The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 790: "Forcing the Palace"

The entertainment industry is recognized as a Vanity Fair, and successful actors can easily gain enviable fame and benefits. ?? It is precisely for this reason that more and more young people break their heads and want to squeeze into this circle, pursuing the pleasure of becoming famous overnight and getting rich overnight.

For this reason, they selectively ignore the majority of people struggling at the bottom of the entertainment industry pyramid, and their eyes are fixed on the scenery of a few stars in the upper and middle of the entertainment industry, dreaming that they can stand in that position or pass that position.

However, the final result is whether dreams come true, or the heart is thinner than the sky and the fate... After so many years of testing, the latter accounted for the vast majority.

In the cruel reality, the middle-and-lowest cutie stands out, especially conspicuous.

It's difficult to sign a contract, but's going to be hot!

Signing a cute person is equal to becoming famous, and almost all of them are about to become a recognized truth.

The cute male artists, except for Chen Chichi and Zheng Kai who are still in school, all bought apartments in Yanjing. And Chen Chichi and Zheng Kai also made their debut with a bright future thanks to the show of urban sitcoms.

Most of the cute female artists have also bought real estate in Yanjing. In addition, because they often dared to make announcements outside of filming, the 18th-floor dormitory in Sunshine Star City has become more and more deserted.

But tonight, there are a lot of gir1s in the dormitory.

As soon as Mai Xiaoyu entered the door, Liu Shishi pulled in front, Zhao Liying pushed behind, and was taken to room 18o2.

In the living room, Yang Mi is sitting on the sand, with one foot on the sand, tilting his head, slanting his eyes, holding a toothpick in his mouth, like a little sister.

Tong Liya sat next to her, sipping big red strawberries, like cheering and watching a show.

"Why is it so long? Little Tudou, did you tell the news?" Yang Mi looked at Zhao Liying, hanging with a toothpick in his mouth.

Zhao Liying hurriedly shook her head: "No, I don't."

Mai Xiaoyu scolded; "Sit down for me and speak well, otherwise I will beat you!"

Yang Mi hurriedly sat down, spit out the toothpick, and felt that his aura was suppressed and lost face. He wanted to pick up the toothpick and hold it in his mouth again, but he froze for a while considering that the toothpick was dirty.

Mai Xiaoyu walked straight over and snatched a strawberry that was just about to be eaten from Tong Liya's mouth.

As soon as Tong Liya wanted to protest, she saw Mai Xiaoyu eating the strawberry in one bite, and then slapped the short petiole under the strawberry on Yang Mi's forehead.

Tong Liya: "..."

Liu Shishi: "..."

Zhao Liying: "..."

Yang Mi was stunned and forced for fifteen seconds, and he felt the petiole sticking to his forehead, still feeling wet, and was angry.

"Uncle smelly, I'm fighting with you!"

She jumped up and pounced on Mai Xiaoyu. Mai Xiaoyu easily flashed past, pressing her easily on the sand, then picked up a strawberry, and patted the lower petiole on Yang Mi's forehead after eating it.

Tong Liya hurriedly stepped forward, retreated to Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying's side, and she watched the play with curiosity.

"Yeah, you are dead!"

Yang Mi struggled to no avail, so he had to "speak ruthlessly" to scare Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu picked up the third strawberry: "Little fox, let me know that you don't pay attention to image, and you will be dead if you pretend to be a little sister."

While speaking, he ate the strawberry, holding the petiole with **** and dangling in front of Yang Mi's face.

Yang Mi did not hesitate to bite Mai Xiaoyu's finger. With a flick of Mai Xiaoyu's finger, the strawberry petiole bounced into Yang Mi's mouth, and then let her go.

"Cough cough cough!"

"Bah, baah..."

Yang Mi jumped back, coughing up again and again, coughing out the petiole, slurping several mouthfuls, gritted his teeth and said: "Uncle..."

Mai Xiaoyu was still on the sand, eating fresh strawberries, and asked: "Let's talk about little fox, you've only been back to school for a few days, why don't you run back from school, why do you get the three of them to cheer you? Think I will be scared?"

After Yang Mi starred, his popularity increased greatly, and he was regarded as one of the famous Xiaohua in the country. He successfully received two medium-produced costume dramas, both of which are female number one.

Last week, the new play came to an end. She attended a few more activities and only returned to Beijing three days ago to return to Yanying to attend classes.

A few days after returning to school, he ran back without saying anything, and specifically called Liu Shishi who was filming at the Huairou Film and Television Base. In addition, Zhao Liying and Tong Liya, who were recently in the dormitory, used large meals, fruits, and snacks as a bargaining chip to "force the palace" Mai Xiaoyu with the three of them.

