The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 845: The wicked have their own wicked grind

"What is silly! I was able to deceive you back then, do you think you can deceive me now?"

With the skills of a liar and Mai Xiaoyu who is proficient in psychology, can he not see Wang Baoqiang lying?

Obviously, after he took Tong Liya away last night, Ma Rong said something that was extremely unfavorable to the unity of cute people, such as the termination of contract and job change, so Wang Baoqiang lied to him. ?

How was Mengren Film and Television established?

I want to lie to Mai Xiaoyu...too difficult!

In particular, Wang Baoqiang, who only possesses the unique cunning of the Chinese peasant style, lied in front of Mai Xiaoyu, that is called a big sword in front of Guan Gong!

Wang Baoqiang couldn't say anything about Mai Xiaoyu's words.

"Brother, I apologize to you for Rongrong, she is actually good for me."

"Good for you? Are you sure she is really good for you?"

"I'm sure." Wang Baoqiang nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "She loves me very much."

"That's OK, if you call her now, you will say that your plea failed today. The company decided to hide you for five years. If you are in a bad mood, let her come out to accompany you. You have encountered such a serious setback. As your girlfriend, Both emotion and reason should accompany you and comfort you, right?"

"Well, she said she has something tonight and has no time."

"Ha, haha, she said she had something tonight, wouldn't it be after I left last night?"

Wang Baoqiang: "..."

"Why, I guessed it? I take a step back, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. You call her, just as I said, see when she has time to come out with you."

Wang Baoqiang vaguely understood what to do. After hesitating for a few minutes, he took out his cell phone, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and dialed Ma Rong's cell phone.

Ma Rong is very busy!

Knowing that Wang Baoqiang's plea was unsuccessful and he had been hidden by the company for five years, and he was grateful that he was not ready to terminate the contract with the cute person and quit, Ma Rong's answer became very simple and very mechanized.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday, I have nothing to do tonight!"

"Tomorrow night I have something too."

"It won't work the day after tomorrow... Why, I have something!"

"Hang up, wait until I finish these few days!"

Listening to the beep from the phone... Oh, no, there is no beep from the phone.

Ma Rong rejected herself time and time again, her tone was full of impatientness, without even a word of concern, and was hung up mercilessly. Wang Baoqiang couldn't tell what it was like.

He was holding the phone, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window stupidly, feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

After a long time, he turned around and squeezed out a smile with difficulty: "Brother, Rong Rong has been very busy recently and has no time."

"You looked for her before, has she been so busy?"

"But, maybe it's suddenly busy recently."

"It's fun to lie to yourself?"

Mai Xiaoyu exposed Wang Baoqiang's self-deception lie.

Wang Baoqiang lowered his head and said nothing.

For ten minutes, Wang Baoqiang just bowed his head and said nothing.

"Raise your head!" Mai Xiaoyu yelled, and Wang Baoqiang finally raised his head and squeezed out a smile again with difficulty: "Brother, what do you want to say?"

"Do you know that you are a star now?"


"Do you know you have money now?"


"Have you ever noticed that there are more and more friends around you, and more and more people who call you brothers and sisters good words?"

"Seems to be."

"There has long been a saying in the society, marrying a rich wife, men have to fight for 20 years less, have you heard of it?"

"Have heard."

"What if you reverse this sentence? It's not a man who goes to a rich wife, but a woman who marries a rich husband?"


Wang Baoqiang is not a fool, at best he looks a bit naive.

How could he not understand Mai when he was in this position?

But he didn't want to believe, he didn't want to believe that Ma Rong came for his name and his money.

"Brother, there is true love between Rongrong and I."

"Have you **** her?"

Wang Baoqiang: "..."

Sometimes, chatting with Mai Xiaoyu is too painful, because Mai talks too directly, and his thinking is too jumpy, which often makes people unable to keep up with the rhythm.

"I asked you if she went to music?"

Wang Baoqiang said for a long time and nodded.

"Oh, it's okay."

"Brother, do you believe we are true love?"

"Baoqiang, you are my brother, and I also hope that there is true love between you. But true love can definitely stand up to all kinds of tests, right? Why don't you let me test it for you?"

"Why the test?"

Mai Xiaoyu took out a cigarette and threw one to Wang Baoqiang: "It's very simple, let's play a scene with your old profession. You just tell Ma Rong, you are hidden by the company, and I will talk to your agent when I turn back. Say hello and let him cooperate with him."

"If it is true love, she should accompany you to face it. Even if she persuaded you to fall out with the company to terminate the contract and change jobs, but you refused, she should be by your side at this time and accompany you through the difficulties."

