The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 805: Who are you going to circle again? To protect the law chenandxia...


Break 6!

This is the transcript of the eighth issue of "Running Man" on the evening of November 28, which is beyond everyone's imagination.

You must know that after the ratings of the sixth issue of "Running Man" broke through 5, the upward momentum began to slow down. The 5.38% ratings of the seventh issue were only 0.2% higher than that of the sixth issue.

But in the eighth issue, not only did the ratings break through 6, it was a full percentage point higher than the seventh issue!

The industry has changed from shock to shock!

You know that outdoor reality shows are getting better, but Nima sports stars have such a big influence?

Yes, it is true that the influence of sports stars in Western developed countries is very large, but that is a Western developed country. Sports stars in our country also have such a large potential market value?

How did Moe find it?

How can you win a bet every time?

Is this... scientific?

Whether you understand or don't understand it, you can't stop Moe Ren Films from becoming a trendy player in the Chinese entertainment industry, opening up a new world in the entertainment industry, and leading the new trend of the entertainment industry.

Whenever a cute person comes up with a new action, it will attract countless attention in the industry.

No, after getting the ratings of the eighth issue of "Running Man", Mai Xiaoyu is ready to make big moves again.

"Sister Yu, are you free these two days?"

"Is there a problem?"

"Hehe, I have a new idea about "Running Man", I want to fly over to talk to you."

"Have a new idea? Okay, when will you come, I'm always waiting. Your idea is worth a lot of money. If it weren't for your idea of ​​inviting the Olympic champion as a guest, "Running Man" would not have made such a strong sensation."

"I'll just say that. The key is that you are good in the station and can invite people."

"Things that are valuable these years are ideas. You know, because of your proposal, the direction of the show has been affirmed... Uh, I can only say so much. After you come, we will talk in person, and it happens that I also want to talk to you. You talk in detail. Don’t you know that recently many satellite TVs are preparing to appear on outdoor reality shows and invite sports stars. My sister is under tremendous pressure here."

"That's all right, I'll make arrangements for what I'm at hand these two days, and I will come to see you next week."

"Remember to come early, several little girls in the screenwriter miss you, hahaha..."

The success of "Running Man" opened up the field of variety shows for adorable people, and Mai Xiaoyu added many operable items in his hands.

However, variety shows are only one direction, and the production of film and television dramas cannot be slackened.

For lunch, Mai Xiaoyu ate with Zhang Xiaoquan.

"Love 2" has long been completed, and the post-production has been completed. It has been handed over to the Hailian Cinemas to be announced and scheduled to be broadcast on the Christmas schedule.

Chen Qiaoen is the only female protagonist, and Hailian is very concerned about Xuanfa. Recently, Zhang Xiaoquan took the film’s main creators to cooperate with Hailian’s publicity work and ran around the country’s ticket warehouses for performances.

These two days happened to be returning to Beijing for a road show, and Mai Xiaoyu invited him to dinner and at the same time discussed about the new film.

"Is it exhausted during this time?"

"Isn't it? If it weren't for this road show back to Beijing, I wouldn't have seen my son for more than a month. I crossed it. I have a hunch that the box office of "Love 2" will definitely be higher than "Love 1"."


"Because Hailian pays special attention to it."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled: "The box office is high, and your dividend is naturally high. What else can you complain about?"

"That's what I said." Zhang Xiaoquan put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth, and said in a daze: "Before, I always felt that I was unlucky and I didn't have the chance to be in the position; now, I took the best photography of Golden Horse and changed the director again, which is also considered a successful career. , But sometimes there are days when a lot of time was wasted before I was pregnant. Yu'er, do you think I'm a bit guilty and cheap?"

"When I was young, I always wanted to grow up and not be controlled by others. After I grew up, I would be very stressed. I would often miss the carefree childhood when I was a child. This person, who is not guilty of growing up in a humble?"

"When did you become a philosopher?"

"Sister Jennie. Have you finished eating? Go back to the company and discuss your next play."

The low-cost commercial film has the advantage that the project operation cycle is short. Unlike blockbusters, they have a long operation cycle and account for a lot of funds.

Exempting the time for script creation and modification, one year is enough for "Love 2" from preparation to release.

Although "Inception" is finished, the special effects and post-production of the film are very troublesome. It is estimated that the master tape will be released before the Cannes Film Festival next year, but the broadcast may have to wait until next summer vacation.

After a month of release, the movie goes offline. The theater system counts the box office and calculates the share. In addition to the sloppy procedures, it will take at least half a year to receive the box office share.

The shooting time of "Wonderland and Wonderland" and "Alice in Wonderland" is not long, and they have finished. Like "Alice", it took more than 20 days to shoot. However, these two films have extremely high requirements for special effects, and the post-production time is also longer. According to preliminary estimates, it would be good if it could be released in the United States at the end of next year.

Now that "Love 2" is about to be released, it is time to prepare the next film for Zhang Xiaoquan, and he must guarantee that he will have one film a year.

""People are on an embarrassing way"?" Zhang Xiaoquan mumbled curiously when he got the script, "What theme?"

"Commercial comedy, you watch first."

After speaking, Mai Xiaoyu had hot tea at the mouth of the river, leaning on the sofa, closing his eyes and taking a nap.

More than half an hour later.

Zhang Xiaoquan read the outline, outline and biographies of the script in detail, then flipped through the script and woke up Mai Xiaoyu: "Are you going to let Baoqiang test the big screen?"

"Do you see it?"

"How strange, the Niugeng inside is simply tailor-made for Baoqiang!"


"Yu'er, are you mocking me? Anyway, I have been in photography for the rest of my life, and now I have become a director, and I have also made a few movies. I still have a certain degree of confidence in the characters."

"Haha, then I won't go around with you. You will be the actor, and you can decide on the other roles."

"OK, what about the investment budget?"

"The production cost is 8 million. Chaohe Baoqiang's film remuneration is converted into the investment cost, and the film remuneration is not used to receive dividends. In addition, the 8 million investment company invests 4 million, and the remaining 4 million is shared equally with Lao Xi."

"Me and Lao Hui come out?"

Zhang Xiaoquan was taken aback.

Two million per person, not much for Zhang Xiaoquan and Xiaoxing Xi.


"The company's funds are so tight that it can't even come up with millions of dollars?"

Mai Xiaoyu did not answer and asked, "Don't you have an investment company under your name?"

That was still in 2004. At that time, Zhang Xiaoquan and Xi Xiaoxing even laughed at the names of the two companies that sounded like leather bag companies, specializing in investing in residential buildings, school district houses, and shops in prime Yu Investment Co., Ltd. company.

Registered legal person Zhang Xiaoquan, registered capital of 20 million, Mai Xiaoyu holds 60% of the shares, Zhang Xiaoquan and Xi Xiaoxing each hold 20%.

Xi Zhang Investment Co., Ltd.

The registered legal person Xiaoxing Xiao has a registered capital of 20 million, with Mai Xiaoyu accounting for 60% of the shares, Zhang Xiaoquan and Xiaoxing Xiaoxing each accounting for 20%.

The total of 8 million invested by Su and Zhang were all lent to them by Mai Xiaoyu.

In 2006, the two wanted to pay back the money, but Mai Xiaoyu didn't ask for it, so he was not in a hurry.

Now the two owe Mai Xiaoyu 4 million each, but the asset scale of each company has approached 200 million, because housing prices in Yanjing, Donghai, Yangcheng, and Shenzhen have doubled in recent years.

Zhang Xiaoquan was silent, staring at Mai Xiaoyu.

After a long time, he asked in a deep voice: "Who are you going to circle again?"

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