The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 814: Wash white, behind the scenes, in front of the stage!

2008 is an epoch-making year for Moe Ren.

Invested a lot of money, or produced it myself, or participated in investing in a number of film and television dramas, as well as a variety show.

Since the broadcast of the large-scale charity outdoor competitive reality show on October 10th, Moeren has unveiled the curtain of a bumper harvest.

First, the ratings jointly created with Blueberry Satellite TV became a phenomenon, leading the renaissance of outdoor reality shows. The original invitation of active sports champions as guests was suggested by Xinhua News Agency, and the big movie is highly anticipated.

The seven fixed hosts are deeply loved by the audience and their popularity has skyrocketed. Yang Ying, Chen Chichi, and Zheng Kai are three adorable newcomers. With a web drama and a variety show, they became the most successful newcomers this year.

Then the box office participating in the investment is booming, with high box office and low reputation flying together. With the release of films in many countries, the sales of original novels once again ushered in a new peak, and the second filming work is also in preparation.

The starring Chen Qiaoen also met with the audience at this year's Christmas file.

With the help of Chen Qiaoen, who is very popular across the Taiwan Strait and the entire Southeast Asia, he truly challenged the big screen for the first time and won the support and expectations of many audiences.

After the release, the reputation was average, and the plot was mixed. The large number of advertisements implanted caused a lot of complaints in the public opinion.

As the director, Zhang Xiaoquan was scolded by the audience. On the Internet, there was a picture of "worse than the previous one", "distressed Chen Qiaoen", "distressed Huo Jianhua", "fortunately Huang Bo is not the protagonist", "Deng Chao is still good to continue shooting", "Why did Meng Fei guest star in such a bad movie" and "Liu Tianwang is not guaranteed in the evening festival."

The word of mouth is not good, but the box office is not bad. In the two weeks since its release, the box office has exceeded 50 million. It is expected that the box office will exceed 70 million before it goes offline.

Originally, this is a commercial movie whose main purpose is to make money. Apart from love, the heroine Chen Qiaoen and twelve male protagonists of different "styles"... well, there are also advertisements.

A large number of advertisements are embedded in the film, and the investment cost has long been recovered through advertising fees.

In addition, the speed of receiving advertising expenses is much faster than the speed of receiving the box office share... Isn't the cute person "strained" by funds?

When Mai Xiaoyu flew back to Yanjing, it was already early January 2009. The post-production of the big movie has been completed. Before leaving Hangzhou, I just got the "birth permit".

"Haozi, has been floating outside for a month, isn't it a bit uncomfortable?"

"No. Yanjing is not my home either. It's all floating everywhere."

"What do you mean by that, then find a girlfriend, get married and have a family and have children, and I'll give you the wedding room."

"Thank you boss, I'm not in a hurry."

"You mean, I'm anxious?"

"Ha ha."

He Ke Haoyi walked out of the Capital International Airport and saw Xiaoxing Xiaoxing and Zhang Xiaoquan bringing the company's nanny car to pick up the plane. Mai Xiaoyu was taken aback at the time.

"Didn't I say that there is no need to pick up the plane, why are you two here?"

Xiaoxing Su is now a major director; Zhang Xiaoquan is a gold medal photographer who has won the Golden Horse Award. After the transition to the director, the two works have made little money. Even if it is Mai Xiaoyu, there is no need for them to pick up the plane, let alone the two pick up the plane together, without the driver.

Su and Zhang didn't say much, they gave a brief hug and greeted Mai Xiaoyu to get in the car.

Ke Haoyi was very discerning, saluted and put it in the trunk, then sat in the driver's seat to start the car.

The car drove away from the airport along the airport expressway, and the two of Xi Zhang looked at each other, and Xiao Xing said, "Boss, you are very concerned this time."

Zhang Xiaoquan also said: "Yes, I have never seen you follow the company's film and television dramas in the past few years."

Mai Xiaoyu looked at the two of them and asked, "What are you two trying to say?"

Su and Zhang looked at each other again, and Xiaoxing lowered his voice: "I heard that you are the director of this movie?"

"has a problem?"

Of course there is!

In the past, why Mai Xiaoyu behaved very low-key, never appeared in public, nor did he make a name in film and television dramas. The reasons are very clear to the two friends. But this time, the naming director system!

Does this mean something?

