The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 825: Box office... miracle

"Where will I go after dinner? Staying at the Internet cafe all afternoon, I have a headache and I don't want to go online anymore."

"Would you like to sing K or watch a movie?"

"By the way, there is "Running Man" tonight!"

"You are stupid, the first season of "Running Man" is over."

"Haha, I think your kid is fascinated by the baby."

"You guys are stupid, I'm talking about the movie, "Running Man" will be released tonight! Also, I just like baby, she is my goddess, what's the matter, go and see it?"

"Go go, that show is so interesting, I haven't watched it yet..."


"I asked you to buy a ticket earlier and you won't listen. It's fine now, there are no tickets!"

"I didn't expect so many people to watch movies on New Year's Day. Wife, why don't we watch something else tonight, and we'll watch it tomorrow night?"

"Remember to buy tickets early tomorrow!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task..."


"Dao Duo, tomorrow Mom and Dad will take you back to grandma's house, are you happy?"

"Not happy, grandma's meal is not good."

"You child, grandma and grandpa hurt you for nothing."

"It's not good at all, except for noodles, it's noodles."

"Aren't there dumplings?"

"The noodles of dumplings...I want to go to grandma's house. The braised pork made by grandma is delicious. I haven't had enough today."

"Smile, smile, you know laugh, you must have deliberately taught your son to say that."

"My wife, I am wronged... I have to get it, let me tell my son. Son, go to your grandma's house tomorrow, your sister Fangfang, friends and friends will also go back, you can play together."

"Sister Fangfang and Brother Peng Peng are both going back? Great, I want to tear up the name tag with them, I will call them now... Brother Peng Peng is going to the movie, and I want to go to the movie too."

"It's already past nine o'clock, so I won't watch it today."

"No, I want to watch, I want to watch "Running Man"!"

"Mom helps you turn on the computer, can't you see it on the Internet?"

"No, it's not available on the Internet. I want to watch the "Running Man" movie."

"Dudu, you are not obedient, mother is going to be angry."

"Forget it, it's not necessary for the New Year. Let's go to the movie "Running Man" tomorrow night. Speaking of which, we haven't watched a movie together for a long time..."


"Run" brother!

The seamless connection of variety shows and big movies. On the day of the Lunar New Year’s first release, it attracted countless audiences to call friends into the theater. In the festive holiday when the whole family reunited, they enjoyed the cheers and laughter brought by the movie. Wave viewing frenzy.

The 28% film placement rate shows that the theaters are optimistic about this movie. The box office results on the night of the screening also proved the professional vision of the theaters.

39 million!

The ultra-high first-day box office led the Lunar New Year's single-day box office list with a huge advantage. Even the Hollywood blockbusters released during the same period were left behind by "Running Man".

This achievement shocked countless people's hearts and stimulated countless people's eyeballs.

People in the industry are crazy.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year celebration, I was caught off guard by the box office on the first day of "Running Man".

The media didn't expect it either.

Knowing that "Running Man" is a phenomenal variety show, but it is so popular when it is made into a big movie and put on the big screen?

This unscientific!

However, the first-day box office of 39 million is just the beginning and the tip of the iceberg!

On the second day of the Lunar New Year and the second day of the show, the box office nationwide was 36 million yuan and the single-day box office champion.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year and the third day of the show, the nationwide ticket sales amounted to 32 million and the single-day box office champion.

From the first day of the new year to the third day of the new year, the box office exceeded 100 million in three days of release!

I'm making a big slot...

Said the dog...

I bought a watch last year...

Bright blinds my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes...


Southern Guangdong Province.

"Brother Hao, do you have time tomorrow?"

"I will have two hours of free time tomorrow afternoon, what's wrong?"

"That's fine, I'll go to pay you a New Year's greeting tomorrow afternoon."

"Happy New Year? Ajie, didn't your family of three go on vacation abroad? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Jiajia somehow saw the news from the Internet, and she had to watch "Running Man". It will happen that tomorrow afternoon we will pay you a New Year greeting, watch a movie in the evening, and fly away tomorrow morning. You said this is not just tossing..."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Junhao returned to the Nanyue Enterprise Cocktail Party, greeted others and sat down beside Luo Xing's seat.

Luo Xing was stunned, and immediately picked up the wine glass: "Mr. Liu, Happy New Year, New Year greetings to you."

The two clinked glasses and sipped their wine.

Liu Junhao whispered: "Roman, have you heard of the box office of "Running Man"?"

"The media is so noisy, how can I not know? Over 100 million in three days, this is the fastest box office record for a domestic film to break 100 million, right?"

"Is it a miracle?"


Luo Xinggang wanted to speak, what did he think of: "Mr. Liu, you shouldn't be..."

"Don't tell, don't tell, I'll see it in two years..."


