown interest in "Running Brothers". It's just that Mango Satellite TV has become more accustomed to it, and it turns out that cute people are also strong masters, and the two sides can't agree on copyright issues.

There was only Blueberry Satellite TV. There was a former classmate of Liang Pei who was the deputy director of the station. Both of them worked in the TV station. They had some contact in the past. With the help of this relationship, Liang Pei wasted no effort to persuade Blueberry Satellite TV.

In fact, Blueberry Satellite TV also has its own considerations.

First of all, this year is the Olympic year, and most of the audition programs are closed.

China will host the 29th Olympic Games this year, which will open on August 8.

The ups and downs of those talent shows are often concentrated in the summer vacation. By then, the Olympic Games will be held. How many people will watch the talents PK for promotion?

As a result, there will be a gap in this year's variety shows. And "Running Brothers" will not be affected, and the first season will be broadcast in September, which can also fit the slogan of National Fitness in the Olympic year.

Secondly, Blueberry Satellite TV attaches great importance to the promotion of the selling points of tourist attractions in the "Run Brother" project plan.

Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province is a major tourist province. From the perspective of tourist reception, it is in the first echelon, ranking in the top three with Sujiang Province and Eastern Guangdong Province. However, in terms of tourism revenue, it can only be ranked in the second echelon, far behind the first echelon composed of Yanjing, East Guangdong and East China Sea.

A game of chess across the province, as the provincial satellite TV of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, it must also contribute to the GDP of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province. There are many tourist attractions in the province. If "Running Brothers" succeeds, it will definitely help the promotion of tourist attractions in the province, increase tourist visits, and increase tourism revenue.

Taking into account the Mengren’s signature and the large-scale announcement at the beginning of this year, Blueberry Satellite TV thinks it is worth a fight. Therefore, they agreed to Mengren Film and Television's requirements for the copyright of the program, and jointly created "Running Brothers".

For many things, regardless of what Mai Xiaoyu said is easy and freehand, the actual operation process is quite difficult, but I will not tell outsiders.

"Outdoor reality shows are not easy to do, are you sure of Mr. Mai?" Huo Jianhua interjected.

"I don't have enough hands on me, I would never do it easily. For example, now, I feel that the company's TV drama projects this year are not enough." The latter sentence was said by Mai Xiaoyu looking at Ruby Lin.

Ruby Lin turned her head to avoid Mai Xiaoyu's gaze, and brought the topic to Liu Tao: "Tao Tao hasn't starred in your company's TV series for a long time. You can open another one for her to star in."

"Then how can I do, what should I do if I am tired of Taotao? I also plan to reduce her announcements and let her gradually turn to be behind the scenes." While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu shook Liu Tao's hand.

Liu Tao was taken aback for a moment, and then he also held Mai Xiaoyu's hand. The two interlocked their fingers in front of Ruby Lin and Huo Jianhua.

Ruby Lin smiled knowingly, not surprised, but Huo Jianhua almost didn't jump up.

"Mr. Mai, you, you, you, you..."

"She is my girlfriend." Mai Xiaoyu raised the hand holding Liu Tao and shook it.

Huo Jianhua's whole person is not good.

His eyes were wide open, and his face was horrified; his hands were sometimes placed on the table, and sometimes raised again; his mouth was open and closed, and he stopped talking; the reaction was great.

"Do you have to be so excited? We two are together, what does it have to do with you, never... you have a crush on me?"

"Don't be kidding. It's not Mr. Mai, you guys... when did you start?"

"Very early, when filming Tianlong Babu."

"I never knew?"

"That's you stupid, the neck and Chao have already seen it."

"No, I, you, I still didn't expect that your confidentiality work is also very good."

"So, you must continue to keep secrets for us."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not tell anyone."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and faced Ruby Lin: "My heart is like sister..."

"Taotao is my good sister. I will only bless her and keep her secret. In the future, when you get married, I will be Taotao's bridesmaid."

"That won't work, you are too old."

Ruby Lin: "..."

"Maizi." Liu Tao groaned.

Mai Xiaoyu laughed twice and said again; "Xin Ru Sister, you are a good sister of my girlfriend, and a confidante, and you have a deep connection with our company. How about working together?"

Ruby Lin's contract with her old club is about to expire, and the contract has not been renewed. There are reports on this matter on the Internet, and there are many speculations, and everyone here knows it.

And she was really moved by Mai Xiaoyu's promise on Taiwan Island last year, otherwise she would not come to Huo Jianhua's house for dinner tonight. Her only concern is whether Mengren has opened so many projects this year, whether she still has enough resources and energy to spend on her.

The mainland film and television company she had signed with before was really big, and the scale was much larger than that of Mengren.

what's the result?

After she signed the contract, the company's actresses ranked, and she couldn't even rank third!

The allocated resources are extremely A lot of advertisements have been shot, and there are not many dramas that have a serious history. The transformation of "Princess Dali" has been shelved indefinitely and has not been broadcast until now.

Knowing her concerns, Mai Xiaoyu got up and walked to the coat rack, took out a script from her bag, and placed it in front of Ruby Lin: "This is a gift specially prepared by the company for your arrival. You joined in the name of the studio. The company, get acquainted with the various departments of the company.

When the show is broadcast next year, if the effect is good, your studio will go out independently and be your own boss, with the name of the company, and the treatment will be the same as Huang Bo. At that time, the company will join hands with your studio to create a big drama. How about you being one of the producers? "

Feeling the sincerity of Mai Xiaoyu's face, Ruby Lin looked at the script in front of him, and then at Mai Xiaoyu, and asked movingly: "I'm just an overwhelming actor, is it worth it?"

Mai Xiaoyu stretched out his right hand: "Yu Gong, your previous company was blind; Yu Si, you are Taotao's good sister, and also a beauty, I can also cherish the memory of the dead crape myrtle..."

"You, I'm not dead yet!" Lin Xinru groaned, holding Mai Xiaoyu's hand again.

This time, both of them held very powerfully...

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