In response to the slightly excited look of the two of them, Mai Xiaoyu smiled and nodded: "We now have ten members. The contract of more than two hundred members in Chang'an is in my suitcase."

Around Christmas last year, when the post-production was nearing the end, he took the time to go to Chang'an City to complete the last lamb "Zhaoan" work.

In two years, the final whitewashing work was completed, and people did their best to sell small fish and Miao Ruo.

As a reward, on the basis of the original remuneration, Mai Xiaoyu gave them an extra 2 million to let them go abroad for vacation.

Xiaoxing Xiao and Zhang Xiaoquan fisted almost simultaneously.

"Very good!"

"It's a cross, how many years the stone has finally fallen to the ground!"

"Don't be so excited, there are still omissions... but there is no problem overall."

After so many years, some of the lambs in the trap have changed their contact information, some moved, and some left the local area after graduating from college. Therefore, Mai Xiaoyu's whitening process still has certain flaws.

However, these small flaws do not affect the overall situation.

There is a minimum amount for the police to file a case. After the establishment of Moeren's ten-place membership group, it includes most of the past lambs. Even if individual lambs pose a risk in the future, the risk is still within control.

The key is to satisfy existing members.

"That's good, I must have a drink tonight."

"How can a cup be enough? You won't be drunk when you get drunk!"

Xiaoxing Xiao and Zhang Xiaoquan finally got the answer they wanted, and they were in a good mood.

I didn't have a chat with Mai Xiaoyu, and they entered the daily amusing state again.

Zhang Xiaoquan took the initiative to talk about the preparatory work, but he did not forget to attack Xiaoxing Xi. It is said that he made a film, not only the cycle is long, but also a large sum of money of the company.

"With your cycle and budget, I can shoot two or three movies. The company values ​​you very much. Don't let me down."

Xiao Xiaoxing said angrily: "You don't want to look at your shots, and you still have trouble with me?"

"It's a cross. What's wrong with 2, the box office is divided into advertising sponsorship, and tens of millions of dollars! Unlike your film, the company's only film that loses money!"

"Asshole, how did you get the best photography of the Golden Horse Award!"

"That is the result of my hard work. What does it have to do with you?"

"Damn, if it weren't for me to give you a chance, could you change the director so quickly?"

"Don't say that. If you are here, you still shoot what you don't like!"



Mai Xiaoyu gave a light cough, and stopped the funny comparison between the two who were blowing beard and staring: "The reputation is bad?"

"It's not bad, but it's normal. I don't understand why the audience is rushing to me, and some people say that I smashed the company's sign and let me go back and become a photographer."

Xiaoxing Xi curled his lips: "Because you are a director, you have to learn to adapt, and the audience is like that. But as long as the movie is profitable, there is no need to worry about no one looking for your director."

"That's what I said, but it's a lot of pressure. It was the same for you last year, wasn't it?"

This style of painting was transformed, and the two amused and comforted each other.

Mai Xiaoyu stroked his chin and smacked his lips; "No wonder when I was in Hangzhou, Jon called me to complain, saying that I deliberately didn't go to the premiere. Have you seen it, how do you feel?"

"It's okay, although it's not as harmonious, but at least it can be seen."

"Boss, you don't have to think too much. The commerciality and artistry of this movie are not so well balanced. The quality of A Zheng's script is normal. This guy can write TV scripts and movie scripts, and the quality is not bad. It's already very against the sky."

"Yeah, I think this time is better than the previous two. I finally got a good book for me, and it's not worth my back on him."

"Brother Cha, start the second season after the Spring Festival. You can talk to Chaohe Baoqiang's agent and arrange their schedule."

Xiaoxing Xi's eyes widened: "I'm going to shoot the second season so soon. Also, it's too popular. I will arrange for the protagonist of the film to be promoted before it is released in the future."

Zhang Xiaoquan asked: "You won't still follow the show crew all the way, do you?"

"Not this time." Mai Xiaoyu shook his head.

Mai Xiaoyu participated in the filming of the first season because the program crew was completely inexperienced, and there were no programs of the same type for reference in China. The show brought together five new and old artists from the company, and he had to take the show crew to play with the artists.

It's different now.