The land of Sanjin.

Zhu Zeyuan, who specially chose to return to his hometown for the New Year, unfortunately leaked the news. Facing the endless stream of local officials and entrepreneurs who came to pay a New Year's greetings, Zhu Zeyuan only felt headaches.

"I will accept the gift. The evening reception is still free. I will watch a movie with my family tonight."

"Go slow, I won't give it away."

After sending away a group of bosses who had borrowed money to build relationships and raise funds, the baby son who was playing with his friends in the yard tearing up famous brands, somehow heard the news, and ran in with a thick red envelope.

"Dad, are you really going to the movie with me tonight?"

This is Zhu Zeyuan's youngest son. He is only ten years old this year, and he is also the only son, so he loves him very much.

Zhu Zeyuan pulled him into his arms and petted him to wipe the sweat off his son's face: "Watch "Running Man" again, do you want to go?"

"It's great, I want to see it three more times too!"

Seeing his son's happy appearance, Zhu Zeyuan's mind again came up with the "miracle" that Mai Xiaoyu said not long ago.

"In two years, can you really do it in two years?"



Mr. Li, who specially brought his family to Switzerland for skiing, returned to the hotel after a day of fun.

When the family was enjoying a sumptuous dinner, he saw that his son was still playing with his mobile phone. He frowned and said, "Eating is eating, don’t play with mobile phones. People in their twenties know how to play all day long. I really don’t know if you are going to school abroad. What it was like when

The wife persuaded: "Okay, okay, if you are angry at the Chinese New Year, he may also be contacting your tutor and classmates."

"It's not that I am angry. Think about what people are doing in their twenties, and then look at him in their twenties, alas..."

The son put down the phone and said seriously: "Dad, I want to quit school."

President Li: "..."

The wife hurriedly said, "You kid, what silly things are you talking about? Have you been bullied at Harvard?"

"No, I want to quit school to start a business! Bill Gates only went to Harvard for a year before quitting to create Microsoft. Why can't I?"

Mr. Li angered: "Compared with others, they are capable. What do you do after you drop out of school?"

"Being in the entertainment industry! I just saw on the Internet that the box office of the "Running Man" movie was over 100 million in three days when it was released, and the domestic entertainment industry made a lot of money!"

"There is no good money in this world...Wait a minute, what are you talking about, what is the big movie "Running Man", isn't it a variety show?"

With a look of "you are out", the son said, holding his mobile phone, "I have adapted a big movie. I heard that it only took less than two months from the preparation to the release. The shooting time was less than ten days and the investment was 20 million. The box office exceeded 100 million in three days!"

The wife was shocked: "So making money?"

"That is. I think it all. After I go back, you give me a sum of money, I set up a film and television investment company, and then buy the copyright of famous variety shows from abroad, shoot and broadcast it in China, and take advantage of the popularity of variety shows. Make a fortune by shooting a big movie..."

This idea, or the routine, is actually the same as that of many domestic TV stations and entertainment companies capable of producing variety shows.

Meng Ren teamed up with Blueberry to use the "Running Man" variety show + the success of the big movie to make this path clear. If his peers still don't know how to follow the trend, they will be called the old driver in vain.

However, President Li had no time to appreciate his son's business ideas. He remembered the "miracle" Mai Xiaoyu said on the night of the Mengren's annual meeting.

"Dad, isn't our family cooperating with Mengren? When you pay, say hello to him and let him take me. In less than three years, the assets of my film and television investment company will definitely double easily! "

President Li frowned tighter.

Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Junhao Luo Xing cooperate in the development of derivatives; Mai Xiaoyu and Zhu Zeyuan cooperate in real estate development; Mai Xiaoyu and Ye Chu cooperate in film and television special effects production; Mai Xiaoyu signs Feng Shaofeng to become a first-line star; Mai Xiaoyu and Han I have cooperated with "Bright Sword", and I heard that I also cooperated with "Latent" last year...

And me?

President Li finally determined where he was really dissatisfied with Mai Xiaoyu.

Among the eight shareholders of Hualong Pictures, the other six have cooperated with Mai Xiaoyu's cute people in different forms, and they have gained a lot; he is the only one who has no cooperation except Hualong Pictures.

Did I despise him too much?



Sijiqingqiao Maijia Villa.

Liu Xiaoli was preparing the meal in the kitchen, and Mai Yingxiong was on the sidelines.

Although the Mai family is super rich now, it is a rare occasion for a family reunion to cook a meal by themselves, which has a different meaning.

Cici and Shu Chang were in the living room, drinking freshly squeezed juices and talking about various fashion elements this year.

Ding Dong!

Doorbell rang.

"I'll open the door!"

Cici and Shu Chang stood up at the same time and ran to the door to open the door together.

