"What about the poor reputation?

"The investment is less than 20 million yuan, and the box office is over 200 million yuan-a film reflects the rise of Mengren film and television."

"Yesterday, the box office exceeded 100 million yuan, another movie with high box office and low reputation, and another movie made by cute people."

"The overall situation for exporting overseas has been decided, and the producer, Hualong Pictures, is solely responsible for overseas distribution."


In the winter vacation of 2009, Moe was the leader.

The big movie stared at countless harsh criticisms, bringing happiness to countless audiences, but also creating miracles one after another, disregarding the Chinese New Year festivals in the film industry. The Hollywood blockbusters released during the same period were also under pressure, so that some experts and scholars commented that the domestic audience is too shallow and the level is too low.

For the occasion, with the help of 2.14 Valentine's Day, there are countless fans in the domestic circle. The Chinese version of the novel has soared in domestic sales, while the North American box office has overwhelmed the famous.

However, the situation of this movie in the United States is similar to that in China.

The same low reputation, the same high box office.

The evaluation of the two films by colleagues in China and the United States is more derogatory than praise. But if the time can be turned back and the opportunity to invest in two movies is before them, will they let it go?

In China, there are voices questioning cute people in public opinion.

"What's wrong with cute people?"

"As a film company, you can't just have money in your eyes!"

"Moeren's movies used to pay attention to word-of-mouth, but now they only look at money, which is disappointing."

"The entertainment industry is full of copper odors. I thought that cute people are an alternative and will not be polluted by copper odors. I didn't expect me to be wrong. Feelings and feelings!"


"a bunch of idiots!"

Ning Shirong put down the newspaper in hand, scornful in his heart.

The voices in public opinion that question cute people are ridiculous to him. In his eyes, those media are similar to the clowns.

Word of mouth?


Nice to say!

As the future heir of the Sky Group, he is an entrepreneur and a businessman.

Box office and word of mouth, for him, or for all the film and television companies that can survive at home and abroad, the box office is much higher than the word of mouth, and it can even be said that the box office is supreme!

Movies that are not well-received, the production company is happy, the director's status is high, the actors are paid high, and some are sought after by funds; on the contrary, the movies that are not well-received... Such actors are called "box office poisons and drugs", and such directors are for the lower part. The money of the play is so distressed, as for the production company to lose money!

In Shangyanshang, which film company can tolerate the false reputation of word of mouth and replace the box office that keeps the company alive?

This is true at home and so is abroad.

Only true filmmakers will pursue the so-called word-of-mouth and feelings, because the film loses, it is not them who lose.

As for the audience, hehe, it's purely standing and talking without backache.

During the golden age of Hong Kong movies in the 80s and 90s, did movies full of "feelings" still pay less?

Some film companies even went bankrupt because of this. Some old filmmakers took out their life savings to make a high-profile film full of emotions, but they suffered a heart attack that was stimulated by the movie's box office.

Even Hollywood, the center of the world's film industry, is the same.

The film companies that went bankrupt due to the failure of film investment are not one and two.

The film company does not want to pursue word-of-mouth, but without box office support, the so-called word-of-mouth is nothing.

The audience chanted "Word of mouth" and "Feelings", but some domestic films with high reputation and nostalgia, even if they won awards at foreign film festivals, returned to the domestic box office and still hit the streets.

One shot, two shots, three shots...Who will invest you in making movies in the future?

This is a strange circle, a paradox.

In order to survive, film and television companies at home and abroad must focus on the box office first, rather than excessively pursuing word-of-mouth.

"It seems that Mai Xiaoyu fully understands this truth."

Ning Shirong frowned slightly while playing with the cigar in his hand.

He has no intention of justifying Mengren's production and participation in investment. It is purely from the heart. Because of similar things, DynaSky has also encountered it.

However, cute people are so happy.

Can't just sit back and watch Mengren develop like this anymore.

Ning Shirong put away the cigar and pressed the button on the desk phone: "Susan, let Zhang Ruilin and the others come to my office."

Half an hour later, Zhang Ruilin, Liu Lei, Pei Pengbing and Tian Ye came to Ning Shirong's office one after another. When Tian Ye arrived at the latest, he was discussing the revision of the script for the new play with the screenwriter, and hurried over after receiving a call.

