"In the past few years, we have been working together happily. There is no need to be frustrated. Let's just say, how big are you going to do this time?"

Mai Xiaoyu has always kept a low profile in the past and did not show up in public, but it has changed significantly recently, and it is obvious that he needs a big move.

High-profile attendance at the annual meeting is a signal.

Among the seven shareholders of Hualong Pictures, Lao Luo has the lowest level and has the identity of a capital broker. He knew Mai Xiaoyu the first time, so he will clarify some things.

Mai Xiaoyu took a cigarette and shook his head with a wry smile: "I didn't plan to be too big."

"Then you this time..."

"Oh, you said this time, mainly for "Inception". I hope "Inception" can qualify for next year's Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, so I hope to ask some of you."

The Academy Awards is an annual award in the United States that recognizes the achievements of the film industry and aims to encourage the creation and development of outstanding films. It covers a variety of film genres, has more than 20 different awards, is also the world's oldest media awards, has become the world's most influential film awards.

The Oscar is not an international film festival award like Cannes, but a film award in the United States. In essence, it is similar in nature to the Huaxia Film Huabiao Award, but it is much more famous than the Huabiao Award, which covers the world.

Since its establishment, Mengren has also planned to make many films. Except for "Bullfight", which lost money at the box office, all other films are commercial films, which do not meet the taste of domestic reviewers.

Therefore, Mengren has not won the best film awards in the five major domestic film awards: Golden Rooster, Baihua, Huabiao, Golden Statue, and Golden Horse Awards, most of which are technical awards. On the contrary, Xiaoxing Xiao, Zhang Xiaoquan, Huang Bo, Deng Chao and others have won some personal awards.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't care about this either.

It's not that he is fond of foreign and foreign, but these domestic film awards, it is pure film award honor, which has no effect on the box office. Some award-winning films even have a very low rate of filming in theaters. Many viewers have never heard of it for three-day tours or one-week tours.

Three years of a liar career has long allowed him to distinguish between face and lizi. These domestic movie awards are actually for self-entertainment, and it doesn't matter if some are not. It is also an honor for directors, actors, screenwriters and technical staff, which can increase their market value.

But Oscar is different.

Although the Oscar is also a domestic award in the United States, it is well-known globally. Even just getting nominated for an Oscar can greatly boost the box office of the movie.

Last year, there was a film in the United States. Before it was nominated for the Oscar, the number of theaters was less than 200, and the box office was less than 10 million. After being nominated for the Oscar, the number of theaters increased to more than 800, and the box office was nearly 20 million.

For some films, when they were nominated for Osker, the film was released too early, and the box office increase was limited. But after being nominated, the DVD version has been selling well in the audiovisual market!

This is just a nomination. Once it is awarded, it will increase the box office of the movie even more, and it will increase the box office on a global scale!

For example, in China, the introduction of Hollywood blockbusters often uses "Oscar XX Award" or "Oscar XXX Nomination" as a promotional selling point, and the effect is quite good.

On the other hand, how many domestic movies will be promoted by "winning the Huabiao Award XX Award" or "getting the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Award XXX nomination"?

The audience does not buy it at all!

To put it bluntly, if a domestic film is nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, the impact on the film’s fame, domestic box office, and sales of audio and video products far exceeds that of the film’s Golden Rooster Award, Hundred Flowers Award or Huabiao. The impact of the best picture award.

Whether you are convinced or not, Oscar's influence is so great!

In the past, those commercial films that Moeren regularly shot couldn't go abroad at all, and it was a box office death. "Fatal ID" and "This Man Comes From Earth" are good at overseas box office, but they were unconventional shootings, and they didn't even get the Nima Dragon logo.

Even if some foreign experts recommend to participate in some film festivals and film awards, Meng Ren will not hesitate to refuse.


Because those foreign experts who voluntarily recommend it are likely to be uneasy, and cute people have to mix in the country.

If you don’t get the dragon mark, you secretly rush to the release, the relevant department can still open one eye and close one eye, but Quandang did not see it; but if you dare to participate in the international film festival selection, or win the prize... Hehe, the director is waiting. Be blocked.

This is not a worry for Mai Xiaoyu. Since the last century, a lot of **** cases have been in front of him!

