The materials used in the two films are classic fairy tales from European and American countries, which are familiar to all young and old.

Cici, a yellow-skinned Chinese girl, became the star of the two films. The American people said: April Fools' Day is long past!

When the news came back to China, there was also a lot of discussion in the country.

With continuous media reports, newspapers, magazines, TV stations, and portal websites have contacted Mengren, hoping to give Cici an exclusive interview to talk about Cici's entry into Hollywood in detail.

Cici's fans like to run wild, the sunspots are slobbering, and the passerby party also expresses their own opinions. They have different opinions. What is more concerned on the Internet is the story behind Cici's entry into Hollywood.

You said there is no story behind it?

Then tell me, how did a young Chinese actress get the heroines of two Hollywood blockbusters?

There has been heated discussion on this matter in China, and the same is true in the United States.

First, American distributors used this to hype Cici, attracting audiences who had never seen a movie, or who had not seen a movie but were not impressed with Cici, and went into the cinema to watch the movie.

In the past, American audiences paid more attention to this movie, but now they are paying attention to Cici.

I want to see what the heroine of He looks like, what is special about it, and why it was picked by Disney.

After watching it, American audiences at most just think that the "Golden Swallow" in the play is a very beautiful oriental girl. As for the others... I really didn't see it. However, the box office has ushered in its second spring.

But for Cici, in the US media and social tools, all kinds of doubts are everywhere, and Disney's competitors are all questioning Disney. For the sake of China's box office, they will not hesitate to destroy the classic fairy tales in the hearts of the American people.

Faced with overwhelming doubts, Disney did not express its position.

As a result, there was radical American media, which once again revealed what was said last year. The report clearly shows that Cici is also an entertainer from Mengren Film and Television. The incident is a conspiracy from the East. It is very likely that there is a shadow of Huaxia official behind it. No, no, good, good!

Faced with this statement, Hualong Pictures, which has successfully made a wave of presence in the United States, jumped out.

"Film knows no borders, and it will not become a breeding ground for racial discrimination!"

As the co-producer of the two films, Hualong Pictures pointed out in the article that Cici is a Chinese American and also an American; the so-called conspiracy, the so-called boycott of Cici, is a manifestation of racial discrimination!

In the United States, "race discrimination" has always been a sensitive word, especially this year, it is even more sensitive.

Because 2008 is the U.S. election year, the presidential election!

The interest spokespersons of the various capital groups in the United States are fighting for the presidency. Sensitive topics such as "species and ethnic discrimination", "reduction of military expenditures", "judicial affairs", etc. are all artifacts!

Through these artifacts, attacking opponents and drawing votes for themselves, American politicians and interest groups played 666.

In order to combat opponents and demonstrate their own charm, various scandals and rumors have emerged one after another. In addition to the United States, other countries are also paying attention to the changes in the US election, and the forces of various countries are more or less involved in it.

Let's put it this way, it is not necessary for Mai Xiaoyu to spend money to find Samuel to organize blacks to take to the streets. There have been many demonstrations related to the election on the streets of the United States.

Don't take the American street demonstrations seriously. For the American people, it is almost like drinking water. If you say something wrong, you may march and demonstrate.

Samuel is also in battle, and has nothing to do with Mai Xiaoyu.

Since selling this product, following Mai Xiaoyu, and tasted the sweetness of organizing a parade, he began to develop professionalism. In less than a year, it has undertaken many domestic and foreign orders and successfully organized small-scale demonstrations of blacks and Mexicans, which attracted the attention of certain foreign forces.

Now, after secretly receiving funding from a certain capitalist force, Samuel is not the gangster who wanted to dominate the streets, but the "hot-blooded youth" with dreams and the goal of running for the Los Angeles City Councillor.

He "represents" the interests of the vast number of blacks and old Mo in Los Angeles, has a high reputation among the African and Mexican people, and spares no effort to move towards his ideals!

Shi Hao told Mai Xiaoyu about this. After Mai Xiaoyu heard on the phone, he felt like a dog.

