The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 868: Some women should not be touched

Fan Bingbing's hands are beautiful, with slender and white fingers that feel good to the touch.

But she never thought that Mai Xiaoyu would be so bold.

In broad daylight, the sky is bright, and I dare to hold my hand grandiosely at the first meeting.

Fan Bingbing subconsciously withdrew his hand, immediately thought of something, and quickly explained with a smile: "Mr. Mai..."

"You don't need to explain, I should apologize to you. I accidentally put my hand in the wrong place just now."

Accidentally misplaced?

Coax the ghost!

Fan Bingbing didn't believe it, but she needed cute abilities-the ability to shoot films that were recognized in the international film scene.

Why can an international chapter become an international chapter?

Wasn't it just that I was struggling to come to a zero-paid martial arts giant, which opened up the international film market and successfully entered Hollywood.

In China, there are more than just cute film companies that can promote self-made Chinese films to the international film scene. There are also several internationally renowned China directors and international Chinese superstars.

However, with the continuous export of Chinese martial arts films overseas, Western audiences have suffered aesthetic fatigue. The overseas market of martial arts films is shrinking day by day, and the overseas box office has also shrunk seriously. The direct result is the gradual decline of the status of domestic films in the international film scene.

The martial arts movies in the mainland are no longer good, the police shootout movies of Hong Kong are no good, the art movies of Taidao...Art movies have never been popular, not to mention that there are cultural differences between the East and the West.

China-US co-productions are a way out. In the past two years, domestic giants have cooperated with Hollywood film companies to test the international market. The box office is pretty good, and it looks very lively, but...

Take Yihua’s as an example. If it really goes as smoothly as reported by the domestic media, why hasn’t the second co-produced film been seen since then?

Even those domestically produced films that reflect human nature and expose certain ugly phenomena in the country cannot be reviewed in China, but they are still popular in the international film scene. However, the overseas box office and word-of-mouth of this kind of film are not worth mentioning, the factors that are welcomed by overseas's hard to say.

On the contrary, he is a cute guy who is used to playing stand-alone, he forcibly cut a channel and went to the international film world to play stand-alone.

If so, so. Although it has not been reviewed, it is not an art film that exposes the scars of the country, but an authentic domestic commercial film that has a gratifying overseas box office.

This time it is a big-made science fiction film. Moeren is no longer playing stand-alone, and he successfully obtained the Dragon Mark and participated in the Cannes Film Festival. According to the feedback from the audience in the media preview, the effect was good, but it was a pity that Li Bingbing took the lead.

Whether it is for his own needs or for competing with Li Bingbing, Fan Bingbing needs such a network.

"Ms. Mai, otherwise, I am asking you to go to the bar for a drink tonight, which is regarded as a guilty condemnation."

"You didn't offend me." Mai Xiaoyu shook his head slightly, and took a sip of coffee from the back. "I know what you think and what you want, but I can't give you any promise. At most when the opportunity is right. , We can cooperate, but I also cannot guarantee the effect."

Mai Xiaoyu's words were straightforward. Compared with his initiative to hold Fan Bingbing's hand, the shock to the latter was even greater.

"I do not understand you."

"No, you understand, you are a smart woman." Mai Xiaoyu pointed to his eyes, "And I, sometimes I am very accurate in seeing people."

Recalling the rumors in the industry about cute artists signing artists, Fan Bingbing hesitated for a moment, pretending to be relaxed and asked with a smile: "Then look at me."

While speaking, she leaned forward with her elbows on the table, naturally posing in a very charming posture.

Mai Xiaoyu also leaned forward, looked at Fan Bingbing up close, and stunned her by saying a word.

"You are an ambitious woman."

Fan Bingbing: "..."

"Anyone has the power to pursue their dreams, and the entertainment industry is a big dye tank that hides dirt and dirt, so the way to pursue dreams does not need to be noble. The winners, the princes and the losers, history will always be written by the victors. The same Li, a celebrity, after a real success, it is not difficult to get rid of it."