But this time is different.

"Inception" has a total investment of 150 million Chinese yuan, produced by Mengren Film and Television. Hailian Cinemas, Optical Media, Emperor Pictures, and Yingyi Entertainment have jointly invested. They are also responsible for the promotion and distribution in China, Asia and Oceania; and the publicity and distribution in Europe and the United States are handled by Hualong Pictures.

Science fiction subjects are not involved in pornography, politics, crimes, violence, and are escorted by many major forces. There will be no problem with domestic review and overseas distribution.

The problem is that you can run for the best foreign language film for next year's Oscars.

The Oscar's Best Foreign Language Film Award, unlike other awards, has strict requirements.

First of all, the participating films are longer than 40 minutes and are distributed and produced outside the United States, mainly in non-English dialogue films.

Secondly, the selected dialogue should be the native language of the country, and the meaning of the film should be accurately expressed in English.

Third, a country can only submit one film.

Fourth, before the presumption deadline, you must truthfully fill in the participating film registration form, cast list, producer list, short English summary, director's introduction, film posters, etc.

Fifth, send a copy of the film at the same time, the content must be the same as the original.


These conditions, other things are easy to say, the biggest difficulty lies in the third-a country can only submit one film, and this film is submitted by the official agency of each country, and it is not possible for any film company to participate in it!

In China, the choice of domestic films that are eligible to represent China in the Oscar for the Best Foreign Language Film Award is in the hands of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

Who to choose?

Who is not to choose?

Not to mention big, big, big and humble staring, countless film and television companies, investors, and producers are all staring at it.

Even if you miss the award, as long as you can be nominated... even if you just become one of the 81 films that are nominated for the nomination award, you can make an international appearance, which is good for all parties in the film.

Let's put it this way, the act of being selected to send it enhances the film's exposure in international films and the possibility of winning awards at other film festivals.

What a big piece of fat pork, who doesn't know?

In recent years, the Chinese film industry has developed vigorously. Each year, the total domestic box office has repeatedly hit new highs. There are more and more cannon fodder films, but the excellent films are also increasing year by year.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is also keen on political and artistic films, which can be seen from the Golden Rooster, Baihua, and Huabiao Awards for best films. The science fiction movie "Inception" is the first to lose in the subject matter.

In addition, the domestic selection process is completely opaque. No one knows what criteria are used to send domestic films to the Oscars every year, who the judges are, what procedures go through, and how many films are selected.

In the domestic film world, this is a mystery, the biggest mystery!

For example, when a domestic film is submitted for review, industry insiders can also explore the review criteria based on past experience, guessing that those details will be killed by the State Administration, and thus amended in advance, but this... has no solution.

After thinking about it, your head explodes, and you can't understand why this movie was selected by the General Administration for Oscar, not that movie.

Therefore, "Inception" is facing tremendous competitive pressure, and you can't count on the sky falling in the sky. Therefore, public relations work can and must be done!

Liu Dehua’s Yingyi Entertainment did not have this energy. At the beginning, his participation in the investment of "Inception", in addition to the relationship between Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Dehua, there were also factors for the exchange of interests.

Liu Dehua made a guest appearance in "Love Call Transfer 2", and Yingyi Entertainment participated in the investment of "Inception".

Hong Kong's Emperor Entertainment Group can't count on it either. The emperor’s base camp is in Hong Kong, and he has made movies, and Hong Kong is also eligible to select a movie to participate in the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. The decision is also in the hands of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

The emperor also wants to achieve this index through various public relations relations, and there is no extra energy to help cute people in public relations.

The parent company of Hailian Cinemas is the Hailian Group of Taiwan Island, and Taiwan Island, like Xiangjiang, also has an indicator, and the decision-making power is also in the hands of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. Even if it agrees to help Mengren in public relations, its role is limited.

As for Fiber Media... it is Mengren’s direct competitor!

They have also voted for several films themselves, and they are thinking about sending out the films they have made as their main sponsor through public relations, and reciting the Oscars. How could Mai Xiaoyu ask Wang Tian for help?

The most reliable and trustworthy are the seven shareholders of Hualong Pictures.