The starring Cici incident has intensified the heat and sensitivity of the term "racial discrimination". Many American politicians who participated in the general election were exposed in recordings or reported by insiders, and they were exposed to racial and ethnic discrimination incidents.

After a wave of fermentation, the controversy over Cici starring in two Hollywood blockbusters has cooled, and the United States continues to develop various tears and forces around the general election.

Mai Xiaoyu doesn't care whether there is any official Huaxia inside. He didn't want to get involved in political matters, and he had already greeted Chen Aijun from the relevant department.

Cici has had a wave of presence in the United States, and it has become an established fact to star in two Hollywood blockbusters; most of the new projects launched by Mengren this year are proceeding smoothly. The company has Liu Xiaoli in control of the overall situation, and he does not need to worry about it.

Ning Shirong also devoted most of his energy to Qingtian's work. In addition to letting Pei Pengbing seduce Guyang film and television actress Deng Chao, he only asked Zhang Ruilin to pay attention to the changes in Moeren's cash flow and wait for Moeren's capital chain to go wrong.

It's rare for Mai Xiaoyu, who knows the inside story, to stop for a year. After confessing the company's affairs in early April, he rushed to Hangzhou to discuss the outdoor reality show of cooperation between the two parties with Blueberry TV.

Outdoor reality shows are not easy to do, especially large-scale outdoor competitive reality shows like this.

Whatever the responsibility to revitalize the domestic outdoor reality show, etc., are just clichés. The real deal is the high investment in human, material, financial and other aspects, as well as the high requirements in terms of location contact, actor organization, production team, and post-editing team.

In addition, we must fully estimate and prepare for unexpected situations that may occur during the shooting.

After more than half a month of communication, running-in and exploration, the two sides finally reached a consensus on the overall content rules and direction.

Scene reconnaissance team, screenwriting team, director team, camera team, props team, post-production team, production team, etc. are being prepared one after another. The entire production team has two to three hundred people. Liang Pei and his variety show production department A dozen members are not enough. Blueberry TV needs to invest a lot of staff.

According to Mai Xiaoyu’s vision, a professional TV production line must be created in order to use hundreds of camera positions, invest two or three hundred staff in the shooting process, and operate in an orderly manner in complex and changeable location shooting.

Among them, elements such as scientific process, fine division of labor, and close collaboration are indispensable.

Not surprisingly, Mai Xiaoyu once again served as the general counsel of the program group, only in charge of using his mouth and brain.

The top leaders of the program group include a chief planner and two chief directors, both from Blueberry TV. They are not opposed to the concept of "TV production line" proposed by Mai Xiaoyu, because building such an assembly line can train the Blueberry TV team and lay the foundation for the production of other variety shows in the future.

In addition, the program team was also convinced by the general counsel Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu participated in the preparations for the establishment of various departments, particularly emphasizing the importance of the screenwriting team and the post-production team.

He proposed to set up two directors in the program group.

One focuses on the scene and the other focuses on the screenwriter. The separation of the director and the director gives the director more energy to focus on the presentation and setting of the scene, and the screenwriter more energy to arrange the artist's entire emotional, character positioning and link content trend.

To this end, he took a scriptwriter of 1 male and 7 females to create the first five episodes in a week, repeatedly emphasizing the importance of the scriptwriters, laughing and cursing, gagging, and routines constantly, changing their minds in different ways.

Variety show scripts are different from traditional film and television scripts. They are just the program framework and various game links, not instructing guests how to perform.

Give a simple example. In traditional scripts, the screenwriter may write in the script that there is "scream" here, but the variety show scripts are only responsible for designing the "bungee jumping link" or "roller coaster" link. Whether the guest screams, it's up to you.

After a week of contact, the little girls on the screenwriter saw him, their eyes lit up.

Unlike the screenwriter’s goodwill towards him, the camera crew "hate" him.

During the preparation of the program group, the camera crew had nothing else to do except participating in the program group meeting. According to his assignment, he went to exercise his physical fitness.

One word-run!

Running men running men must run. Photographers carry heavy equipment and must keep up with the pace of the guests. This places extremely high demands on the physical fitness of the cameraman.