After the people arrived, Ning Shirong ignored Liu Lei’s flattery and said straight to the point: “This year, the group will participate in the joint acquisition of XX theaters in the United States. In April, I will go to the United States on behalf of the group. Before that, I don’t want to see it again. The name Mai Xiaoyu."

Liu Lei hugged his thighs as always: "What Shao Rong said is that I have long seen the surname Mai not pleasing to my eyes."

Pei Pengbing is also gearing up: "Last year he was too comfortable, and I wanted to use the beauty to poach Deng Chao. As a result, one of Gu Yang's master flowers was dug by a cute man. What a bad idea!"

Tian Ye's face blushed.

This idea was made by him, and it was the first sister of Guyang Film and Television to seduce and lure Deng Chao. In the end, Deng Chao couldn't respond to Ma Danni. Instead, he fell in love with Sun Li, one of Gu Yang's heads of flowers. Sun Li also refused Gu Yang's contract extension, stating that he was about to join Mengren.

With the investment of Pei Pengbing, the love triangle hype of Ma Danni, Sun Li, Deng Chao, and the quality of Guyang Film and Television, the effect after the broadcast is good.

At the same time, Deng Sunlian was exposed, and the news that Sun Li was about to sign a cute person came out, and Sun Li's popularity and status have been improved. Guyang Film and Television rushed to Sun Li's last year's contract, and received a bunch of notices to her in one breath, and the work was almost full.

In this way, Gu Yang's own financial pressure was eased, and it was not a loss.

Ning Shirong's side, in fact, didn't suffer. He gave Pei Pengbing a sum of money to invest in Gu Yang and made a fortune. But his intention is not to make money, and he is not short of that money.

As a result, he ran off the track, and his goal was not achieved, so he must feel uncomfortable.

The "culprit" causing this situation is Tian Ye. When he first proposed it, he was questioned by Zhang Ruilin, but now he has failed. He was robbed of white by Pei Pengbing Pi Li Yangqiu, and his face couldn't hold back.

"Ahem. Shao Rong, I didn't know much about Mai Xiaoyu before, but now I know that his background is quite deep. I suggest being cautious."

Pei Pengbing attacked unceremoniously: "He has a deep background? Don't make excuses for your incompetence!"

This is a typical way of stepping down on opponents and raising oneself. As a well-known director in China, how can Tian Ye not hear it?

"At the beginning of this year, the Xinhua News Agency's sports commentary deliberately mentioned cute people without naming them, suggesting the correctness of the general direction. Could this be accidental? President Pei, don't forget how you fell from the position of CEO of Aiman ​​Culture! "

The status of Ning Shirong's dirty team of four is still different.

Liu Lei has the lowest status, so he can only flatter and flatter Ning Shirong as much as he can.

Zhang Ruilin is similar to a staff officer. He is usually relatively low-key. He just gives out his ideas. He will help Ning Shirong take care of the work arrangements of some groups like a real assistant.

The relationship between Pei Pengbing and Tian Ye is relatively tense.

The former was once the CEO of Aiman ​​Culture, and the latter is a well-known TV director in China, both of whom have status and status. In order to hold the thigh of Qingtian Group heir Ning Shirong, the fight was fierce.

Ning Shirong saw all these things, and he felt like a mirror in his heart.

But he didn't point it, nor did he stop it.

There is a saying in the imperial skill: not afraid of disagreement between your subordinates, but afraid of unity among your subordinates.

"Well, Mai Xiaoyu is just a hanging silk, with no background. Relying on rhetoric, he tricked several large groups into a joint venture to establish Hualong Pictures, and then used tiger skins and foxes to make trouble. As for the Xinhua News Agency’s sports review, it was the same as that of the year. The same, it’s all good luck..."

Mai Xiaoyu is his own opponent. Since going crazy and hurting Ning Shirong, Ning Zhiyuan has paid more attention to him.

After the sports commentary incident, Ning Zhiyuan lost a lot of ties, spent a lot of money, and finally found out the truth from the above:

There is no one above Mai Xiaoyu, but his daring personality is in line with the opinions of some big bosses from the upper echelons. And the success, the sensational effect it produced, also helped these upper-level bigwigs to use it as a pilot to promote their own propositions.

Just like the bigwigs of the Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Culture, and the General Administration of Sports, they are happy to see the promotion of sports pan-entertainment, which has many benefits for public and private.

After Ning Shirong learned the truth from his father, he was ready to attack Mai Xiaoyu.

