The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 837: You must first settle inside


Sky Group.

Sitting in the office, Ning Shirong carefully reviewed the financial statements of a certain theater in the United States and the evaluation report made by a professional institution on the theater.

Next month, he will fly to the United States to represent the Sky Group and another multinational company to discuss specific matters concerning the acquisition of the theater. This is a super large project. If it succeeds, it will greatly help Sky Sky Group's international influence and future group performance.

For Qingtian, this project is very important; in his mind, its importance is far more than dealing with cute people and dealing with Mai Xiaoyu, not to mention that Mai Xiaoyu is not far from the dead in his eyes.

These data are not quite right.

It is very likely to be faked.

Shameless Yankee, thinking that this can be fooled?

It seems that the accounting firm has to conduct a focused investigation on these data.

If the fraud is confirmed, the price can be reduced by at least 15%...

Acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations seen by global commercial companies are common, and intrigue among them is not uncommon. Many companies that have been acquired or merged are not forced to do so, but it is common to falsify data and reports to increase the purchase price.

When the dust settles after you complete the acquisition, it is too late to discover that the other party has used fraud to make you pay a high sum of money.


They are American theater chains, you are a Huaxia company, and you are in a lawsuit in the United States... Hehe, the U.S. government has never admired foreigners and foreigners, and there are many difficulties for Huaxia companies!

The rapid ringing of the cell phone interrupted Ning Shirong's thinking.

He picked up the mobile phone on the table and connected the call: "I am Ning Shirong."

"Shao Rong, I am Liu Lei, and Mai Xiaoyu is back. He is back from Xiangjiang. I am now downstairs in the group..."

What a mess!

On the phone, Liu Lei's voice was hurried and anxious, and Ning Shirong was very dissatisfied with his incoherent preface and no follow-up.

"Say something slowly, don't worry."

"Don't worry, you can't do it. The surnamed Mai came to the group, and he came to the group when he got off the plane. Now he is on the elevator. The security guard in the lobby on the first floor was overturned four or five by him..."

Ning Shirong had no intention of listening to Liu Lei's words.

Does Mai Xiaoyu still need to say why he came to Qingtian?

It must be for him Ning Shirong.

Too much deception!

Today I will let you come and go!

Ning Shirong was furious, touching the scars on the left and right sides of his forehead, his eyes gleaming fiercely.


The door of the office was kicked open again.

The bodyguard Tiger had a crosshead screwdriver on his neck, and he was kidnapped by Ke Haoyi.

Behind him was Mai Xiaoyu, with a pale face, his icy eyes fixed on Ning Shirong, ignoring Susan, who was pulling and entangled with the secretary beside him.

"Mai Xiaoyu, do you really think I dare not kill you!"

"Didn't you already do this!"

Mai Xiaoyu strode over, and stared at Ning Shirong across the desk. With a touch of his right hand from behind his waist, there was a cross-head screwdriver in his hand and pointed at Ning Shirong: "Two days ago, I went to Xiangjiang to attend the awards ceremony of the director's meeting and was shot. Do you dare to say that the gunman was not sent by you?"


Ning Shirong was taken aback for a moment, and immediately laughed: "Hahaha, that is your own sin, and you have offended too many people. It seems that I am not the only one who wants to kill you, you have to be careful."

"I know I have offended a lot of people, so I specifically found a substitute. But you are the only one who wants to kill me! If my substitute is not by my side, I'm afraid you will succeed this time! I told you last time, You only have one chance. Now I'm not dead, it's you."


There was a majestic voice at the door, but Ning Zhiyuan rushed to Ning Shirong's office, accompanied by his secretary Zheng Keyu.

He knew it as early as when Mai Xiaoyu broke into the Sky Tower and overturned the security on the first floor.

He was very worried about Ning Shirong's impulsiveness, and the eyes of everyone were in full view of Mai Xiaoyu, ruining his bright future.

Directors, supervisors, executives, etc. of listed companies must not be stained on their resumes, not to mention that he has been training Ning Shirong to inherit the Sky Group as the chairman of the board!

Zheng Keyu ordered the secretary Susan to close the door from outside, not to call the police or to spread the word, and then accompanied Ning Zhiyuan to stand beside Ning Shirong.

Ning Zhiyuan confronted Mai Xiaoyu: "Mr. Mai, your adorable person is also a well-known company in the industry. As a company boss, you trespass into my Sky Group and fight and hurt people. Is this in line with your identity?"

"Identity? If I didn't have a substitute, I would have died of Xiangjiang this time. Would you like to talk about your identity with me?"

Ning Zhiyuan felt a little bit in his heart, but his face was still calm: "What can this explain?"

"What's the explanation? Haha, what's the explanation, Lao Ning, who wants me to die the most in this world, besides your father and son, is there anyone else!"

