The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 861: Don't go anywhere

The Cannes Film Festival has always been a celebration of global cinema and a gathering of global luxury brands. The same goes for other film festivals and awards ceremonies at the same level. Stars that have attracted much attention under the spotlight will never be separated from the contrast of various luxury brands.

Like other movies, the star feast at the Cannes Film Festival starts at the airport. Stars who are sought after by media reporters tend to walk away from the airport as a red carpet.

Xiaoxing Su and some of the main creators of "Inception" are absolutely big names in China. After getting off the plane, the long-awaited media immediately ushered in...mostly domestic media.

Huang Bo, Li Bingbing, and individual protagonists also carry the halo of some luxury brand Greater China spokespersons and image ambassadors, and even the clothes and jewellery they wear are sponsored by the brand owners.

When facing the camera and asking questions from reporters, the airport must be regarded as a red carpet and no accidents can happen.

Fortunately, most of the domestic media's problems are as warm as ever.

"Director Xi, what do you think "Inception" can achieve at this Cannes Film Festival?"

"Director Xi, are you under pressure to try a science fiction blockbuster for the first time?"

"Teacher Huang Bo, how would you rate your performance in the movie?"

"Teacher Li Bingbing, how do you feel about shooting a science fiction movie for the first time?"


These questions are easy to answer and are common in China. Xiaoxing Xi and others also deal with Tai Chi, which is customary in China.

What does it mean to achieve what results at the Cannes Film Festival?

"Inception" did not sign up for the main competition unit, but just came to the exhibition. Promote and advertise, and cooperate with Hualong Pictures to open up overseas markets!

What do you let Xiaoxing say?

Still stressed... Does this question make sense?

Xiaoxing Xi smiled, and said a few unnutritious words casually to deal with these problems.

As for Huang Bo, Li Bingbing and others, the problems they encountered were also meaningless.

Therefore, they are also smiling, with some nutritious answers, to deal with those meaningless questions. Then it is to cooperate with domestic media to take photos in various poses.

On the contrary, Huang Bo responded happily to a small number of foreign media who came to "Brother Chopsticks".

Those foreign media mostly asked about him and Deng Chao, as well as the spacewalk. The popularity of spacewalks in Europe and the United States is beyond imagination. He and Deng Chao, as the closest people to originality, have naturally attracted attention.

There are also harsh sounds. "Inception" is hailed as China's first real science fiction blockbuster. Those media who have been professionally black for 20 years will not miss this opportunity.

China also has science fiction movies?

With the level and ability of Chinese filmmakers, what will the sci-fi film produced be like?

Ha ha.

A reporter from a British newspaper, in front of everyone, posed a very sharp question to Xiaoxing Xi: "Whether the protagonist of this science fiction movie can also fly over the wall, stand on the leaves and pose in various poses, and fly into the sky. Escape?"

This is satire, satirizes Chinese filmmakers, and packaged martial arts films into science fiction films.

Like last year's "Kung Fu King", it was said to be an action fantasy movie, but in the eyes of foreign audiences and film critics, the praise is that the martial arts scene is very shocking. As for the magic...hehe.

From the perspective of Western countries such as Europe and the United States, science fiction movies should be "Star Wars", "The Matrix", "Terminator" or "Butterfly Effect". In the past few years, he was mainly famous for his martial arts films worldwide.

However, in recent years, with the increasing number of costumed martial arts films exported by the Chinese film industry, foreigners have gradually developed aesthetic fatigue. The current Chinese costume martial arts films have gradually declined in the international film world, and are not as popular as they were in the past.

No matter how delicious a thing is, you will feel tired if you eat too much.

This is the case with Chinese martial arts films.

That British journalist, just to taunt Xiaoxing Xi, and packaged a martial arts movie into a so-called science fiction movie.

Xiaoxing Xi didn't understand English and didn't understand, and she kept a polite smile at the time. But after listening to the accompanying interpreter, the smile disappeared on his face.

"Tell him, because of him, I am worried about the overall quality of the British."

After the translator translated it into English, he was immediately protested by the British reporters present.

"Tell them that the reason why humans can evolve from apes to adults is the continuous improvement of their minds and hearts. But unfortunately, I did not see this in him. I only saw his stagnation and degeneration in the history of evolution. I seriously suspect that either he is returning to his ancestors and is regressing from a human to a beast, or the overall quality of the British is worrying."

"well said!"

"Director Xi is too good!"

"It's a cute style!"

The Huaxia reporters present all applauded.

They often receive interview assignments abroad. Their English is very good, they understand what British reporters say, and they also know how some of the media in Western countries such as Europe and the United States belittle and slander China.

Xiaoxing Xiao's counterattack was very happy.

Translation is difficult: "Director Xi, do you really want to translate like this?"

"Why, you can't translate?"

"I was thinking, should we pay attention to international influence?"

"Everyone has hit the door. Are you talking to me about international influence? I tell you that the cute person will not be scared wherever he goes, let alone be a rat with a gun, only dare to lie down. This is me, give it back to him Save some face and try to change to Mr. Mai... Just translate it like this, not a single word!"

On the side of Xiaoxing Xi, "greeted the provocative British journalist in "gentle" terms; Huang Bo also encountered new problems on the other side.

A domestic rememberer asked: "Teacher Huang Bo, many artists in Mengren Film and Television have fallen into a huge negative vortex over the years. In the past two years, Feng Shaofeng, Wang Baoqiang, and Hu Xu have also suffered car accidents one after another; Wang Baoqiang has been even more miserable this year. You were the first to establish a personal. Did the studio get away from cute people, did you expect something in the morning to avoid these evils?"

Are you messing up?

Some entertainment reporters earn higher bonuses in pursuit of the explosiveness of news.

His question even if Huang Bo doesn't answer, or scolds him violently or beats him, it doesn't matter. In short, the more intense Huang Bo reacts, the more exciting the news.

Huang Bo didn't get angry, but narrowed his eyes. He smiled and asked, "Are you from Huaxia?"

"Yes, I said when I introduced myself. I am Xu Hui, a reporter from XX newspaper."

"Really? I thought you were Japanese." Huang Bo looked at him suspiciously, "First of all I have to correct a wrong point of view. I set up a personal studio. Did not leave Mengren Television. You talk nonsense like this, be careful of being sued."

"Secondly, our cute people have indeed encountered a lot of accidents in recent years. We were slandered, "Meteor Garden" caught fire; Shaofeng was in a car accident, Tang Yan was almost framed by others, "Stewardess" was hot; Hu Xuan Phoenix Nirvana, "The Myth" Waiting to be broadcast; the baby has suffered a lot of crimes, "Running Man" does not need me to say, and the company "People on the Journey", which he cooperated with North Korea, has high hopes..."

"I have always thought that our domestic reporters have strong literary skills. Have you ever studied Mencius's "Born in Worry, Died in Ease"? "If the sky will descend to the people of Sri Lanka, you must work hard first. , Hungry for their skin', never heard this sentence? Are you sure you are really from Huaxia?"

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