Can Mai Xiaoyu see this in pediatrics?

"small potato!"

"Don't fart and look at others, can you hide it from me with your careful thinking?"

Zhao Liying hurriedly added: "That's right, Sister Mi Mi, Brother Mai... Mr. Mai is very smart, only he is a lie, who can lie to him?"

"What you said makes sense. I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt you." After apologizing to Zhao Liying, Yang Mi turned to Mai Xiaoyu, his attitude changed drastically, and said pitifully: "Uncle, did you abandon me..."

"Go here! Isn't it just that you are not satisfied with the female number three and want to play the female number two?"

"Yeah, yeah, I really like Xinru Teacher, let me play a rival role with her, can I play the second female role?" Yang Mi's expression changed again, and he threw at Mai Xiaoyu's arm, "let me play the second female role." Is the number okay, okay, Brother Mai—"

"I'll take it, it's too cripple." Mai Xiaoyu shuddered and pushed Yang Mi away.

Liu Shishi couldn't help saying: "Sister Mi Mi, I have goose bumps."

"I got goose bumps all over the place." Zhao Liying made up the knife and asked Tong Liya, "How about you?"

Tong Liya; "Haha."

Yang Mi turned a deaf ear to ears, his eyes were red, and tears came down: "Brother Maizi, you have changed. Back then, you were drunk with me, and you carried me back to your home. I woke up and found that... oooooo."

About this, Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying both knew the truth and looked helplessly at each other.

But Liya Tong heard this, her eyes widened, and she looked at Mai Xiaoyu and Yang Mi on the sand in disbelief.

Mai Xiaoyu went on to eat strawberries: "Strawberries taste good, who bought them?"

Yang Mi continued: "I bought it, oooo, I know you like to eat, oooo, I bought it for you, but you treat me like that, oooooo..."




Tong Liya felt uncomfortable.

Mai Xiaoyu finally put down the strawberry, touched the tears on Yang Mi's face with his fingers, and tasted it: "70 points."

Yang Mi sat up straight, muttering and complaining: "I performed so well, and the tears are real. You only gave me a 7o point?"

"Because your tears are real, I gave you a score of 7o. In the last paragraph, you noticed the coordination of tone, eye expression, expression and language, but lacked the coordination of body movements and emotional engagement."

"So you let me play the third female role?"

"do you have any opinion?"

There must be some opinions, otherwise Yang Mi would not run back from school at night.

There are her characters, "Xue Yuan", the third female. After half of the plot, she committed suicide and was forced to commit suicide.

At the beginning of this year, Mengren film and television dramas and variety shows have launched a number of projects, many of which have huge investments.

Liu Shishi plays the second female role in Zhong, Zhao Liying plays the second female role in Zhong, Tong Liya is too cute, she is only an important supporting role in Zhong, but Yang Mi, the most popular, played the third female role in Zhong, and was forced to commit suicide in half...

"May I play the second female role?"

"The second female is the villain."

"It's okay, it just so happens that I can broaden my play."

"You can't control it."

"I can, really. There are still a few months before the boot, I will take the time to study the script and the characters, and I promise to make your eyes shine."

Yang Mi once again pulled Mai Xiaoyu's arm and kept begging. This time it is not to show my acting skills, but to really beg.

"Uncle, you and my dad are good friends, you promised him to take good care of me."

"There is also teacher Maizi, don't you give his face?"

"Brother Maizi, you are so good to Cici, I am also your sister..."


Yang Mi begged, and secretly winked at Liu Shishi, Zhao Liying and Tong Liya and asked them to help.

This was discussed before Mai Xiaoyu came back. To be precise, all three of them were bought by Yang Mi with food.

Liu Shishi and Zhao Liying were also called Ruqiu's team, helping Yang Mi to ask for roles.

In their view, it is a TV series prepared by the company, and Yang Mi is the company’s artist and his own. Of course, if he is good, he must be cheaper.

Tong Liya joined in ignorantly, feeling a mess.

She finally understood why Mai Xiaoyu shouted "Little Fox".

Co-authoring has done so many things, even sad and crying, but Yang Mi is to show off his acting skills in front of Mai Xiaoyu, and the purpose... from start to finish is to ask for a role.

What surprised her even more was that Mai Xiaoyu had no airs at all. Not at all like the boss of the company, like a friend, or the big brother next door, pampering everyone in the company and giving her a warm feeling.