Ning Shirong sneered: "If I want to kill you, you will never have a chance to stand in front of me now!"

"Shirong!" Ning Zhiyuan yelled, his calm eyes on Mai Xiaoyu's body, "Mr. Mai, my son said that he did not do it. I think you have misunderstood."

"He said no, it's not? The gunman is so close to me, if it weren't for my stand-in just to be there to confuse the people, I would have been corpse on the street, do you believe I believe it!"

"Believe it or not! You just came here today, I let you walk in and go out sideways..."


Ning Zhiyuan raised his voice, Zheng Keyu also stopped Ning Shirong in the past, for fear that he would be agitated to do something uncomfortable.

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at the furious Ning Shirong, then looked at Ning Zhiyuan: "You just came here, and today I will kill you father and son together."

"What a big tone!" Ning Zhiyuan showed the majesty and momentum of the overlord in the business world, "Not to mention whether you have this ability, even if you do, do you think you can escape legal sanctions? Don't think that mental problems can become you. The amulet of the psychiatric hospital also has a death target every year!"

"Also, have you ever thought about your parents and family? I heard that your family is a reorganized family. In addition to your father and your stepmother, you also have two younger sisters. Your two younger sisters are both in the entertainment industry, they are very beautiful, and Do you love them very much too?"

"So I said to kill you both to avoid future troubles."

"Ha, naive! Don't use your grassroots family to measure our Ning family. Our Ning family is a famous family, and there are many people in the Ning family. Even if there are internal contradictions, you can't use it at will!"

Ning Zhiyuan would not intimidate Mai Xiaoyu.

If their father and son were to die, the Ning family was bound to fall into a situation where a group of dragons would fight for power without a leader. However, any Ning family who wants to be in power, even if they are not in harmony with their father and son, will take the initiative to avenge them in order to increase their voice and the commanding heights of human relations when they are fighting for control of the sky.

Mai Xiaoyu hesitated, his eyes uncertain.

Next to him, Zheng Keyu held Ning Shirong with one hand, and one hand was hanging under the huge boss table. The gun in his hand was loaded with bullets.

five minutes.

There was silence in the office for five minutes.

It was also the thinking time that Ning Zhiyuan left for Mai Xiaoyu.

Five minutes later, Ning Zhiyuan spoke again: "Mr. Mai, I still have a word to advise you. You were shot in Xiangjiang. Did Shirong really do it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Our Ning family has a big business, and internal contradictions are inevitable. Didn't you take advantage of our Ning family's internal contradictions last time?"

Mai Xiaoyu's eyes lit up: "You mean Ning Shibin!"

"I never named or surnamed."

"Okay, I'll go to Ning Shibin and ask clearly, if it's not him, I see what else you have to say!"

"Mr. Mai, I would like to advise you, if it is too easy to break, next time you dare to trespass to our sky, I will call the police and hand it over to the police. You can do it yourself."

"As long as you don't mess with me first, I won't bother to deal with you! Haozi, go!"


The office door was closed forcibly, and Mai Xiaoyu took Ke Haoyi away with strides.

Zheng Keyu went over, opened the door and took a look, let Tiger go to the hospital on his own, and then asked Susan to say a few words, then closed the door and put away the gun: "Ning Dong, they are gone."

Ning Zhiyuan then sat down: "You can call Xiangjiang and ask if there is anything like that."

Qingtian is also related in Xiangjiang. Zheng Keyu made a call, and the news came back after a while.

"Ning Dong, Mai Xiaoyu didn't lie. He went to Hong Kong at the invitation of the Hong Kong Film Directors' Association to attend the dinner and awards ceremony. He was shot in Causeway Bay at night. At that time, one of his men was also present, and his name was different from his pronunciation. , The killer was in a daze when he shot, and missed the shot."

"The police concluded from various signs that the killer was professional, and they have not found effective clues about the killer. There is a lot of pressure. However, there is something very interesting. The Xiangjiang police determined that the killer was under Mai Xiaoyu’s hands. he."

this is normal phenomenon.

Few rich people and entrepreneurs are willing to make the news big after the assassination, and let the media arrange them to make the street known.

It's not a glorious thing.

At most, the police are under great pressure and seize the time to solve the case, but the news will definitely be covered up.

Ning Zhiyuan nodded, and after confirming that Mai Xiaoyu's experience in Xiangjiang was not a fiction, he turned to his son.

Ning Shirong understood his father's thoughts and denied on the spot: "I didn't do it."

How can Ning Zhiyuan believe: "Whether you did it is not important, the important thing is that if you do it, you must succeed, and you can't leave any hands behind."

"But this time it was really not instructed!"

"this time?"

"Yes. Mengren has been so happy in the past year, I don't like it. A few days ago, I was planning to find someone to do Mai Xiaoyu, but I haven't started yet..."

Ning Shirong's words stopped abruptly.

