When the Blueberry TV program group got the program ratings data, many people in the industry also got it.

Wang Tian, ​​the CEO of Fiber Optic Media, sat in his office, just used the computer, and spent nearly two hours watching last night's. At the moment, holding yesterday's ratings report, a question mark in his forehead.

Fiber Optics has made great achievements in the film industry in the past two years, but they started off with variety shows. Variety shows are their foundation and their key products.

Wang Tian's attention to cute people originated from his discovery, he discovered the innovative attributes hidden in Mai Xiaoyu.

I won't talk about it before, just talk about the concept of "web drama", which was first proposed by Moe. And the internet fire gave him the inspiration for internet syndicate. This year, fiber optics has done several network integrations. The cost is very low and the effect is good. There are not only new hosts who have emerged, but also the seemingly mediocre old hosts.

So cute people do it, and there are many people who pay attention to it, and Wang Tian is one of them.

Once successful, the outdoor reality show will surely rise up. The second person who eats crabs has little risk and many benefits!

But this...

"Xiao Sun, inform Guan Xiang to come to my office."

Five minutes later, Guan Xiang, who was notified by Secretary Wang Tian, ​​knocked on the door of Wang Tian's office.

He is one of Wang Tian's assistants and the youngest among Wang Tian's assistants. Last night, Wang Tian was invited to attend a commercial reception, specifically for him to watch Blueberry TV.

"President Wang, are you looking for me?"

"Sit down and say." Wang Tian asked Guan Xiang to sit down, "Tell me about last night's."

Didn’t I report this morning? Why do I have to say it?

With doubts, Guan Xiang once again reported his professional views.

Let's talk about the advantages first.

The first is novelty.

In the past few years, domestic variety shows have blossomed. Among them, talent shows that have turned declining are still hot, and marriage and love shows are ushering in their second spring, but there are very few outdoor reality shows.

The emergence of this has made up for this, and has enriched the types of domestic variety shows. Because of the excessive homogeneity, those audiences who are aesthetically tired of variety shows may have a bright feeling after seeing it.

The second is atmosphere.

The outdoor reality show makes the variety show go out of the studio and focus the camera directly on real life. With this natural advantage, the program is closer to life and the public, so that more ordinary people can participate in the program and enter the variety show.

With this in mind, hundreds of aunts danced square dances in the opening session; in the first game session, the star ran across the fingerboard and other images with the fat aunt on his back, creating a friendly and grounded atmosphere.

In addition, through music, voiceovers, subtitles special effects, celebrities being tricked, etc., it creates a lively and festive atmosphere and brings a pleasant viewing experience to the audience.

The last is the post-production technique.

Subtitles and special effects are used extensively, and various flowers and characters run through them, such as cartoonization of celebrities and exaggerated expressions. This is the first domestic variety show. The novel technique and the skillful use make the audience smile at the same time as they are refreshing.

Guan Xiang remembers three pictures most deeply.

One is that when Chen Chichi steps on the fingerboard, the whole person is not good. In addition to Chen Chichi's unique and humble expression, post-production was accompanied by a skeleton picture after being shocked by an electric shock. This is a picture that often appears in anime and was moved to variety shows.

The second is a picture of Wang Zu's blue-back fat aunt. The contrast between the two of them is cute, which makes people laugh, and can't help but feel sorry for Wang Zulan. The program group dubbed broken voices through voiceovers, and enhanced the audience's feelings through onomatopoeia.

The third is to tear up the famous brand. Huang Bo hid in the dark and saw Liu Tao's famous brand being torn, using a series of flower characters to match his rich expressions to describe the picture of his inner changes.

"...The creativity of the program format is good. It integrates experience, game, and plot modes. It is very novel. In addition, the post-production method is unique. I think more and more variety shows will follow suit, and our company will also follow suit. Can consider it."

"In addition, there are many shortcomings..."

In Guan Xiang's analysis, there are a bit of focus on three aspects, but the shortcomings are scattered in many aspects.

The first is the status of outdoor reality shows, which are unpopular in various variety shows.

The second is the content of the program. It still hasn't been able to get rid of the stardom of making games, and there is a suspicion of new bottles of old wine.

The third is the appeal of stars. Among the seven permanent hosts, only Deng Chao and Wang Baoqiang have the coffee position, Yang Ying, Chen Chichi, and Zheng Kai only passed the popular network this year, while Ren Tianye and Wang Zulan are almost unknown.

The program crew has obviously realized this, so they specially invited Huang Bo and Liu Tao as guests in the first issue, but the problem is still not solved.

Really famous celebrities disdain to participate in reality shows. In the first issue, nine artists, cute artists occupy seven seats.

It's not that cute people are overbearing, but that celebrities of the same grade as Huang Bo and Liu Tao don't want to come.

What's more, the stars in the show are "played badly", all kinds of tricks, seem to be rushing to the stars to get embarrassed.

The celebrities pay much attention to personal image, like that kind of trick, and it is even more difficult to invite guests in the future.

In addition, there are many shortcomings.

For example, the sense of variety show of nine artists.

The strongest are the chopsticks brothers Huang Bo and Deng Chao, the absolute golden partners ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The tacit understanding is also no one; next is Yang Ying and Wang Zulan, the scale of the Xiangjiang entertainment circle is larger than that of the inner circle. Although people are not well-known, they can play and can play well.

On the other hand, other people are either a little immature, or can't let go, lack the sense of variety, and lack the expressiveness of the lens. Especially Ren Tianye, always gives people a feeling of being bound and unable to blend into it.

There are also game settings.

In addition to the amusement of the first link and the excitement of tearing up the famous brand at the end, the second link is also a bit interesting, and the water table tennis session is really boring.

The advantages are limited, and there are many disadvantages, which are still controversial.

The biggest controversy in the first period focused on two aspects.

One is to toss the celebrity too hard, which is suspected of ugly; the other is to invite Olympic champions to participate in variety shows, which is not only questioned about the show’s popularity in the Olympics, but also affects the athlete’s mentality and training progress.

Guan Xiang is one of the young backbones that Wang Tian is going to focus on training, and is specially assigned to observe by his side.

Wang Tian was very satisfied with the logical thinking ability he showed during analysis, the angle and comprehensiveness of looking at the problem, but the result of the analysis...

"What do you think of the ratings?" Wang Tian asked noncommittal.

"As far as my personal judgment is concerned, the ratings should not be too high."

"This is the ratings report for 50 cities throughout the day yesterday, please take a look."

Guan Xiang’s first-broadcast ratings have been marked with a marker, and Guan Xiang can see it at a glance.

The average ratings are 0.901%, the highest ratings are 1.32%, and the ratings at the same time rank......seventh.

"Moeren's sign is smashed this time."

"Don't rush to conclusions, look down."

Marked by the marker, in addition to the first broadcast ratings at 9 o'clock, there are also rebroadcast ratings at 11 o'clock.

Guan Xiang shifted his eyes downward, his eyes straightened suddenly...

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