Outside the door stood a man and a woman, wearing hats, sunglasses and masks, covering them tightly.

Among them, the man was dragging a large suitcase.

"Sister Tao!"

"sister in law!"

Cici and Shu Chang threw themselves into Liu Tao's arms, holding her on their left and right, and walked into the living room.

Only Mai Xiaoyu, who was dragging his suitcase, protested from behind: "You two are too shameless!"

Today, on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Liu Tao spent the Chinese New Year at home and flew back to the plane that Yanjing had just got off, and came to Mai's house to continue enjoying the New Year holiday.

"Hehe." Cici let go of Liu Tao, turned and ran back, holding his arm, "Brother."

"It's pretty much the same."

Close the door, put the luggage, and take off the "arms." When Mai Xiaoyu walked out, Liu Tao had already taken off his coat and went to the kitchen to help.

In the living room, Shu Chang and Cici happily held the New Year gifts Liu Tao gave them.

Mai Xiaoyu walked over and yelled at Shu Chang: "You have no conscience, do you know that I am your brother?"

Shu Chang made a face: "Whoever makes you eccentric to Cici, don't ask me to make a movie."

Cicito sighed lightly: "Actually, I still like filming in China. I always feel too unfamiliar abroad."

"If you are not happy, please come back." Shu Chang went over and hugged her, "Anyway, there is Brother Mai, and he will withstand it when the sky falls, so that we and Sister Tao will not be injured."

Cici shook her head: "No, these two films can't fail. After the Chinese New Year, I have to go abroad to cooperate with the promotion. I hope that after the two films are released, they will sell well at the box office."

She knew about Mai Xiaoyu's "gamble", she said behind her, and looked at Mai Xiaoyu's eyes with worry.

Mai Xiaoyu squeezed her Qiong nose; "I have to have confidence in your brother."

Shu Chang mended the knife: "Otherwise, be careful of him spanking you, or take off your pants and hit you."

"Chang Chang!"

Qianqian smiled and threw herself down to Shu Chang, and the two girls laughed and quarreled on the sofa.

Don't look at Cici acting quietly in front of outsiders. When she is with relatives and friends in private, her lively side will also be revealed.

Mai Xiaoyu shook his head and went to the kitchen to go around.

Mai's family is now considered a thriving family, and with the goddaughter Shu Chang and the prospective daughter-in-law Liu Tao, the family of six is ​​happy and lively.

After dinner, when everyone was sitting on the sofa, drinking tea, eating fruit, and chatting, it was natural to talk about the big movie "Running Man".

With a record three-day box office of over 100 million yuan and huge controversy, it is difficult not to become the focus of public opinion.

"Unexpectedly, the box office of the temporary mashed-up movie will be so high." Mai Yingxiong ate the fruit and said casually.

Mai Xiaoyu raised her brows: "Dad, what do you mean by improvisation?"

"Is that a movie? It's not just a variety show, it's just shown in the cinema."

When the Mai family went to the cinema in their second grade, they watched the big movie "Running Man", so Mai Yingxiong is qualified to comment on the movie. To be honest, he didn't comment very well on the movie, and he couldn't understand why the box office was so high and so high.

Liu Xiaoli was worried that the father and son might quarrel, and came forward to make ends meet: "So this is called a variety show movie."

Liu Tao also hugged Mai Xiaoyu's arm, squeezed gently, and signaled Mai Xiaoyu not to be stubborn.

Mai Xiaoyu has passed the age of being a bull with his own father. He patted the back of Liu Tao's hand and said with a smile: "Dad, this variety movie is not something I wanted to make temporarily. I didn't expect such a high box office~ Now it’s with the help of variety shows and the novelty of the audience that the box office will be so high. When you follow the trend more, the lifespan of this kind of variety show will almost end."

"Wheat, then you have to hurry up and do a few more variety shows before the end of the life cycle."

The speaker is Liu Xiaoli. She is Moeren’s CEO and is responsible for Moeren’s daily work. She is very interested in this kind of variety show with short cycle, quick results and high returns, which can greatly relieve the company's financial pressure.

"This year, I'm still planning to do another variety show. Cici, are you going to pay a New Year greeting to Teacher Zhang Yuanqi in two days? And Chang Chang, you also want to pay a New Year greeting to your master, when you do Say hello to them first, saying that our company is going to create a singing program this year. I want to invite them to be guests and ask them what they mean."

Cici and Shu Chang agreed.

Liu Xiaoli asked: "Singing show? Can it be made into a big variety movie next year?"

Mai Xiaoyu smiled bitterly: "Aunt Liu, this year our company's film project must not only focus on the box office, but also take into account the reputation. Forget the variety show, "Running Man" is about to arouse public outrage, ha ha..."

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