He, Ning Zhiyuan, and Zheng Keyu, the expressions on the faces of the three of them instantly became "rich and colorful".

Ning Shirong just planned to find someone to do Mai Xiaoyu, and Mai Xiaoyu was shot in Xiangjiang...

What a coincidence!

"Interesting, interesting, too interesting." Ning Zhiyuan narrowed his eyes and repeated softly.

Zheng Keyu reminded: "Young Master Rong..."

"Needless to say, I know that the people under me are not clean. I will definitely find out about this, but I want to see who dares to eat inside and out!"

Ning Zhiyuan waved his hand; "This is secondary. The important thing is that who hired the murderer to shoot Mai Xiaoyu, but then deliberately missed..."

Yes, it was a deliberate miss!

So close range, so professionally sought-after, you told me you missed it, fooling you?

I thought it was Mai Xiaoyu's stand-in for blocking the gun. I didn't hurt anyone for a long time. What else could you do if you didn't deliberately missed your hand?

The Xiangjiang police also had similar suspicions, but they suspected that the gunman was hired to teach and sell small fish, and did not intend to actually shoot him, and did not associate it with Mai Xiaoyu. Because from the trajectory of ballistics, bullets are more inclined to sell fish with previous convictions than to the cute boss Mai Xiaoyu.

But Ning Zhiyuan and the others don't think so.

The grievances between Ning Shirong and Mai Xiaoyu were well-known to both sides, and the relationship between the two sides was even more the same.

Thinking in another way, the gunman missed Mai Xiaoyu, and Mai Xiaoyu's first suspect must be Ning Shirong.

Mai Xiaoyu is crazy and has mental problems.

Last time because of Hu Xu's car accident, after coming to Qingtian to make a big fuss, he made it clear on the spot. Didn't he come to the door as soon as he returned to Beijing?

And Ning Shirong is also a tough master. Facing Mai Xiaoyu who hit the door twice, he would never take the initiative to clarify that he did not do it himself, but would only ridicule.

What will the stimulated Mai Xiaoyu do?

This shows that someone blamed Ning Shirong and wanted to use Mai Xiaoyu's knife to kill Ning Shirong. Ning Shirong had long been cruel and wanted to kill Mai Xiaoyu. This is the home of Qingtian, and there must be a **** battle between the two sides.

At that time, no matter who died or lived, Ning Shirong would be over.

If Mai Xiaoyu kills his enemies and Ning Shirong is dead, what else is there to talk about taking over the Qingtian Group?

If Ning Shirong was born and Mai Xiaoyu was beaten to serious injuries or beaten to death, according to the Chinese legal system, Ning Shirong would also bear criminal responsibility. The shooting that Mai Xiaoyu encountered in Xiangjiang is likely to have something to do with him under the instigation of someone with a heart.

It is clearly stipulated that the directors, supervisors, and senior executives of listed companies who have been filed and sentenced by judicial organs for suspected crimes will lose their qualifications.

As for the chairman...Which listed group chairman has a criminal record?

Don't say no, even if there is, you have to wipe it clean!

Once Ning Shirong left a stain on the file because of Mai Xiaoyu's death, he would never want to take over Qingtian in his entire life.

Yes, the father and son have the ability to cover the cover and cover up the stains, but won't others lift the cover and expose his stains?

"Hey--" Ning Zhiyuan sighed, "It seems that your cousin can't wait."

"Ning Zhi and directors may also be involved."

Zheng Keyu interjected, and Ning Zhiyuan glared at him, and immediately fell silent and dared not speak.

Ning Shirong didn't care: "Dad, there is no need to taboo anymore. I don't believe what Ning Shibin did. My uncle didn't know it at all."

The three suspected only one target-Ning Zhihe, Ning Shibin and his son.

This is not an unfounded brain-dead judgment, but a conclusion based on the principle of the greatest suspicion of the greatest profit.

In the power pyramid of Sky Group, Chairman Ning Zhiyuan must be on the top of the spire. Ning Zhihe is not small in power, and belongs to one of the best in the second layer, and has been restlessly struggling to draw alliances, wanting to expand the right to speak.

Once Mai Xiaoyu and Ning Shirong both lose, Ning Shirong loses the qualification to take over the Sky Group. A few years later, Ning Zhihe is very likely to replace the old Ning Zhiyuan and become the next chairman of Sky Sky Group.

In addition, Ning Zhi and his father and son knew about the grievances between Ning Shirong and Mai Xiaoyu, and three of Ning Shirong’s dirty work four were once Ning Shibin’s people, and it is not ruled out that someone would inform Ning Shibin.

After Ning Shibin and his son learned about it, they deliberately directed the scene and provoke Mai Xiaoyu and Ning Shirong to fight.

"To fight the foreigners, you must settle the inside, and when you fight the foreigners, you must first settle the inside..."

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