Because since last year, cute people are so happy. Variety shows, big movies,... this is just the beginning, and there are many projects to be completed in the future!

If you wait for,,,,, to be released or broadcast one after another, and you can get the results of the previous projects, it will be difficult for a cute person to deal with it!

Besides, Mengren started several projects earlier this year, all of which are big projects.

Ning Shirong will never allow tigers to be a problem!

In order to prove his value, Tian Ye said: "Shao Rong, didn't it mean that Mengren launched too many projects last year and the financial pressure was very high? Like the new projects opened by their company this year, all of them have external funds involved."

"Haha." Ning Shirong sneered, "Rui Lin, how did the investigation look like what I asked you to investigate?"

Zhang Ruilin calmly replied: "Xu Zhang Investment Co., Ltd., legal representative Xiaoxing Xiaoxing, and shareholder Zhang Xiaoquan each hold 20% of the shares, and major shareholder Mai Xiaoyu, accounting for 60% of the shares; Zhang Huang Investment Co., Ltd., legal representative Zhang Xiaoquan , And shareholder Xiaoxing Xiaoxing each hold 20% of the shares, and major shareholder Mai Xiaoyu holds 60% of the shares."

Having said that, he paused and said in a more serious tone: "The two investment companies mainly invest in residential and commercial shops, concentrated in Yanjing, Donghai, Shencheng and Yangcheng. At present, commercial shops are being sold one after another. In terms of high-end residential investment in the area, the total assets of the two companies total nearly one billion, and the debt-to-asset ratio is less than 50%."

What the hell!

Pei Pengbing, Tian Ye and Liu Lei were greatly stimulated and looked at each other.

The total assets are nearly one billion, and the debt-to-asset ratio is less than 50%, that is to say, the net assets can be 500 million!

With so much money, coupled with Moeren’s already generous cash flow, those projects last year are unlikely to put any pressure on Moeren’s capital chain!

Liu Lei received the most stimulation.

After thinking about money for several years, he also made a bold statement due to the failure of Qian Liutao and being beaten by Mai Xiaoyu, saying that he would block all Mengren’s business in the Yanjing advertising industry; but now Mai Xiaoyu and two small partners are joint ventures. Investment companies, without showing up, have net assets of 500 million yuan...

This is not 10,000 points of damage, it is a crit, a ton of crit damage!

Ning Shirong lit a cigar and took a sip: "I heard you all. Why did you all lose to Mai Xiaoyu? It's because he is too cunning. Look at what Meng Ren plans to shoot this year..."

Public opinion is questioning Mengren, who is infested by commercial copper odors, and the films that were shot only focus on the box office, giving up traditional word-of-mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~. In this situation, Mengren must not be left alone.

On the one hand, he used the media to show his attitude toward film books; on the other hand, he announced after the Spring Festival in a high-profile manner that Zhang Xiaoquan would shoot a low-cost comedy film to continue Mengren’s excellent reputation for low-cost movies.

, The production cost is 8 million. The starring Deng Chao and Wang Baoqiang have already taken some shots during the Chinese New Year. It will be a sincere work that will bring all viewers who support cute people.

"With an investment of 8 million, the starring film remuneration is discounted into the production cost, and there are 4 million from the investment of Zhang Su and Zhang Su. It seems that it would be difficult for a cute person to spend another 4 million..."

"Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha! This is Chi Guoguo's fool who used me as a fool and deliberately deceived me, making me think that their company is under great financial pressure, the capital chain may be broken, and there is a good acquisition opportunity."

"It's a Mingxiu plank road in the dark. Do you really think you can keep me in the dark and let the cute people become bigger?"

"Too much bullying!"

Ning Shirong smiled furiously, his eyes fell on Pei Pengbing and Liu Lei.

Liu Lei shuddered and reacted: "Don't worry, Shao Rong, I will arrange someone to follow Mai Xiaoyu to find out his life track and daily travel route."

Pei Pengbing is full of determination: "Young Master Rong, I know what to do."

"Ha, how to do it is your business. I don't know anything, nor can I ask at all. In short, I don't want to see Mai Xiaoyu's name jumping in front of me again."


These words of Ning Shirong plucked himself clean.

Tian Ye shuddered and was frightened.

Liu Lei and Pei Pengbing felt bitter in their hearts, and their determination was shaken, but now that they have no way out.

Zhang Ruilin's face was as usual, as if he hadn't heard anything, but his heart was upset: it's time to call again...

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