The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 876: Can't slip away?

Songfeng City is located in North China. It is not a small city with unknown nationality, but a more famous second-tier city.

Songfeng TV Station is not a small local station. The following channels cover all counties and districts in the city. Since the population base is not small and the local economy is relatively developed, Songfeng TV’s annual advertising revenue is in the local Taichung, ranking in the upper middle.

Mai Xiaoyu came to Songfeng this time, not to visit the leader of Songfeng TV, but to visit President Li.

It is not trivial that he used Songfeng TV to kill chickens. If you ask Mr. Li for help, he can talk about it on the phone, but when he sees the real chapter, he must come out in person. Otherwise, it would be too childish and lack sufficient respect for Mr. Li.

Things like face are given to each other.

President Li's base camp is in the provincial capital, not in Songfeng.

However, Mai Xiaoyu came to visit in person. He also gave Mai Xiaoyu face for convenience, and the meeting place was set at Songfeng. Songfeng has many friends in all walks of life, and he also invests in business, and his influence is not small.

The place where the two met was a four-star resort hotel on the outskirts of Songfeng, and it was also the highest-rated star hotel in Songfeng City.

After Mai Xiaoyu took the high-speed rail to Songfeng, from the time he left the train station, the pick-up at the station, the hotel check-in, the special dinner that night, folk performances, entertainment programs, etc. were all arranged by Mr. Li.

It was not until the afternoon of the next day that Mai Xiaoyu met Mr. Li, who always looked elegant and decent, in the villa of the resort hotel.

"How is it, are you satisfied with what you had yesterday?"

"Satisfied and satisfied, thank you Mr. Li for his hospitality."

"Yes. Speaking of which I am also the host, of course I have to entertain you, a distinguished guest."

"I can't afford to be a ‘guy guest’."

"You can afford it. At this year's Cannes Film Festival, your company's show was so impressive."

"Haha, the better the results, the more you earn."

"That's the case, but at the domestic box office, I can't get it."

"Mr. Li is joking, your family has a big business, and the small amount of domestic box office money can also be considered?"

"The landlord's house doesn't have enough food. Who would think that money is too little?"

The other seven shareholders of Hualong Pictures, Mai Xiaoyu and President Li have the longest relationship, and they also refuted President Li's face because of Yang Ying.

The simple greetings after the two met this time seemed to be peaceful, but they actually implied Jifeng.

The two sat down and continued to chat. A tea artist came in to perform the tea ceremony. Finally, they made two cups of tea and invited them to taste tea.

After tasting, Mr. Li nodded slightly, meaning that the taste of the tea brewing was still in the mouth, and then waved his hand to signal the tea master to go out.

Not only the tea master, but also his attendants and bodyguards, including Mai Xiaoyu's bodyguard Ke Haoyi, all withdrew from the door.

"I still have a project to discuss tomorrow, and I have to leave in the evening. Time is limited, let's hurry up and discuss business." They are all masters of big business, and there is no need to go around in circles. Mr. Li said it very directly." Why are you suddenly thinking about being on Songfeng TV?"

"They have a talk show and invite Ma to be a guest."


Mr. Li, a capital crocodile who has everything to do with every day, doesn't have so much free time to pay attention to all kinds of tears in the entertainment circle. Pay attention to current political and financial news at home and abroad, avoid risks, and look for business opportunities.

Mai Xiaoyu gave a brief and concise explanation, and Mr. Li was puzzled: "Is this kind of **** and messy thing worth your personal attention?"

"Different levels. I'm just a layman. Baoqiang is the company's artiste and my brother. The company praises him. He makes money for the company. Something happened to him. I, the boss, can't just ignore it."

"The boss is not like you... Forget it, I will ask a friend from the government propaganda department to say hello to you and ask Songfengtai to replace the horse or something. It's a matter of one sentence, why make it so big."

"This matter, it has to be made up. Since Songfengtai is looking for death on his own, I am happy to fulfill them. Or else kill this chicken, how can you deter the monkeys behind?"

Li is always a wise man, and he will understand when he thinks about it.

He is a gentleman. In his words, he is a Confucian businessman. He is very disgusted with Mai Xiaoyu who makes things big and makes troubles at every turn.

When doing business, we emphasize a win-win situation and a win-win situation. If you have any differences, sit down and talk about it. If you don’t agree, you can talk twice or three times.

When a small company first started, it was still possible to do this in order to survive, but cute people have cultivated to half a step, and if they still do it, they seem to be at a loss.

Have you ever seen a big company that would openly confront people at every turn, or did the boss go shirtless?

But then again, disgust turned to disgust, but he had to admit that Mai was simple and rude, but it was the correct posture, and he could treat both symptoms and root causes.

President Li took a sip of tea and said lightly, "It seems that you have made up your mind."

"So I came to Mr. Li for your help."

The internal problems of TV stations are similar to those in officialdom.

I am not afraid of being wronged, I am afraid that it will come As long as you check, almost every check is accurate. Few people dare to touch their conscience and say that their **** is clean.

To put it another way, judging from the methods and means of struggle within the officialdom, government agencies and institutions, whenever someone wants to rectify someone, they will always find various problems and excuses, and they are all very strong.

If you have a clean butt, you can't help wearing small shoes.

A few days ago, Mai Xiaoyu temporarily asked Mr. Li for help on the phone to investigate and collect questions from the leaders of Songfeng TV. This time I made a special trip to officially ask President Li for help, and at the same time express my resolute attitude.

President Li hesitated for a moment, and said indifferently: "If this matter becomes a big issue, it will be a case. Have you thought about the consequences?"

"The current situation is that either I get beaten in the face, or they are brought to justice. Mr. Li, how do you choose?"

"Hehe. If it's not Songfeng City, but a prefecture TV station that I can't reach, what will you do?"

"Look for someone else to help. If it doesn't work, you will find the paparazzi to track and record the secret video to get evidence, wasting some time."

"The ancients said it well, the magistrate of the family, and the prefect of the family. You do everything you want, leave no room for it."

"I never provoke anyone."

Mai Xiaoyu sipped his tea, smiled and filled Mr. Li's own tea cup with half a cup of tea.

For a moment, President Li made a lot of Mai Xiaoyu, and suddenly double-clicked his palm.

The door of the villa opened, and Mr. Li's attendant brought in a suitcase.

Open the box, take the contents out, and soon the table top is filled with all kinds of skating tools.

Then, the attendant took out a small transparent bag with white crystals from the concealed mezzanine of the suitcase, handed it to President Li, and then left the villa and closed the door.

Mr. Li raised the small bag in his hand: "This is a good product. Even if you have money in the country, you may not be able to buy it. You can't slip away?" rw

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