The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 794: Hu? Xu [Fei. To protect the law two thousand three hundred thirty three six hundred...

During this period of time, Mai Xiaoyu has been busy preparing for work in Hangzhou. The biggest advantage is that it is close to Hengdian, which is convenient for visiting the class.

The start-up is about to start, the crew has gathered in Hengdian, the staff are in place, and the actors have joined the group one after another. Hu Xu also came to Hengdian after participating in the recording of a TV show two days ago.

Cheng Long’s company is one of the producers, and he himself is in the director system, so the opening ceremony must be present.

The Young Master Yang was the young man who came with Cheng Long when he brought Liu Tao and Cheng Long to discuss the script in a private club after Hu Xu's car accident.

Later, Zhu Tao was interrupted, caught from Thailand and thrown in front of the East China Sea Traffic Police, which was arranged by Young Master.

Speaking of it, Mai Xiaoyu still owes this person a favor, otherwise the investor would not have the name of Emperor Pictures.

The next day, Mai Xiaoyu greeted the show crew and asked Ke Haoyi to drive the show crew's SUV to Hengdian.

On the night of arriving in Hengdian, the two parties found a hotel and sat down.

There are six people at the wine table.

On the Mengren side, only himself and Hu Xu; on the Emperor’s side are Cheng Long, Young Master, the heroine and Cheng Long’s assistant.

Cheng Long's assistant is mainly responsible for service work such as pouring wine and urging vegetables.

This is the first time that Mai Xiaoyu has seen Hu Xu this year.

Hu Xu recovered well, except for a scar on the corner of his right eye, nothing serious.

Mai Xiaoyu could feel that Hu Xu's previous escape and buttery aura was much less, replaced by a calm and faint vicissitudes of life.

"Brother Long, Young Master, I will toast the two of you first. Thank you Hu for taking care of him during his stay in Xiangjiang."

"This is too far-fetched, everyone is friends!"

Young Master also smiled and echoed: "Mr. Mai has to be fined for drinking if he sees you like this again."

"It was me who said the wrong thing, and I punished myself for a drink."

"Don't don't don't, I didn't mean that...well, I'll accompany you for a drink."

After a few glasses of wine, everyone greeted a few words, and soon talked about the upcoming boot. When you talk, you can't help but talk about the hero and heroine.

Hu Xu was very calm, and simply dealt with a few words, toasted a circle of wine, and ate the food silently without talking much.

The heroine is nominally selected through an online audition, and she is a very beautiful and slick girl. In fact, he is an entertainer under the Emperor's banner. He has been praised for two or three years since his debut, and he has a small reputation.

The so-called online audition is just a propaganda stunt, which is shown to the people who eat melons. Mai Xiaoyu knows this well.

The two parties cooperated, Hu Xu, as a cute artist, will play the leading role; the heroine must not be left to Cheng Longying's arrangement?

Otherwise, how could Mai Xiaoyu arrange Liu Shishi to play the second female role instead of the female one?

The heroine is the only woman on the wine table.

She was obviously used to seeing similar scenes, and her performance was generous, which played a role in regulating the atmosphere.

This, Cheng Long winked and smiled: "Xiaobing, haven't you always admired Mr. Mai. Now that you see the true Buddha, don't you toast a glass of wine?"

"Big Brother and Young Master are also the objects of my admiration." First, as a compliment, the heroine held up the wine glass, "Mr. Mai, I toast you. I have watched every movie and TV series produced by your cute person. Great."

"Your image and temperament are very good, but it's a pity that I met too late, otherwise I will find ways to sign you."

"Oh, thank you for always favoring Mai, I take it seriously."

"Really, why not take it seriously, I'm telling the truth."


Such scenes are too pediatric for Mai Xiaoyu.

He knows Young Master Yang's background and the other party's purpose. There is no conflict of interest between the two parties.

Satiated with wine and food, Cheng Long took out his eldest brother's true qualities and began to tell Hu Xu and the heroine about his experience when shooting movies that year. Then encourage the two of them not to have too much pressure, to believe in themselves, and they will be able to reinterpret a new "myth" image.

