The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 833: The little blue pill is a fragrance for the lord's blood sea, plus more five/five

With a soft light shining in the room, Tang Yan sat next to Mai Xiaoyu holding a pillow, and looked at him seriously. ?

"Are you going to marry Sister Tao?"

"Okay, why do you suddenly ask about this?"

"You never attended the company's annual meeting, but this year you attended the annual meeting with Sister Tao."

"Do you need me to praise you for being smart?" Mai Xiaoyu smiled, "Well, we are getting married. You know, we are all old, not like you are young."

Tang Yan's face darkened: "When?"

"Two years, if there are no accidents, it should be two years later."

"In other words, I have two years left?" Tang Yan's eyes lit up, and the fire of hope was rekindled.

"You can also be ons for the past two years. To be honest, I have coveted your beauty for a long time. After I get married, I won't be messed up again. Look at the night tonight, lonely men and women **, how about it?"

Mai Xiaoyu was sure that Tang Yan would not agree, so she deliberately approached Tang Yan, still using that ambiguous tone.

Who would think that Tang Yan suddenly wrapped his arms around his neck, and his thin wet lips kissed his lips, sucking hard, and the dexterous soft tongue tried to pry open his teeth.

Mai Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment and pushed Tang Yan away.

"Didn't you say ons, I agreed!"

Tang Yanjiao yelled and threw herself into Mai Xiaoyu's arms.

She actually agreed?

Mai Xiaoyu continued to be stunned, but only for about ten seconds, he hugged Tang Yan, sucked on her thin lips, and sucked on the soft tongue she had sent in. With both hands walking on Tang Yan's back buttocks, she gradually swims into Tang Yan's clothes.

The sky thunder ignited the ground fire.

Tang Yan was already sitting in Mai Xiaoyu's arms, and the two passionately hugged and kissed each other. Mai Xiaoyu's shirt was untied, Tang Yan's sweater and A-line skirt were also lifted, and her breathing became should be described as "gasp".

Mai Xiaoyu suddenly stood up and hugged Tang Yan like a princess.

"Where is the bedroom?"

Tang Yanling leaned close to his neck, separated a hand from the arms around his neck, shyly pointed to the room next to him, and whispered, "That one."

Mai Xiaoyu hugged Tang Yan to the bedroom, gently bungalow her on the bed, then turned on the bedside lamp, and under the soft light, she carefully looked at the delicate and beautiful Tang Yan.

Tang Yan closed her eyes shyly, her eyelashes moved lightly, her body trembling lightly, her legs under the a-line skirt were clamped, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, waiting for Mai Xiaoyu's invasion.

Mai Xiaoyu stroked her forehead, kissed her lips tenderly, put a hand on her waist, and moved upward a little bit.

When Mai Xiaoyu reached into Tang Yan's sweater and stroked her smooth and delicate abdomen, Tang Yan couldn't help but let out a sweet scream.


This sweet chant, but inexplicably calmed down Mai Xiaoyu's active Teddy.

He suddenly let go of Tang Yan and said, "I'm sorry."

Tang Yan opened her eyes: "Why?"

"I told you that I have a principle when I'm a liar."

"But you are no longer a liar."

"But doing this, I feel unfair to you, and... I don't want to hurt you."

It takes courage to kill the familiar.

Mai Xiaoyu lacks courage in this regard. Especially when facing a girl who really likes himself, and he just wants to meet his lower body needs on the other side, he can't bear to hurt the other side.

Tang Yan cried...

After half an hour.

The tearful Tang Yan left Mai Xiaoyu's embrace. The tears were not dry yet, but there was a smile on her face: "I know, I know, I know I didn't see the wrong person, you won't hurt me, thank you."

Mai Xiaoyu held up her pretty face, and gently kissed her lips: "I'm sorry. I should go, you have a good night's sleep, tomorrow is another brand new day."

"I won't let you go!" Tang Yan hugged Mai Xiaoyu tightly and murmured in his ear, "Brother Maizi, do you know that if you are really ons with me, maybe I will change my attitude towards you? It feels, but you didn’t do that, I like you more. I am willing to give it to you, I am voluntary, really. Will you not leave tonight?"

"In this way, I will wait for you to fall asleep before leaving, okay?" Mai said, moving his right hand to the back of Tang Yan's neck, intending to repeat the trick.

Tang Yan suddenly pushed him away: "Is it really impossible?"

Mai Xiaoyu shook his head.

"You said, wait until I fall asleep before leaving, don't lie to me."

"It's been a long time since I lied to you, go to sleep."

"I'm going to warm milk. I'm used to drinking a cup of warm milk before going to bed. Do you drink it?"

Mai Xiaoyu was really dry in his mouth and nodded and said, "I'll have a drink too."

"Then you sit here and wait for me."

Tang Yan pushed Mai Xiaoyu, who was about to go to the living room, onto the bed, told him to wait for herself in the bedroom, and then walked quickly to the kitchen.

She took out the milk from the refrigerator. When it was heating up, she took out a small box from the cabinet, poured a small blue pill from the box, and broke the pill with a food processor.

When the milk was hot and poured into two cups separately, she poured the powder made from the small blue pill into one of the cups of hot milk. Stirred with a spoon again, and then carefully observed for a while, to make sure that there was no abnormality, and a sly smile appeared on his face.

Find a tray, put two cups of milk on the tray, Tang Yan returned to the bedroom.

"You didn't go out?" Tang Yan asked deliberately.

Mai Xiaoyu was using: "Did you do something bad behind my back?"

"Well, don't slander me!"

"Didn't you add ingredients to my milk?"

"What to add? Kindly give you hot are still suspicious, like to drink it or not."

Tang Yan pretended to be bulging and placed the tray by Mai Xiaoyu's hand. He picked up a cup and sipped it while Yu Guang looked at Mai Xiaoyu's behavior.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't think too much, just joking with Tang Yan just now.

After reading the news, he sighed softly: "This year, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is going to release a moth again."

"What's wrong?"

"It is rumored on the Internet that from May to November, provincial satellite TV stations can only broadcast National Day gift-themed TV dramas during prime time. Fortunately, our company has a...I have to say hello to Mr. Han when I look back. This drama, etc. Sell ​​again and strive for a good price."

"Cai fan. I can remind you that the rumors on the Internet are not credible."

"It's mostly true this time." While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu picked up the added milk.

After Tang Yan saw it, Xin mentioned her throat, pretending to be calm and asked, "Why?"

"Just think about it."

Created jointly by Moe Ren and Cheng Longying Emperor, Hu Xu made a comeback as an ancient costume traversal drama, which was sold to CCTV at a high price under the operation of the Emperor. CCTV is exclusive, even if it is broadcast on CCTV 8, other satellite TVs can only wait for two rounds of broadcast.

The news from the Emperor is that it will be broadcast at the end of this year.

Don't forget that CCTV is the pro-son of the General Administration, and the relevant policies were first known.

Isn't it worth the fun?

"It seems to be true. Fortunately, our company's broadcast in early April will not be affected." Tang Yan nodded, her eyes never leaving the milk in Mai Xiaoyu's hand, "Drink it quickly, it should be cold in a while. ."


Mai Xiaoyu picked up the cup and prepared to drink milk.

Tang Yan stared at him intently, and saw that the cup had reached Mai Xiaoyu's mouth, and a heart touched her throat.

Just when Mai Xiaoyu’s lips were pressed against the wall of the cup and the milk was about to be consumed, his rice phone rang...8

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