Although the main business of the seven companies is not suitable for the entertainment industry, there are people on them, they are related, and there are ways. It's great to take two more turns, and you can always get through the relationship with the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

Moreover, if "Inception" can be selected for the best foreign language film Oscar, it will be of great benefit to the film's overseas distribution. If you can be shortlisted for the nomination award, the overseas issuance box office will definitely increase; if you can pass the award...

However, Hualong Pictures is responsible for the distribution work in Europe and the United States. As the distributor, they get a higher percentage of the box office share than the producer. The higher the box office in Europe and the United States, the greater the profits they will get!

Therefore, the State Administration of Public Relations, Radio, Film and Television, running "Inception" to go abroad to participate in the Oscars is directly related to their own interests!

"Inception" will be screened in China during the summer. The Radio, Film and Television Bureau will submit the Oscar at the end of September, and the list of 81 entries will be announced on the Oscar official website in early October.

I'm not yet ready to prepare PR for the only submission indicator, and wait for the day lily to be cold!

Best Foreign Language Film Oscar...

The seven people present were silent.

Or tasting red wine, or smoking a cigar, or closing your eyes and meditating, thinking about the feasibility of this matter-the ratio between what you pay and what you pay back.

Five minutes later, Mr. Li asked straightforwardly: "How sure are you."

"I have always had confidence in my films. Of course, in the future, Oscars will definitely have to have PR."

As explained in the previous article, the annual Oscars are simply a mini version of the US general election, and capital is inseparable from the operation of it.

Like the local awards in the Oscars, the candidates have to build momentum for themselves and intrigue with each other. From the beginning to the end of the 11-month election campaign, it is like canvassing votes. Physical and mental exhaustion is light, and there is no capital to support it. Can't play!

All kinds of public relations are equally important. The actors' union and the film critics' association have to build relationships, and they must not talk indiscriminately, and then it is possible to win the Oscar step by step. Which one can be short of money?

You said the movie you made is good, but you have no money?

Haha, the door is over there, so I can leave or not!

There is no shortage of good movies in Hollywood, but many people are short of money!


Really think that the moon abroad is rounder than the domestic moon?

For the best foreign language film, it's better to say that the competition is not so fierce, but it also has to invest in public relations.

Do you want to play ads?

How else would others know about your movie?

Critics, you have to PR, right?

Otherwise, why do people write film reviews and praise you?

This is only part of it. There are so many places where you need public relations.

Mai Xiaoyu in his dream is an international critic, and Oscar-winning films are often torn by him.

He made a lot of money for this, because many people legally gave him money in different ways, just to buy him and shut up.

Of course, some people spend money to shut up is another way, so in his dream, he died in his forties and shut his mouth forever.

"This is easy to say. If "Inception" can be selected for the Oscar, it will be good for everyone. I guess no one will object?"

Liu Junhao and Mai Xiaoyu had a better personal relationship. They took the initiative to cover the conversation and looked around. Everyone raised their glasses or nodded in response. In short, they will take care of the domestic and foreign public relations work of Inception.

But they were invited to attend the Moe Ren annual meeting in person tonight, not for this.

So, when Liu Junhao's eyes fell on Mai Xiaoyu again, he asked again: "Where are you?"

"Several brothers and sisters don't worry, I definitely can't let go. In May of this year, I will take "Inception" to the Cannes Film Festival~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ye Xin said in amazement: "That's it? "


"Do you really don't understand, or are you acting stupid with us?" Mr. Feng smiled and shook his head.

"That...I don't quite understand."

Zhu Zeyuan, the leader of the Sanjin coal industry, put down his cigar: "Mai Zi, you are uncharacteristically and attended the company's annual meeting in a high-profile manner. You specifically notified us and deliberately released the news to the media, just for the Oscar of Inception?"

Mr. Han smiled and nodded: "You don't want to sell it anymore. If you have any plans, you can put it together."

Mai Xiaoyu became more puzzled: "My plan is over. It is to fight for "Inception" to participate in next year's Oscars for the best foreign language film."

Everyone observed him carefully for a moment, and found that he was not joking, all brows were slightly frowned.

Liu Junhao wondered: "Don't you want to build your cute group this time?"

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