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A hospital in Xiangjiang.

Inside the ward.

After a thorough examination by the doctor, it was determined that Mai Xiaoyu was unscathed in the hospital bed.

Standing next to the bed was a middle-aged man wearing gold glasses and carrying a briefcase. It was Young Master Yang who was looking for a lawyer for him.

Two policemen stood at the end of the bed, the Xiangjiang policeman.

With the permission of the doctor, the police can record a statement about the shooting in the alleys of Causeway Bay tonight.

"Mr. Mai Xiaoyu, our police have a few questions to ask you." The police spoke in crappy Mandarin.

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at the lawyer beside him, and the lawyer nodded slightly before he spoke and replied in fluent Cantonese: "If you have any questions, just ask."

"You can speak Cantonese, that's great. Could you please describe the scene of the crime?"

The crime scene was very simple. The four of them were talking. A man in a trench coat who couldn't see his appearance suddenly broke in and shot them.

By the way, before shooting, the man in the windbreaker yelled "maixiaoyu" in Mandarin.

The experience is not complicated, and the basic confession is also recorded very quickly.

After the policeman in charge of the record finished the record, the other policeman asked again: "Mr. Mai Xiaoyu, when did you come to Xiangjiang."


"As far as you know, do you have enemies?"

"The industry is highly competitive, and there must be enemies, but I don't think anyone will hate me to the point of hiring and murdering me."

"What are you doing in Xiangjiang?"

Now the lawyer was unhappy, stopped Mai Xiaoyu, and asked the police: "Are you suspicious of my employer?"

"No, please don't get me wrong, we just want to figure out who the gunman came from. I'm sorry, the name of the other victim is the same as you in Mandarin."

The lawyer said: "My employer is the boss of a well-known mainland film and television company. He has invested in a number of excellent film and television dramas, and some of the films are also internationally renowned. This time I came to Xiangjiang and was invited by the Xiangjiang Film Directors' Association. Come see For this year’s dinner and awards ceremony, the police just need to investigate this matter casually. Mr. Police, is my answer clear enough?"

"very clear."

The police looked at the lawyer unhappy, and asked Mai Xiaoyu a few basic questions, and finally said: "Mr. Mai, please don't worry too much. Xiangjiang is a society under the rule of law, and our police have enough capacity to protect the personal life of every Chinese citizen. Safe. Judging from experience, the shooter's target is your companion..."

Who is Mai Xiaoyu's companion?

Sell ​​small fish!

In the other ward, the little liar was also lying on the bed, with a lawyer who was also accompanied by him, and two Xiangjiang police officers were also standing at the end of the bed.

After a doctor's examination, Xiaoyu, like Mai Xiaoyu, was unscathed. The difference is that selling small fish is very depressed, and there is a bit of panic and worry in his eyes.

Similar to the process of treating Mai Xiaoyu, the two policemen were also recording confessions to him after getting permission from the doctor.

His statement is not very different from that of Mai Xiaoyu, but the difference lies in the attitude of the police.

Mai Xiaoyu is a celebrity in the mainland. Although he has never regarded himself as a person of this class, in the eyes of outsiders, he is a cute boss with this label on his body. Moreover, when he came to Xiangjiang this time, the Emperor Yang family hosted him personally, and even the lawyers were Yang Gongzi's personal lawyers.

On the other hand, selling small fish is just an employee of Mengren Film and Television, and has a lot of history.

Just when Ke Haoyi and Miao Ruoyi were brought back to the police station for questioning, and while Mai Xiaoyu and Mai Xiaoyu were sent to the hospital for examination, the Xiangjiang police had already conducted investigations and contacted the mainland police and learned about their background information.

Selling small fish...Before joining Meng Ren, he was a small gangster on the street. He was often detained for petty thefts and fights. The last time he was sentenced for fraud, he had a lot of criminal records!

Therefore, the Xiangjiang police subconsciously set the gunman's target as selling small fish, because he has many enemies, and most of those enemies are gangsters. It is very likely that he will hire a murderer while he is traveling in Xiangjiang.

According to the descriptions of Ke Haoyi and Miao Ruoyi, after the gunman appeared, he yelled "maixiaoyu" in Mandarin. After selling the small fish, he was pointed at him.

Combining the warheads found at the scene and the positions of the gunner and the wheat seller, the police have reason to believe that the gunner was obtained by selling small fish.

If it hadn't been for Mai Xiaoyu to come forward and confuse the gunner's audiovisual, the gunner was confused, so that the bullet missed and shot from the middle of the two, selling Xiaoyu is now either in the rescue room or lying in the morgue.

The police have been questioning the enemies who sell small fish and which enemies have the conditions to hire murderers.

At this time, selling Xiaoyu no longer cooperated, and was silent and silent.

The police's attitude was a little harsh, and the lawyer protested.

In the end, the police did nothing.

The result of the survey?

Ha ha.


The police withdrew, saying that they were investigating, but they knew that this case would probably become an unsolved case.

Mai Xiaoyu and the four did not provide any valuable clues, even the physical characteristics of the shooter.

The clues that the police have, apart from the bullet fired by the black star pistol that is common in the Xiangjiang black market, are the surveillance cameras installed in the alleys of the bar. The shooter has not yet been photographed, only the reaction of Mai Xiaoyu.

The gunman was very clever and didn't use a silencer on the gun. The sudden gunfire frightened the surrounding pedestrians. The gunman hid among the walking pedestrians and disappeared from everyone's sight with the help of the night.

The surveillance probes along the street in Causeway Bay captured a few suspicious figures. The Xiangjiang police followed the vine and arrested three pickpockets, one drug addict, and the intention to follow the raper... Nothing.

None of the surveillance probes caught the gunman, let alone calculate the gunman’s escape route~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously, the gunman is an experienced guy. After one night, I am afraid that he has already left Xiangjiang by smuggling. NS.

Who will be arrested by the Xiangjiang police?

Fortunately, the four of Mai Xiaoyu were only frightened and not injured. Although the emperor’s Young Master came forward to pressure, Mai Xiaoyu was a celebrity and was unwilling to get involved in the matter. This made the police relieved. Tone.

Is it just that Mai Xiaoyu really doesn't want to make things big?

In the ward selling small fish, Miao Ruoyi is taking care of peeling apples.

Mai Xiaoyu, who was also in the same medical gown, pushed the door in, accompanied by Ke Haoyi.

"Ms. Mai!" Miao Ruoyi put down the apples and fruit knives that had been cut to pieces as if seeing the main bones, and said with a cry of tears: "I was scared to death last night, Xiaoyu almost had an accident, you can't let it go. Guys."

Mai Xiaoyu sighed in his heart and comforted: "Don't be afraid, isn't it all hurt?"

What else Miao Ruoyi wanted to say, leaning on the bedside, said: "Ruoyi, I'm a little hungry."

"Well, what do you want to eat?"

"Deep Well Roasted Goose."

Mai Xiaoyu's eyes lit up.

Miao Ruoyi's heart is selling Xiaoyu: "I will buy it for you now."

"It must be deep well."

"I know." Miao Ruo replied, putting on his coat and preparing to leave, only then did he realize that Mai Xiaoyu was still there, "Mai, what do you want to eat, I will buy it back together."

"Buy more deep well roasted goose, and then some vegetarian dishes."

Miao Ruo left in response.

Three minutes later, Mai Xiaoyu said: "Haozi, go to the door and guard. No one is allowed to enter without my permission."

There were only two people left in the ward.

Mai Xiaoyu walked to the bedside: "Sorry, I frightened you last night."

"I should say sorry. Mr. Mai, did I delay your business last night?" rw

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