The first season was quite successful. The team has been trained. The game rules, rhythm direction, etc. are familiar to the staff of the variety production department and the program staff of the Mengren variety show. The artists grow up quickly and have a stronger sense of variety and are also familiar with the gameplay. Know how to get as many shots as possible in a limited time.

In addition, the brand has been established and the word of mouth has gone out. Mai Xiaoyu does not need to worry as much as in the first season. Xia Qin, manager of the company's variety production department, can stay in the program group and participate in the recording of the program.

Speaking of, there is one thing that cannot be bypassed, that is, the Xinhua News Agency's Sports News Review.

Xiaoxing Xi and Zhang Xiaoquan also had similar suspicions about Liu Junhao.

"Boss, when you used to trap lambs alone, did you circle the mistresses and goddesses of leading cadres?" Xiaoxing Xi asked with a gossip on her face.

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at him with the look of an idiot, "Then I will have a chance to circle you later?"

"But what did the Xinhua News Agency's sports commentary say a few days ago?"

"That's right." Zhang Xiaoquan also echoed, "That time was a coincidence, this time is a coincidence?"

This time is certainly not a coincidence, but it is also not as exaggerated as the two of Xi Zhang and Liu Junhao imagined.

The mistress of a leading cadre?


Is that the owner of a good circle?

Mai Xiaoyu only relied on the experience in the strange dream and combined with the real experience to determine the correctness and feasibility of the pan-entertainment of sports.

Do not underestimate relevant government departments. The leading groups of various government departments are basically forward-looking and predictable at the macro level, but it depends on whether they are willing to implement it or if there is an opportunity to promote it.

After the pan-entertainment of sports, it will help the country develop sports, promote sports, and enhance the people's physique on the macro level; on the micro level, it can increase the gold content of champions and stimulate athletes to train hard to win glory for the country.

To put it harder, the competent authorities at all levels of sports are also beneficial. Attracting sponsors, increasing sponsorship fees, sharing athletes' advertising endorsement fees... Why do people who engage in sports have to be poor for three generations?

Therefore, it is an opportunity!

Xiaoxing Su did not continue to struggle with this question, and then asked: "Boss, you are now whitewashed, what are your plans for this year? Or wait for me to finish, let Ah Zheng write a book, you play it, I will guide, Brother Cha, how about it?"

Zhang Xiaoquan was also very interested in this proposal, but Mai Xiaoyu shook his head: "It's not time yet."

He didn't oppose it when he walked to the stage. It was even in his plan, but it was not in his plan for this year.

He has other things to do this to the front of the stage... don't worry for now.

"I am going to make a web drama this year." Mai Xiaoyu said seriously.

"The sequel?" Xiaoxing Xi came interested. "Many viewers on the Internet said about this and I am looking forward to our sequel."


Mai Xiaoyu was silent.

In all fairness, he doesn't want to make a sequel, at least he won't let Zhao Liying make a sequel.

But it's all become a drama, if you don't make a makes no sense to have money and not make money, right?

"Lao Xi, do you still want to shoot?"

"I'm definitely thinking, why don't you make money if you have money. But I definitely won't be able to direct it. At most, I will put up a supervisory system and leave the opportunity to my elementary school students. Not to mention, there are a lot of good seedlings. How many of them are shooting this year This web drama has a good response and it is also profitable."

Zhang Xiaoquan jokingly said: "Yes, you are now the boss of our company's Eastern Opera Gang."

Xiaoxing Xi sneered: "I'm discussing business with the boss, you son-in-law of the middle school gang shut up."

"Then I'm the Yanying Gang's person?" Mai Xiaoyu added jokingly.

There is some truth to what he said. His two younger sisters, Cici and Shu Chang, both graduated from the Yanjing Film Academy.

"You are our cute person!"

Su and Zhang said in unison, and then talked about the sequel.

"Let me think about it, and I will come to the office to give you the answer later."

After speaking, Mai Xiaoyu closed his eyes and began to recall the plot of the dream and several leading actors.

When he arrived at the company, he gave Ke Haoyi a three-day vacation to let him go back and rest, and then teased Yu Ping.

Waiting for Yu Ping to send three cups of tea and receive the gifts that Mai Xiaoyu gave her. After leaving happily, Mai Xiaoyu said to Xiaoxing Xi: "Do as you say, shoot the sequel, but you have to let People determine the cast. In addition, there is one more thing I have to tell you in advance..."

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