"And what you have to do is to keep your mouth shut and cooperate with the acting. At the same time, when Ma Rong asks you for money, you have to refuse as much as possible. You can't refuse, just give less, and give three to five hundred yuan..."

"Brother, she never asked me for money. She said that she was with me, not for my money." Wang Baoqiang corrected Mai Xiaoyu seriously.

"I didn't find you to buy her expensive clothes, shoes, hats, bags, and cosmetics?"


"What's the value?"

"Hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands...but I took the initiative to sell it to her."

"Before you bought, did she have any hints about you?"

Wang Baoqiang: "..."

No need to ask, there must be!

Sure enough, it's still a scheming bitch!

Mai Xiaoyu sighed and continued: "In short, every week, the money spent on her is not allowed to exceed 1,000 yuan, can it be done?"

"I will try my best, as you know, I am sometimes softhearted..."

"If you are soft-hearted, I am not soft-hearted. If you can't do it, Xue Zang, you haven't said anything for five years, and I will accompany you to the end in the lawsuit. Even if you can terminate the contract, I can use the liquidated damages to make you bankrupt."

Mai Xiaoyu was very serious, but Wang Baoqiang was not frightened.

"Brother, do you think she was with me for money?"

"I don't know, so I have to give it a try. It's not the best. When your couple really loves to get married, I will take care of the banquet; but if it is, I hope you can rein in the cliff and turn your head back as soon as possible, so as not to sink too deep."

Wang Baoqiang thought about it for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and nodded: "Brother, I will listen to you and do what you say!"

In front of Wang Baoqiang, Mai Xiaoyu called his agent again and asked the latter to cover and cooperate.

Of course, the rhetoric will definitely not tell the truth. Mai Xiaoyu used April 1st April Fool's Day as a pretext for playing tricks on Wang Baoqiang and letting the broker do.

The agent was confused when he heard it, saying that there are still more than ten days before April Fool's Day. How can anyone start pranking so early?

However, Mai Xiaoyu is the boss, with high prestige in the company, respect, and affinity. Wang Baoqiang's agent did not ask much and agreed.

"Go back, remember to call and text Ma Rong more today, and say that I am in a low mood and need someone to accompany you. I hope she will accompany you, remember?"

"I remember."

After Wang Baoqiang left, Mai Xiaoyu contacted Cao Long of Longxing Studio and asked him to arrange two people to follow Ma Rong for a few days.

Song Jiji has appeared, who dares to say that certain things will not happen!

Cao Long was still wondering: "Ma Rong, who is this? Haven't you heard of this host in the circle?"

"Baoqiang's girlfriend, I suspect she is a scheming bitch, approaching Baoqiang purely for money. Make it clear to your people that any unexpected situations are not allowed to be leaked. Give me all the videos, photos, and recordings."

"Don't worry, my people have strict professional ethics."

"Ok, I'll call your account for 200,000 yuan later."

After hearing the three words "Song Jiji" from Wang Baoqiang last night, Mai Xiaoyu was vaguely worried. He doubted that in reality, Ma Rong and Song Jiji would be like strange dreams.

In the entertainment industry, Murphy's law is very popular. Things that can go wrong will always go wrong. The more you worry, the more likely it is. Mai Xiaoyu is really not optimistic about the so-called "true love" in Wang Baoqiang's mouth.


Wang Baoqiang's emotional issues are private matters and do not affect Moeren's normal operations. All projects are proceeding in an orderly manner.

Sun Yaxing has entered the countdown to start, and the tearing work that Li Hui knows is about to begin.

Starring Ruby Lin, the Tomb-sweeping holiday began in early April, and the publicity work before the broadcast was in full swing. This is a TV series that she starred in after joining Moe Ren, which is related to her acting career and Moe Ren's golden signature.

Not only she takes it seriously, but Liu Xiaoli also takes it seriously, as well as her fans.

After receiving advice from Mai Xiaoyu, the two directors of Xia Yu, organized manpower to plan online auditions, and contacted sponsors to seek title sponsorship for auditions.

Xiaoxing Xiao, who was preparing to participate in this year's Cannes Film Festival, became very interested when he learned about it. He decided to continue filming, as the protagonist... also engages in online audition!

Anyway, it will be broadcast on the Internet, and his studio has been set up a long time ago, and he has funds in his hands.

In addition to Xiaoxing Xiao's studio, Huo Jianhua's studio and Deng Chao's studio were also set up at the beginning of the year, and everything was exhibited in accordance with Mai Xiaoyu's trajectory.