The post-production team is also one of the departments that Mai Xiaoyu attaches the most importance to. He clearly put forward the concept of "subtitle special effects".

To produce a variety show, the picture, motion effects, special effects, sound, subtitles and other elements are indispensable. However, in the past variety show, the subtitles are more explanatory and make up for the lack of audiovisual information.

This time, Mai Xiaoyu asked that the post-production team should play with flowers when making subtitles.

For example, flower style subtitles.

Flower characters are not a new thing. They have already appeared in Korean variety show groups, but they are not overwhelming, but in China, they are still blank.

Illustrative flower characters, emphasized flower characters, modified flower characters, explanatory flower characters, etc., and the production process of flower characters is quite complicated.

First, conceive the content of flower characters based on the screen information; secondly, select fonts, matching colors, and hand-drawn cartoon elements according to different content; finally design a suitable way of entering and exiting flower characters.

The writing of Huazi not only requires the creator to have a solid foundation in writing, but also requires a divergent thinking. A large segment of meaning should be clearly expressed in a few short words, and it should be kept as humorous as possible to match the rhythm and atmosphere of the segment.

The most important thing is that you also need to continue to learn current popular vocabulary and golden sentences, use them in the right place, play a finishing touch, and arouse the audience's resonance.

It will become the first variety show in China that uses special effects subtitles. For the later stage group, this is a challenge, and sufficient preparations must be made in advance.

Mai Xiaoyu had detailed communication and exchanges with various departments in the program group. He doesn't know how to do it, but he will say that, as detailed as possible, the strange dreams have been cut and shredded and instilled into the various departments.

For more than a month, the professionalism shown by Mai Xiaoyu, the general counselor in the program group, convinced everyone in the program group.

"Mr. Mai, let's take a photo together."

"Yingying, haven't we two got together before?"

"I changed my phone, this pixel is higher."

"Rich people, haven't my rules forgotten?"

"I haven't forgotten, the photos are not spread."

Yingying, a female screenwriter in her early twenties, put her arms around Mai Xiaoyu, posing for a selfie. As soon as he pressed the shutter button, he suddenly turned his head and kissed Mai Xiaoyu's face, then chuckled and ran away with the phone.

Mai Xiaoyu touched his face and looked at each other's back other three middle-aged men and women in the office laughed.

"I was assaulted by a yellow-haired girl in the program group, and you guys are still laughing, and also laughing so loudly!"

A middle-aged man in his thirties with pigtails smiled and said, "Mr. Mai, should I give you a kiss to find balance?"

"Forget it, I would rather let Sister Yu kiss me."

"If you gave it to us, I asked you to kiss me!"

"Yeah, now I finally understand why it succeeded. Mr. Mai, if you did the project analysis meeting yourself, I'm afraid we would have agreed to it long ago."

"Just kidding, how can a low-key person like me show this kind of limelight."

"Hahaha, this is the case. He Zhang Ying also told others not to spread it outside. There is no one except you. However, I am now more and more confident in our program. Maybe it will be broadcast in the future and it can really give everyone one. Surprise."

"Surprise, let's talk about it later. The delay is to finalize the selection of the seven guests to host. During this time, have you found any suitable candidates?"

For the Dragon Ball, Mai Xiaoyu only prepared five: Deng Chao, Wang Baoqiang, Chen He, Zheng Kai and Yang Ying.

The five-person contract has been signed, and the schedule has been reserved. The person setting and the role are also in accordance with Mai Xiaoyu’s strange dream, but there are still two dragon balls: a strength-based role and a variety show. Be funny.

Recently, Mai Xiaoyu and the program group are looking for people, and some artists in the circle take the initiative to ask for them, but they have not found a particularly suitable one.

The four were chatting, and a staff member knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. Mai, there is a girl outside looking for you."

Mai Xiaoyu looked at his watch: "Oh, it's almost six o'clock. I almost forgot to make an appointment tonight, so I'll take a step first. You ask her to wait a bit, and I'll be there soon..."

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