In fact, he created conditions for Mai Xiaoyu and Young Master Yang to be alone.

Just as he encouraged the hero and the heroine, Mai Yang and Yang sat on the sofa next to each other, sipping the after-dinner red wine and chatting in a low voice.

"Thank you for that."

"If you say you are friends, your friends should help each other. This time you are planning to take part in the auction, and you still want to count us. This is a friend! By the way, how about the distribution rights of Xiangjiang and Southeast Asia? "

"Hehe, you have to discuss this with Hailian."

"We have passed the air a long time ago. They are in charge of the mainland and Taiwan, and we are in charge of Hong Kong and Southeast Asia."

"Then I will be fine."

This is the case in shopping malls. Cooperation based on feelings is not reliable, and the only benefit can become the cornerstone of cooperation.

The emperor’s reputation and influence in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia are not small. In recent years, he has been attracted by the huge market cakes in the Mainland. The development to the north is only the existence of circle barriers, which limits their space.

Taking the film industry as an example, resources in Beijing circle and resources in Hong Kong and Taiwan are two circles.

Artists go to the Northeast, they have to worship the "Northeast King" wharf!

Only cute people are a special case. Since the self-reliance of playing stand-alone games, the film and television industry has made achievements, and now it is developing towards variety shows. He is a wonderful **** of wealth. Whoever wants to be a cute person will definitely make a profit.

So Young Master Yang put forward another suggestion-the two companies swap shares and cross shareholdings to enhance the close relationship between the two companies.

Mai Xiaoyu sighed: "It's not that I don't want to, but that our company can't spend so much money now."

This is true.

At the beginning of this year, the cute people have made big plans one after another, and everyone in the circle knows how much money they plan to throw out, and it is estimated that they will not leave ten.

Young Master Yang did not insist: "Your company is playing too much this year. Be careful that Qingtian will come to you at a critical moment and cut off your capital chain."

That is impossible!

It is certain that Mengren's funds are tight, but he will never break the chain of funds. He has asked Shi Hao to find someone to estimate it. If you don't consider the assets under his name, Moeren really has the possibility of breaking the capital chain, but his assets have exceeded 100 million, and he can withstand the financial pressure encountered by the company in the second half of the year.

This was a deliberate assumption he made, in order to paralyze Ning to build up enough space and time for himself before the final blow.

The truth can't be said, he continued to fool Young Master Yang: "If there is a problem with our Mengren's capital chain, we have to ask you to help."

"No problem, I can mobilize funds less than 200 million yuan within three days." Young Master Yang suddenly asked, "I heard that the outdoor reality show you are doing now lacks two male guests to host? "

"Do you have a good recommendation?"

"Our company has a newly signed singer named Wang Zulan. His debut time is not too long. He is versatile, can write, sing and act, and has a good sense of variety, but his head is lowered."

Wang Zulan?

This is one of the Dragon Balls Mai Xiaoyu expected, but Wang Zulan has just made his debut, and he is not very famous in Xiangjiang, so he is not recommended to the show crew for the time being. Thinking of waiting for a few more days, the program crew really couldn't find anyone, so he spoke again.

Since Young Master Yang mentioned it, then he had nothing to hesitate.

"no problem."

The promise was so happy that Young Master was in a good mood.

He recommended Wang Zulan not for the sake of Wang Zulan, but to test Mai Xiaoyu's attitude towards cooperation between the two sides.

The result of the trial...

He took the initiative to raise the goblet: "Then I hope that in the future, our two companies will have more opportunities for cooperation and make money together!"

Mai Xiaoyu smiled: "I promise, I will definitely have the opportunity to make big money together in the future!"


After the dinner, it was already more than ten o'clock in the evening.

Seeing that it was too late, Mai Xiaoyu did not bother Liu Shi, but sent the slightly drunk Hu Xu back to the hotel.

"Hu, take a good rest, have a meal together at noon tomorrow, and have a good chat."

After speaking, Mai Xiaoyu turned to leave.

Hu Xu suddenly took his hand: "Boss, don't go, I have something to tell you..."

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