Mai Xiaoyu himself is watching a web drama, which was filmed by Lin Yiping and Wang Yuqi last year with 50,000 yuan.

Lin Yiping and Wang Yuqi are two new directors recommended by Xiaoxing Xiaoxing to Mai Xiaoyu. They are very new and have just graduated the year before last.

According to the normal process of the entertainment industry, unless you graduate from the directing department unless your background is against the sky, or you can get the funds, you can only follow the crew honestly and accumulate a little bit of experience to climb up.

Moeren opened four online drama projects last year. The pair of Lin Yiping and Wang Yuqi can win one of them, which has already demonstrated their abilities. In Xiaoxing's recommendation, the two of them possess a certain degree of screenwriting ability in addition to solid director skills.

Mai Xiaoyu now wants to make a basic judgment on the two through their online drama work last year.

Don't doubt his ability in this area, the international spray in the strange dream, that is a professional-level master with real talents!

Mengren has had a good time here, and Qingtian has had a good time. Ning Shirong is making final preparations for going to the United States to discuss acquisitions.

But some people have a bad life.


After Ning Shirong was found to be a rape, although Ning Shirong did not beat him, scold him, or make things difficult for him, his situation was not very good.

In large and medium-sized film and television companies, artists of the same level need to grab resources and roles in the company's self-made film and television dramas; directors of the same level also need to grab resources, scripts, and funding for filming.

In the past, Tian Ye belonged to Ning Zhihe's family, and he had a good relationship with Ning Shibin, which was highly regarded, and he did not worry that the company would take the lead in making TV dramas. Later, after changing to Menting and mixing with Ning Shirong, his resources would be even better.

But now, he was tantamount to offending Ning Shirong and Ning Shibin at the same time. Qingtian led the funding of the TV series, he didn't even think about it. The TV series that he was scheduled to direct and are in preparation naturally have nothing to do with him.

Not to mention that the crew hasn't started yet, even if the crew is switched on, how important is it to change the director?

Want to resign?

Sorry, you are still a signed director of DynaSky!

Mixing with Ning Shibin again?

Ning Shibin is not the kind of broad-minded person!

Want to invest in another mountain gate?

Hehe, he is already a slave of the two surnames, who else is willing to trust him and accept him?

Want to direct a TV series?

Okay, go outside for alms by yourself!

If you can get the funds, you will be the director; if you can't get the funds, be hungry!

No script?

Find a solution by yourself!

Fortunately, as the entertainment industry is getting more impetuous and all kinds of hot money are pouring in, scripts are being ignored and despised more and more.

Tian Ye can easily get a script, a 20-episode drama of urban family life by relying on the relationship he has accumulated in the past.

But what about the funds?

After reading the script, the corresponding department of the company directly threw it to him, saying that he would not invest in the script, and let him pull funds from outside to shoot.

Therefore, in these days of helplessness, in order to obtain funds, he has been running between the major investors, but he has not gained anything.

Another day was empty-handed.

Accompanying a coal boss at the wine table hated to vomit blood. Because of the choice of the hero and heroine, Tian Ye also failed to win the promise of the other party, and took a taxi home at 10 o'clock in the evening.

When I was approaching the gate of the community, there was a burst of vomiting and a lump of sticky stuff chucking up from my stomach.

He hurriedly stopped the driver, threw twenty yuan and ran to the tree pit on the roadside, holding the trunk of the tree and vomiting.

After finally vomiting, just straightened up, a gust of evening breeze blew, and the wine started to vomit again.

The body seemed to be hollowed out, the bile seemed to be spit out, Tian Ye felt better now.

"It's really bad luck. Drinking cold water makes your teeth stuffy, and you can't even hold the tycoon like a coal boss..."

He muttered in his mouth, and slowly straightened up while holding the trunk of the tree. Suddenly, his eyes went dark, and a sack was placed on his head.

Before he could speak for any reaction, the wind came from behind his head, and Tianye only felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, so he lost his intuition and fell to the ground.

Beside him, four sturdy figures appeared, one took off the sack, and the two stood on the field, as if they were drunk men, and walked quickly toward the dim alley beside him.

The remaining man took out his cell phone and dialed a call.

"Boss, I got the goods."

"is it safe?"

"It's safe. There are no cameras and no passers-by. We stared at him for several days. He died tonight. He drank too much and ran here to throw up..."

"There is no need to talk nonsense, what should I do without me telling you?"

"Don't worry, our brothers played chrysanthemum in the chant. Don't say it, I miss it for so long."

"That's right, he also likes this tune. But when you do, remember to take it..." 8

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