The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 841: Chen Sicheng·Ma·Song Jiji

Inside a private winery on the outskirts of Yanjing.

Ning Shirong tasted the self-brewed red wine, looked at the private person opposite, and said calmly, "Taste it, this is the wine that just came out of the cellar this year. The master winemaker was specially invited by me from France, and the raw materials are also Shipped by air from France."

Pei Pengbing, Tian Ye, Liu Lei and Zhang Ruilin sat down opposite Ning Shirong. Holding a wine glass in his hand, the red wine in the glass was bright and tangy, but the four of them had no time to taste the wine, but looked at Ning Shirong anxiously.

Ning Shirong's performance today is too easy-going. Compared with the previous violence, his painting style has changed 180 degrees.

If there is an abnormality, it is a demon, and they are not used to it.

Ning Shirong shook the glass, tasting the red wine little by little.

Ten minutes later, he chuckled and asked, "Why, the wine made in my winery is not good, or is there a ghost in your heart that you dare not drink?"

The four of them looked at each other and quickly drank a sip of red wine.

"Wine is good? I think so too. Do you know why I built this winery, because there are too many fake wines on the market. Some fake wines are highly simulated, and it is difficult to distinguish between wines. Only brewed by yourself, drink Just rest assured."

"Watching wine is like watching people. Those fake wines with a high degree of imitation will often be known to be fake only when you drink them yourself. Some people, on the surface, are very honest and loyal, but they are naturally rebellious and you can't see it. Did you say so?"

"Yes, yes, what Rong Shao said is extremely true."

"Young Master Rong, I'm a ZTE for you."

The four people spoke one after another, and Zhang Ruilin was no exception, but he was anxious in his heart, for fear that he would be exposed by Shi Hao's bribery.

Ning Shirong took another sip of wine, aftertastes in his mouth for a moment, then smiled faintly: "Tian Ye, Director Tian Da, can you tell me where you went last night?"

An exciting spirit in the field: "I, I, I was at the hotel last night, and the crew is preparing. I have been busy casting auditions for the new drama these days."


The understatement of the two words, but like Wanjun pressing on the heart of the field.

He was too aware of Ning Shirong's methods and cruelty.

After a little hesitation, he glanced at Liu Lei and admitted: "Yesterday’s audition for casting, there was a suitable actor, and I asked him to come to my room to discuss the script in the evening..."

"But how did I hear that Ning Shibin went to see you last night?"

"No! Young Master Rong, this is really nothing!"

"No? You used to be Ning Shibin's confidant. After you came to talk to me, have you no longer contacted Ning Shibin?"

"There is no connection, really Rong Shao, Bin Shao hates me so much now, how can we be in contact again?"

"But, someone saw you and Ning Shibin last night. How do you explain this?"

Tian Ye was anxious and frightened. He glanced at Liu Lei again, gritted his teeth and said, "Young Master Rong, I was really with the actor last night. Liu Lei can testify."

"Don't push on me!" Liu Lei shouted as if he was stepped on his tail. "I only saw you once at 11 o'clock in the evening. Who were you with before, and what did you do afterwards," I don't know anything."


"You, what you, what I'm telling the truth..."

"Enough!" Ning Shirong waved his hand, "Tianye, I know that you have been chasing with Ning Shibin before and are his people. I don't force others. Since you think chasing with him is more promising, then go. "

"Young Master Rong, I didn't betray you, I swear!"

"Don't talk about betrayal or vows. You were able to betray Ning Shibin at the beginning, and you can betray me now. I think you have been with me for a while, so I won't hold you accountable for what you are doing. Let's go."

"Young Master Rong, I..."

"Before I change my mind, disappear from my eyes."

"Shao Rong..."


Tian Ye looked aggrieved and hesitated for a while, and finally stared at Liu Lei bitterly, then turned and left the winery.

Ning Shirong picked up the wine glass and said, "I hate two kinds of people the most in my life. One is nosy, and the other is a traitor. Fortunately, Tian Ye has been spotted by me. I hope you will take a warning. , Don’t disappoint me again. After drinking this glass of wine, I will use my heart to do things for me in the future, and I will not treat you badly in the future."

Pei Pengbing picked up the wine glass: "Don't worry, Young Master Rong, my life is already yours."

Liu Lei also said: "Tian Ye is a silly beep. As long as you are not blind, you know that Ning Shibin is not as good as Rong Shao's toes, and he secretly informed Ning Shibin. Rong Shao, you are too magnanimous. Change to me. Look. He can't make his shit."

Zhang Ruilin let out a sigh of relief, his face calmly and silently raised the glass.

This is his character, and the impression he gave to people in Qingtian was the positioning of "the king's luke, and the burden of the king's worries", and he would never take the initiative to choose sides to stand on the team.

It's just that when the three of them were drinking, they didn't notice a smile flashing in Ning Shirong's eyes.


eight pm.

A birthday party is being held in a villa in Changping, Yanjing.

Shou Xing Gong is a second-line actor Luan Dong. He has appeared in many military dramas and anti-Japanese war dramas. His popularity is not too high, but the audience is absolutely familiar with it.

Today’s birthday party did not invite many people, but they were all the best friends in the circle. There were men and women who were eating, drinking, laughing, chatting, and it was very lively.

"Tong Tzu, I toast you a cup, I wish you the starring anti-Japanese war drama this year, the audience will be very popular, the drama will be popular, and it will be very popular!"

"Thank you Orange, I don't want to be popular, as long as there are half of you and Baoqiang, I will be satisfied."

Chen Sicheng respected Luan Dong a glass of wine and chatted a few more words.

At this time, two second-line actresses came over with red wine and chatted with Luan Dong and Chen Chen Sicheng consciously found an excuse to leave, leaving the focus to today's birthday star Luan Dong. Then he poured a glass of wine and walked to Wang Baoqiang and Ma Rong, who were playing and biting their ears.

"Pay attention to the influence, three idiots."

In the first half of Chen Sicheng's sentence, Wang Baoqiang and Ma Rong were still taken aback, and they laughed at the same time when they heard the following sentence "three idiots".

Wang Baoqiang punched him in the chest: "It was not you who lived today. What do you do to dress up handsome?"

Ma Rong pushed Wang Baoqiang affectionately; "I don't see it yet, it must be for Ya-Ya. Brother Orange, are you planning to confess to Ya-Ya tonight?"

"Haha, it depends on the situation." Chen Sicheng looked at his watch, then at the door, "It's already past eight o'clock, why hasn't she been here yet."

"I'm so eagerly waiting for someone to come, and dare to say I haven't prepared tonight!" Ma Rongjiao smiled, "You must be prepared, how do you plan to confess?"

Wang Baoqiang interjected: "Today is Dongzi's birthday, don't you confess that it is not good?"

"What's wrong, this is romantic enough. Later, you will learn more from Brother Orange, you don't understand romance at all."

Wang Baoqiang smiled and scratched his head, not knowing how to answer the conversation. He tried hard to create romance, but the romance Ma Rong asked for, he never seemed to be able to achieve it.

However, he has a good brother.

"Looking back, I went to my brother and asked him to teach me, he was amazing."

"Your brother? Mr. Mai?" Ma Rong's eyes lit up, "By the way, Baoqiang, did you tell Mr. Mai what I told you? You have also met Jiji. He is a good person and reliable. Isn't your team short of people, just let him help you."

As they were talking, the two suddenly realized that Chen Sicheng was looking at the door in a daze, and then also looked over.

I saw the young and beautiful Tong Liya who was dressed up in style, and she was lovingly holding a man...8

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