Mai Xiaoyu was annoyed by the entanglement, and pointed to the open space next to the coffee table: "Dance a fox dance, I will let you play the second female role."

Yang Mi rolled his eyes a few times and gritted his teeth: "You said it."

Seeing what she was really going to do in the fox dance, Liu Shishi kindly reminded: "Mi Mi, be careful of being deceived."

A word awakened the dreamer.

Yang Mi stared with big eyes; "Uncle, are you lying to me?"

When Mai Xiaoyu looked at Liu Shi, "You have broken down in your studies, and become increasingly unbehaved."

"Let you touch your head." Liu Shishi lay on the back of the sand and lowered his head.

"Humph." Mai Xiaoyu turned his face to the side, picked up a strawberry, and ate it slowly, "Little fox, I'll give you the opportunity. You can decide by yourself."

Yang Mi hesitated.

Don't agree, you can't get the second female; if you agree, what if you get cheated?

Mai Xiaoyu is notoriously deceiving, and he won a thousand at every card.

Zhao Liying walked to Yang Mi and whispered in her ear.

Yang Mi's eyes lit up; "For the second woman, I will give it up. But if you lie to me, I will tell the reporter, your unspoken rules are Liying!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Mai Xiaoyu was choked by strawberries.

Tong Liya couldn't help but laughed out loud.

Liu Shishi leaned on the back of the sand with a smile, and kept beating the sand.

Zhao Liying was anxious, she didn't say that just now!

She threw on Yang Mi and squeaked her: "Bad fox, you hurt me!"

"That's right, let you mess with her." Mai Xiaoyu cursed with a smile, "Little fox, let me make it clear to you. If you insist on acting as the second girl, this drama will even give you a graduation gift next year."

Graduation gift for next year!

The little fox was not called for nothing. Yang Mi wanted to understand something in an instant, and asked excitedly: "If I play the third role, and I graduate next year, will you give me a bigger surprise?"

"If, I mean if. If your acting skills satisfy me, next year the company will open another costume drama, as your graduation gift, you are the first female."


Yang Mi jumped up happily, and immediately picked up a strawberry and took the initiative to feed Mai Xiaoyu; "Uncle, you are the best uncle in the world."

"Stop flattering, I only watch acting."

Zhao Liying sighed: "Sister Mi Mi has a good life, I also want to go to college."

"Come on less, just your grades, you are the same as me back then." Mai Xiaoyu beat Zhao Liying mercilessly, then slapped her face in front of her, "Try to improve your acting skills, you are also the first woman."

After that, he touched Liu Shishi's head next to him again: "The same is true for you. I have prepared Ah Zheng for the script for you to play the female No.1. The question is whether your acting skills are up to the standard... Including you, ah NS."

Mai Xiaoyu didn't stay for too He just emphasized his acting skills a few times, then teased the four girls again, and went downstairs to paint him.

The book has been written and handed over to Feiyang Publishing House for publication. In the past few days, he is drawing comics and preparing to publish a pamphlet. When the pamphlet is published, Moeren will work with Maiye Special Effects to create anime.

When he turned into a humanoid photocopier, the girls upstairs were still excited.

Tong Liya was very envious of the relationship between Yang Mi's third daughter and Mai Xiaoyu, and asked: "Mai has a good temper. Do you usually ask him for a role like this?"

Liu Shishi: "He only has a good temper with his own people, and it doesn't necessarily matter if he is replaced by an outsider."

Zhao Liying: "No one can change his decision, even if the bad fox really does the fox dance, it's useless."

"Then you still ask him for a role?"

"Ai, you sleep with me tonight, remember to become a potato." Threatening Zhao Liying, Yang Mi said to Tong Liya with a smile, "You don't understand this. If I don't ask the uncle for a role tonight, the uncle will again How could you tell me that next year, let me act as the female number one?"

"I really envy your relationship with Mr. Mai."

"There is nothing to envy, the uncle said, the company is a big family, everyone is a family member. You may not adapt to the company for a short time, when you get used to it, treat yourself as a member of the big family, you It will appear, the uncle is a good person."

Late at night.

The girls who tossed all night went to sleep.

Mai Xiaoyu sat in the study, the humanoid copier, which had been warmed up, entered the high "copy" mode.

At about midnight, Mai Xiaoyu received an overseas call from Shi Hao from Los Angeles.

"Two pieces of news. Qingtian intends to let Ma Danni seduce Deng Chao; it is also ready to do some tricks on your cash flow when your company's capital chain is the most tense."

"Ma Danni? Not Sun Li?" 8

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