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm not a good person. Of course, good people can't get mixed up in this circle, but I have made the cute person bigger and stronger, and I have washed out myself. Do you understand?"

How can Fan Bingbing not understand what he said so bluntly?

Facing Mai Xiaoyu's deep gaze and looking at the playful smile on his face, Fan Bingbing suddenly felt inexplicably flustered. She felt that Mai Xiaoyu could really understand her inner thoughts.

Fan Bingbing, who was always smart, suddenly didn't know how to answer the conversation.

After a short silence, Mai Xiaoyu sat upright, took another sip of coffee, and was about to leave: "It's nice to meet you, and I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"Wait a minute!" Fan Bingbing stopped Mai Xiaoyu, "Mai, do you think...I can succeed?"

"You have already embarked on this road. If you change your route rashly, it is easy to give up halfway. It's better to go one way to the end, and perhaps it will usher in the miracle of another village."


"When I first met, why should I lie to you?"

"Why are you willing to tell me this?"

"Because I feel that from a certain perspective, you and I are the same kind of person."

"Xinxiang and cherish?"

"That's it."

Fan Bingbing looked carefully at Mai Xiaoyu for a moment, and then smiled suddenly: "Since we cherish each other, I invite you to a bar tonight. You won't refuse."

"I'm not going, I've been playing too much these days, I'm going back to China in two days, and I need to take a good rest."

"The overseas distribution you don't stay to deal with? Judging from the effect of the media screening, the overseas distribution is probably better than the previous situation."

"That's not my job, and there are a lot of things waiting for me in China."

Fan Bingbing admitted to reading countless people, but facing Mai Xiaoyu, she couldn't see through.

For example, Mai Xiaoyu now wears a baseball cap and sunglasses, and even takes out a mask.

"What are you?"

"There must be some people in the country who remembered to take you secretly. I am not interested in being the leading actor in the scandal. Isn't it Haozi?"

Since Mai Xiaoyu and Fan Bingbing came to the cafe, Ke Haoyi ordered a cup of coffee and sat at the table next to Mai Xiaoyu. It will not disturb the chat between the two, but also completely obscure Mai Xiaoyu's appearance.

Those domestic reporters who guarded outside the cafe and took pictures secretly through the glass windows, no matter from which angle they were able to photograph Mai Xiaoyu's appearance.

As for sneak shots in the cafe...this is a private cafe next to the Lumiere Palace. Any sneak shots are declined, and do you know the price of a cup of coffee here?

"Boss, two reporters sneaked in just now. I informed the boss that they drove away. They didn't photograph you."

Fan Bingbing deliberately yelled: "Am I so unbearable in your eyes? It's just the same frame, do you mind?"

"I just don't want to get involved in boring gossip scandals for the time being."

"That's fine. I'll go first. Most of those reporters will follow and take pictures of me. If you leave later, it won't be so troublesome."

Fan Bingbing was a refreshing and neat person. He exchanged contact information with Mai Xiaoyu, shook hands, dressed himself again, got up and left the cafe.

Sure enough, most of the reporters who were guarding outside were led away by her.

Ke Haoyi asked in a low voice; "Boss, the reporters outside, could she arrange it?"

"Impossible, she just met me accidentally, otherwise she would really be a fairy." Mai Xiaoyu called the waiter to check out, gave a tip, and then put on a mask and prepared to leave.

Ke Haoyi added in a low voice: "Since it's not her, why did you refuse her invitation? She is pretty."

Mai Xiaoyu squinted at him; "There are some things that can be viewed from a distance and can't be played with; some women can be admired, but they must not be touched..."


The next day, the media screenings ended, and they appeared in large quantities in the daily issue of the Cannes Film Festival's three conference journals, film critics' Facebook, Twitter, and domestic, European and American news media...

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