The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 880: Beauty successor? For the rudder master non-fish fat fish million rewards plus more

When Mai Xiaoyu beat Lou Yixiao in the room and asked her to try her lines, Chen Chichi, who was playing online games in a hotel away from the city, was anxious.

I called Xiaoyu's cell phone and was hung up; I called again and turned it off.

Called Lou Yixiao's cell phone and was hung up; call again and shut down.

what happened?

He didn't dare to call Lin Yiping or Wang Yuqi and let them go to the room to have a look.

In case Mai Xiaoyu sneaks into Lou Yixiao, they will be disturbed by what happened... Seeing too much is easy to be silenced, and it will have a great impact on Lou Yixiao's reputation.

In case Mai Xiaoyu didn't dive, wouldn't it mean that he splashed Mai Xiaoyu and Lou Yixiao?

What are they doing?

Will it...

Will it be...

Because Chen Chichi didn't want to play online games, the match failed. Zheng Kai next to him was unhappy and said: "Can you do it, you are fidgeting, have hemorrhoids?"

"You just got hemorrhoids."

"Then what are you doing?"

"You didn't hear me calling the boss just now?"

"I heard it, so what?"

"Are you not worried about Xiaoxiao?"

Zheng Kai looked at Chen Chichi suspiciously: "What is your relationship with her?"

"My friend, she is also your junior sister."

"Cut, it's not your girlfriend, why are you so excited?"

Chen Chichi: "..."

"Furthermore, when did you hear that Mr. Mai had sneaked into actresses? When I first joined the company, a friend I met in the previous commercials told me that Mr. Mai likes men and frightened me."

"Are you a pig? I know the boss is not bent."


Before the two of them finished talking, Chen Chichi's cell phone rang, and the caller ID showed "Lou Yixiao".

Chen Chichi immediately picked up the phone: "Xiaoxiao?"

"Brother Chichi, it's me."

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, what can I do?"

Zheng Kai leaned over and said, "Your Brother Chi Chi is worried that you are committed by Mr. Mai's hidden rules and he is worried about hemorrhoids."

Chen Chichi said angrily: "The doctor should have cut your appendix that time."

"Chuck." Lou Yixiao laughed happily on the phone, "Brother Kai, be careful when I ask Mr. Mai to complain."

"Hey, hey, this is what Chen Chichi said, I'm just repeating it."

"You can go on the other side." Chen Chichi pushed Zheng Kai away, "Xiaoxiao, how did you turn off your phone just now?"

"Try the lines. Do you know that Mai is always a good person, really, a good person. He recommended me to go to the crew to try out the heroine'Hu Yifei'!"

When talking about the second half of the sentence, Lou Yixiao's voice suddenly increased by eighty degrees, almost blasting Chen Chichi's eardrums.

Zheng Kai became interested and took his mobile phone: "Xiaoxiao, tell me in detail, what happened between you and Mr. Mai in the room, why would he suddenly recommend you to the crew?"

"You are too nasty, Mr. Mai is not the kind of person you think!"

Chen Chichi added, "Don't get me wrong, we just want to study Mr. Mai's vision and method of selecting people. As you know, the conditions for our company to sign people have always been a mystery."

"That's true. You said, will Mr. Mai sign me?"

"So let you talk about the situation just now."

Lou Yixiao quite wants to sign a cute person. The cute sign is loud. If you sign an agreement earlier, you won't have to face the pressure of graduation or unemployment, and there will be many alumni and friends.

So she described everything that happened in the room as completely as possible, including Mai Xiaoyu's words that sounded like a molestation.

"...He called and recommended me, and then he told me that after he let me go to the crew, he would listen to the director's arrangements and try out the show steadily, and don't think about relying on the relationship between alumni and classmates..."

Zheng Kai and Chen Chichi looked at each other, looking at each other.

Mai Xiaoyu's criteria for selecting people didn't understand, why he specifically called Lou Yixiao to recommend Lou Yixiao to the show and didn't understand the reason. Instead, he heard the meaning of beating.

Not only to beat Lou Yixiao, but also to use Lou Yixiao's incident to beat Chen Chichi, a group of people who were born in Eastern opera, including editors, directors, photographers, and actors.

Chen Chichi put away his teeth: "Xiaoxiao, what else did Mr. Mai tell you?"

"He, he also made a very strange suggestion to me, suggesting that I don't have plastic surgery in the future..."


When Chen Chichi, Zheng Kai and Lou Yixiao were talking on the phone, Mai Xiaoyu asked the young girl with a somewhat exotic atmosphere to reveal Lou Yixiao's identity as a "relationship household" into the room.

"Mr. Mai."


The girl didn't shy away, and she sat down opposite Mai Xiaoyu generously.

Mai Xiaoyu looked at the girl for a moment: "Aren't you brave enough. Do you know what you did just now, that offends people?"

"I did not do anything wrong, she was not a member of the company."

"What about you?" Mai Xiaoyu smiled and looked at her, "Are you a member of our company?"

"Of course it is."

"Which city are you a member?"

"Member of Yanjing, I am also from Yanjing."


Mai Xiaoyu stared at the girl. The girl didn't change her face, and nodded calmly: "I am a company member. There is no need to deceive this kind of thing, and it can't deceive people. You can find out by checking it."

"Little girl, there is one thing you may not know. I interviewed the members of Yanjing, and I have a lot of contact with them. I can't be unimpressed with a beautiful girl with characteristics like you."

"You are the boss, and the dignitaries are busy. It's normal not to remember me."

"Well, this reason is also valid." Mai Xiaoyu smiled and nodded pretendingly, "There is another problem. The recruitment of Yanjing members was mainly concentrated in 01 and 02 years, and there has been basically no recruitment since then. Xiao Sister, how old are you this year, how old were you in 2001 and 2002, our company has never recruited underage members."

Minors do not have full capacity for civil conduct In other words, they must be accompanied by a guardian when signing a contract. In the past, the Mongolian big3 was in the Yanjing circle of lambs, and would never do such troublesome and risky things.

From "little girl" to "little sister" and Mai Xiaoyu's words, the girl heard the joke in his tone.

However, the girl’s mental quality is very good, or her acting skills are good, she still looks the same: "My membership was transferred to me by relatives. She used to be a company member, but the family immigrated to a foreign country. The membership was useless, so it was transferred to me. . This is allowed by the company."

"Which relative, what's the name?"

"Are you suspicious of me? Because I exposed the unspoken rules of the crew?"

"Yes, Lou Yixiao is not a company member, but what about you, are you really a company member?"

"Of course it is." The girl was firm.

In her body, Mai Xiaoyu found a sense of successor, and said with a smile: "Since you are evading my question, I will answer it for you. You have topped Tong Jingjing's membership, right? You said it. That's right, Tong Jingjing's family immigrated abroad, but their family are pure Han people and have no ethnic relatives. Little girl, don't tell me you are Han."

"I... mixed blood."

"Blood of a fart." Mai Xiaoyu did not hesitate to expose, "You are a pure Kazakh girl, did I make a mistake, Zaza?"




After the girl came in, her calm expression finally changed: "You, do you know everything?"

"Do you think you can fool me by using a fake name? Ban Men's axe. What else do you have to say now?"

"I, I..." The girl stood up awkwardly, and stared at Mai Xiaoyu for a moment, then squatted on the ground suddenly, crying aggrievedly: "Then I am also a company member, and I spent more than 60,000 yuan... "

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